Ellery Queen The Devil’s Cook

God may send a man good meate,

but the deuyll may send

an euyll coke to dystrue it.


Dyetary of Helth (1542)

God sends meat,

but the devil sends cooks.


Polite Conversation (1738)

Cast of Characters

Terry Miles — She was five feet four of scenic stuff, and she wasn’t particular who explored the scenery

Farley Moran — Law student and Terry’s neighbor. He was a cool cat who lost his sang froid the night the police sent him out to meet the killer

Ben Green — Farley’s roommate. He was Terry’s type, more or less. Trouble was, he had more brains and less money than most of her playmates

Orville Reasnor — Janitor by trade, girl watcher by choice. When it came to the tenants, he never missed a trick or a torso

Fanny Moran — Farley’s half-sister. A neat little package of goodies that all the boys wanted to open, but it was marked “Don’t Touch”

Jay Miles — Professor of economics and Terry’s husband. He was the only one who didn’t seem to miss his missing wife

Otis Bowers — A brilliant physicist, but he flunked out in Adultery

Ardis Bowers — His nagging wife. To her, marriage was an institution and she intended to make Otis serve his full term, but no time off for bad behavior

Maurice Feldman — Terry’s lawyer. He knew his client’s favorite sport, but she changed partners so often he never knew who was in the game

Brian O’Hara — Small-time gambler — big-time Lothario. He only went for a sure thing, in horses or women

Capt. Bartholdi — A cop with Gallic charm. He looked like a boulevardier, but he could teach Mickey Spillane a few tricks

Freda Page — Jay Miles’ student assistant. Even thick lenses couldn’t hide the lovelight in her eyes when Jay’s name was mentioned
