Lisa Gardner
The killing hour


A little bit of research went into the making of this novel. In the absolutely, highly recommended, great-way-to-spend-a-weekend department, I was privileged to once again visit the FBI Academy and learn more about life amid an active Marine base. I have done my best to re-create the facilities and culture of the Academy. In regard to some of the anecdotes and traditions, however, buyer beware. The Academy is a living, breathing institution, undergoing constant change depending on the year, the class, and Bureau needs. As fast as one agent told me a story of a hallowed tradition during his Academy days, another agent would confess he’d never heard of such a thing. Being a crafty writer, I sifted through the various anecdotes, selected the ones I liked best and delivered them here as the gospel truth. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

As much as I enjoy interviewing FBI agents, I confess I was totally blown away by the nice men and women I met via the U.S. Geological Survey team of Richmond, Virginia. I needed some experts on the great outdoors and boy, did I hit the mother lode. Not only were the team members very patient when explaining to me the intricacies of properly analyzing water samples, but they came up with a dynamite list of cool places to kill people. They also gave my husband and me a personal tour of their recommended crime scenes, which had us on good behavior for weeks.

Following is the rather extensive list of nice folks who took time away from their very busy lives just to answer my phone calls. These people gave me correct information with the best of intentions. What happened to it after that is entirely my fault.


Jim Campbell, Subdistrict Chief, U.S. Geological Survey

David Nelms, Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey

George E. Harlow, Jr., P.G., Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey

Randall C. Orndorff, Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey

William C. Burton, Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey

Wil Orndorff, Karst Protection Coordinator, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

Wendy Cass, Park Botanist, Shenandoah National Park

Ron Litwin, Palynologist, U.S. Geological Survey


Margaret Charpentier

Celia MacDonnell


Special Agent Nidia Gamba, FBI, New York

Dr. Gregory K. Moffatt, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Atlanta Christian College

Jimmy Davis, Chief of Police, Snell Police Department, GA


Melinda Carr, Diana Chadwick, Barbara Ruddy, and Kathleen Walsh for their invaluable proofreading assistance

My husband, Anthony, who didn’t have to make any chocolate this time, but was required to unpack an entire house while I tended to deadline. Love, let’s never move again.

Also, my deepest thanks to Kathy Sampson, who generously bought her daughter, Alissa Sampson, a “cameo” appearance in this novel as part of a charity auction. I’m never sure if it’s a good thing to be a character in one of my novels, but I appreciate Kathy’s donation and hope Alissa enjoys the book.

And finally, in loving memory of my grandmother, Harriette Baumgartner, who supplied me with my favorite paperbacks, baked the best chocolate chip cookies in the world, and taught us all a dozen different ways to play solitaire. Here’s to you, Grandma.

Happy reading,

Lisa Gardner
