Обложка книги The Last Suppers
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The Last Suppers

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 30.11.2012 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 1994 года
Входит в серию: Goldy Bear Culinary Mysteries
Размер fb2 файла: 552.09 KB
Объём: 236 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


It should be the happiest day of Goldy the caterer's life. After years of putting the disaster of her first marriage behind her, she has finally found the courage to love again. Soon she'll be walking down the aisle of St. Luke's Episcopal Church to wed the man of her dreams, Tom Schulz, a homicide detective who shares Goldy's passions for preparing food and solving crimes.

But moments after Goldy's put the finishing touches on the scrumptious wedding feast, and just before the ceremony begins, she receives an urgent phone call from the groom. The wedding is off, and the reason is a killer.

In The Last Suppers, Diane Mott Davidson mixes irresistible suspense with delectable humor to create a five-star treat for readers and cooks alike. Included are Goldy's original recipes for such delicious dishes as her heavenly Dark Chocolate Wedding Cake with White Peppermint Frosting, savory Shrimp on Wheels and zesty Fusilli in Parmesan Cream Sauce. The Last Suppers is a mystery with a gourmet twist--recipes no one can resist!

From Library Journal

The author of The Cereal Murders (LJ 10/1/93) offers more of the same: an appealing mixture of food and crime. A murder delays Colorado caterer Goldy Bear's second wedding when duty calls away the homicide-detective groom-to-be. Includes 12 original recipes.

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