Обложка книги The Legendary Detectives II: 8 Classic Novelettes Featuring the World
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The Legendary Detectives II: 8 Classic Novelettes Featuring the World

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 22.11.2011 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 2002 года
Размер fb2 файла: 362.73 KB
Объём: 170 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


SUPERB COLLECTION OF CLASSIC MYSTERY TALES The Legendary Detectives II is a real treat for aficionados of classic detective fiction: Eight tales of the greatest fictional sleuths who prowled in search of murder and mystery through the era of gaslight and hansom cabs. A follow-up to the bestselling e-book, The Legendary Detectives, grand treats await inside. To wit: the rarest adventure of that legendary blind detective, Max Carrados, "The Bunch of Violets," never reprinted in any Carrados collection. Then for lovers of the exotic, Mr. Commissioner Sanders untangles a web of intrigue along the remote outposts of the Congo River, in "The Ghost Walker." The exotic as well as the scientific are in display in "The Silent Bullet," the very first story to feature that Golden Age scientific sleuth, Craig Kennedy. The exotic is also front and center in "The Headless Mummies," an adventure of Fu Manchu creator Sax Rohmer's extraordinary detective Moris Klaw. Next is a pair of tales featuring the two most famous brains among gaslight detectives: the Man in the Corner in "The York Mystery," and The Thinking Machine in "The Great Auto Mystery." Next, that inimitable, priest-detective, Father Brown, tackles the case of "The Head of Caesar." Included is the last adventure of the world's greatest detective, "His Last Bow: An Episode from the War Service of Sherlock Holmes." The aging sleuth is dragged from retirement to match wits with the Huns master-spy in the darkest days of World War I, in this story recorded by his creator, Arthur Conan Doyle. There are hours of mystery reading pleasure in this exclusive e-book, selected and introduced by Jean Marie Stine.

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