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The Moth

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 16.04.2021 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 1948 года
Размер fb2 файла: 848.65 KB
Объём: 333 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


In The Moth James M. Cain has produced a novel of broad dimensions which will delight and surprise his vast following. It is his largest canvas. His background is the United States from coast to coast. His period spans the last quarter-century. His characters are as diverse as a cross section of the American people. In their story he at last reveals the promise of happiness for a man and his woman. The Moth is the story of John Dillon. It begins in the days when he amazed church congregations with the beauty of his boyish soprano. His rapid development into manhood and his subsequent career are striped with violence and passion. As a young man Dillon fell in love with a very young girl. Accused of leading her astray, he fled his home, losing himself in depression America. He experienced the life of a panhandler and hobo, the terror of a thief, the aching weariness of a fruit-picker, the pride of a successful oilman. He encountered a selfish and beautiful woman. After action in World War II, he was invalided to this country, where at last he found the girl whose image had never left him. The tremendous pace and swift action of Dillon s existence are related in that tightly packed style for which Cain is famous. But the brutality of much of his life is relieved on the unforgettable occasions when-signifying for him what was fine and good — the luna moth appeared before him. It is this symbol which gives us both the title and the theme of James ML Cain’s most important novel.

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