Note that in Chinese the surname—here printed in capitals—precedes the personal name
Main characters
DEE Jen-djieh Magistrate of the district Poo-yang, in Kiangsu Province. In this novel he is passing through Paradise Island, an amusement resort in the neighbouring district of Chin-hwa
MA Joong one of Judge Dee's lieutenants, who accompanied him on the trip
LO Kwan-choong Magistrate of the district Chin-hwa
Persons connected with 'The Case of the Callous Courtesan'
Autumn Moon famous courtesan, the Queen Flower of Paradise Island
Silver Fairy a courtesan of the second rank
KIA Yu-po a literary student
Persons connected with 'The Case of the Amorous Academician'
LEE Lien a young scholar-official, newly appointed member of the Imperial Academy
LEE "Wei-djing his father, a retired Imperial Censor
FENG Dai warden of Paradise Island, and owner of the gambling halls and brothels
Jade Ring his daughter
Persons connected with 'The Case of the Unlucky Lovers'
TAO Pan-te owner of the restaurants and wine shops of Paradise Island
TAO Kwang his father, who died thirty years before
WEN Yuan owner of the curio- and souvenirshops of Paradise Island
Miss LING a blind courtesan who earns her living as a music teacher
special constables of Warden Feng
The Crab
The Shrimp