Kenneth Robeson The Red Skull

Doc Savage Magazine #006 — “The Red Skull”, by Lester Dent — August/1933
(republished as a paperback in May/1967 by Bantam Books as #017)
Bantam Cover by James Bama

Into a subterranean world of red-hot lava, Doc Savage and his fantastic five descend to face the most fiendish foe of his career.

Awaiting Doc is an irresistible power that can level mountains… that can enslave the World… and that threatens to make Doc’s most dangerous adventure his very last!

Originally printed and copyrighted circa 1933 by Street &Smith Publications, Inc. Copyright renewed circa 1963 by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc. Printed in paperback by Bantam Books. It doesn’t appear that these will be reprinted in the near future. So the following out-of-print editions may be read only for your personal interest and may not be otherwise duplicated or published for profit.

The adventurers of Doc Savage originally appeared in magazine format in 1933–1949. Note that this timeframe was before jet planes and the semiconductor technology to which we are accustomed today. The fastest planes were 400-mph propeller jobs and vacuum tube technology still ruled radio. The most fantastic weapons encountered by Doc may have been based on of John Keely’s “vibrational” and Nikola Tesla’s “scalar-wave” theories that were popular then.

At times, the writing style of the various Doc Savage “ghostwriters” was influenced by the prevailing sentiments of the Nation’s reading audience of that era. As a result, a few portions might not be “politically correct” in today’s society. Minor editing efforts have been made in these archives to “update” these. Finally — as a rough estimate — multiply all dollar($) amounts by 10 to convert to ‘2004’ dollars (e.g., $5 back then would be $50 today).
