Ellery Queen The Siamese Twin Mystery

Cast of Characters

Ellery and Inspector Queen — The father-son team who found themselves “captive” in the Tepee Mountains, they didn’t need smoke signals to realize they were in a hot spot

“Bones” — Loose-jointed, multitudinously wrinkled oldster, Xavier’s man had been an unfortunate derelict, and hadn’t managed to change most of his ways

Dr. John Xavier — The tall, handsome “Mayo of New England,” he had been doing mysterious work in secret, until someone did some on him

Mrs. Wheary — A staid, stout old woman, Xavier’s housekeeper was in charge of the closets, and any skeletons therein

Ann Forrest — Young, brown-eyed houseguest, she was composed by nature, but her metabolism was undergoing rapid change

Mark Xavier — John’s broad-shouldered, blond brother, his deep-set eyes were filled to the lids with antagonism for the Queens

Dr. Percival Holmes — Xavier’s young English assistant, he had chemical-stained fingers, but it looked as if he might have had the cleanest hands

Sarah Xavier — The doctor’s black-haired, olive-skinned wife, she had a commanding appearance, and her looks didn’t deceive

Marie Carreau — Gorgeous society woman, she was a guest in the doctor’s house for some evasive reason, and it wasn’t for her health

Francis and Julian — Bright, good-mannered sixteen-year-olds, they were held together by more than brotherly love


The “Thing”!
