Who will stop the planetary marauders?For 6000 years the great Carina Empire ruled the galaxy - but slowly, under the remorseless erosion of centuries, the Empire faded as its Imperial bloodline ran out in weaklings who paid tribute to the wild, untamed Barbarians of the Rim. Finally came the day when the Barbarian legions struck at Carina itself, destroying in a single day and night the mightiest empire in galactic history.
In the ages that followed, the rest of the empire decayed, its individual suns and worlds losing contact, isolated Star-Kings fighting to hold their own cultures together . . . and failing. Ironically, only the Barbarians themselves remained the only coordinated power among the Near Stars. Their fleets drifted the star-trails, looting and destroying everything in their way.
One world alone stood against the dark night of savagery that was engulfing the galaxy - Parlion, the planet of the Star Magicians. And at last came the final battle for civilization in the stars.
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