The Venom Trees of Sunga L. Sprague de Camp


This story is a semisequel to my wife's and my science-fiction novel The Stones of Nomura (Bluejay, 1988). That is, it is synecumenal with (laid in the same world as) the previous novel, but a couple of decades later and with different characters. Among the less obvious pronunciations, I suggest:

Akbar as UCK-bar

Feënzuo as feh-en-zwaw

Gueilin as gway-lin

kyuumei as kew-may

Oõi as aw-oy

Seisen as say-sen

Sungao as soong-gow

"Shiiko" rhymes with "pekoe"; the "singh" of "Mahasingh" sounds like "single" without the "le."
