p. iv
The author on a train platform during a trip to Frank furt, 1926.
p. x
The faithful leaving the Altstadt Synagogue on Wolborska Street, Lodz.
p. xxii
Portrait of the author, c. 1920s.
p. 4
A courtyard in Berlin, 1927.
p. 24
In the ghetto of Vilnius, Poland (today Lithu ania), 1939.
p. 54
Rue de Tournon, looking south to the Palace of Luxombourg, 1938.
p. 92
Two Jewish men on a boat in New York, n.d.
p. 104
Pushkin Street, Odessa, Soviet Union (today Ukraine), 1916.
p. 116
Two men, Dubno, 1938.
p. 120
Dubno, 1938.