Thinking In C++. Volume 2: Practical Programming

To all those who have worked tirelessly on the development of the C++ language


In Volume 1 of this book, you learn the fundamentals of C and C++. In this volume, we look at more advanced features, with an eye towards developing techniques and ideas that produce robust C++ programs.

Thus, in this volume we are assuming that you are familiar with the material developed in Volume 1.


Our goals in this book are to:.

1. Present the material a simple step at a time, so the reader can easily digest each concept before moving on.

2. Teach «practical programming» techniques that you can use on a day-to-day basis.

3. Give you what we think is important for you to understand about the language, rather than everything we know. We believe there is an «information importance hierarchy,» and there are some facts that 95% of programmers will never need to know, but that would just confuse people and add to their perception of the complexity of the language. To take an example from C, if you memorize the operator precedence table (we never did) you can write clever code. But if you have to think about it, it will confuse the reader/maintainer of that code. So forget about precedence, and use parentheses when things aren’t clear. This same attitude will be taken with some information in the C++ language, which is more important for compiler writers than for programmers.

4. Keep each section focused enough so the lecture time—and the time between exercise periods—is small. Not only does this keep the audience’ minds more active and involved during a hands-on seminar, but it gives the reader a greater sense of accomplishment.

5. We have endeavored not to use any particular vendor’s version of C++. We have tested the code on all the implementations we could, and when one implementation absolutely refused to work because it doesn’t conform to the C++ Standard, we’ve flagged that fact in the example (you’ll see the flags in the source code) to exclude it from the build process.

6. Automate the compiling and testing of the code in the book. We have discovered that code that isn’t compiled and tested is probably broken, so in this volume we’ve instrumented the examples with test code. In addition, the code that you can download from has been extracted directly from the text of the book using programs that also automatically create makefiles to compile and run the tests. This way we know that the code in the book is correct.


Here is a brief description of the chapters contained in this book:

Part 1: Building Stable Systems

1. Exception handling. Error handling has always been a problem in programming. Even if you dutifully return error information or set a flag, the function caller may simply ignore it. Exception handling is a primary feature in C++ that solves this problem by allowing you to «throw» an object out of your function when a critical error happens. You throw different types of objects for different errors, and the function caller «catches» these objects in separate error handling routines. If you throw an exception, it cannot be ignored, so you can guarantee that something will happen in response to your error. The decision to use exceptions (a good one!) affects code design in fundamental ways.

2. Defensive Programming. Many software problems can be prevented. To program defensively is to craft code in such a way that bugs can be found and fixed early before they have a chance to do damage in the field. The use of assertions is the single most important thing you can do to validate your code during development, while at the same time leaving an executable documentation trail in your code that reveals what you were thinking when you wrote the code in the first place. Before you let your code out of your hands it should be rigorously tested. A framework for automated unit testing is an indispensable tool for successful, everyday software development.

Part 2: The Standard C++ Library

3. Strings in Depth. Text processing is the most common programming activity by far. The C++ string class relieves the programmer from memory management issues, while at the same time delivering a powerhouse of text processing capability. C++ also supports the use of wide characters and locales for internationalized applications.

4. Iostreams. One of the original C++ libraries—the one that provides the essential I/O facility—is called iostreams. Iostreams is intended to replace C’s stdio.h with an I/O library that is easier to use, more flexible, and extensible—you can adapt it to work with your new classes. This chapter teaches you the ins and outs of how to make the best use of the existing iostream library for standard I/O, file I/O, and in-memory formatting.

5. Templates in Depth. The distinguishing feature of «modern C++» is the broad power of templates. Templates are for more than just generic containers; they support development of robust, generic, high-performance libraries. There is a lot to know about templates—they constitute, as it were, a sub-language within the C++ language, and give the programmer an impressive degree of control over the compilation process. It is not an understatement to say that templates have revolutionized C++ programming.

6. Generic Algorithms. Algorithms are at the core of computing, and C++, through its template facility, supports an impressive entourage of powerful, efficient, and easy-to-use generic algorithms. The standard algorithms are also customizable through function objects. This chapter looks at every algorithm in the library. (Chapters 6 and 7 cover that portion of the standard C++ library commonly-known as the Standard Template Library, or STL.)

7. Generic Containers & Iterators. C++ supports all the common data structures known to man in a type-safe manner. You never have to worry about what such a container holds; the homogeneity of its objects is guaranteed. Separating the traversing of a container from the container itself, another accomplishment of templates, is made possible through iterators. This ingenious arrangement allows a flexible application of algorithms to containers by means of the simplest of designs.

Part 3: Special Topics

8. Run-time type identification. Run-time type identification (RTTI) lets you find the exact type of an object when you only have a pointer or reference to the base type. Normally, you’ll want to intentionally ignore the exact type of an object and let the virtual function mechanism implement the correct behavior for that type. But occasionally (like when writing software tools such as debuggers) it is helpful to know the exact type of an object for which you only have a base pointer; often this information allows you to perform a special-case operation more efficiently. This chapter explains what RTTI is for and how to use it.

9. Multiple inheritance. This sounds simple at first: A new class is inherited from more than one existing class. However, you can end up with ambiguities and multiple copies of base-class objects. That problem is solved with virtual base classes, but the bigger issue remains: When do you use it? Multiple inheritance is only essential when you need to manipulate an object through more than one common base class. This chapter explains the syntax for multiple inheritance, and shows alternative approaches—in particular, how templates solve one common problem. The use of multiple inheritance to repair a «damaged» class interface is demonstrated as a genuinely valuable use of this feature.

10. Design Patterns. The most revolutionary advance in programming since objects is the introduction of design patterns. A design pattern is a language-independent codification of a solution to a common programming problem, expressed in such a way that it can apply to many contexts. Patterns such as Singleton, Factory Method, and Visitor now find their way into daily discussions around the keyboard. This chapter shows how to implement and use some of the more useful design patterns in C++.

11. Concurrent Programming. Users have long been used to responsive user interfaces that (seem to) process multiple tasks simultaneously. Modern operating systems allow processes to have multiple threads that share the process address space. Multi-threaded programming requires a different mindset, however, and comes with its own set of «gotchas.» This chapter uses a freely available library (the ZThread library by Eric Crahen of IBM) to show how to effectively manage multi-threaded applications in C++.


We have discovered that simple exercises are exceptionally useful during a seminar to complete a student’s understanding, so you’ll find a set at the end of each chapter.

These are fairly simple, so they can be finished in a reasonable amount of time in a classroom situation while the instructor observes, making sure all the students are absorbing the material. Some exercises are a bit more challenging to keep advanced students entertained. They’re all designed to be solved in a short time and are only there to test and polish your knowledge rather than present major challenges (presumably, you’ll find those on your own—or more likely they’ll find you).

Exercise solutions

Solutions to exercises can be found in the electronic document The C++ Annotated Solution Guide, Volume 2, available for a nominal fee from

Source code

The source code for this book is copyrighted freeware, distributed via the web site The copyright prevents you from republishing the code in print media without permission.

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You may use the code in your projects and in the classroom as long as the copyright notice is retained.

Language standards

Throughout this book, when referring to conformance to the ANSI/ISO C standard, we will be referring to the 1989 standard, and will generally just say ‘C.’ Only if it is necessary to distinguish between Standard 1989 C and older, pre-Standard versions of C will we make the distinction. We do not reference C99 in this book.

As this book goes to press the ANSI/ISO C++ committee has long ago finished working on the first C++ standard, commonly known as C++98. We will use the term Standard C++ to refer to this standardized language. If we simply refer to C++, assume we mean «Standard C++.» The C++ standards committee continues to address issues important to the C++ community that will find expression in C++0x, a future C++ standard not likely to be available for many years.

Language support

Your compiler may not support all the features discussed in this book, especially if you don’t have the newest version of your compiler. Implementing a language like C++ is a Herculean task, and you can expect that the features will appear in pieces rather than all at once. But if you attempt one of the examples in the book and get a lot of errors from the compiler, it’s not necessarily a bug in the code or the compiler—it may simply not be implemented in your particular compiler yet. On the Windows platform we have validated all examples with the C++ compiler found in Microsoft’s Visual Studio .NET 2003; Borland C++ Builder version 6; the GNU projects g++ compiler, version 3.2, running under Cygwin; and the Edison Design Group’s C++ front end using the Dinkumware full C++ library. We have also run all the examples on Mac OS X with Metrowerks C++ version 8. In those instances where a compiler does not support the feature required by a sample program, we have so indicated in comments in the source code.

Seminars, CD-ROMs & consulting

Bruce Eckel’s company, MindView, Inc., provides public hands-on training seminars based on the material in this book, and also for advanced topics. Selected material from each chapter represents a lesson, which is followed by a monitored exercise period so each student receives personal attention. We also provide on-site training, consulting, mentoring, and design & code walkthroughs. Information and sign-up forms for upcoming seminars and other contact information can be found at


No matter how many tricks a writer uses to detect errors, some always creep in and these often leap off the page for a fresh reader. If you discover anything you believe to be an error, please use the feedback system built into the electronic version of this book, which you will find at The feedback system uses unique identifiers on the paragraphs in the book, so click on the identifier next to the paragraph that you wish to comment on. Your help is appreciated.

About the cover

The cover artwork was painted by Larry O’Brien’s wife, Tina Jensen (yes, the Larry O’Brien who was the editor of Software Development Magazine for so many years). Not only are the pictures beautiful, but they are excellent suggestions of polymorphism. The idea for using these images came from Daniel Will-Harris, the cover designer (, working with Bruce Eckel.


Volume 2 of this book languished in a half-completed state for a long time while Bruce got distracted with other things, notably Java, Design Patterns and especially Python (see If Chuck hadn’t been willing (foolishly, he has sometimes thought) to finish the other half and bring things up-to-date, this book almost certainly wouldn’t have happened. There aren’t that many people whom Bruce would have felt comfortable entrusting this book to. Chuck’s penchant for precision, correctness and clear explanation is what has made this book as good as it is.

Jamie King acted as an intern under Chuck’s direction during the completion of this book. He was instrumental in making sure the book got finished, not only by providing feedback for Chuck, but especially because of his relentless questioning and picking of every single possible nit that he didn’t completely understand. If your questions are answered by this book, it’s probably because Jamie asked them first. Jamie also enhanced a number of the sample programs and created many of the exercises at the end of each chapter.

Eric Crahen of IBM was instrumental in the completion of Chapter 11 (Concurrent Programming). When we were looking for a threads package, we sought out one that was intuitive and easy to use, while being sufficiently robust to do the job. With Eric we got that and then some—he was extremely cooperative and has used our feedback to enhance his library, while we have benefited from his insights as well.

We are grateful to have had Pete Becker as a technical editor. Few people are as articulate and discriminating as Pete, not to mention as expert in C++ and software development in general. We also thank Bjorn Karlsson for his gracious and timely technical assistance as he reviewed the entire manuscript with little notice.

The ideas and understanding in this book have come from many other sources, as well: friends like Andrea Provaglio, Dan Saks, Scott Meyers, Charles Petzold, and Michael Wilk; pioneers of the language like Bjarne Stroustrup, Andrew Koenig, and Rob Murray; members of the C++ Standards Committee like Nathan Myers (who was particularly helpful and generous with his insights), Herb Sutter, PJ Plauger, Pete Becker, Kevlin Henney, David Abrahams, Tom Plum, Reg Charney, Tom Penello, Sam Druker, and Uwe Steinmueller, John Spicer, Steve Adamczyk, and Daveed Vandevoorde; people who have spoken in the C++ track at the Software Development Conference (which Bruce created and developed, and Chuck spoke in); and often students in seminars, who ask the questions we need to hear to make the material clearer.

The book design, cover design, and cover photo were created by Bruce’s friend Daniel Will-Harris, noted author and designer, who used to play with rub-on letters in junior high school while he awaited the invention of computers and desktop publishing. However, we produced the camera-ready pages ourselves, so the typesetting errors are ours. Microsoft® Word XP was used to write the book and to create camera-ready pages. The body typeface is Georgia and the headlines are in Verdana. The code type face is Andale Mono.

We also wish to thank the generous professionals at the Edison Design Group and Dinkumware, Ltd., for giving us complimentary copies of their compiler and library (respectively). Without their assistance some of the examples in this book could not have been tested. We also wish to thank Howard Hinnant and the folks at Metrowerks for a copy of their compiler, and Sandy Smith and the folks at SlickEdit for keeping Chuck supplied with a world-class editing environment for so many years. Greg Comeau also provided a copy of his successful EDG-based compiler, Comeau C++.

A special thanks to all our teachers, and all our students (who are our teachers as well).

Evan Cofsky ( provided all sorts of assistance on the server as well as development of programs in his now-favorite language, Python. Sharlynn Cobaugh and Paula Steuer were instrumental assistants, preventing Bruce from being washed away in a flood of projects.

Dawn McGee provided much-appreciated inspiration and enthusiasm during this project. The supporting cast of friends includes, but is not limited to: Mark Western, Gen Kiyooka, Kraig Brockschmidt, Zack Urlocker, Andrew Binstock, Neil Rubenking, Steve Sinofsky, JD Hildebrandt, Brian McElhinney, Brinkley Barr, Bill Gates at Midnight Engineering Magazine, Larry Constantine & Lucy Lockwood, Tom Keffer, Greg Perry, Dan Putterman, Christi Westphal, Gene Wang, Dave Mayer, David Intersimone, Claire Sawyers, The Italians (Andrea Provaglio, Laura Fallai, Marco Cantu, Michael Seaver, Huston Franklin, David Wagstaff, Corrado, Ilsa and Christina Giustozzi), Chris & Laura Strand, The Almquists, Brad Jerbic, John Kruth & Marilyn Cvitanic, Holly Payne (yes, the famous novelist!), Mark Mabry, The Robbins Families, The Moelter Families (& the McMillans), The Wilks, Dave Stoner, Laurie Adams, The Cranstons, Larry Fogg, Mike & Karen Sequeira, Gary Entsminger & Allison Brody, Chester Andersen, Joe Lordi, Dave & Brenda Bartlett, The Rentschlers, The Sudeks, Lynn & Todd, and their families. And of course, Mom & Dad, Sandy, James & Natalie, Kim& Jared, Isaac, and Abbi.
