Dominic Caruso: operative, The Campus
Ethan Ross: deputy assistant director for Near East and North African affairs, National Security Council
Eve Pang: computer network systems engineer, Ross’s girlfriend
Darren Albright: supervisory special agent, FBI Counterintelligence Division
Nolan and Beale: investigative specialists, FBI Special Surveillance Group
Adara Sherman: director of transportation, The Campus
Harlan Banfield: journalist, member of the International Transparency Project
Gianna Bertoli: director, International Transparency Project
Mohammed Mobasheri: Iranian Republican Guard
Kashan, Shiraz, Isfahan, and Ormand: operatives, Quds Force
Leo: Venezuelan security officer
Rigoberto Finn: Polygraph examiner, FBI
Gerry Hendley: director, The Campus/Hendley Associates
Arik Yacoby: former operative, Shayetet 13, Israeli naval Special Forces
David: Israeli intelligence agent
Phillip McKell: computer network expert