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Tomb of Odin

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 21.07.2016 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 2015 года
Жанр: Триллер
Входит в серию: Order of the Black Sun
Размер fb2 файла: 519.68 KB
Объём: 174 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


Billionaire Dave Purdue buys an antique art piece, a tall cross monument, from a Finnish relic dealer. But the old cross holds a secret — literally. When the cross is struck by lightning, it reveals part of a treasure that urges Purdue to enlist the help of investigative journalist Sam Cleave to assist him on his search for the rest of it.

When historian Dr. Nina Gould barely escapes with her life from an archeological dig in the Himalayas, she is compelled to return to the excavation to see what her team was prevented from discovering. The man who saved her life, archeologist Neville Padayachee, refuses to return there. Braving the freezing temperatures, she returns alone only to encounter what she perceives as a real-life yeti. Subsequently a captive, Nina is forced to steal a technological masterpiece from the same dig site she worked on.

But when Purdue and Cleave locate her to assist them with the riddle of the antique cross and its inscriptions referring to the Norse god Odin, they find Nina delirious and on the brink of death with the peculiar device still in her possession. Her possession of the device ignites a dangerous excursion while she, Sam, and Purdue have to unravel the secret left by a Polish prisoner of war to his son after the Second World War. It is a secret that leads them to a grave mystery only perpetuated by conspiracy theorists.

Trains buried with gold, hollow Earth theories and the myth of super men take on a whole new meaning when Nina, Sam, and Purdue discover the tomb of Odin and are intrigued to find what the currency of life really is.

A word from the author: Hello and thank you for your interest in my book. It has come to my attention that some people have been mistaking my books for those written by the famous author duo Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. This is not the case. I wish to clarify that I am not, by any means, related to Douglas Preston or Lincoln Child, Lee Child or any other author called Preston Child. I hope this clears up the confusion.

Tomb of Odin leads the reader on a roller-coaster ride in search of a legend. Packed with breathtaking suspense and nerve-shredding action, Tomb of Odin is a thrilling read for all fans of action, suspense, and intrigue.

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