T. C. Boyle
Tooth and Claw

For Rob Jordan and Valerie Wong

The Simiadae then branched off into two great stems, the New World and the Old World monkeys; and from the latter at a remote period, Man, the wonder and the glory of the universe, proceeded.

— CHARLES DARWIN, The Descent of Man


Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following magazines, in which these stories first appeared: GQ, “The Kind Assassin”; Harper’s, “Rastrow’s Island” and “Here Comes”; McSweeney’s, “Blinded by the Light” and “The Doubtfulness of Water”; The New Yorker, “When I Woke Up This Morning, Everything I Had Was Gone,” “Swept Away,” “Dogology,” “Chicxulub” and “Tooth and Claw”; Playboy, “Jubilation,” “Up Against the Wall” and “The Swift Passage of the Animals”; and StoryQuarterly, “All the Wrecks I’ve Crawled Out Of.”

“Swept Away” also appeared in The O. Henry Prize Stories, 2003, edited by Laura Furman (Anchor Books), and “Tooth and Claw” in The Best American Short Stories, 2004, edited by Lorrie Moore (Houghton Mifflin).

The author would also like to cite the following books as sources of certain factual details in “Dogology”: The Wolf Children: Fact or Fantasy, by Charles MacLean; Wolf-Children and Feral Man, by the Reverend J. A. L. Singh and Robert M. Zingg; and The Hidden Lives of Dogs, by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas.
