Chamber Music
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
(Jonathan Cape)
Pomes Penyeach
Finnegans Wake
(Faber Faber)
Stephen Hero
(posthumous: Jonathan Cape)
In a letter to Harriet Shaw Weaver, James Joyce wrote of the first edition of Ulysses, СI am extremely irritated by all the printerТs errors. Are these to be perpetuated in future editions? I hope not.Т
JoyceТs hope was not fulfilled until 1986, when a critical edition of the work appeared, the fruit of seven yearsТ textual research by a team of scholars led by Professor Hans Walter Gabler of the Department of English Philology at the University of Munich; they had returned to the original manuscripts, drafts and proofs of the 1922 first edition in order to reconstruct as closely as possible the creative process by which Joyce wrote Ulysses. Corrections to thousands of СaccidentalsТ of punctuation, spelling and emphasis illuminate previously obscure passages and throw the theme of the most significant novel of the twentieth century into sharp relief.
Here is Ulysses as James Joyce wrote and revised it.
This unabridged edition incorporates the internationally recognised system of line numbers for critical reference.
– Come up, Kinch! Come up, you fearful jesuit!