Dozens of people contributed information to this novel. However, there were several whose assistance was indispensable:
The bat scholar who wished to remain anonymous but provided patient explanations of echolocation, bat reproduction, and bat flight.
Betsy Herzog, spokesperson for the New York Police Department. If she didn’t know something-which was rare-she knew who did or knew what manual to find it in. She was, in a word, terrific.
Jerome Hauer, director of the Office of Emergency Management in New York. Even when buildings were collapsing and avenues were disgorging water and flame, he found time to answer questions about crisis management.
Larry Steeler, deputy superintendent of the Statue of Liberty. While he was forced to keep some of the Lady’s secrets to himself, he revealed-he insists-some of the best ones.
And Frank Pascual, director of public affairs for the MTA. He loves those tunnels and bridges, and his enthusiasm is contagious.