Dedicated to our brothers and sisters, Mary Adams and Jim Bond, Erin Larkin-Foster, and Colin, Ian, Duncan, and Christopher Larkin.


We would like to thank Jim Baker, Jeff Bowen, Greg Browne, Jerry Cain, Jeff Cavin, John Chrzas, Col. Terry Crews and Grace Crews, Dan and Carmel Fisk, Bill Ford, John Goetke, Bill Grijalba, Peter Hilsenrath, Jason Hunter, Dick Kane and Presidio Press, Don and Marilyn Larkin, John Moser, Deb Mullaney, Bill Paley and Bridget Rivoli, Tim Peckinpaugh and Pam McKinney-Peckinpaugh, Jeff and Deena Pluhar, Jeff Richelson, Dick Ristaine, Michael J. Solon, Bruce Spaulding, Steve St. Clair, Thomas T. Thomas, Chris Williams, and Joy Schumack of the Solano County Bookmobile Service.

Special thanks to Steve Cole and his newsletter, For Your kyes Only, and Steve Petrick, for their assistance in reviewing the manuscript.

For Your Lyes Only was very useful in writing Vortex, and I recommend it as a way of keeping up with military and conflict issues around the world. Write to Tiger Publications, PO Box 8759, Amarillo, TX 79114-8759.

Finally, we would like to thank two men without whose constant and invaluable aid and advice this book could never have emerged from our word processors: our editor at Warner Books, Mel Parker, and our agent, Robert Gottlieb of William Morris.
