А. Данилов Воры. Грабители: Теория преступлений: Кн. 2

How do thievish professionals — pickpockets, robbers and their fellow-criminals — operate to earn their living? How big is the risk taken and what profits does the criminal business provide? How to organise a crime and not to be caught? How do.thieves" from official bureaucratic circles operate, when profits from their machinations are many times more than thievish efforts of their fellow-robbers? What has caused the beginning of lumpens in our society, who pinch everything that comes to their hands; of government elite, that regard national property as its own? The former have given rise to the criminal association, the latter — to the ruling thievish clan. The question is why the former are being caught and imprisoned, and the latter are not even pursued? How to protect yourself and the society from criminal business of both the former and the latter ones?

This is the main topic of this book, which is destined for the wide range of readers.
