Анатолий Орфёнов Записки русского тенора. Воспоминания, заметки, письма

Memoirs of a Russian tenor. Recollections, notes, letters / A. I. Orfyonov; A. E. Khripin (compiling, foreword, comments); A. V. Chuvashov (editing). – 2nd edition, revised. – Saint Petersburg: Lan: The Planet of Music, 2021. – 684 pages: ill. – Text: direct.

The book, based on the archive of the famous singer, teacher and opera theater figure Anatoly Ivanovich Orfyonov (1908–1987), is an amazing document of the time. A student of Stanislavsky and Sobinov, heir to the vocal school of Everardi, a witness to the great era of the Bolshoi Theater of the 1930-50s, later, in the sixties, Orfyonov acted as a true co-creator of the “golden page” in the history of the Bolshoi, fostering the young generation of the company, which made the glory of Russian art of the 2nd half of the 20th century.

The book is not only “about time and about myself” – it is about contemporaries, about friends and foes, about eternal values, about love for opera, about the Bolshoi Theater “secrets of the Madrid court” of the Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev times, about twists and gifts of fate, about how important family is in the life of an artist.

It is intended for a wide range of readers interested in opera and vocal art, including professional and beginning singers, as well as students of singing and anyone interested in musical theater.

© Издательство «ПЛАНЕТА МУЗЫКИ», 2021

© А. И. Орфёнов, наследники, 2021

© А. Э. Хрипин (составление, предисловие, комментарии), наследники, 2021

© А. В. Чувашов (редакция), 2021

© Издательство «ПЛАНЕТА МУЗЫКИ», художественное оформление, 2021
