ZetaTalk: Myths

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The Zetas talk about whether there is myth or truth in the prophecies of Nostradamus or if World War III will occur; why the White Buffalo prophecy and the Bible's Revelations are being fulfilled; whether aliens are disturbing the Earth's Etheric Grid system or manifestations occur along Ley Lines; why Scientology is deceptive and whether

Clonaid cloned a baby; whether Bon is based on respect for the dead; whether we can live on Divine Nectar alone or can Levitate or reach Nirvana; whether the faithful saw Ganesh Milk disappear and how Yogas manage mind over matter; the true identify of Jack the Ripper and the fate of Steve Fossett; why Hitler was acting; why Wilhelm Reich

was sent to prison; whether Fate dictates our lives or Horoscopes apply; why we think there are Magical Numbers or

Numerology patterns; whether fortunes can be told by Tarot Cards; whether the Ouija Board invokes spirits; whether

Reverse Speech exists; whether Robert Monroe could teach others how to go Out-Of-Body; why we have Deja Vu; whether Chi exists; and why Homeopathy and Acupuncture and Voodoo work and the Blaire Witch applies.

The Zetas talk about whether Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed were Star Children and accomplished their missions; if the Maitreya has arrived; why Taoism has a lasting message; why Sai Baba is embraced; whether Jesus could perform

Miracles, was the Messiah, was born as a result of a Virgin Birth, and died for our sins during the Crucifixion; whether the Shroud of Turin is a fake; what the Da Vinci Code reveals; whether Holy Icons have special properties or the Bible

Code exists; whether St. Germain held secrets and why the Knights Templar were persecuted; whether we can rely on

Mary's Message for guidance; how Stigmata occur and who spoke to Joan of Ark; whether the teachings of Jesus are being practiced or In Whose Service the Christian religions are operating, as religions tend to become a Twisted

Message; why the Mormons and Paganism are considered a threat; why King David was special and the tale of David

and Goliath real; whether taking Sunday as the Day of Rest is an order from on high; whether Damnation can occur, and why Speaking in Tongues occurs.

The Zetas talk about whether Angels exist; whether Adam and Eve were truly the first humans; whether the Creation

occurred in a week; whether the Ark of the Covenant was a communication device or the Star of Bethlehem a UFO; whether the Pyramids shape has special influence or ancient monuments are Astronomical Markers, and why an

Endless Debate exists; what caused the demise of the Dinosaurs, and whether the ancient Ural Map is real; why the ancient Egyptians honored Mummies; whether Sodom and Gomorra were destroyed by the gods; whether El Dorado, the legendary City of Gold, still glitters; why Lemuria & Atlantis disappeared; what is causing the Sicilian Fires and

why the Phoenix was revered; whether the Trojan War took place as reported; why the Visigoths were so fierce; whether the Druids build Stonhenge; what occurred at the Tower of Babel; and whether the Coral Obelisk was man-made.

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ZetaTalk: Nostradamus

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ZetaTalk: Nostradamus

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The legend of Nostradamus emerged during his lifetime in response to the accuracy of some of his predictions. Like all gifted psychics, he was able to read other minds and, based on a dollop of common sense, prognosticate somewhat into

the future. He had some hits, which always get the press, where his misses have not been carried down through

history. Over time the legend of Nostradamus swelled, as the retelling of his hits were repeated but the list of misses slipped from memory. Thus, he appears larger in death than he was in real life. Nostradamus is credited with future

predictions in part due to the semblance of famous names with words in his quatrains, but the quatrains mentioned

could have fit literally thousands of situations and the names were not a direct fit. The Nostradamus quatrains could have an unlimited interpretation, and thus the pieces of the puzzle have been put together to paint many different

pictures. They are 100% subject to interpretation.

Nostradamus knew well the power of suggestion, and used this during his lifetime to increase the number of his hits.

His amusement at this capacity outlived him, as one of his most famous practical jokes was to predict, on his deathbed, that his body would be exhumed, naming the date. He directed that a metal plate with this date be placed in his coffin, and not surprisingly events resulted in his coffin being opened on that date. Those who knew of this date kept alive the discussion of whether his coffin would be opened, so that the issue did not die.

It is reported that Nostradamus wrote his quatrains in an obscure manner to avoid detection and punishment during his

lifetime. In fact, he wrote in this obscure manner to avoid being fingered when he missed the mark. People would

interpret his quatrain correctly, as applying to their present day, and when Nostradamus' predictions came true there

were smiles all around. However, if the prediction did not come true, Nostradamus would mumble darkly that the interpretation made had been wrong, and let people come to their own conclusions. Thus all manner of conjecture has

arisen surrounding Nostradamus, that he has a secret code imbedded in his quatrains which make sense of the garble,

for instance. There is no such code, nor were his quatrains intended for any but his day, but since Nostradamus fans

are having such a good time dissecting his quatrains and arguing amongst themselves, we suspect our words here will

be mostly ignored.

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ZetaTalk: World War III

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ZetaTalk: World War III

Note: written during the Feb 22, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

China is hardly planning an invasion, to take advantage of US distraction, nor is N. Korea in fact hoping for any real conflict. N. Korea is looking for survival, for food, for the necessities of life such as fuel, promised by the US and then withheld as the US stores have gotten tight, though the public is not told this. They will run their planes over S. Korea, and lob test flights of missiles over Japan, or whatever it takes to get the attention of the US. China hopes N. Koreas succeeds, as they also are having and have had great problems feeding their populace. There are many long standing

expectations that a global war, started in the area of Iraq and including China, will erupt during this time, the End

Times. These prophecies have been conjured up from Nostradamus interpretations, though he hardly was referring to

any occurrences outside of his time, and others. Many prophecies are in fact intelligent analysis of likelihood based on circumstances, and include the Middle East due to its oil rich status, and China due to its sleeping giant status.

China has been starving for decades, imposing birth control restrictions that reach to mandatory abortion to a couple

having more than a single child. The soil has long been washed away by the Yellow River and other such erosion, the population overburdening the countryside for millennia. Thus, it is assumed that this country, during a time of

starvation and increasing crop shortages, would muster forth and invade other countries. Likewise, oil has been known

for several hundred years as a fuel, a ready fuel. The birthplace of several religions in conflict - Christianity and Islam

- are in the Middle East, and these have been known for centuries to be at each other's throats. The Crusades, for

instance, pitted Islam against Christianity, and this has been known for centuries. Add to this the prophecy of the Antichrist, which is logical given the polarization that occurs going into a Transformation period such as the Earth is in.

Prophets therefore take all these matters into their heads, stir the soup, and prophesy. This does not mean that this will all come about as predicted. Starvation does not create invasion, it creates lethargy. China has also been successful in keeping its population in check, and in breaking into the world markets. Islam is hardly wanting to engage Christianity in battle, despite the intent of terrorist groups emerging from the oppressed. Thus, as we have predicted, the likely outcome is not a full battle in Iraq, and most certainly not an outbound invasion by China into other countries.

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ZetaTalk: White Buffalo

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ZetaTalk: White Buffalo

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

American Indian legends are deeply appealing to most humans, who sense the wisdom of the ages behind the

symbolism. The prophecy of the White Buffalo seems specific, however, and where such calves have been born going

into the millennium have set many to wondering. Is this simply coincidence, or does it have meaning? It does indeed

have meaning, a prophecy based on what history taught the plains Indians, and thus the White Buffaloes are yet

another harbinger of the coming pole shift. Albinos occur naturally in all life forms, some with more rarity than others.

What causes an albino to emerge is assumed to be a genetic quirk, where the normal production of color compounds is

suppressed. This is the effect but not the cause, else why would life in dark caverns or the depths of the ocean be pale, without color.

If color were a genetic quirk, then why the almost total absence of color in creatures living in darkness? Coloration is influenced by radiation, just as tanning takes place upon exposure to sunlight. What is little understood is that this phenomena has two switches, one increasing coloration under certain radiation frequencies, but another reducing coloration under a different set of radiation frequencies. The core of the Earth, emitting in greater bursts the radiation her caverns and deep water creatures are bathed in, is confusing her surface creatures. Thus, the White Buffalo,

heeding the signals from the restless Earth, are heralding the approaching pole shift.

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ZetaTalk: Bible's Revelations

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ZetaTalk: Revelations

Note: written during the Aug 24, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The Bible, when written, as we have stated, had a specific audience of those in the region, as Jesus was just one of

many Star Children visiting Earth with the intent of passing on a message of love-thy-neighbor-as-thyself, and the

spread of Christianity not anticipated anymore than the spread of the Koran almost worldwide. Thus, those who

interpreted his words, or put their personal visions into words, were in this tradition, speaking to the people of the area. Revelations describes, often in symbolic language, the pole shift coming next year, by explaining what those in the regions would experience - hail, earthquakes, exploding volcanoes that darken the sky with ash, fire storms from

air passing over the volcanoes, and being on the Long Day side of the Earth, a fire dragon in the sky; the heat of the Long Day, an unending beating of the summer sun on an area near the Equator; the heat of hot earth as many fault

lines adjust, some by subducting under each other or by allowing lava to flow closer to the surface; frantic insects of the desert, not waiting for night to creep about but running in panic over people not used to this experience. In reading the words of Revelations, those words that apply to the Earth changes without doubt, one can see what folklore and

ourselves are explaining will occur.

So what of the Fatima prophecy of 3 days of utter darkness, which has become a virtual expectation of the faithful.

The Fatima revelations are much under the thumb of the Pope, who is scarcely telling his flock the truth. The current

Pope, and his entourage, have announced that the Fatima secrets withheld were about a Pope's assassination, hardly

something to keep secret! Does anyone believe this, when he has purchased, with the funds of the faithful, viewing

time in Arizona to watch the approach of Planet X? So why would a statement, such as 3 days of darkness, even be made? Because it is a hallmark statement, something that could not be, and would not be, confused with any

occurrence leading up to the pole shift. In short, a catastrophic lie, to mislead, to keep the flock quiescent, to keep them at home, or praying in the churches, to leave the Pope free to travel with his entourage to wherever he may chose, as it can be assumed that that the time is not near. Thus, we are saying that this was not what those at Fatima received, in any truthful vision, but the truth is being altered by the Pope. Those who know otherwise are either dead, or not

expected to speak out.

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ZetaTalk: Etheric Grid

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ZetaTalk: Etheric Grid

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The etheric grid system does not exist. There is much ballyhoo about this nebulous and unprovable etheric grid system, however. As with all things that cannot be grasped or pointed to, discussions proceed in various directions. In all

fairness, it must be pointed out that many things scientists discuss cannot be grasped or pointed to, yet their existence is firmly believed. Sub-atomic particles is one such instance. But where does information about the etheric grid system come from? Is this a universal belief, such that science can point to the widespread collective awareness, at a

minimum? There is little discussion about such a grid system. Is there some measure, however slight, that astronomers

can point to? Those putting forth the etheric grid system theory have never attempted to connect with measurable

reality, choosing instead to distance themselves from science.

The etheric grid system has been put forth to support a new religion of sorts. This religion looks not to a god in

Heaven, as Christians and Jews and Muslims do, nor does it look to animistic gods, such as primitive peoples do when

worshipping thunderstorms or voracious predatory animals, nor does it place a select human on a pedestal, as a god, as some cults do. This religion sees the ethereal everywhere, permeating everything, and sees this as the basis of life, the life force. This ethereal substance is the true glue, the true nature, in this belief, and all else an illusion. Where it is true that the human eye and ear do not sense all, the etheric religion discards too much. To replace what has been

discarded, it invents the ethereal glue.

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ZetaTalk: Ley Lines

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ZetaTalk: Ley Lines

Note: written on Jun 15, 1997

In grappling with Crop Circle appearances, and in trying to find patterns that would explain their purpose or

occurrence, a number of silly theories have emerged.

Crop Circles have been analyzed under the theory that they are man made. This theory falls apart when

confronted by the clean but unbroken right angles that the grain shafts assume within the bent portion of the

grain field, along with the utter lack of foot prints and the lightning speed of production.

Crop Circles have been explained as the result of odd plasma energy, the swamp gas that is supposed to explain

UFO sightings appearing in open fields in broad daylight. This theory, which had a proponent or two until the

complexity of Crop Circles increased, is no longer even considered.

Crop Circles have been analyzed under the theory that they are a communication form from visitors, and

represent language in math. This is closer to the truth, but since all language or symbolism represents repetitive

patterns, a constant in mathematics, some mathematical patterns would of course be represented. Seeing the trees but not the forest before them, they miss the point.

Crop Circles placement has been analyzed, their placement in this or that country, along this or that longitude or

latitude. Statistical analysis inevitably did show a pattern as even a mundane occurrence such as the placement of dog poop would show a pattern of sorts. This led to wild speculation that Crop Circles are caused by some

occurrence along grid lines, a manifestation of energy of some sort, or spirits required to stay on the narrow path

these lines represent. This silly theory gained credence only due to the lack of other plausible theories. Were this

theory to have any merit, all the many Crop Circles that fall outside of what are termed ley lines would have to be addressed, rather than ignored.

Perhaps, since Crop Circles occur more often in fields of grain than anywhere else, a theory that they are caused by

grain might arise. It’s more logical than the ley line theory, and fits with the facts more closely.

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ZetaTalk: Scientology

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ZetaTalk: Scientology

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

Scientology is not about science, as the name would lead one to believe. This organization is similar to many

organized religions in that it wants to control its subjects, extract money and physical services from them, dictate their thoughts, and require absolute loyalty. It purports to be a religion, for tax purposes and other such benefits that accrue to religious organizations around the world. However, unlike other organized religions it does not point to a deity to be worshipped, and thus is considered by most to be simply a cult. Like cults, Scientology demands loyalty based on the

followers emotional dependence and the leaders desire for complete control over the followers.

Scientology is a cult, but gets away with having an audience among those who don't know the organization or its reputation due to the inclusion of the word science in its name. Move past the name and all relationship to science disappears. It is an unscientific organization. Science implies a thought process, pondering the evidence and testing theories against the results of experiment. Since Scientology denies its members the right to think, instead dictating to them what they should believe, it not only has no relationship to science, it also blocks its members from attempting to follow scientific principles.

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ZetaTalk: Clonaid

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ZetaTalk: Clonaid

Note: written during the Dec 28, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Cloning, as with the Sheep Dolly, is not difficult. The difficulty is having a 100% success, such that no one can claim an injury has occurred. Childbirth, conception, and having a healthy baby is not guaranteed even under normal

circumstances. However, parents who proceed and have a damaged child normally do not have a right to sue, or

complain, unless clear malpractice by the doctor or hospital occurred. If it is a genetic toss of the dice, then no

complaints are filed. Cloning should, theoretically, produce an offspring identical to the parents, but what if all the DNA does not transfer, or during early development expresses differently because of a different early environment? A

leg not forming, as the nudge to do so is not there, the DNA perfect but the nudge lacking. Thus, cloned human infants are being developed, have been developed, but until the product is certain, no publicity will be forthcoming. Those making the most noise, however, have not, themselves, done this cloning. They are seeking the spotlight, and have secured it, as no court in the land can force them to produce something protected under doctor/patient laws. Before

court orders can ensue, an injury must be produced. Was a law broken? No law for human cloning exists that would

put the claimants in jail, certainly not without proof of their actions. Thus, their strutting on stage is safe.

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ZetaTalk: Bon

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ZetaTalk: Bon

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

The ancient Chinese had a tradition of worshipping their dead ancestors that went beyond respect and honorable

mention. They ate their dead. This type of cannibalism is not unknown in other cultures, as primitive man has often

concluded that one could ingest the qualities of another - courage, potency, or intelligence. However, the ancient

Chinese did this not to capture qualities but to protect the souls of their ancestors from what they considered to be

preying evil spirits. Their traditions of caring for one another knew no bounds, and failure to partake of the meal was considered gross disrespect. All but the bones were consumed, and these carefully bound and kept in a safe place. Over time this was taken to be, by those who discovered these bundles, an odd burial practice. What has passed forward as

Chinese tradition, unaltered, is the sense that the spirit lives on and can inhabit a body other than the birth body - a walk-in. The foreboding sense that one needs protection from evil spirits is still about, reflected in the curved roofs which are to catch and fling back to the skies any evil spirits dropping down to plague mankind, or so they hoped.

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ZetaTalk: Divine Nectar

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ZetaTalk: Divine Nectar

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

A falsehood promulgated by Yogis is that they nourish themselves not with the same food and water required by mere

humans whom they would lead, but by the absorption of light energy, called Divine Nectar. This is a falsehood

difficult for the follower to disprove, as to put in place the controls necessary to disprove the proposition, the follower would have to highly insult the master. Do they have a bite to eat in their private quarters, or slip a nibble into their mouths now and then during the day, from under their flowing robes? Who can be certain? There has been no

controlled study on this matter, and the reader can be assured that if humans had even a slight inclination in this

direction that the massive starvation and malnutrition that occurs all over the Earth, without abatement throughout

human history, would have produced at least one human who seemed to thrive without food.

A controlled experiment to disprove the proposition would require that a Yogi master:

be willing to undergo such a test

be placed in an isolated situation where the only input to his system would be the light claimed to nourish

be observed continuously by people who are not the Yogi Master's followers and who therefore do not have

preconceived opinions on the outcome

No such controlled test has ever been done, and for good reasons - the proposition would be disproved.

Why do Yogi Masters purport that this practice works? What's in it for them? India is a country where starvation and

malnutrition are on the rise, and have always been a grim fact of life for all but the privileged classes. The cast systems are rigid, and there is scant hope of escaping. Some Yogis purport that this practice succeeds to give hope to the

pitiful, and some have even convinced themselves that they feel refreshed after basking, but most do so simply to raise their status among their followers. How great is their master? He has mastery over Divine Nectar, or so he says.

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ZetaTalk: Levitate

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ZetaTalk: Levitate

Note: written on Feb 15, 2002

Levitation of objects, and rapid movement of space ships, is largely based on manipulation of gravity. As we have

described in space travel, faster than light, when the Repulsion Force is removed, and there is only attraction, it's a quick kiss! This manipulation of gravity is also evident in our space ships, which not only hover, they have their own center of gravity inside. The occupants can look down to see the surface of Earth overhead, for instance, as Nancy can relay.

Levitation by mankind is a trick. For those who think they are viewing this and feel it cannot be so, we would point out the many ways that trick can be done. Wire or string can be the same color as the backdrop, and thus not seen, or clear in nature for this effect. Likewise, pedestals can be under an object, and as long as the same color or appearance as the backdrop, not seen. In these tricks, there is often distraction at play during the levitation, such that the attention of the audience is drawn away from these areas. There are objects that are passed under the levitated object that break at the point where they pass by the pedestal or wires, and snap together again. This is because they are magnetized, and solid enough that the break and reattachment can be counted on. All this accompanied by much noise and music and waving

about, as distraction.

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ZetaTalk: Nirvana

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ZetaTalk: Nirvana

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

What the Christians describe as Heaven has an equivalent in other major

religions and in all human cultures. What is being referred to here is what the

human soul understands, intuitively, awaits. A promise. A possibility. Life in

light form, without pain or hunger or struggle. Love all around. An information

and exploration extravaganza. The Hindus correctly understand that many

lifetimes of practice, many lessons, precede this treasured state. They also

describe reincarnation, and backsliding during incarnations, and stages of

spiritual growth with the ultimate, Nirvana, achieved only after much personal

struggle. Of course, those who take a detour by choosing the Service-to-Self

orientation take longer, as after a certain point they cannot proceed in their

growth unless they become willing to focus less on the self.

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ZetaTalk: Ganesh Milk

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ZetaTalk: Ganesh Milk

Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

Blind faith does many things for the holder, including settling arguments between what the eyes perceive and what

faith dictates. These types of arguments arise where the dictates of the faith are tightly bound to survival or security, or where the faith is perceived to offer the only solution to an intractable problem. Thus a child may refuse to

acknowledge the death of a parent until a substitute parent is firmly in place, or the religious, living in poverty, may cling to the notion that their gods are real as thus there is some hope of escaping the grinding poverty. Such a situation arises often in India, where there is both grinding and intractable poverty and a cultural and genetic acceptance of

discrepancy. If two ideas, simultaneously held, conflict, then simply don't line them up together and thus avoid the

conflict. This type of escape requires coconspirators in the family, the workplace, the media, and the government, and in India this is the case. Thus, if the faithful, looking for distraction and longing for a hopeful sign, see what the heart wishes but the eye belies, then blind faith prevails and blind they must be! Did the deity Ganesh drink milk spooned to it, around the world? Hardly, but milk dries to a clear stain, and thus supports this notion of the faithful.

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ZetaTalk: Yogas

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ZetaTalk: Yogas

Note: written on Apr 15, 2002

Yogas, who control their bodies to be able to breath with reduced oxygen use, in closed chambers, buried chambers,

for hours past the point of death in a normal person, or otherwise resist injury by walking over hot coals, are not operating outside their physiology. If they were, then why are there limits on what is reported, or performed? If one

can walk over hot coals, then why not through a firestorm? If breathing less and reducing the metabolism for hours,

then why not weeks? If super-human powers were afoot, then limits would not be in place. Yogas learn, through

dedicated practice, to control their body's reactions, not unlike a warrior resisting pain during battle in order to survive.

Your bodies use of oxygen can take surprising steps, as for instance where a child falls into very cold water and is

apparently dead for an hour or more, then revived as normal. This is an indication of the capacity of the body to reduce its normal reactions. Yogas who walk over coals have, in the first place, callused bare feet that have almost an inch of dead skin, thickened, on the soles. They have analyzed and practiced just how long the food must be on a hot coal, how quickly lifted, and where to place the foot. Blistering does not occur, as live flesh has not been burned. Dead thickened skin peels off, rebuilding underneath, and no one but the Yoga is the wiser.

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ZetaTalk: Jack the Ripper

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ZetaTalk: Jack the Ripper

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

During the era when Jack the Ripper did his deeds there was much interest in the human organs, their function, and the potential for playing God by piecing a human together, with the best of this or that. DNA and the manner in which its

influence permeates all parts of the body, or the difficulties doctors face when transplanting organs that soon are

rejected by the new host, were unknown to doctors and scientists during that era. That the story of the Frankenstein

Monster arose during that era is indicative of the interest in this subject. Where the story of a living monster, pieced together from body parts harvested from the dead or living, is fiction, the story of attempts to create such a monster is not fiction. There were many Dr. Frankensteins, and as doctors came from the upper classes during that era, they were well connected.

The identity of Jack the Ripper is not known to the public, but was known to the authorities, at least those who made the decision on whether to pursue a line of investigation or the path that investigation was to take. The influence the upper classes has on the police and regulatory agencies is not new, and pressure to look the other way or financial

inducements have always been a facet of human society. The rumor that the perpetrator was royalty was spread to

explain why the authorities had little luck. The common man could comprehend a reluctance to indict royalty, and that

royalty would be able to suppress an investigation.

Jack the Ripper was not one man, but a group of scientists and doctors, actively pursuing in real life what Dr.

Frankenstein was pursuing in fiction. Fresh corpses were routinely delivered to medical schools for autopsy practice

and the training of students, so harvesting fresh organs from the recently deceased was not difficult. However, when

those wishing to play God found that dead organs only resulted in a dead body, they sought living organs. Prostitutes

were easy prey, as they could be relied upon to follow a client into a dark alley, willingly. Being the weaker sex, they also were anticipated to put up less of a struggle. Each failure to create life from dead or dying body parts was

followed by yet another experiment, until the group finally despaired. Were they to have had success, however modest,

Jack the Ripper might be with us still today, as at no time did the group feel any compunction to curtail their activities.

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ZetaTalk: Steve Fossett

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ZetaTalk: Steve Fossett

written October 12, 2007 on the GodlikeProduction live chat, additions on October 4, 2008.

Steve Fossett [Sep 3, 2007] http://www.stevefossett.com/

At 8:45 am, on Monday, September 3, 2007, Fossett took

off in a single-engine Bellanca Super Decathlon airplane

from a private airstrip known as Flying-M Ranch (

38°N, 119°W), near Carson City and the California

border. The airfield is owned by Barron Hilton. There

has been no signal from the plane's emergency locator

transmitter (ELT), designed to be automatically activated

in the event of a crash, but of an older type notorious for

failing to operate after a crash. It was at first thought

that Fossett may have also been wearing a Swiss-made

Breitling Emergency watch with a manually operated

ELT having a range of up to 90 miles, but no signal was received from it. He did own such a watch, but

was not wearing it when he took off for the Labor Day flight. Fossett apparently did not file a flight plan,

but was not required to do so. As of September 10, search crews had found eight previously uncharted

crash sites, some decades old, but none related to Fossett's disappearance. On September 7, 2007, Google

Inc. helped the search for the aviator through its connections to contractors that provide satellite imagery

for its Google Earth software. Richard Branson, Fossett's British billionaire friend, said he and others

were coordinating efforts with Google to see if any of the high-resolution pictures might include Fossett's

aircraft. [and from another] Hilton Ranch N38 W119. Area 51 N37 W115.

The mangled debris of Fossett's single-engine Bellanca was spotted from the air late Wednesday [Oct 1,

2008] near the town of Mammoth Lakes and was identified by its tail number. The rugged area, situated

about 65 miles from the ranch, had been flown over 19 times by the California Civil Air Patrol during the

initial search. [and from another] http://onthescene.blogs.foxnews.com/author/adamhousley/ In the mountains off trail above Mammoth Lakes California near the area of Minaret Lake and Minaret Mine.

Apparently the man came across what appeared to be some papers lying in a remote path. Tattered and

crumpled on the ground, the Mammoth Lakes local found what appears to be two FAA cards that listed

the name Steve Fossett, both were apparently either issued or had some sort of connection to the State of

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Illinois. The two cards were found with a small amount of money and not far away, a sweat jacket, also a

bit worn and beaten up from the weather.

Steve Fossett was a man familiar with danger and how to survive on land, sea, or in the air, holding an astonishing

array of records - going round-the-world on an air balloon in 2002, a first ever accomplishment; breaking the record

for tran-Atlantic sailing in 2003 while retracing the route Columbus used in 1492; breaking the record for round-the-

world in a sailboat in 2004 by a full 6 days; going round-the-world on a glider in 2005 which set the record for a non-stop flight by any type of aircraft. He was inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame in 2006 for his numerous

accomplishments, and was planning to break yet another record in 2007 for land speed. Is this a man who would get

lost in the wild, while flying a small plane in broad daylight? The lack of a flight plan is explained by an apparent

intention to take off and land from the same strip. The failure of the plane's locator device is explained as a known

fault in older planes. Given that Steve would know this, and was taking off alone without a destination or flight path, why would he leave behind his personal locator device, a wrist watch? This was deliberate.

What drives a man such as Steve Fossett? Clearly a goal-driven man, a careful planner, he was nontheless aging. His

recent astonishing track record, since the year 2000, were due in great part to funding which he did not have in his

earlier years. Many of his past efforts required the physical strength and good health that a younger man has -

swimming the English Chanel at the age of 45, and completing the Iditarod dogsled race. What lies ahead for Steve? Is

this a man who retires gracefully from competition? To continue competition means, eventually, a string of failures

due to old age. One should quit while they are ahead, is often the adage. But Steve is a man who cannot do this, and

knows himself well enough to realize this. A string of failures would be his humiliating outcome, of that he was

certain. He decided on a type of suicide, but one which would leave no trace of his decision. Taking off from the

Hilton ranch, it was only a short flight to Area 51, famous for the security forces defending this military installation from prying eyes. Area 51 prevents overflight as well as land incursions, and does so with force. A small plane

ignoring warnings is pursued with more than warnings, is forced down. Seeing they had the famous Steve Fossett in

their custody, a quick decision had to be made. Should they release him, allow his fame to broadcast what he had

observed at Area 51, or should they detain him? He is alive, in detention, and unlikely to emerge. He has retired, the plane in a hanger and likely to be destroyed to remove all evidence. This was deliberate, an outcome Steve had hoped

would occur.

Below added on October 4, 2008

At the time of Steve Fossett's disappearance in a bright light blue plane, the largest aerial search ever was conducted.

Google Earth provided fresh satellite images of the region so that the public could assist. The California Civil Air

Patrol conducted no less than 19 flights over the area where the plane wreckage is now found. How does a bright light

blue and white plane get missed when it is thrown against rock at a high altitude and not lost in overgrowth of vegetation as it might be in a jungle. It doesn't. It as recently planted there. We stated at the time that Fossett had landed at Area 51, and intended to be deliberately lost to the world. He wanted to end his career on a high note, and

feared a steady decline as he aged. He wanted a new adventure. He left the on this last flight without his special

locator wrist watch, a gift from his wife. He left without filing a flight plan. Why then, a full year since his

disappearance, has his plane and other effects been planted where they would easily be found?

Mankind loves an unsolved mystery, and without a closing note on the Steve Fossett disappearance there would always

be those dedicating themselves to the search. So went the logic among those in charge of Area 51. The small single-

engine plane was taken from the hanger where it had been stored at Area 51 and hung beneath a military chopper by a

cable. The plane was released over the mountains, virtually flung against the mountainside during a maneuver by the

chopper which slung the small plane during a right-angle turn. This maneuver released the cable grip on the plane and

sent the plane at high speed into a cliff while the chopper was off to the side, avoiding the cliff. All this occurred under cover of night, with the lights off, but good visibility due to moon light. When the plane was not discovered promptly, due to the search of the area having been called off, Fossett's ID and some money were planted on a hiking path. What

are the odds of a wild animal dragging the ID and some money to a path? Would an animal be interested in the

contents of a wallet, which would have been snug in some pocket in any case.

The final piece to putting this mystery to rest is identification of body parts. Conveniently, some small bone which

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could provide DNA has been found. Did Area 51 personnel chop a finger off Steve Fossett for this gambit? DNA

verification has two parts - the DNA from the victim and the DNA on file somewhere, perhaps as indentification

during licensing or in medical files. It is a simple matter of determining where Fossett's DNA charts and samples reside and replacing them with DNA from some other cadaver whose body AREA 51 has in their possession. Who

were Fossett's doctors? Which hospitals had done tests? What special licenses had he sought and obtained? Click,

click, click and any DNA charts or frozen samples taken for DNA testing are replaced. Does the CIA and DOD intel

know who to break into a lab and effect such a swap? A locked door might stand between the perpetrators of such a

swap and the samples to be swapped, but DNA samples are not under guard or considered a high priority. As with the

DNA proof that the man hanged as Saddam Hussein was indeed the dictator of Iraq, the question is begged. Who was in possession of the file copies used for comparison. In the case of Hussein, it was the CIA! Where does trust lie?

Steve Fossett and Bud Light Spirit of Freedom Achieve

Aviation Milestone

July 4, 2002

Steve Fossetts successful 14 day, 19 hour and 51 minute

round the world quest came to a stunning finish at dawn

today as Bud Light Spirit of Freedom landed smoothly near

Lake Yamma Yamma (dry lake) in the east Australian

0utback, 725 miles northwest of Sydney.

San Salvador, Bahamas

February 24, 2003

Skipper Steve Fossett (USA) and his crew of 12 aboard the

maxi-catamaran PlayStation achieved more sailing history

Monday morning as they broke the East - West TransAtlantic

sailing record by over a day. They arrived at the island of

San Salvador, the Bahamas following their 229-1/2 hour

crossing from Cadiz, via the Canaries. Fossett and crew,

following the same route as Columbus in 1492.

New Round The World Sailing Record for Fossett and Crew on Cheyenne

April 5, 2004

American skipper Steve Fossett and his international crew of 12 aboard the 125' maxi-catamaran

Cheyenne crossed the official WSSRC start-finish line here at Le Stiff lighthouse on the French

island of Ouessant (Ushant). They have just demolished the 2 year old Round The World Sailing

record - by almost 6 days and fulfils Fossett's decade old ambition to achieve 'the most important

record in sailing'.

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Salina, Kansas, USA

March 4, 2005

The Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer, piloted by legendary aviator and record breaker Steve Fossett,

successfully landed at Salina, Kansas March 3, thereby earning Steve another truly important world

'first'. The solo round-the-world flight was completed in 67 hours and 2 minutes and 38 seconds. The

Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer took off for its round-the-world record attempt from Salina Airport,

Kansas on February 28.

Steve Fossett to be inducted into National Aviation Hall of Fame "Class

of 2007"

December 15, 2006

Pilot Steve Fossett, holder of numerous aviation world records in

balloons, gliders, airships and powered aircraft, and four other

aviation legends will be honored with the announcement that they are

to be enshrined in the The National Aviation Hall of Fame.

Steve Fosset's Jet-Powered Land Speed Record Challenger Nears

Completion at Nevada Base

July 11, 2007

Record breaking American aviator and adventurer Steve Fossett's

attack on the absolute land speed record will begin later this summer at the fabled Bonneville Salt

Flats in Utah, with initial tests commencing late August.

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ZetaTalk: Hitler

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ZetaTalk: Hitler

Hitler took the brunt of the rage against the Nazi as he was the puppet those who ran the regime hid behind. This is a common ploy used by those firmly in the Service-to-Self, as it is a common ploy used by those who want to evade

responsibility for their actions. The scapegoat is often selected well ahead of the crime, else the crime being planned would not occur. Hitler is a classic example of a scapegoat who willingly played into the hands of those manipulating

him, right up to the moment of his death. He had a damaged ego such that it needed stroking, as he was keenly aware

of his failings and how others felt about them. He was what is commonly called a loser, unsuccessful at all he tried his hand at. Women pitied him, unless they chose to mother him, but neither of these reactions was what he was looking

for, especially in light of an un-descended testicle.

Many damaged male egos wanting to pump up their image do so by becoming overly rigid, hoping this passes as

strength. Losers are often almost irresistibly drawn to the promise of instant fame or money and the power and

attention this brings. Hitler also had an additional vulnerability, in that he loved the Jews in a land that bore them much resentment due to jealousy over their accomplishments. He found the Jewish mother types especially appealing, as

they forgave him his lack of accomplishments and accepted his lack of manliness with good humor. He loved himself

in their presence, but this conflicted with his own need for an alternate self image and with German society in general.

He thus developed a love-hate relationship which could have run either way. The balance was tripped when the Nazis

began manipulating him, feeding him personal successes in return for hatred against the Jews.

The vehemence of his hatred was fed by his need to deny his affection. His ranting against the Jews for their financial success was an easy route for him to take due to his own history of failure at anything he put his hand to. He could put passion behind the party line that the Jewish blood line was impure as he was terrified that others would discover that he himself had Jewish bloodlines. His tough stance for continuous invasion of neighboring territories and directives for exterminating segments of the populace was simply an act he hoped his lovers would buy, which they did, taking

tough talk to be manliness. This act was easy for him to take, as he had no exposure to the consequences of his orders and speeches, as lacking in any real life work, he had led a sheltered and babied existence. When those who played the strings of their puppet Hitler no longer had use for him, he was suddenly faced with the consequences of his actions

and allowed others to kill him, acting as the dependent child he in fact was to the last.

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ZetaTalk: Wilhelm Reich

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ZetaTalk: Wilhelm Reich

Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

Many considered Wilhelm Reich to be simply a charming man with crack-pot theories, but the government of the US

considered him to be dangerous for one and only one reason. His theories were entirely bogus, but as he was

advocating orgasm as a means to achieving health, he raised the ire of the strongly anti-sexual church and state

establishment. Of course there was interest in his theories in a sexually repressed society, and those with health

problems caused in part by repression of their sex drives found themselves happier and healthier by indulging. His

treatments were guilt free as it was just the doctor’s orders! Both the church and state had an interest in maintaining sexual repression, as the Catholic church collected membership fees in exchange for forgiveness and the government

collected taxes from the millions frantically working themselves into exhaustion to dull their sex drives. He was

viewed as a menace to society, on whatever charges that would stick, and sent promptly to prison as an example to

anyone else thinking of promoting such theories.

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ZetaTalk: Fate

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ZetaTalk: Fate

Note: written on Jan 15, 1996

Frequently, those resigned or delighted by a turn of events ascribe it all to fate. They were fated to be a success or a failure, to meet or lose the love of their life, to bask in the public eye or be shunted aside, to live a long and healthy life or meet with an early end. Do their actions and resolve have nothing to do with these outcomes? Of course there is no pre-ordained script affecting one's incarnation, except that written by the entity themselves. This feeling that one's fate is sealed is not without basis, as the entity almost invariably has plans for the incarnation and takes charge from babyhood on with these goals in mind. How does this affect the incarnation?

Easily understood are circumstances where fame and fortune are desired, and this is the goal from the outset. The

babe, who ostensibly knows nothing of fame and fortune, is in fact found to be practicing the means by which it can

become the center of attention, and the toddler, who ostensibly knows nothing of deprivation or want, is found to be

hoarding and stashing toys and goodies. In retrospect, seeing the son grown to fame or wealth, the mother reflects and recalls these early indications of the so-called fate of the adult. Where the outcome is unpleasant, fate is given

responsibility, as who would wish themselves grief? However, just as often the entity wishes, out of guilt or curiosity, to experience degradation or setbacks, and sets about arranging this from the start. The ner-do-well, who drops a

course of action just as it starts to succeed, the ugly girl, who fails to stay trim or washed - all cause their fate in thousands of ways not always visible to others.

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ZetaTalk: Horoscopes

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ZetaTalk: Horoscopes

Note: written on Mar 15, 1996

In an attempt to explain why babes born during different months (in the case of the western horoscope), or during

different years (in the case of the Chinese horoscope) have different personalities, humans have looked to the stars.

The answer, however, is closer at hand, and is not anymore mysterious than the different personality shadings that

siblings develop based on their birth order. The western horoscope describes spring babes as enthusiastic, summer

babes as languid, fall babes as guarded, and winter babes as depressive - not unlike the seasons! Babes are highly

sensitive to the moods of their caretakers, and adopt more than the mannerisms of those they take to be their role


If this explains seasonal horoscopes, what on Earth would affect the twelve year cycles the Chinese have recorded?

There are many such cycles, noted even in the western world. New marriages must get past the seven year itch, and

youngsters reach the age of reason at the age of seven, and the major phases through adulthood have even been noted

to fall into such seven year cycles. Is this a type of biorhythm, a societal rhythm? It is indeed, as societies have a type of life, reflecting as they do the many lives of their members - somber years of marketing retraction followed by

adventurous rebellion, years of caution followed by playful extravagance. In the west, such cycles are termed

economic boom times or depression, conservative repression or high-flying extravagance such as the roaring twenties.

The Chinese cycles were developed when the factors influencing societies moods were limited, and thus had more

influence, where the more free wheeling west has more factors influencing its cycles.

Horoscopes thus are all very down to Earth.

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ZetaTalk: Magical Numbers

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ZetaTalk: Magical Numbers

Note: written on Jul 15, 1996

Magic numbers have significance only in the minds of the humans who repeat them and revere or fear them.

666 is associated with evil, or the devil, or the anti-Christ, but in and of itself is meaningless. 666 is a

memorable number, and thus was used as a type of name to be associated with entities operating in the Service-

to-Self orientation.

7 is not any more lucky than any other number, but is a number that seldom gets numerically caught up in the

primitive accounting practices of man, and thus seems more unique. 1 is constantly engaged, 2 is used in pairing,

3 is a tie-breaking group, 4 is a multiple of two, 5 reflects the digits on the hand, 6 is a multiple of two, and then there is 7.

11:11 is a number combination that intrigues humans because of the numerical possibilities. It is a double pair,

but also infers that the quad is composed of individuals and that each pair can operate alone. 11 is also an

uncommon number, not regularly used in primitive accounting practices, and thus could be inferred to have

magical properties when used.

Some numbers appear repeatedly in human math or human society because they entered the system for some logical or

sentimental reason and the system has grown around them until they became entrenched.

10 or any number that fits evenly into it such as 2 or 5 appear often due to the adoption of a 10 digital numbering

system, logical as man most often has 10 fingers.

12, the even dozen, has an ancient origin related to giving good measure, so that if a merchant parsed out 10 of

something, he would give an additional item per hand, for good measure or good will. If one of the items paid

for proved to be faulty, the extra would make up for that.

360, or its derivative 36, appears in human math to describe a circle of 360 degrees, and not by accident. The

decision to assign 360 degrees to a circle was entirely arbitrary, as any number could have been used. 360 comes

from the ancient Summerian word shar, as Sitchen has explained, due to the average number of years it took the

12th Planet to make a circle. All else, such as the number 90 to represent a right angle, followed.

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ZetaTalk: Numerology

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ZetaTalk: Numerology

Note: written on Mar 15, 1996

Humans have a fascination with regularity and rhythm in nature, and find this comforting as their own bodies have

such rhythms - in heartbeat, biorhythms, and sleep-wake cycles. The dance, repetitious motions during exercise,

rocking the baby, and music all reflect man finding comfort in regularity and rhythm. Nature's patterns are everywhere, from the pedals of flowers evenly spaced in swirls to the intricate and balanced designs that snowflakes form. Thus it is that humans often seek regularity and rhythm in the midst of confusion, for comfort. The overwrought rock

themselves, tap a pencil, or rub their chin. If the anxiety involves unknowns in the future, they may look for patterns by which to form predictions. Luck 7, 13 spells doom, he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not, and so forth.

There is no consistent number used in nature, nor is there any spiritual significance to numbers. Even we, the Service-to-Other Zetas, who are so often reported in groups of 3, do so only because we often work as peers, and without a

leader a tie must be broken when instant decisions must be made out in the field where all votes are equal.

Numerology seeks to comfort, to put unknowns into familiar categories, but numerology is without basis in fact. Those

advocates who state otherwise, laying out patterns that fit the prediction, are screening what they see to fit the

expectation. However, perhaps they are a bit less anxious.

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ZetaTalk: Tarot Cards

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ZetaTalk: Tarot Cards

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

Fortune tellers use many vehicles on which to place their psychic perceptions, as the bold faced assertion that the

predictions are based on what the questioner is laying before the fortune teller like an open book would tend to

diminish the credibility of the fortune teller, and most certainly would ruin the mystique. Whether the fortune teller uses a crystal ball, I Ching, Tarot Cards, or reads tea leaves, the process is the same. The mind and heart of the

anguished or eager human sitting across the table are what is being read, and the common sense and compassion of the

psychic fortune teller are what determines the result.

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ZetaTalk: Ouija Boards

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ZetaTalk: Ouija Boards

Note: written on Jan 15, 1997

All intelligent creatures wish to know the future, and humans are no exception. They wish to divine whether the one

they have their eye on is likely to return their affections, whether their fortunes will turn for the better or take a loss, whether the path they have set upon will prove to be the right choice, or whether a child that they are flourishing much attention upon will meet their hopes when grown. Humans read horoscopes, tea leaves, and palms, and use any other

method they can that promises, however falsely, to give them the answers they seek. It is not surprising, then, that the Ouija Board is held in high regard by humans anxious to know the answer to their burning questions.

The success attributed to the Ouija Board methods, however, are due only to the humans whose hands direct the

answers. The Ouija Board is credited with spelling out known names and likely dates, when in truth this is entirely

within the control of the humans with their hands on the pointer, eyes closed or not. It takes but a moment to mentally record the pattern of letters and numbers, and the distance between them. Even blindfolded, the human hand can trace

what the mind remembers, and sense the tension in the air when this or that target is close.

For those who think that spirits are near on occasion, when the Ouija Board is used, this is entirely possible as the

intent of many while using this board is to call these spirits. This is indeed giving The Call, and depending upon the mindset of the caller the result may be a visit from entities in the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other. Using the Ouija Board in and of itself is not giving The Call, if the human understands the exercise to be simply a way of divining their subconscious wishes or knowledge, but if the human is convinced that the Ouija Board is a sure link to the spirit world and then proceeds to use the Ouija Board, they are indeed giving The Call.

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ZetaTalk: Reverse Speech

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ZetaTalk: Reverse Speech

Note: written on Jan 15, 1997

There is no such phenomena as reverse speech, and all such discoveries are just imagination. The human body is not

designed to speak intelligibly in a reverse manner, simultaneous to forward speech spoken at a different speed. The

human mind perceives rolling forward and does not replay backwards, and simply is not geared that way because

nature does not play things backwards. Humans evolved on Earth to deal with sights and sounds around them, not with

an artificial phenomena. Always nervous about being tempted by the Devil, humans as most 3rd Density intelligent

species look for signs that this is occurring. Discontent to simply rely on their intuition, they want a truth test that can be applied. It's just so much easier. Of course, if any human is being tempted by visiting entities in the Service-to-Self, is it because they asked for this, by giving The Call, but as it's so much more comfortable to point the finger elsewhere, the pointing finger wants someplace to land. Reverse speech is just the thing.

As an avenue only recently detectable, due to modern electronic playback systems which can play video and audio

tapes in either direction, and at any speed, it has recently experienced a rush of attention which, we predict, will not last. In point of fact, any conversation played backwards at various speeds will sound vaguely like a recognizable

speech phrase. Don't children lay on their backs on a summer day and call out shapes that the clouds assume? Don't

pet owners claim their pets are talking due to the cadence of the meow or whimper? If one expects to find a phrase,

and plays speech or music backwards long enough and at different speeds, eventually some sounds will seem to

emerge that bear a faint relationship to a word or two. This is particularly true of music or speech that threatens the control of the establishment - parents determined to rein in their teen-agers, or rigidly religious folks determined to eliminate what they term temptation so that their urges cannot run away with them.

Where reverse speech is not truly occurring, there is another phenomena in place in which people are trying to ascribe a physical medium for information that they understand intuitively. Human beings who are barely aware of their

incarnated spirit, often have knowledge that they cannot ascribe to any source. Did they hear it on TV, the radio, read it in a book, or hear it from a buddy? No, but they just simply have this information, have no explanation for where it

came from. Often people are simply looking for a source. If someone has that information and are trying to relay it,

they frequently find they have to package it in some way or people won't even listen. If they simply say they have a

thought that popped into their head, who is going to listen? There must be some kind of a logical explanation. Thus, in dealing with reverse speech, one should listen with an open heart and mind to the underlying message, which may

have a great deal of truth to it.

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ZetaTalk: Robert Monroe

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ZetaTalk: Robert Monroe

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

Emotions have been troubling to many, as they impel a human into taking action that he might later regret. This regret manifests as a result of defensive emotions of anger or fear, where the human might find that they have murdered

another or lost something of value due to abandoning it in fright. This regret can also manifest as a result of desires, where one can be overcome with regret the day after the wedding night, or when faced with having to support an

unwanted child carried by a mother who was only to be a sexual dalliance. Thus emotions have often been blamed for

keeping mankind base, where it is imagined he cannot raise to a higher spiritual plane until he masters his emotions.

This notion is patently untrue, and progress toward maturing in either of the spiritual orientations proceeds regardless of whether the entity is incarnated in an intelligent species that is highly emotional or essentially without emotion.

When Robert Monroe discovered that he could go Out-Of-Body he attempted to understand the mechanism, so as to

teach and thus enable others to do the same. Going Out-Of-Body is not a practice that responds to any physical tweaking, as he suspected, as music or mind-sets or positions of the body are irrelevant. Going Out-Of-Body is

something that humans experience quite by accident, and having experienced this some are able to recreate the setting

and go Out-Of-Body almost at will. However, the knowledge of the mechanism is not in the conscious mind, nor is it even in the subconscious mind. It lies in the soul, which is after all the traveler, and the soul is not influenced by sounds or lights or physical positions of the body. Many contactees learn how to go Out-Of-Body during a visitation,

and the force of visitor's souls, which are often massive, is a factor in this. Returned to human society, they may or may not remember how to achieve this state. Most certainly, reducing one's emotional response to the world around

them has nothing to do with the ability to go Out-Of-Body.

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ZetaTalk: Deja Vu

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ZetaTalk: Deja Vu

Note: written on Mar 15, 1996

It is not imagination when humans experience what they term Deja Vu, the feeling of having been before in a place, in

a setting, or under similar circumstances. In most cases the distinct and haunting feeling of Deja Vu is a memory, emerging from a past life. Most of the memories stored from past lives cannot emerge, although the entity is aware of

them and never forgets, as unless the current incarnation affords a circumstance where the memory seems appropriate

there simply is not an opening. Once such an opening occurs, the human may ponder and dwell on the moment,

entranced, and draw out further details. Unless the human is aware of reincarnation, is a believer, they speculate on all manner of causes, such as travel into the future or parallel lives, but Deja Vu is simply a memory from the past.

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ZetaTalk: Chi

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ZetaTalk: Chi

Note: written on Jan 15, 1996

We have spoken of a Mind/Body connection, where the mind directs and affects the body, and how exceptional

concentration can increase this connection; of a Spirit/Body connection, whereby the incarnated spirit influences the physical body to the degree that the body can respond; and of a Mind/Spirit connection, whereby the spirit likewise

influences the mind by affecting the brain chemistry that constitutes thought. In sum, this constitutes the life-force, and there is no force such as chi outside of these parameters. The spirit cannot exhort the mind or body beyond what it is able. All tales to the contrary should take into consideration the suggestibility of the mere mortals who wish it to be otherwise.

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ZetaTalk: Homeopathy

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ZetaTalk: Homeopathy

Note: written on Jun 15, 2002

Homeopathy, the concept that physical reactions to disease and the cure have some relationship both has and does not have a valid basis. It has long been known that cancer is sometimes cured by a high fever, such as Chickenpox

infection. This is the immune system being spiked, along with a desire on the part of the patient to live, such that the immune system is no longer suppressed due to depression and a silent desire to end the life. Here we have cancer

causing weakness and fever, due to secondary infections and lack of appetite, and we have the Chickenpox causing the

same symptoms, thus the homeopathy concept applied. Allergy is at times treated by desensitizing the patient, giving

them small bits of the allergen until the reaction seems to stop. Is this curing the allergy or managing it, or taking advantage of a natural reaction? In fact, allergy patients will often report that if exposed for long times, years, their allergy reactions reduce. Worse at first, later reducing, as the body sorts out the true onslaught to the immune system over time. So is desensitization, creating more of the same symptoms as the disease, a cure, or a manipulation of the body’s natural tendencies? Homeopathy, is primarily a hope, and like voodoo and the placebo effect, where the will or hope effect the cure hoped for, is not factual in the main. Those living in countries where homeopathy is unknown fare as well or as poorly as those in countries where this is a theory respected.

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ZetaTalk: Acupuncture

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ZetaTalk: Acupuncture

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

The Chinese have a long tradition with acupuncture, which speaks to its effectiveness. Surely patients would not

submit to a treatment involving needles if it were not so! Yet the success of this treatment has nothing to do with the action of the needles, which are in this but a prop. The success of the treatment is a byproduct, caused in fact by the distraction of pain. So many illnesses are caused by nervous tension, and so many more affected, that nervous tension

is perhaps the most prominent cause of physical distress. Headaches, belly aches, aches in the joints or muscles, tight throat, sour stomach, constipation, loose bowel, numbness, blurry eyesight, ringing in the ears - take away nervous

tension and most of this goes away.

The suffering one goes to the acupuncturist, in distress, resigned to the prospect of all those needles. Natural anesthesia is used as none else is offered. Put your mind somewhere else, disconnect from reality, float past the stinging pain,

think about the relaxing heat coming through the needles, concentrate on the healing process one imagines is in process

- and through all of this, like magic, the patient forgets that which was making them tense. They relax, feel better, and credit the acupuncture which, in truth, they should.

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ZetaTalk: Voodoo

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ZetaTalk: Voodoo

Note: written on Apr 15, 1996

The power of suggestion is both dismissed and held in awe by humans, who claim it might be able to affect other weak minded individuals, but certainly not themselves. The media presents hypnosis as being able to cause individuals

selected at random from an audience to make complete fools of themselves in front of the world, clucking like

chickens and attempting to peck at seed, for instance. Likewise, the media shows hypnotized individuals, like human

time bombs, walking about in human society in a normal manner, but set to explode into action when a key word is

spoken or a visual picture presented.

Hypnosis, of the power of suggestion, does not work in this manner, as in all cases the individual must be in full compliance. One cannot be hypnotized to do what one does not want to do, although the suggestion can certainly be presented during hypnosis. Hypnosis encourages the conscious to relax its hold, allowing the subconscious to

communicate. Any suggestions made to an individual are, perforce, being made to the subconscious, which is the solid

common sense arena and processes suggestions rather than blindly accepting them. Hypnosis is used to get past the

rigidities and denial imposed by the conscious, to place the conscious by the side where it can be an observer and

become better integrated as a result of the discussions.

That said, how does voodoo work, as indeed it does.

Voodoo relies on the victim's belief systems, as without this no magic exists. Someone who had never heard the myths,

subjected to all the incantations and pointing fingers and objects stolen or placed in one's personal quarters, would

merely scratch their head. What's with them, they would wonder. On the other hand, humans raised in these cultures are impressed with the belief that voodoo works, palpable fear in the voices of the elders relaying the many tales.

Spells cast upon humans thus primed to react set in motion a cycle of fear that can indeed kill. Fear can stop the heart by constricting arteries leading to the heart, or can drive the blood pressure to a point where blow-outs occur. Cast a spell and the ashen victim is found dead in their quarters the next day. Such a cooperative victim!

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ZetaTalk: Blaire Witch

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ZetaTalk: Blaire Witch

Blaire Witch was not extraterrestrial or done by spirits, but by powerful spirits incarnated in humans who wished to be left alone, which they arranged by quite human means. Similar to VooDoo, where the suggestible did themselves in.

Note: below added during the Aug 31, 2002 Live ZeatTalk IRC Session.

How would it be, that a scenario such as the Blair Witch would make it to the theater, without a basis in fact behind it?

Dinosaurs are interesting to the public, because of bones. Ghosts, and hauntings, kidnappings and stalkings, bank

robberies and secret love affairs - all because they have a basis in fact. Blair Witch would be without interest, unless real, which it is, regardless of what the producers decide to Announce. Of course, they did not publish the filming of an actual event. Of course, they staged the filming. But did they get the idea, and think it captivating, because it was a real situation? Yes. As this is he-said/she-said, we doubt the issue to be settled just because we-said.

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ZetaTalk: Jesus

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ZetaTalk: Jesus

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding Jesus being the Son of God. This is a touchy subject. As the saying goes, if one wants to remain above a

bickering argument, don't talk about religion or politics. However, it seems a third item should be added to this list, that being the alien presence. As we are already embroiled in controversy, what's a little more heat?

Jesus was not an ordinary man, but he was no more the son of God than any other human. Jesus was an entity from a

higher dimension, who had earned the right to function in a higher density, that being above 3rd Density. Bear in mind that there are many, many entities among humans now, functioning in human society, who are operating in the same

manner as Jesus was in his day. We are speaking here of entities who have come to a lower density, and incarnated

here, in order to influence human affairs, human spiritual evolution. Jesus was a very high grade entity operating in the Service-to-Other orientation. He was immovable in that regard, meaning that those allowing him to come to Earth and

undertake the incarnation could trust him not to veer from his stated path.

When Jesus was on Earth, he lived the life of a normal man, as all incarnations into human form do. He had sexual

hungers, felt despondent when alone and rejected, and doubted his ability to deal with issues before him. He was

human, in every regard. As with all incarnations, by the Rules of Forgetfulness, he did not remember his prior spiritual state, where he lived in light and wonder, a veritable feast of learning and exploration. He chose his path, as Jesus, for the message he wished to deliver was, to him, a primary message of great importance, and the flack he met was not at

all unexpected. Jesus knew he would take heat. That he was tortured to death was not a surprise to him. He is reported to have expressed surprise, or dejection on the cross, reportedly saying "Father, why have you forsaken me". The humans in attendance interpreted his comments with their own view, and took this to be despair or resentment. Our

understanding was that he was asking for things to move along more quickly, as anyone being tortured does.

Jesus accomplished his mission in formulating and disseminating a message of love for others, and sacrifice for love.

This message is the opposite of the Service-to-Self message, which is love thyself, and sacrifice for no one. The words of Jesus, where possible, have been corrupted by those who wish to see mankind headed toward the Service-to-Self

orientation. Most of the words of Jesus were spoken carefully, and spoken often enough, so that their meaning could

not be corrupted. He repeated the same message in many different contexts, and to many different groups. In this he

succeeded in passing on a legacy, the legacy he intended. Jesus was not alone in incarnating from a higher density in

order to assist in the spiritual evolution of humankind. Buddha and Mohammed, among others, have done likewise,

with similar results. The message bearer should not be blamed for the twists made upon their message. Look to those

who are perpetrating the twists, and place blame accordingly.

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ZetaTalk: Buddha

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ZetaTalk: Buddha

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Buddha was a Star Child, and as such arrived on Earth from a higher density with a great deal more knowledge than

the humans he mingled among. As with all incarnations, the corporeal mind and body are ignorant, and only gradually

absorb what the incarnating spirit understands. Some call this process enlightenment, an apt term. Buddha did not

require others, such as teachers, to become enlightened, as this was a self-directed process. Buddha attempted to

communicate, through teachings to mankind, a message of how to balance the needs of the human body with spiritual

growth. Yes and no, he succeeded.

During his lifetime, Buddha was able to set in motion the dissemination of his philosophy, what he hoped to teach

mankind. This motion has never lost its momentum, nor the purity of its message, but alternate interpretations more to the liking of those who were lazy or indulgent sprang up, and these interpretations have been running in parallel with Buddha's intended message. Buddha's message has thus been primarily interpreted to be a directive to enjoy life, but

that is not altogether what he was attempting to teach. This is a one-sided interpretation, the big bellied smiling

Buddha, enjoying life without worry. What happened to the spiritual message?

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ZetaTalk: Mohammed

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ZetaTalk: Mohammed

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Mohammed, like Jesus and Buddha, was an entity from another world who incarnated on Earth in hopes of spreading

knowledge about the spiritual realm. Yes and no, they succeeded. Mohammed would be horrified to learn of the

militaristic stance some of his supposed followers have taken. His message was to blend with the Universe, in peace,

to blunt the aggressive nature of man so as to listen to the whispers of the spheres. Most of his followers correctly

understand his message, but are lost in the thunderstorm coming from many of the Muslim leaders, who would spread

blood over all the landscape to win a small point. They send forth their faithful youth to die on false promises of an afterlife they cannot deliver. And like most of the world's religious elite, they know this full well. Parasites on the blood of their young, whom they care not for.

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ZetaTalk: Maitreya

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ZetaTalk: Maitreya

written Nov 28, 2005

Maitreya is supposed to be the coming new World Teacher, head of the Hierarchy of Masters to lead

mankind into the new age. Is he for real or is this misinformation. Please ask the Zetas. If he is who he

says, the Zetas should know of him.

We have mentioned that the Earth's Transformation into a world to be inhabited only by those staunchly in the

Service-to-Other orientation has been scheduled to occur during the coming pole shift. This, because the die-off from the pole shift will foster a rapid change in incarnations, so that the souls of those scheduled to inherit the Earth due to their Service-to-Other orientation can quickly reincarnate, and those souls scheduled to incarnate elsewhere can be

quickly relocated. This pole shift is anticipated to be harsh, with a 90% die-off in the population resulting.

Beyond being mentioned in prophecy and religion as a time of great geological upheaval, the time is referred to for its socio-political aspects and the spiritual transformation that will occur. Known as Armageddon in the Christian religion, for instance, with the return of Jesus predicted and war and rumors of war. Known as the Mahdi in Islam, with a

similar outcome and timing tied to the return of Jesus. During a world Transformation, there is a polarizing of the

spiritual orientations into Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other groups. The Service-to-Self, losing out on control of the world they must now leave, show their rage at loss by attempting power grabs such as the current War in Iraq, an

obvious attempt to control the worlds oil resources, thus the anticipated war mongering centered in the Middle East, in prophecy.

We have mentioned that the three great religions of the Earth were founded by Star Children, with Buddha,

Mohammed, and Jesus all having a similar mission and message. Of course, this message has been distorted by

ambassadors from the Service-to-Self, who inserted rules and regulations and wage religious wars. We have

mentioned that the anticipated return of Christ should not be interpreted to be this particular soul, who is busy elsewhere at all times on missions similar to the one he had on Earth. What he meant was that many in the Service-to-Other, his obvious orientation, would be coming to Earth at this time. Likewise with the Buddha, the Maitreya, which

is understood to be many, not one, persona.

Signs of the Times #1516

Maitreya is supposed to be the coming new World Teacher, head of the Hierarchy of Masters to

lead mankind into the new age. Is he for real or is this misinformation. Please ask the Zetas. If he is

who he says, the Zetas should know of him. [and from another] http://www.shareintl.org/ Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth

Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfills all these

expectations is already living among us. Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with

a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes. They are

returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems. [and from

another] http://www.crystalinks.com/maitreya.html Maitreya, in Buddhism, the future Buddha, a Buddha who will be reborn in a period of decline to renew the doctrine of the founder of Buddhism,

the Buddha. [and from another] http://www.irshad.org/islam/prophecy/mahdi.htm The Holy Prophet Muhammad has prophesied about several events that will occur just before the advent of the day of

judgment. Al Mahdi will materialize when the believers are severely oppressed in every corner of

the world. He will fight the oppressors, unite the Muslims, bring peace and justice to the world, rule

over the Arabs, and lead a prayer in Mekkah at which Jesus will be present.

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ZetaTalk: Taoism

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ZetaTalk: Taoism

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

Among the philosophies from the Orient is one that espouses education through observation, specifically observation of nature. Where other philosophies from the Orient espouse either meditation, removing oneself from the environment

and closing off what the sense perceive, or seeking a balance between the attention to self needed for self preservation and cohesiveness and concern for others in the community, Taoism states that nature itself is the teacher and that each man must attend to his lessons alone. Taoism has an obscure beginning, as it was not brought to the attention of man

by the normal means, by the hand of a great and popular philosopher. Taoism developed as a result of discussion

among men, and was passed through many generations as a spoken work long before being put into print. Thus there is

no author, and this was by intent. Without an author, there is less of a target, so the philosophy is less subject to attack by those who would control the minds of men. Thus the Tao philosophy has remained pure, simple statements passed

along by so many routes that the message has not become corrupt.

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ZetaTalk: Sai Baba

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ZetaTalk: Sai Baba

Note: written on Jun 15, 1997

Mystics claiming special qualities are nothing new, in any age, but at the current time are given more credence than

usual due to the approach of the millennium. The millennium has been wrapped for ages in a double message -

salvation and peace on the one hand, death and destruction on the other. People confused and frightened by the

legends, which permeate all human cultures in some manner, will be increasingly inclined to grasp at any explanation

that promises security and takes away the worry. How much better than the promise of a returning messiah is the

reality of one living and among the anxious! Such is the promise that Sai Baba attempts to deliver, and for those

willing to put aside skepticism or scrutiny of the many claims about the man, comfort at least is delivered. Is he the messiah, the spirit who was Jesus, returned? Hardly!

Sai Baba is reputed to have said that all his followers will be protected during the coming Earth changes. Of course this is not true, and is elitism at its worst. Those who state that their followers will be saved are of course trying to secure for themselves increased advantage that they have enjoyed, because the more desperation there is the more faithful and slavish will be their following. Of course, the disappointment will be severe, but by that time the leaders who have

duped people will have secured what they wish to and squirreled away their own safety and will not be around to be

questioned afterwards.

Due to the fact that this world has chosen, by vote of the souls on Earth, to be a Service-to-Other planet, those

individuals currently incarnated by Service-to-Other souls can maintain their current incarnation should they wish it in order to help their fellow man struggle through these trying times after the Pole Shift. This has been misinterpreted in the past as being ascendance up into the heavens of the faithful. Of course it's not that, it's not faithfulness to any set of rules and regulations such as Christianity. Less than a third of humanity is truly Service-to-Other, and qualify, the rest still undecided or leaning to self centeredness. And most of those who qualify, the vast majority, close to 85% perhaps, refuse this assistance.

They wish to be with those who depend on them at their most trying time, when fear may overtake them, when they

may turn, in hopelessness, to thoughts of saving themselves at the expense of others. They wish to continue to be, as

they often are, the mainstay for others, the strong person who supports and is calm in times of crisis, even if that puts themselves at personal risk of death or injury. Most often, therefore, the lift is declined. When Sai Baba or any other states that their followers will be protected, they are therefore not speaking to such individuals. This in and of itself is an indication of the true nature of this group.

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ZetaTalk: Miracles

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ZetaTalk: Miracles

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Many stories about Jesus are based on true incidences with untrue distortions. How and why did this occur? Based on

the stories being spread about Jesus, a simple statement made in error by a single person can spread and grow in

details as it does. Think of the rumors you have today, and how easily disinformation can catch on and continue. He

seemed to them to be consistently so much more than a man, and indeed he was. And as he face the terrors they faced

with such equanimity, his faithful concluded he must be a god. Why else would the threat of torture and death leave

his face serene?

Did Jesus walk on water? Desert sands, particularly in flat areas, produce mirages, and a common mirage is

water. A human walking at a distance can be seen as walking on water.

Did Jesus raise the dead? As Jesus was well connected to entities from higher densities, he was able and not

reluctant to give The Call for help in many situations. Thus he on occasion was instrumental in curing people

who had been stricken and at the point of death. It is well known that severely ill people can appear to be dead,

and have on occasion even been buried alive because of this confusion. Such a person, recovering suddenly

because of intervention, would be rumored to have been raised from the dead.

Did Jesus mold a bird from clay? He found and rescued a bird caught and caked in dried clay so that flight or

even motion was impossible. This was subsequently explained as creating a bird from the clay.

Did Jesus make many loaves of bread from one or wine from water? A few of the faithful seated close to Jesus

as he lectured, having brought their own lunch, would conclude that their lunch had been multiplied on

observing the following: Jesus notes that new comers are without food, and asks those who had brought lunch to

share, helping in the distribution. Later more new comers arrive, with various foods which they share among

themselves. The original arrivals look over their shoulders, noting the masses and the sharing of food, and make

an erroneous conclusion based on their heartfelt admiration for Jesus.

Did Jesus resurrect from the dead? The supposed resurrection of Jesus from the dead was, of course, a story

based on the widespread human custom of carrying beloved deceased to what the bearers considered a proper

burial. As Jesus had relayed that death is not the end, that his faithful could expect to meet him again, the

disappearance of his corpse, a true occurrence, was supplemented with supposition. Where did he go? He

resurrected, was the supposition.

How do we know these things about Jesus? Where we, the individual Zetas speaking to you, were not necessarily

there, or reading from some sort of written record, we are consulting with Jesus himself and the group of entities he

works with, his team. We go to the source for this information.

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ZetaTalk: Messiah

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ZetaTalk: Messiah

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The Christians claim that Jesus was the Messiah but the Muslims claim he was the wrong man, and the Jews say the

Messiah hasn't arrived as yet. The problem here, of course, is that there isn't any Messiah, so any such attribute

ascribed to any human just won't stick. Mankind must save itself, and in particular, each human must save him or

herself. The desire to be saved is not something that springs from humans, but an idea that has been put forth by the

religious elite. If mankind can be made nervous about their future chances, then they will be all the more likely to seek assistance from the religious elite, and pay well for it we might add. Each human makes their own path, and earns their own reward, and payment of money or goods and services to the religious elite has no effect whatsoever other than to

make the religious elite happy.

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ZetaTalk: Virgin Birth

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ZetaTalk: Virgin Birth

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The mother of Jesus did indeed have a Virgin Birth, and correctly ascribed this to a visit from an entity not of the

Earth, an entity she called an angel. We would direct the reader to what has been documented extensively about the

ability of extraterrestrials to manipulate human births. Jesus was the product of the union between Mary's egg and a

man's sperm. Her husband Joseph, an old man, was impotent with old age. She required a donor, but was not the type

of woman to be unfaithful to her husband, no matter what the mission. She was assisted in her desire to bear a child, to bear this special child, as both she and Joseph had given The Call to Service-to-Other entities strongly and repeatedly and understood full well the hardships their life might bear because of it. As artificial insemination was an unknown

science in those days, the Virgin Birth was explained as best the people knew how. Thus, the story as told is essentially correct.

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ZetaTalk: Crucifixion

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ZetaTalk: Crucifixion

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Jesus did not die on the cross for all of mankind, and this was the last thought in his mind at the time. Jesus incited the wrath of the establishment because he preached that man was free and encouraged free thought. He disliked money

changers, seeing them as usurious and parasitic on the hard work of the people, and didn't hesitate to say so. He

suggested that the wealthy class should share their profits more equitably with the people who made these profits

possible, the workers. None of this rested well with the established, the rulers, who were well connected to the

bankers, merchants, and wealthy of that day. They considered Jesus a threat to their comfortable life, a rabble rouser.

He was crucified as the result of a death sentence, just as innumerable other people were crucified at that time. Did

they all die so that mankind would not have to suffer?

Many legends have sprung up surrounding the death of Jesus by crucifixion. Jesus, being at ease with the telepathic

nature that humans normally posses, had tapped into the fact that his enemies were arranging the circumstances of his

crucifixion. Because he commented on this outcome his followers have endlessly speculated as to what was meant by

his comments. He simply meant that what he expected had come to pass. As Jesus had an avid following convinced he

was no ordinary man, his followers sought to recover his body and give it what they deemed a proper burial. In their

fervor they disturbed more than one grave, and this has resulted in the tale that many graves opened and the dead arose and walked forth. Of course, this never happened! The heart wishes it to be so, especially as the heart wishes the

beloved Jesus to live still, so the heart drives the legend.

Stories about the crucifixion of Jesus abound, as much to promote the Christian faith as to discredit it. Rival faiths, such as the Islamic faith, have purported stories to counter Christian stories. Thus, as Christians state that Jesus died on the cross for all of mankind, essentially creating a martyrdom situation where all of mankind might feel obliged

somehow to Jesus and therefore the religious elite who claim to represent him, the Islamic religious elite sought to

counter this. What greater blow to a supposed martyr than to cast aspersions on their dedication and state, as they have, that Jesus did not take the crucifixion but required a double for this painful situation? The problem with this story

telling game is that neither story is correct and is therefore an utter waste of time on all sides.

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ZetaTalk: Shroud of Turin

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ZetaTalk: Shroud of Turin

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The current shroud of Turin is a well concocted fake, done by chemists in the late 1950's. These individuals were

interested in increased activity in their local area, to increase business in general. They lacked an attraction, so created one. The method used to create the fake left no residuals, as most chemical reactions do not after a time. Thus this fake cannot be proved or disproved, and the controversy only incites interest, so the promoters get the desired outcome,

either way.

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ZetaTalk: Da Vinci Code

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ZetaTalk: Da Vinci Code

written May 6, 2006

May we know the veracity of, from the knowledgeable Zetas, the Da Vinci code? The central tenet of the

book is that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had children.

Fascinating and full of intrigue, this story is more than secret societies and their goals of gaining wealth and power through cooperation, more than the tight control religions seek over lay people maintaining a mystique of godliness that cannot be challenged, as the story involves codes laid into art work by a famous artisan, Da Vinci. Is there truth to the tale? There is truth to this tale, but it is also fiction. However, the current version of the Bible is also fiction, in many of its sections, if not deliberately confusing. Primarily, the Bible is hiding the truth by what has been omitted, during the periodic purges that occurred at the hands of those who wanted to enhance the control the evolving Church

would have over those they sought to lead. What does the Church stand to gain? Wealth gained from forced

contribution to the Church, an inability of the layman to challenge the Church which asserts it is the voice of God, and the sense of power the ability to rule over the personal lives of laymen brings to those at the head of the Church.

Da Vinci did indeed know the truth about the life of Jesus, being omitted from the Bible. We have stated in the past

that Jesus was not a virgin, not a celebate man, and had the same desires as a normal man, and indeed married a young

woman in her early teens, a situation so common as to be the norm in the culture and times. He had children, almost

half a dozen, primarily girls as his marital relations were frequent and he took care to include his wife in sexual

arousal, being a conscientious and caring husband. Was his wife Mary Magdalene, ever present during his life and at

the foot of his cross during his death, along with his mother? Yes. Did Jesus die on the cross? Yes, as the rule was to not remove a man from crucifixion until death was certain. Did his wife and children then move to France and become

part of the aristocracy? They of course escaped the area, fearing reprisals, but had no need nor means to travel that far.

His blood line, mere DNA not at all related to his spiritual nature, is irrelevant. They disbursed, married and had

children, and were simply genetic code, just human, not bearing his depth of spirit.

Was Da Vinci giving clues in his artwork? What other means was available to him, with the grim hand of the religious

elite determined to eliminate the truth from the evolving Bible? More secrets are in his artwork than have been

discovered to date. Should this inflame those intent on uncovering the truth, there is another secret omitted from the Bible more important for those living today - the truth about prior pole shifts and the forthcoming shift. It is also no secret that the Kolbrin, considered a parallel Bible and hidden from destruction in Scottish monasteries, details the pole shift causing the Flood and occurring during the Exodus. This material originated from the Egyptians, who kept

immaculate records. Should this origin cause the faithful to discount the Kolbrin, look to the Book of Enoch, another

book carried forward from the Jews, the originators of the Old Testament, who also were required by their laws to

record only the truth, and not embellish. Enoch, a man mentioned in the Old Testament, was dropped because it described the forthcoming pole shift, and the signs that would preclude this. The Third Secret of the Fatima, also about the forthcoming pole shift, is yet another example of the Church suppressing the truth, as they care not for informing and empowering their flock, but only about continuing their control and positions of power.

I would love to have the Zeta's comment on the recent alleged discovery of the Judas Gospel.

Truth can be turned into falsehood by being sculpted to deliver a different message. This is true in the case of the Da Vinci Code discoveries, where the normal life of Jesus as a married man was removed from the texts allowed to be delivered to the masses so that the religious elite could claim a relationship to God they did not have. The crucifixion was to be enhanced, something done to Jesus, the worst horror. Thus, being betrayed by a friend, by a bribery, was a better part of the story than any desire Jesus might have had to become a martyr. It is often said that the establishment hesitates to kill someone the common man has come to admire and look to, as the person then becomes larger in death

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ZetaTalk: Da Vinci Code

than in life. Look at the life of Martin Luther King, for instance. Would the US be celebrating his day had he lived?

Information removed from the texts allowed the role of Judas to become what it is today, a traitor.

Signs of the Times #1590

Breaking The Da Vinci Code http://www.christianitytoday.com/ The book claims almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false. Why? Because of a single meeting of bishops in 325, at

the city of Nicea in modern-day Turkey. There church leaders who wanted to consolidate their

power base, called, anachronistically, the Vatican, or the Roman Catholic church, created a divine

Christ and an infallible Scripture-both novelties that had never before existed among Christians.

Until that moment in history, Jesus was viewed by his followers as a mortal prophet, a great and

powerful man, but a man nonetheless.

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ZetaTalk: Holy Icons

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ZetaTalk: Holy Icons

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Religious icons do not serve the faithful as much as they do the religious elite. The Islamic religion has their icons, such as the Ka'bah, what they call the Holy Black Stone, just as the Christians revere the symbol of Christ on the

Cross. When symbolism is asked to stand in the stead of real thoughts and feelings, real connection to the current

reality, enslavement of humans can occur. We are not speaking here of enslavement as in bondage, with restraints and

physical abuse. We are speaking here of intellectual and emotional bondage, where the thoughts and feelings are tied

up in a regimented manner. One is to look at the icon and be overcome with a particular emotion, without question. To

do otherwise brings frowns and suspicion down on a human. Have they lost their faith? All this serves the religious

elite, as where the thoughts and feelings are busy with obligations, there can be little room for insights and rebellion.

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ZetaTalk: Bible Code

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ZetaTalk: Bible Code

Note: written on Feb 15, 2000

The Bible Code does not exist. This is nonsense. The Bible Code is something that people have pieced together. They

have stated that periodically, every third beat or according to some pattern, that something appears in the text. Why

would Jesus, who spoke very simply to the common man, who stated his message over and over so it would not get

garbled, speak in such codes and then bury them so that only certain individuals could find them? If one took

snowflakes landing on the edge of a razor and analyzed them in an attempt to find a pattern, and tried hard enough,

one could make them say almost anything. This has been done with Nostradamus. He was quite telepathic and aware

of what was going on in his own world and had a great success rate. But he did not predict the future in his quatrains, which can be interpreted in millions of ways. Just because someone interprets it this way or that way does not make it so. The Bible Code does not exist. Anyone who has the capacity to challenge this assertion will find it to be a bunch of nonsense.

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ZetaTalk: St. Germain

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ZetaTalk: St. Germain

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

The Masons, being one of the most widely known secret societies, have generated less gossip than those secret

societies which are less visible. The Masons have lodges and members, all out in the open. That a group could survive

on a premise that secrets are being shared, when none are, shows how strong the desire to be elitist, to have one up on others, can be. Founded by St. Germain, who claimed to have alchemy secrets, the Masons became simply an

organization of rituals and rules, not unlike the Boy Scouts.

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ZetaTalk: Knights Templar

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ZetaTalk: Knights Templar

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

Many situations fraught with injustice take a turn for the better due to reactions, where those injured and those in

sympathy are impelled to action where they would otherwise be passive. Such a situation occurred during the era of

inquisitions and the political marriage of church and state in Europe centuries ago. Integrity is one of the first

casualties when those living by lies come into power, and thus the Knights Templar came under attack. As with most

casualties of the inquisitions, they were blameless and set up with all manner of accusations that were totally

unfounded. Those offended by this injustice live on today, by proxy, as an organization that has lost all semblance to the original group, becoming, as most groups do over time, simply a group fraught with procedures and rules and

hierarchies to be honored.

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ZetaTalk: Mary's Message

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ZetaTalk: Mary's Message

Note: written on Jul 15, 1995

Much has been made of the supposed miracle at Fatima, where the image of Mary, mother of Jesus, appears, floating

overhead. Crowds form in awe, whispering to one another, and the local merchants clean up. When one does not see

the image of Mary, one is told their faith is not strong enough. Since the vast majority coming to the site have their lives wrapped in Catholic doctrine, they come prepared to see something, and see something they do. Was it in the shape of Mary? They believe so, and chalk up any distortions in the image to the angle, their tired eyes, the weather, or whatever. Since so many others are rapt, would one complain about the image being out of focus? Any explanation

but lack of faith is preferable.

The eyes see what the heart hopes to see. Seeing what is anticipated is so common that it is almost a daily occurrence experienced by all. Individual described as having a closed mind will only see what they anticipate or expect to see,

feel comfortable with. This phenomenon is very much with you. The mind supersedes what the eye sees, colors it, and

filters out certain things that will contradict the expectation. This occurs for future anticipation as well as for memories that are disturbing. For instance, if someone sees something that is upsetting to them, they will rapidly forget it, distort it, and selectively have amnesia. The same kind of screening works on future events.

Beyond the visions induced by suggestibility or a desire to see what one is expected to see, there is fraud. Just as UFO

sightings and contactee status are faked for the attention and financial side benefits such claims bring, visits from Mary are on occasion frankly faked. Just as UFO fakes involve altered photos and videos and witnesses backing each other

up and presenting scars or other marks supporting their claims, fraudulent visits from Mary use these physical props.

We are also told that a Pope, now deceased, wrote a diary of predictions delivered by Mary. The now deceased Pope's

diary, whom one cannot ask the Pope about, is a colossal fraud. No such conversations took place, not even in the

Pope's mind. Can this be disproved? No. What would one do, go to the grave and ask? It's a safe bet for those

perpetrating the fraud. Who are these perpetrators, and what do they hope to gain? Inspect the message carefully, and

you will find, repeatedly, two elements.

First, the promise that the Earth will be led to safety by saviors of a religious nature. The second coming, or

variations on that theme. Why would this be important to the perpetrators, who are, as one might expect, in the

church, and what do they stand to gain? The church fears that other gods will replace the ones they promote, and

hopes to gain increasing converts as millennium fever increases.

Second, the reference to large cities as the focus of rescue. The opposite is in fact the case, as during the

cataclysms cities will be leveled and be death traps. Nor can one grow beans and rice and maintain fish tanks

effectively in large cities, sustaining oneself when the grocery stores go out of business, permanently.

Why this message? Check out where the large, lucrative churches are located. It is not in rural areas, where the parish is hard pressed to feed the priest. Cash flow wise, it is the big city parish, sustained by the wealthy suburbs, the

enclaves of estates, the city home and condominiums kept by the rich and comfortable - that are solidly in the black.

Those perpetrating this fraud do not intend to be with the faithful when the cataclysms strike. They will be long gone to safely, bought and paid for by the faithful who have remained, as instructed, in the death traps that big cities will become.

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ZetaTalk: Stigmata

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ZetaTalk: Stigmata

Note: written on Sep 15, 1999

The body can create stigmata through a force of will. This is often suspected. A great deal of illness, almost the

majority, is caused by what is termed psychosomatic problems - tension, or a decision by the person to become ill - as astonishing as this may seem. There are a great many auto-immune diseases, infection that just doesn’t seem to heal,

that antibiotics can’t suppress so the infection overwhelms. Cancer itself is a decision by the body to die. If

inflammation can be caused by the will, then why can’t a person cause an inflammation to the point of burst capillaries in the center of one’s palm? This is quite possible. People who walk on hot coals, who are able to hold their breath and be almost buried alive and manage to be dredged up hours later - they have learned to control their bodies as the

Yogi’s do. This is not all that unusual. It’s not common, but not all that unusual. People who have great faith, and wish to join with the aesthetics, with the saints, to merge with them and be dead before their time, will often take on those physical forms that make their life on Earth more similar to where they wish to be, with their admired ones.

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ZetaTalk: Joan of Ark

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ZetaTalk: Joan of Ark

Note: written during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Joan was intent on countering what she viewed as brutality in the church. She gave the Call, and was counseled, but

her decisions were her own. The view from many that God speaks directly to this or that human is faulty, in that most

such imagined communications are with spirits. Her desire to communicate, and her responses, were akin thus to the

Call, only.

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ZetaTalk: In Whose Service

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ZetaTalk: In Whose Service

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Where the Christian religion is supposedly established in the name of Christ, it is hardly based on the teachings of

Jesus. Look to the lifestyle of many at the heads of these religions.

The Pope lives in grandeur, surrounded by gold and silken robes, servants, and guaranteed comfort throughout

retirement. What happened to the message of Jesus, about a rich man reaching heaven?

The Catholic church is one of the wealthiest entities in the world, yet it is supported by those most poverty-

stricken. What happened to the message of Jesus to give unto the poor, share and share alike?

The Mormon and Catholic churches, both based on the sayings of Jesus, use extreme threats to control and

dictate to their masses. Excommunication, which is plainly delivered as eternal damnation to the fires of hell.

What happened to the message of Jesus to forgive? Let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone, etc.

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ZetaTalk: Twisted Message

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ZetaTalk: Twisted Message

Note: written on Feb 15, 2000

Religions take two paths. They are primarily influenced, when they are influenced, by benevolent entities from higher

densities who wish to explain a message of love - the message of Jesus, the simple Golden Rule, to do unto others as

you would have them do unto you, etc. These messages are meant to teach democratic concepts - how to get along

with one another and be accepting of differences and the like. Because religion has an element of adoration, humans

tend, as all 3rd Density cultures do, to look as children toward the messenger and say “Ah, we have gotten this from a wise parent”. Because of this, those who would rule humans and be despots try to slip behind and assume the robes of

the religious morays and become what we have termed the religious elite.

All religions have to some degree, and some to a great degree, assumed the nature of laying down the rules and the

laws. Forget about being concerned or empathic to your neighbor. Where is your money? Where is your obedience to

the rules? Where is your fear? The message thus twists and turns. The major religions on the Earth - those formed by

Mohammed, Buddha, and Jesus - were influenced by Star Children who came down with the right message, but they

have been twisted to some degree or another. Similarly, this occurs in New Age groups, which try to form life styles

such as communes, and occurred in communism, which might be considered a religion of sorts. Communism describes

how to get along with one another and it is no secret as to how it was twisted. Communism is as corrupt, with black

markets, as capitalism. So these underlying themes are present in all religions, large and small.

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ZetaTalk: Mormons

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ZetaTalk: Mormons

Note: written on May 15, 1997

Where there are literally thousands of variations of Christianity, most go virtually unnoticed by either the public or the religious elite that keep tight hold on the reins. If a particular sect has bizarre or even illegal activities, this is not considered a problem unless it amounts to bad publicity for the church. The priesthood sodomized the choir boys for

centuries, with nary an eyebrow raised, as the church could suppress talk with threats. As long as business as usual

could proceed and the church dues collected, immoral and even illegal activities are tolerated. When the Mormon

church became more than a single man’s enclave, this raised eyebrows, not because of any illegal or immoral

activities, but because of the practical nature of many of the rules, which appealed to many. Thus, the Mormons were

considered a threat, and still are.

Polygamy is at direct opposition to the Christian insistence that sexuality should be suppressed and well taxed.

Catholicism collects dues coming and going from their guilt ridden members, and hardly appreciates having sexual

freedom under the flag of Christianity waved about as an alternative. Historically, polygamous practices developed

where hardship presented the culture with widows or single women without the possibility of male protection.

Extended families also traditionally have more strength, where the women can take turns attending to the children and

harvest time demands can be shared by the group. Thus, many solid citizens saw advantages to the polygamy the

Mormon church sanctioned, to the horror of the elite in the traditional Christian churches.

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ZetaTalk: Paganism

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ZetaTalk: Paganism

Note: written on Mar 15, 2002

Paganism, or witchcraft as it is often called, is misunderstood by those who would suppress it. As with simple and

humanistic concepts such as the American Indian practice, such as adopting the offspring of early coupling not

resulting in marriage, this is considered blasphemy by the religious elite. The American Indian practices allow a

practical and humanistic arrangement that does not create a bastard child from the offspring of young love. Christianity treats the innocent child as a bastard and punishes it. Seeing God in nature is so prevalent among mankind, who

recognizes instinctively God's hand in nature, that it is universal and throughout mankind’s history. Yet the Christian church states that God is found in the church, and speaks only though the words of the elite who preach in what they

term the house of God. Thus, those in touch with nature were burned at the stake in Christianity's history. God created nature, and the bonding that those aware of nature's rhythms have with nature are a bonding with God's rules and

edicts. Thus, we would advise that those who sense God in nature are not amiss, nor should they be put off by the loud demands of those who would control their thoughts.

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ZetaTalk: King David

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ZetaTalk: King David

Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

Like many humans who bore genes originating from the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, King David was greatly

admired for his strength and courage. That he took on one of these giants in the historic David and Goliath battle is not surprising, as he had a personal hatred of their domination, learned at his mother’s knee. Female slaves, who were held in bondage to act as more than cooks and maids, became pregnant on occasion by the brutish and fiercely strong

soldiers working in service to the mining outposts the 12th Planet rulers routinely put into place during every periodic passage of the 12th Planet through the Solar System. Chosen for their unhesitating brutality in the line of duty, these soldiers were used to keep the human slaves that worked the mines in line, and seldom displayed any tenderness, not

even to their lovers.

Most often, a female slave that had been impregnated would die in childbirth, unable to deliver an oversized infant,

taking her infant with her. On rare occasions half-breeds survived, often without their mothers who bled to death or

were torn beyond repair. David’s mother, like he, bore genes from a half-breed, and thus had the hips to bear the

product of rape and live. Beyond the great strength and unflinching courage which are traits of the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, they have a singleness of purpose when aroused into anger. Thus he became a leader of the

downtrodden, and was held in great esteem, this reverence expressed in devotion to his symbol, the Star of David. His

lineage, the House of David, was noted primarily for its courageous leadership, not surprising when one considers the


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ZetaTalk: David and Goliath

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ZetaTalk: David and Goliath

Note: written on Feb 15, 2002

There is confusion about the Quarantine, as this was not a one-day imposition such that on Tuesday, all must vacate Earth. The giant hominoids on the 12th Planet in fact are unaware that a Quarantine was imposed! What they became

aware of was increasing problems while living on Earth. They considered Earth to be a swamp, in any case, full of

carnivores their world does not have, and disease. They lost Gold shipments in heavy storms at sea, lost slaves and

soldiers to accidents, and became disenchanted with living on Earth. They were already on Mars, and this became

increasingly attractive. After leaving, in the main, they found mankind increasing in numbers and tinkering with

technology, tool, etc. However, there were some who liked living on Earth, enjoyed pushing their slaves about and raping captive women, and were loath to leave. Thus, tales like David and Goliath have their roots in truth.

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ZetaTalk: Day of Rest

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ZetaTalk: Day of Rest

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The Christian rule that one should rest on the seventh day grew by bits and pieces. This was never a rule that Jesus set down, as he was not so silly. In the beginning this rule, like many that mankind ends up slavishly following, was

expedient for a given locale at a given time. The workers were burning out, and needed guidelines. This could be

equated to a union steward insisting that the 40 hour week be maintained. When others heard about this new social

benefit and desired this for themselves, they had to put some meat into it and thus placed God behind the order. Since this story benefited those who spread it, the story spread like wildfire.

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ZetaTalk: Damnation

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ZetaTalk: Damnation

Note: written on Jan 15, 1996

A common curse among humans is to damn someone to hell, to damnation or its equivalent. Children are warned to

mind their behavior or they will likewise be damned. Damnation, as the fires of hell, is spoken of as something one

does not escape - one is judged once and forever. Is such a thing possible? Punishment is only one side of this coin,

with bribery found on the other side. Be good and you will go to heaven. Both edicts have at their base the desire for control that the religious elite present as rules and regulations. They can no more deliver the faithful to heaven than they can damn them to hell.

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ZetaTalk: Speaking in Tongues

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ZetaTalk: Speaking in Tongues

Note: written on May 15, 1997

A long running theme in Christianity is the fainting or babbling hysteria that on occasion overcomes nuns. Where other religious practices such as voodoo have an equivalent, such as the dancing frenzy that ends in a short coma, this is an activity and result that is deliberately encouraged. Christian frenzies are notable for appearing to be visited upon the faithful, as something they neither desired or encouraged, and most certainly not something they incited. The self, and the sexual inhibitions the Christian church often imposes, are precisely the source, however. Even religions as

repressive as Islam have sexual outlets unthinkable in Christian doctrine.

Christianity states that sex is wrong, per se, and should only be indulged in when self discipline breaks down.

Masturbation, an utterly harmless and completely natural activity, is postured as a sin against nature.

Those who must indulge are funneled into marriage, their only outlet, and then only a marriage blessed by the


For Catholics, this is also a single marriage during a life time.

Then there is the matter of contraception, where those Catholics who allow themselves to indulge in sex, in their

proscribed single marriage in a lifetime, must also allow as many children as possible to result.

And those who would side step these restrictions into homosexual alliances are damned to burn in hell!

These strictures mean that very few Christians, and in particular very few Catholics, will have any guilt free sexual

outlet. All other outlets than a proper marriage with the single lifetime spouse without benefit of contraception bring with it all manner of baggage. The conflicts are endless, and the specter of burning in hell raised up for the mere

thought of getting out of the bind. Thus, good Catholics try not to think about it, try to live a sex free life in spite of their hormones, and some go into the monasteries and nunneries hoping the environment will help them in this regard.

It doesn’t, and then they are left with even fewer outlets for their sexual frustrations, as now they have the guilt of wanting to leave the priesthood or nun’s vows.

What results is silly behavior, the equivalent of the schizophrenic twiddling their fingers, aimless motions and random speech. Speaking in tongues or dancing in circles is nothing more than an outlet, the equivalent of a cold shower or

long run but with some added benefits - the practitioner has an orgasm. The church allows this form of masturbation,

giving oneself over into antics that incite an orgasm, as it is presented as religious fervor rather than what it is, sexual fervor. Bumping about, falling to the floor, pelvic thrusts, waving arms, extemporaneous cries of joy - take away the

church setting and what do you see?

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ZetaTalk: Angels

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ZetaTalk: Angels

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

There has been much confusion about angels, who are regularly shown in the Christian religion as wearing flowing

white gowns and having wings and haloes. There is no such creature, or at least no creature that looks like this,

although there are entities that operate in the manner ascribed to angels. This myth sprang up during the early Christian era in response to humans in the traditional garb of that day seen floating. The robes, wafting in the wind, appeared as wings. The sunlight, reflecting off their oily hair, which in those days was never truly washed, appeared as haloes.


How did these humans come to be floated, in plain sight of other humans, when today levitation done by ourselves or

others is registered only in the subconscious? Repression of memory is a factor of the fear and anxiety of the

populace. We do nothing that will increase this fear and anxiety. If the observer can view the scene and incorporate

startling views without alarm, this is allowed. In the old days, where people were more accepting of magical

happenings, this was the case. Today, people are more scientific, and realize they are dealing with something outside

the frame of reference. Panic lies just under the surface, and the Awakening is paced with this in consideration.

Because these humans were close to Jesus, part of his entourage in fact, they were assumed to be close to God. The

typical response to any relatively unknown phenomenon clicked in - fill in the blanks. Thus we have stories of how the angels came to be, fallen angels, ranks of angels, and variations on their appearance, their personalities, and exploits of angels that grew every time they were retold. There are merely spirits, and such descriptions of angels is a way of

describing good and evil, the compassion and pulling toward others that characterizes those in the Service-to-Others,

or the pulling toward the self characteristic of those in the Service-to-Self. There are angels among humans who have

never left this Earth. They think of others intensely. They sacrifice themselves. Are these not angels?

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ZetaTalk: Adam and Eve

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ZetaTalk: Adam and Eve

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The myth that mankind was once pure in innocence or fell due to awareness of their sexuality is utter nonsense. The

myth makes no sense at all, other than in the context of sexual repression. Is Christianity about sexual repression? To a great extent, yes, as control over the sexual practices of the flock gives the religious elite great leverage. The sex drive is constant and strong, and when the flock is made to feel guilty about this and tries to buy out from under any

impending punishment, this in turn makes the religious elite rich. This is the crux of Catholicism. Anyone who doubts

this need only listen to the lectures given school children in Catholic schools and to the anguish poured forth in

confessionals. We listen to both, and we know. Why was this nonsense about Adam and Eve perpetrated? Early man

had some sense that they were genetically engineered, having seen their makers, and passed this along in myth and

legend. Early Christians adopted this legend and changed it to suit their needs. End of story.

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ZetaTalk: Creation

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ZetaTalk: Creation

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The Bible, as a guided book, attempted to explain the evolution of mankind in terms that humans could understand.

Realize that in the day and age that the Bible was written, such matters as planets orbiting around a Sun, evolution in response to adaptations or genetic mutations, and such theories as the Big Bang did not exist. Man saw the Sun rise

and set, seeded his crops or tended his herds, and hoped to raise his children before old age took him out. How would

one explain evolution and genetic engineering to such a man? Simply, and with a tale they could relate to.

Such a tale was the creation tale. Since God is acknowledged by all, God caused all this to happen, ultimately. Since

the stages on any planet that ultimately sustain life are basically the lifeless planet in darkness, the form and the void, and then the light, as in let there be light, and then the waters, as condensation happens as a planets cools, and then the plants, as without vegetation there can be no mobile animals, and then the fish in the sea, as all life first evolves from a watery womb, and then the creeping creatures that leave the waters followed by land animals and flying creatures, and

lastly intelligent species such as man. This tale was not meant to be literal, but was meant to explain the steps so that man could understand. It is only the rigidly religious who cannot see the obvious who fail to understand. If the road

sign said Go when green, and the light never turned green, they would stand there still.

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Zetatalk: Ark of the Covenant

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Zetatalk: Ark of the Covenant

Note: written on Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and teh 12th Planet are one and the same.

The Ark of the Covenant was a device used for communication by members of the 12th Planet. They found the

element gold to be useful in many ways, and treated it in a worshipful manner by elevating gold to the status of a god -

the god of communication. Crystals have also been so used by this race, as communication boosters. Because of the

awe and reverence surrounding the Ark, primitive humans perceived the Ark to be a touchstone of the gods, especially

when the voice of what they assumed to be a god came booming forth. Members of the alien group from the 12 Planet

would go inside the Covenant, voices would emerge, and then they would leave, having gotten their instructions.

Surely this was from God Almighty! The Ark itself was treated as a sacred object, as it was valued and lives were

sacrificed if it was mistreated in any way. Like most objects that are poorly understood, but seem magical, the Ark of the Covenant gained a reputation that superseded its true worth. The Ark was eventually broken down and its gold

reused, by the folks who built it and understood that it was not at all sacred. Humans, poor misguided souls, are still looking for this lost Ark, and may look forever.

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ZetaTalk: Star of Bethlehem

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ZetaTalk: Star of Bethlehem

Note: written during the Nov 2, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The birth of Jesus was, as was his birth, a guided occasion. It was not by accident that what is commonly called the 3

Wise Men arrived at the humble stable where his mother was recovering from birth, the only accommodation they

could secure. How likely would it be that such humble parents would come to the attention of Kings, coming to what

they sensed from afar was an occasion? Did Joseph and Mary issue Birth Announcements? Did Joseph and Mary carry

social weight, such that not delivering a gift would be a social slight? If the kings were simply following tradition in their society, they would arrive at tens of thousands of houses, with newly delivered babies, and never find the child Jesus.

Was it a star that guided them? In that stars can be seen from all directions, with slight variation in direction in a given small country just as Jerusalem, this would not be a clear guide. The star was brighter than the rest, and allowed the Kings to move with the road ways, and not lose their direction. They were, thus, not looking up, but forward. The same influences that clued the Kings into the birth of someone special, someone meant to influence the world, guided them

to the spot of his birth. This was, as suspected, not a star, but a bright object in the sky under alien visitor control, which was positioned to act as a leading light to the stable. Thus, it moved, to appear at the same level in the sky, always pulling them in the right direction. And when they had found the city, the star remained stationary! Not moving during the night! Not at all what one expects from a star. The 3 Wise Men, kings, were the right stuff as far as

orientation, and were in the habit of giving the Call to visitors in the Service-to-Other. Thus, they had all learned, independently, of the pending birth, and begged to be in attendance and assistance in some way.

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ZetaTalk: Pyramids

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ZetaTalk: Pyramids

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

There has been endless speculation about the Giant Pyramids and the pyramid shape in general, as the reason ancient

pyramids were built is unknown. The reason the shape was chosen is so simple that it has been overlooked as being too

obvious. The shape endures through earthquakes, and great height is easier to attain than with a rectangular shape as

sheer walls where heavy object must be lifted, rather than dragged, is avoided. Where the giant hominoids from the

12th Planet had, at times, the assistance of levitation from aliens in the Service-to-Self that they often were allied with, they did not always have this assistance, so ease of construction was a consideration. Primarily, the ability of the pyramid to endure over thousands of years made it the shape of choice. The Giant pyramids, as we have stated, were

astronomical devices to assist those left behind to mine Earth in determining when the next passage of the 12th Planet was nigh.

Pyramid cults have sprung up that claim almost magical results from operations done under a pyramid shape. This is

nonsense, as beyond air circulation under a roof or the ability to drain rainwater, the shape of the roof is irrelevant. Do light rays or radio waves consider the shape of the wall or roof then encounter, avoiding some shapes and being altered by others? The material a shape is composed of may matter, but not the shape, all claims to the contrary. For those

who claim that health improved or plants grew faster or whatever, under a pyramid shaped roof, we will point out that

the health of mankind is greatly subject to psychological influences, and the eye often sees what it wishes to behold.

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ZetaTalk: Astronomical Markers

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ZetaTalk: Astronomical Markers

Note: written on Oct 15, 2000

Left to ponder structures such as the Giant Pyramids or Stonehenge or the Sphinx, man invents theories and tried them

on for a fit. If one finds a dead elephant in the town square, it could be an escapee from a passing circus, a prank, or an evil omen. Unless the exact source or reason is determined, any and all of those theories continue to circulate. This is the nature of problem solving - putting forth theories and then testing them. If a theory cannot be disproved, then it is not put to rest, regardless of it’s validity.

In that pyramids were a burial site for Egyptian rulers, the Giant Pyramids were first assumed to be mega-burial sites.

This theory flew until astronomical sighting tunnels were discovered, but the original theory still circulates. Folklore states that the Giant Pyramids were a sighting device pointing toward Orion, originally, and this is correct. Now, due to movement of the continents during pole shift, it no longer points there, but the Giant Pyramids seem to align North and South in a precise manner. So new theories emerge. Why would the ancients need such a device to locate north

and south, when a simple sundial marked with the seasons would have sufficed? Had the Giant Pyramids not lined up

in this manner, at present, then whatever the alignment happened to be would find a theory emerging to explain the

purpose of the Giant Pyramids.

Passing Stonehenge through the astronomical sighting theory, all manner of peeping in this or that direction occurred

until some correlation with an astronomical body emerged. Ahah! It lines up with the Moon, at present, so was a

planting guide for ancient farmers, who in any case hardly needed a device such as Stonehenge to observe the Moon

and it’s phases. Stonehenge is very ancient, and was a structure constructed by aliens in the Service-to-Self to strike fear into the primitive hearts that observed it. It looks like a site of satanic worship, for human sacrifices, and this reminder of such horrors was to be ever there, which it is in the main, today.

The Sphinx stands as a massif staring out over the sand, like a guard. What is it guarding? Is it looking at or away

from what it is guarding? Theories abound. The Sphinx was a burial chamber for a giant hominoid of great renown as

a hunter of lions, though his body never made it to the burial chamber. However, since those who could stand witness

to its purpose are long dead and left no written explanation, they cannot be proved or disproved. Therefore, our

explanation, like all other theories, remains unproved yet not disproved, and therefore will circulate along with the

other theories endlessly.

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ZetaTalk: Endless Debate

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ZetaTalk: Endless Debate

Note: written during the March 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

In answering the question recently on Wandering Poles, where they were for the several shifts back and what occurred on Earth during those times, it should be apparent to the readership that overlapping changes have occurred. Where one might be pointed due north at one time, pointed north-east after a shift, then moved again to be pointed due north again, this does not mean that all lines up as before! Continents change position vs a vs each other during such time, so where one spot may be, again, due north, a spot on another continent may not have adjusted back. Thus, is not simply pointing out that one must revisit the past few pole shifts, and what direction a spot or object on Earth may

have found itself pointing in, it is building one shift upon another to determine the overall effect.

In the case of the Giant Pyramids, rumored to be pointing or aligned exactly north and south but in fact not that

precise at all, one must consider what the builders were after. They were wishing to allow their offspring, on earth so long after they had died, to sight the inbound 12th Planet in time to get into space in a ship and moving into position to join and land this passing planet as it floated past. This is not pointing to Orion, as the approach close to the passage is 32 degrees below the ecliptic, the planet having dropped during its approach. Thus, one must not only reverse-engineer the Great Pyramids through the past pole shift, but also bear in mind just where the sighting down the long tubes of a reddish light from the inbound planet might be. All of this makes for an exercise that would not resolve readily, and is pointless in view of the near at hand passage in a year or so.

We would suggest that those obsessed with the past put this aside, and focus on the future. As Nancy is fond of saying,

"Are you prepared to help all the orphans that will be gathered around your knees after the shift? No? Then why are you focusing on trivia!"

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ZetaTalk: Dinosaurs

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ZetaTalk: Dinosaurs

Note: from the Feb 2, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC session.

Dinosaurs were related, and when a virus mutated, this affected them all. The dinosaur survived to become the current reptiles because, as with any infection, there are some who have resistance. All became sickly, and the smaller ones needed less to eat than the larger, and thus prevailed. There has been an intense discussion on tt-watch about this

matter, based on our statements, where it has been determined that the dinosaurs died out gradually, not suddenly as a meteor winter would have caused. At the same time, the discussion questioned how many species of dinosaurs could be similarly afflicted by a single virus. Specialization in species is a concept understood by man, as he sees frog

populations worldwide affected by the recent earth changes, such that they appear to be dying out. Coral reefs likewise appear fragile, subject to pollution damage. The issue is not so much how hale a creature is, as how vulnerable. The TRex was huge, had evolved to a large size, as had the herbivores of those days.

Today, large whales migrate around the world in the oceans, and elephants rumble through the jungles, so this size

should not be that surprising. Yet the mammoth is extinct, in spite of living in great herds only millennia ago. Mankind likewise could be wiped out by the AIDS virus, as it is routinely fatal with few proving to be immune. A virus mutates, as the AIDS virus has such that a vaccine cannot be developed effectively against it. Ebola has likewise mutated and

migrated, afflicting mankind now increasingly. One might look back and say, in a hypothetical future, that man

numbered 6 billion, had technology, but they all died out! Those large dinosaurs that had immunity to the virus were

nonetheless weakened, and struggled for food in this condition. Smaller creatures who reached a bit of food made this

go further, and struggled forward to reproduce and pass on their immunity. Thus, just as the last of the mammoth died

because they were weakened from having to migrate back to the grasslands, and the young among them failed this

migration, just so the large dinosaurs passed.

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ZetaTalk: Ural Map

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ZetaTalk: Ural Map

Note: written on Jun 15, 2002

Reputedly an ancient map of the Ural Mountains were discovered, estimated age to be 120 millions years. We estimate, based on when the makers were present, more akin to 90 million years ago. In that the Ural Mountains are on

a solid old plate, always remaining above sea level, it is probable and likely that their shape would be the same over the eons, for Earth. Is this a true map, and who would have drawn this? It is indeed real, although the age is not quite as estimated but more recent. The map makers were not Homo Sapiens, or even hominoid. As we have stated, Homo Sapiens is not the first intelligent creature on Earth to be capable of forming souls. Prior to the dieoff of the dinosaurs, there was another race, reptilian, that had been engineered to this level. These reptilians were peers of man. What you might term their hands were dexterous, as are lizards on your Earth today. It was the handiwork of these creatures that was discovered.

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ZetaTalk: Mummies

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ZetaTalk: Mummies

Note: written on Jan 15, 1997

Where many preserve the remains of loved ones, wishing to linger in their presence a while longer, the ancient

Egyptians carried the practice to the point of being a religion. The dead were not only preserved, to the best of the skill that morticians in those days held, they were preserved with the intent that they should return to life. Such practices and hopes are held even in modern society, where the beloved is flash frozen in the hopes that future societies will be able to cure them of the disease that today marched on into a death grip.

Beyond the belief that a mummified body or one freshly dead from a fatal disease might spring back to a life that

would be worth living is a fear of offending the recently dead. Many human cultures carry the belief that the recently dead linger about to see whether their wishes have been carried out, and with good reason. Spirits indeed do often hang back until they feel their past life has been settled, ghosts by whatever name they might be called. Thus beyond

preserving a body, those wishing to be rid of an after-death visitation did all in their power to meet the demands of an autocrat known to be savage in his or her demands.

If the king or queen demanded it, servants were buried alive within the burial chambers, often tricked into thinking

they were simply delivering last minute packages of valuables. Life as a servant was cruel in ancient Egypt, and the

servants were tempted with wealth, gold and jewels, that they were to carry at the last minute through the maze into

the burial chambers. These chambers were constructed such that a domino effect would occur, sealing the chambers

from the outside in. Thus the horrified servants would discover that their attempt to rush to the various entrances were not only blocked, they were in fact being chased by closing chambers back into the burial chamber itself. If the servants were leery, then they were drugged and delivered to their masters, who considered that they owned them body

and soul during life, and were expected to be resentful of any other outcome in an afterlife.

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ZetaTalk: Sodom and Gomorra

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ZetaTalk: Sodom and Gomorra

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Prior to recorded history there were many dramas that earned their place in history by their impact. They so impressed those who lived through them that the story was repeated, endlessly, until the era of recorded history arrived. As these dramas occurred before clocks and calendars were in use, no one is sure of the date, but the circumstances, often told in allegory fashion, generally arrived intact. Such is the case with the tale of Sodom and Gomorra, the city of sin

destroyed, so the story goes, by the hand of God. This story has a basis in fact, but like most stories repeated over time has changed to fit the viewpoint of the audience. The ear hears what the heart and mind expect. The story gets slanted, as you say.

Sodom and Gomorra were two rather smallish cities in the arid lands of the middle east. In those days sodomy was a

common practice among males without a mate. Young boys were sent out to mind the herds, and learned from the

older boys how to use the sheep and goats they tended to relieve sexual tension. From there it was a short step to use each other when in the cities, and no one thought much of it. A favor among friends. However, as with most aspects of

the human drama, this took on other overtones. The dominant males wanted to do unto, not be done unto, and those

leaning toward the Service-to-Self orientation rather enjoyed the role of being top cock, and insisted not only on this position but on being able to demand service from whomever they choose.

Such was the situation in Sodom and Gomorra, during the era when the 3rd Density visitors from the 12th Planet

walked the Earth. These visitors, as we have reported, are strapping handsome hominoids, who themselves choose their sexual partners as they saw fit, and were in no way subservient to the puny humans they generally considered their

servants and slaves. However, in Sodom and Gomorra, the practice of sodomy accompanied by domination games, had

gotten rowdy, with several toughs thinking they had no match. A single 12th Planet hominoid, traveling with his

entourage, was raped near these cities by a gang that wouldn't take no for an answer, and the repercussions were

brutal. The visitors from the 12th Planet had the bomb, as we have reported, and used it.

Business partners were warned ahead of time but were given scarcely enough time to leave. No time for good-byes or

even a lingering last look, yet the wife of one business associate did just that. She lingered, not wanting to leave the home she loved and not truly understanding the circumstances. When the bomb exploded she was gazing down on the

city and was in line of the blast rather than over the hill, and was essentially vaporized where she stood. Legend

explained her burned and hardened remains, gray with the fine dust of the fallout, as a pillar of salt.

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ZetaTalk: El Dorado

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ZetaTalk: El Dorado

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The obsession with Gold is not natural to man, it is a habit mankind picked up from the visitors from the 12th Planet.

What about Gold makes it so cherished? Platinum is as tarnish free, silver and copper as malleable, and yet Gold is

accepted as a metal more precious than others, more desirable, a metal to die for. This attitude toward Gold, passed as a heritage from generation to generation, was impressed on mankind from those who had to have Gold, and did not hesitate to kill for it.

Where mankind uses Gold for adornment or as a medium of exchange, the visitors from the 12th Planet were

collecting Gold for survival. Their home planet, on its long orbit out in space, is subjected to atmospheric abrasion the Earth and the other planets on more sedate orbits around the Sun do not suffer. Consider the rapid path past the Sun

made by the 12th Planet, when acting like a comet. It moves from one side of the Solar System to the other in 3

months, a fast track indeed. The 12th Planet losses atmosphere here and there, on a regular basis, and where this can be rebuild from its copious oceans, being basically a water planet, certain elements become depleted. Molecules in the atmosphere, containing Gold, are necessary to retain the heat and light the planet generates, to keep the heat and light, essentially, bouncing back to the surface, as without these Gold based molecules the planet dims and cools.

Thus, the visitors from the 12th Planet came to Earth on a search, a mining mission, and were intent on raping the

Earth of its relatively abundant Gold and using its primitive hominoids, humans, as slaves to do so. It was impressed

upon mankind early that Gold was the ruler's due, and death fell to he who hoarded or withheld it. El Dorado, the lost City of Gold, was a staging point where the space ships used as shuttles were loaded and sent aloft at the appropriate time. Since this time only arrived once every 3,657 years, on average, a lot of Gold stacked up. Long after the visitors from the 12th Planet left the Earth, having been quarantined, the humans who had heard the stories from those who

made deliveries to El Dorado searched for this City of Gold. They search still. However, the ruins, when discovered as they have been repeatedly, are not recognized as there is no gold. Why would these visitors, so desperate for what was essentially a life giving metal, leave any behind?

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ZetaTalk: Lemuria & Atlantis

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ZetaTalk: Lemuria & Atlantis

Note: written on Jun 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Land which rises or disappears under the sea during severe pole shifts almost invariably inspires legends, and if the

land is inhabited or frequented during hunting expeditions, living patterns of the survivors are dramatically disrupted.

Atlantis was land near the current continent of Europe, which was pulled into the Atlantic during the continental rip

that accompanies violent pole shifts and thus disappeared dramatically under the sea. This demise was assisted by

extraterrestrials, who took advantage of the natural cataclysm to adjust the balance in spiritual orientation influencing developing human spirits, in line with a determination by the Council of Worlds that such an adjustment was needed.

Atlantis had been essentially invaded by the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, who prior to the quarantine that is now in effect were considered simply another hominoid race within your Solar System. Interactions between humans

and these hominoids were allowed to proceed without interference, but increasing slavery of humans by these giant

hominoids was tripping the balance so that humans were less and less free to choose their orientation based on their

true feelings and increasingly influenced by feelings of helplessness. Thus, an adjustment was required.

Lemuria was land on the other side of the world, in the Pacific, which without interference slipped under the waves

during a similar pole shift. As with most pacific lands, Lemuria was inhabited by the easy-going peoples of the South

Pacific. Thus where the legends about Atlantis are centered around the relative strength and power that Atlanteans had, the legends about Lemuria center around their peaceful outlook. Atlanteans, being the giant hominoids which like

humans today had technology, including the use of crystals for communications, seemed god like, and thus the

destruction of that land is surmised to be by their own hand. Lemurians, great in number as the land was more than the scattering of islands that exist in the Pacific today, have been deified as a special spiritual race, and all manner of benefits to occur should they somehow return. As is often the case, these lands, in death, are more than they were in


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ZetaTalk: Sicilian Fires

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ZetaTalk: Sicilian Fires

written Feb 15, 2004

‘Scientists and officials confessed themselves unable to explain a string of fires and explosions which

began in the middle of last month in the fishermen's quarter of a Sicilian village. What makes the incidents

all the more puzzling is that the area has been without an electricity supply since January 4.’ What do the

Zetas say about the Sicilian fires?

Rock under pressure has been known to emit radio waves, an earthquake precursor event long in the arsenal of signs to

watch for among those attempting to predict earthquakes. A study of particle flow behavior shows that crowding is one

of the prime reasons for particles to go on the move. Heat, either from the application of heat from a nearby source or from pressure, compression, will result in heat particles going on the move, away from the source of crowding. The gravity Repulsion Force is a sudden and intense release of gravity particles away from the gravity center where they

have accumulated and become crowded. The flow of magnetic particles is a clear example of a common trait of

particles, the attraction for like kind but need to avoid crowding. The design of the Universe, based on particle flow, is one of perpetual motion, perhaps by design.

In the current dance of the planets between the Earth and her larger brother, Planet X, the flow of magnetic particles, a close cousin to electron and heat particles, is on stage. Planet X is passing the Sun’s S Pole on its way to align

alongside the Sun’s middle, and while so passing has tilted its N Pole toward the Sun’s S Pole, along a magnetic flow

line. The Earth followed suit, its N Pole on the move as its closest magnetic partner now is Planet X. These alignments do more than grip the core and crust and tilt it, they alter the flow of magnetic particles within and through the globe.

Just as the release of gravity particles, creating a temporary switch into 4th Density and thus temporary invisibility, is know to occur in the Bermuda Triangle and other spots on Earth such as in Lake Superior and off the coast of Japan,

likewise there are places on Earth where the flow of electromagnetic particles is facilitated by the rock strata.

Sicily, during this time of tilting and surging, is one of the places in the fast lane, and is likely to experience these surges until the shift is long past and the Earth has established stability in her magnetic field.

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ZetaTalk: The Phoenix

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ZetaTalk: The Phoenix

written Mar 31, 2004

The ancient peoples of Earth seem to have had a fascination with the Phoenix. The story

associated with it seems so odd, even compared with other ancient stories. How did the story

of death and rebirth come to be associated with this creature?

Rising from the ashes, to begin anew, the Phoenix seems unlike any natural creatures, and

thus is assumed to be a myth. But like the myths of super humans who lived on mountain

tops, who could throw lighting bolts and fly through the air, exactly like the Annunaki

were capable of doing, this myth has a basis in fact. The Phoenix is also referred to as a

Sun bird, large, brilliant in gold-orange plumage, and long lived, just like the Sun which

rises faithfully and without which man and the Earth would surely die. The Phoenix was a

bird, long extinct, of impressive size and plumage, thus at the time this myth was born,

was chosen to represent the Sun during pole shifts. Ancient people, wishing to relay to

future generations what they had experienced, knew the value of an impressive story, as

these get retold. Consider the relationship to the legends of the Phoenix to what occurs

during pole shifts.

1. The Phoenix was long lived, and only periodically self immolated into fire, from which it arose. Passages of

Planet X occur infrequently, after a long passage of time, with the Sun rising reliable in the mean time.

2. The immolation in fire was inexplicable, unexplained, and sudden, the Phoenix disappearing into black smoke

and then returning. The arrival of Planet X where it is seen in the sky undeniably by all, is sudden, the roiling dust cloud blocking the Sun.

3. The Phoenix reappears quickly, seemingly rising from the ashes to full stature instantly. After days of rotation

stoppage, during which the roiling tail blocks the Sun and volcanoes explode blackening the sky, there is a

sudden shift and a prompt return to rotation and a shining Sun again.

Thus, the legend of the Phoenix is a tale of pole shifts past, but the drama of a beautiful bird, bell like cry and brilliant plumage, dominated, the true tale to be told lost.

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ZetaTalk: Trojan War

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ZetaTalk: Trojan War

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

The Greek legends speak of the war at Troy, where a woman was so desired that legions of warriors were sent to free

her. Did this occur? It did indeed but with a twist, as Helen of Troy was not the desired object of this battle, a fact her ego did not allow her to accept. A hand maiden of Helen's, one she kept in tight bondage of servitude, was the true

cause of this battle, but Helen loudly announced before, during, and after that she was being sought after, and not hearing otherwise the historians wrote it thus.

Legend has it that Troy was successfully invaded when a gift, the Trojan Horse, was left outside the gates and brought into the city. At war, the citizens of Troy were not so naive as to allow in uninspected such an unexplained object. In fact, the Trojan Horse was not simply a statue, a curiosity - it was food, built of food, stacks of wheat bound together, gourds and dried fruit, all tied about a wooden frame. This, they knew, the starving citizens could not resist. To

minimize inspection of such a large object, which they knew was being done routinely on any baskets or barrels of

food, the camouflage was shaped into a familiar animal. The citizens focused on the food baubles on the hooves, tail,

and face of the horse, and so distracted lost themselves in their appetites before they ever got to the belly of the horse where a single infiltrator lay. Thin and agile, he worked his way out in the dead of night and gave access to his fellows at the gate.

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ZetaTalk: Visigoths

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ZetaTalk: Visigoths

Note: written on Apr 15, 1996

If the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet inspired the myths about the Gods of Mount Olympus, were they also the

inspiration for the Viking Gods or tales of the Germanic Visigoths? They were indeed, and left their mark in legend

wherever they stationed themselves on Earth. Where their preferred garb looks something like what an ancient Roman

Legionnaire might have worn, they adjusted their garb to the climate. Northern Europe, during many eras in the past,

was as bitterly cold as it is today, and thus fur robes were standard. Like the Gods of Mount Olympus, the Viking

Gods and Visigoths were fierce and did not back away once a conflict had begun. As with their human counterparts,

they used all means of transporting themselves, and where mountains abut the sea, ships prove the most effective.

What were these giant hominoids doing in northern Europe? Exploring, in the same manner that took them to South

American and thence across the Pacific. They were looking for gold, and went prospecting everywhere.

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ZetaTalk: Druids

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ZetaTalk: Druids

Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

Stonehenge has influenced many groups over the eons, as it was intended to do. The Druids did not build Stonehenge, but they incorporated it into their rituals. Thus, history tends to credit them with erecting Stonehenge. Religious rituals, or those semi-religious rituals that form in highly structured social groups, are put into place to control the membership and give them outlets for emotions that would otherwise be disruptive. Emotions such as jealousy or fear can scatter a membership, but if given an outlet that tends to support the group’s goal, build and support the group rather then tear it apart.

Human sacrifices are one such ritual, as the sacrificed one acts as a scapegoat, becoming a symbol for whatever has

caused rage in the membership. The leaders, of course, select someone they wish to get rid of, a troublemaker or an

independent thinker. Stonehenge by its very shape implies sacrifice, but it did not cause this behavior in the Druids, as using scapegoats and rituals involving sacrifice occur in all cultures and all parts of the world. The close proximity to such an edifice as Stonehenge to any sacrificial rituals would naturally align into a mental association over time, and this is what occurred - a coincidence, made into cause and effect by historians.

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ZetaTalk: Tower of Babel

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ZetaTalk: Tower of Babel

Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

Cooperation among peoples is greatly enhanced by language, though this is not the only vehicle for communication

possible. The statement that a picture is worth a thousand words can scarcely be argued. Nevertheless, humans who do

not speak the same language essentially do not associate with each other, they avoid each other and segregation results.

Nevertheless there are common threads in all languages, based on words that mock natural sounds and developmental

associations the child makes. Early races of man, developing in isolation from each other, did not develop common

languages, and this situation persists today. In fact, isolation creates different languages that started from the same base. They grow apart.

The legend of the Tower of Babel reflects this common occurrence, but the legend is not altogether fancy. Deliberate

separation occurred in mankind's recent past, among groups that were commandeered into forced labor by the

hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet. These slave-masters were constantly on the alert to prevent their slaves from

gaining their technological advantages. The visitors constructed towers, silos in fact, to surround the missiles they used to shuttle between Earth and their home planet when it made a periodic appearance. When groups of their slave-laborers were found snooping and sharing information with each other, they were separated, forcibly. What remained

of the story was the tower, the clustering of man, and the resulting separation due to language barriers. They did not separate because of a language barrier, the barrier developed because of separation.

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ZetaTalk: Coral Obelisk

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ZetaTalk: Coral Obelisk

Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

Many artisans choose their material more for its uniqueness than suitability, the better to gain notoriety. Wrapping an island in colorful plastic or floating colorful balloons is more a media event than art, but if done by one who professes to be an artist, qualifies, it seems. An artisan who fears being overlooked might choose his medium more for its

likelihood of attracting attention than any other reason.

Thus it was with a poor immigrant who had more talent than money, being without sponsors in a new land, and in fact

being without funds to even buy materials. He turned to what nature provided, in more than one way, as his choice of

living coral was both inexpensive, being free, and quite unique. Being at home in the water, this artisan used various techniques to shape the coral, which grows slowly and is alive only on the outer surface. In most cases transplanting

was done, skillfully cutting and fitting the pieces which were never removed from the sea water the living coral need

in order to live. Scars heal over time, giving the appearance of natural coral growing in these unusual shapes. Where

this work of art gained the artisan notoriety, and was certainly an outlet for his talent, it scarcely made him rich. Just as his medium was free to him, likewise viewing his work was free, a legacy left to startle the uninformed swimmer who

happened upon them.

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