ZetaTalk: Rules
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The Zetas talk about how the Council of Worlds is not voluntary as all aliens visiting Earth are administered by the Council of Worlds; how there can be no Secession; what the Council Charter is and how this affects the Pace of
Change here on Earth; how the Earth is a Member already and as an Earthling you can make your Vote Count; what rights the Minority Vote has, and what constitutes the Voting Population; how the rules work in a Mixed Setting of aliens and humans who often have Mixed Goals; why triggering the Enron investigation and Interfering such as with
Chernobyl or Contour or Protection/Healings or Moving Planets so that there is Apparent Precision are within the rules as this affects Things vs People and the pole shift will have No Delay; what Engagement Rules alien groups are required to abide by when interacting with each other; how Star Child Engagements are handled; and whether life bearing planets are considered Reusable Worlds.
The Zetas talk about what Travel Protocol they must abide by; what the rules are guiding Time Travel and whether man's Theories can be tested; whether aliens have ingrained Politics; whether Declaring War occurs and what results when the Service-to-Self engage in Leveling Wars; whether the Death Sentence or Slavery Practices exists on other worlds; what occurs when inhabited worlds are on a Collision Course; what the rules are regarding Solar System
Shuttles; what the Exploration Limits affecting mankind are. The Zetas talk about what kind of internal rules the
Service to Self groups have; how the Council of Worlds Keep in Line those in Service-to-Self; what kind of internal rules the Service to Other groups operate under; how they manage when they have Friendly Disagreements; how
Interference by others is handled; what factor Unconditional Love plays in this; and how they manage Without Money.
The Zetas talk about that in spite of Implants and occasional Healings alien groups are required to abide by non-interference rules; that humans have Free Will over their destiny and Intervention will not occur, but there are some
Exceptions; how we are to make our own choices While Unaware; why visitations are without Sight or Sound; how rules affect gifts of Alien Technology and Escape Routes during the coming cataclysms; whether the cataclysms can be Avoided or Rescue Demands honored; and how the hominoid giants using the 12th Planet Shuttle were quarantined because they interfered. The Zetas talk about how God is the highest authority but they don't know What is God with
any greater certainty; whether genetic engineering can be considered Playing God; whether there are Planetary Souls
or Animal Souls so that we could be hunting and eating our brothers; whether Thinking Machines such as Robots are
alive or can have souls, and how the Lack of Choice in Bounded Robots relates; why the Rule of Forgetfulness exists;
whether Karmic Justice exists between alien groups; how our past thoughts and actions are On the Record; and how we are to concentrate on our Orientation Lesson.
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ZetaTalk: Council of Worlds
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ZetaTalk: Council of Worlds
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
The Council of Worlds, sometimes known to you as the Association of Worlds, has over 40 groups at the present time, but this number varies from time to time, and is in motion. The alien groups that are present on Earth are all members of the Council of Worlds. All entities, from either spiritual orientation, who are visiting the Earth at this time are likewise members. This is not optional. We are a member of the Council of Worlds. The Council governs the affairs of the portion of the Universe to which the Earth is a part. The Council of Worlds stands as the final arbitrator when issues fall into certain areas, such as territorial issues.
The members of the Council, being primarily from the higher spiritual densities, are not, in the main, incarnated. This makes for a setting humans might find amusing, when holding council with incarnated aliens. Those incarnated stand
around, gesturing and communicating with grunts or diagrams or telepathically or through translators if necessary.
Now and then all fall silent and still while the Council communicates to them, soul to soul, and the incarnated souls then hastily update their physical minds through the mind/spirit connection. Then another round of discussion ensues.
To an outsider, unaware of what was happening, the voice of authority would seem to be absent.
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ZetaTalk: Secession
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ZetaTalk: Secession
Note: written May 15, 1996.
Hearing that the Earth's Transformation is being administered by the Council of Worlds, those humans with isolationist tendencies often object. Can't they secede? The answer is a simple no, as all lifebearing worlds in this part of the Universe are administered by the Council, whose ability to administer in the manner it does is only possible because its authority is without contradiction. Is this not a dictatorship? Yes, but one that is benign, run by wise and massive elected entities staunchly in the Service-to-Others orientation, who continuously poll those they administer as to their opinions. After 3rd Density, entities are allowed to travel, and a world off limits to the Council's administration would, as one might imagine, be a continuous battleground. Those in the Service-to-Self orientation, who are restrained much against their wishes by the many perimeters the Council places around them, would see a seceding world as a freeport, and have no rest in attempting to secure this prize.
Those humans who wish for their unfettered 3rd Density existence to never end will get their wish, as they won't graduate to 4th Density until they feel otherwise. Those humans who want their world to continue, with the Earth as it is now, the strong ruling the weak, the rich commanding the poor, and every man able to make his own laws in his
castle, or so they hope, can have this existence, though on a planet other than the Earth, which in any case is not a human possession.
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ZetaTalk: Council Charter
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ZetaTalk: Council Charter
Note: written Aug 15, 1995.
From the standpoint of humans in 3rd Density, the Council's charter is to keep the two spiritual orientations of the visitors apart, except under carefully structured and fully monitored engagements, and to ensure that the free will of man not be abridged. This is all easier than it sounds, as the task is accomplished simply by preventing contact - by building walls. These walls are not of a physical substance, but have an effect on physical matter as well as spiritual matter. We, the Zetas, cannot tell you the mechanism, not because the rules forbid it but because we do not know. We can only tell you what this feels like. It is a benign cushion, through which one cannot pass, and which is more like a pillow on impact than a brick wall. Ships pointed past the point of no passage find themselves at the wall, as though all the computations guiding the leap through time and space had been reset. The blockade is utterly effective yet gentle, leaving no damage except, perhaps, wounded pride.
If the Council's charter for 3rd and 4th Density is to act like a school yard monitor and keep the children from
interfering with each other during their lessons, their guiding principles appear to be gentle restraint, and their goals providing an unfettered environment for spiritual growth. In this the Council does not act as a teacher, but rather allows the children full access to their environment - a stimulating classroom. If any teaching is to be done, the
children teach each other, but primarily this is all a self education process. Even tasks such as those done by the Birthing Envoys, who are primarily in 4th Density but are overseen by entities in higher densities, are not monitored by the Council. Are there other such Councils in other parts of the Universe? We can only assume so, having never been outside the range of the Council.
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ZetaTalk: Pace of Change
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ZetaTalk: Pace of Change
Note: written Sep 15, 1995.
During Transformations, several issues are paramount in importance. The Council of Worlds, who oversees the
Awakening, must first determine the spiritual orientation of the transforming world. This is determined based on
polling the entities that emerged on the world scheduled for harvest. Next, having made this determination, the Council decides what type of intelligent species will serve as physical bodies during incarnations. This determination waits on the determination as to orientation, as entities in the Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other have different requirements.
For instance, the Service-to-Self want little telepathy and the Service-to-Others can't get enough. Next, and last, the schedule is determined.
The Transformation, and the Awakening that precede it, is paced to be in sync and accordance with the prior two
determinations. For the Earth, this means that the Awakening cannot proceed too fast, so as to tilt the spiritual
orientation mix toward the Service-to-Self. Fear and anxiety so tilt this mix, as the fearful and anxious seldom think of others, so the Awakening is paced so as not to heighten these emotions. The Transformation is not dependent on the
Awakening, however, but is rather dependent on the spiritual mix of the entities incarnated or awaiting incarnation on Earth. When this reaches approximately 89% operating in the Service-to-Others orientation, the Transformation to 4th Density, in the physical sense, will occur. The Transformation to spiritual 4th Density, in effect, has already occurred by that time.
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ZetaTalk: Earth is a Member
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ZetaTalk: Earth is a Member
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
The Earth is already in the Council of Worlds, and some humans are already participating. As with the Earth's
awakening to the presence of intelligent entities from elsewhere in the Universe, the Earth is moving forward
piecemeal. The humans who are already representing the Earth at the Council of Worlds are not known to the
governments of the Earth. The governments of the Earth, in the main, do not represent the people they govern. The
governments primarily represent special interests, those who rule, or those who are power hungry. The humans who
represent Earth, or the human point of view, are those who are spiritually mature, either in Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others.
Not all humans who are now spiritually mature enough to be considered operating in the 4th Density are involved in
conversations with the Council of Worlds. This is a decision made by them, the humans, not by us, the Zetas or any
other alien group. These personal decisions made by humans may not be ones they are consciously aware of. Needless
to say, as the Earth is destined to become a home for Service-to-Other entities quite soon, the Service-to-Self entities, of which there are few, have no say in determinations about the future of the Earth. The Service-to-Self entities
represent themselves, only, and in essence make complaints and pleas that fall upon deaf ears.
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ZetaTalk: Vote Count
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ZetaTalk: Vote Count
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
As stated in the Oahspe, a channeled book we can vouch for, the Constitution of the United States was assisted in its birth by we and others in the Service-to-Others. This was not an easy birth. The reason for the support was not idle.
The Constitution is a forerunner of what you can expect from the Council of Worlds. The individual counts.
In practical matters, how does this work? Where is the ballot box? In a physical world, as humans are used to thinking the world is, one expects a physical ballot box. In human society, the verbal promise is often forgotten or skewered, so important promises and agreements are put into writing, and the verbiage precise. Words can trap, and words can
assure. How does this work without words? Within the Service-to-Others entities, the equivalent of verbal
communications is not something to be used against the individual. The essence of the vote is not skewered, either due to ignorance or deceit. The essence of the question under vote is faithfully relayed to the individual who has a right to vote, and the true intent of the voter is relayed to the ballot box, which in this case is not a box at all but a type of mental computer. In the Service-to-Self orientation, where a small minority of human souls are headed, voting does
not occur. Decisions are made based on the pecking order. This is a familiar enough concept to humans reading this
dialog for us to skip further explanation.
When do humans get to vote in the Council of Worlds? And are there intermediate representatives, such as the
Constitution allows for? The answer to the latter question is no. Where under human affairs the physical impossibility of having millions and even billions of humans at any given representation requires a supra level of representation, in densities above 3rd, we in fact can manage the large crowd. And when do you become eligible to vote? In matters of
the Earth, as residents of Earth, you already have a vote. It is one-to-one. Your vote is polled frequently, as amazing as that may seem. Your soul was polled, but as the soul considers the physical body not on a level with itself, the soul no more updates the body on all it experiences than it does on past lives. It considers the curiosity of the body, which is a temporary home, an annoyance. Unless the soul considers the body in a need-to-know position, it does not bother.
Thus, your soul has been polled, and voted, whether you are aware of this or not.
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ZetaTalk: Minority Votes
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ZetaTalk: Minority Votes
Note: written Jul 15, 1997.
Humans used to arranging a place on court dockets often feel left out of activities ongoing at the Council of Worlds.
Their votes are collected and then that’s the end of it, and they long to argue their case. On Earth, depending upon the human society, one can either bribe the judge, bribe or otherwise influence those who appoint or control the judge, selectively screen the jury, arrange to be represented by high priced and high powered attorneys, or endlessly petition.
That the Council of Worlds does not have similar avenues open to them feels like a breach of rights! In fact, probably for the first time, they are experiencing a true democracy. They are the minority vote! Their viewpoint lost!
Manipulating the outcome by trying to manipulate the courts is simply not democratic!
The Council does not arbitrarily make pronouncements affecting the lives and futures of intelligent species. Except for the preconscious period, when genetic engineering is about to begin or is in process, the spirits incarnating into an intelligent species always determine the outcome. Neanderthal man determined that its line would die out to be replaced by another version of early man, for instance. They were polled as to their opinion on the eating disorder that was killing so many of them at a young age, and the alternatives were abundantly clear to those polled. Once the
decision had been made, the feelings of any given Neanderthal man about to be sterilized, but not castrated, with a small snip to his groin mattered not. His was the minority vote!
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ZetaTalk: Voting Population
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ZetaTalk: Voting Population
Note: written Apr 15, 1996.
We have stated that all forming entities terran born, having formed on the Earth, participated in the vote that occurred just prior to the Roswell incident, the vote that determined the Earth's future orientation as Service-to-Other. We have also stated that the Transformation to physical 4th Density will occur when approximately 89% of the incarnated
human populace is operating fully in the Service-to-Other orientation. And we have mentioned that within the Earth's population of approximately five billion, that only about a billion are reincarnating entities, and the vast majority of the remaining four billion newly forming entities expected to end up as aborted entities. How does all of this then compute into the right to vote on various issues, and how will the forthcoming pole shift, which is estimated to result in the death of 90% of the population, figure in.
When the Earth's future orientation was established all humans incarnated with either newly forming or
reincarnating entities, or souls as they are sometimes called, voted. All entities originating on Earth also participated, including those between lives. In this vote, all carried equal weight, by lifetime. This means that an entity who had experienced a thousand lives on Earth had the weight of a thousand votes, compared to an entity
newly forming in this incarnation. This also means that the resulting orientation of these older entities went into the vote, so that an entity who had evolved toward the Service-to-Other orientation would cast his full weight in
this direction, and likewise one that had recently moved into the Service-to-Self might cast his full weight there, regardless of past positions on these matters. It is the present position that counts.
The Transformation to physical 4th Density, at 89% operating in Service-to-Others, will be aided by
incarnations from entities originating from other worlds. This vote represents the current population of Service-
to-Other entities, and is not weighted by past lives. Increasing numbers of incarnations by entities from other
worlds, what is termed a Star Child, are occurring at this time. Due to the Earth's orientation vote being Service-
to-Other, only incarnations by those in the Service-to-Other are allowed. The Service-to-Self entity from another
world must arrange for a walk-in or possession in order to incarnate. Were the Earth to attempt to reach this
89% figure without the decimation that will occur during the pole shift we would not be anticipating the
Transformation for some time. The future population will become solidly Service-to-Other by a combination of
Service-to-Other entities that have evolved on Earth, Service-to-Other aliens such as ourselves and the hybrids
currently awaiting the time when they can migrate to the Earth, and Star Children incarnating now and after the
pole shift.
The pole shift will savage incarnated humans of both orientations, sparing no one. Where those humans
operating solidly in the Service-to-Other orientation will be offered a temporary lift, few have accepted this
offer, choosing instead to stay with those they feel a sense of responsibility toward. Thus, the pole shift will
decimate the current population equally, resulting in no net difference. The net orientation leaning will soon
begin to change, however, as Service-to-Other groups will fare better than those of mixed orientation or the
roving gangs of Service-to-Self oriented individuals.
Thus, the decimation caused by the pole shift will simply affect the voting population by reducing the number of
undecided or Service-to-Self individuals, causing the net effect of migrating hybrids and newly born Star Children to trip the balance toward Service-to-Others for the Transformation.
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ZetaTalk: Mixed Setting
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ZetaTalk: Mixed Setting
Note: written Oct 15, 2000.
There is often a great deal of confusion over alien rules, such as those the Council of Worlds administers, as they apply to visitations and the alien presence on Earth or within its solar system. This confusion has its base in human rules, those in operation and in place as a result of human society or human nature, and mixing the two sets of rules together. They don’t seem to fit, and indeed they do not fit, as they are two separate sets of rules.
The 3rd Density lesson, as we have explained, is to determine one’s orientation - Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other.
This is a brief density, as densities go, usually involving only a few thousand incarnations before the entity makes its determination. The determination evolves bit by bit, as life circumstances place the entity in situations where the self would have to be sacrificed in some way for the betterment of others. As incarnations pass, the entity experiences
various situations and gains the capacity for empathy, having been there and so able to imagine what another is
experiencing. Self sacrifice for another also takes many forms, from a momentary hunger or a bruise to complete loss of life, from allowing another to take credit for an accomplishment to being exiled and expelled from the clan for a crime one did not commit. The many nuances of being Service-to-Self or to Other are explored, testing the gradually emerging orientation of the entity. Should this process be interfered with, and would such an interference speed the process or be of benefit?
The Rule of Non-Interference here is akin to examinations that students take, to determine their level of understanding or knowlege. During such school exams, students are not allowed to speak to one another or pass notes, nor are
outsiders allowed in to confer with the students. This is a test, to determine readiness to move onto another level. In a like manner, interfering with 3rd Density experiences by swooping in to save an entity from a bad choice or a
circumstance they should, in fact, experience, delays the evolution of the lesson. 3rd Density entities are supposed to experience distressing circumstances, so they are put to the test both for their own self examination as well as for those spiritual guides watching the process. When visitations are allowed, due to The Call being given, or where confering with the birthing guides occurs between incarnations, this is not considered interference but a review and a discussion of what has occurred. This is akin to talking over an emotionally charged situation with a friend over coffee or a beer, or seeking a consultation over a problem one has already experienced. The entity is still making the decisions on their own life.
Where alien visitations or the close proximity of other 3rd Density groups interfer with the entity being allowed to make their own decisions, based on a level playing field, the Council of Worlds steps in an institutes rules governing visitions or a quarantine. This is akin to allowing a student to go to the toilet during an exam, but not allowing
conferences or discussion in the hall during such a break from the exam. A balanced playing field is one in which the 3rd Density entities decision, in the main, affects the outcome, not where the outcome has been skewed to influence their decision. Thus, a decision to hord food and not share, during starvation periods, means only that others weaken and sicken and die, not that the hording one becomes king and can rule because alien visitors are arranging this setup.
The alien visitors, if of the Service-to-Self orientation, can only suggest that a contactee do this or that, not arrange the setting or affect the outcome, directly. This is why a mass landing, which would terrify humans, will not be allowed.
This is why an escape to Mars by the elite during the coming pole shift, which would allow those humans to avoid the life circumstance before them, will not be allowed.
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ZetaTalk: Mixed Goals
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ZetaTalk: Mixed Goals
Note: written Oct 15, 2000.
The confusion over alien rules vs human rules extends to the goals of both groups. As is natural, humans assume the Universe operates under the same rules as their world, having little basis of comparison. In 3rd Density worlds, where the entities are allowed to affect each other without restraint, murder or nursing to health can occur, slavery and freedom from burden or restraints can occur, as the entities on the 3rd Density world allow. The entity, during their many incarnations, experiences these settings and either experiences or observes what happens when steps are taken by humans to effect change. Humans thus imagine that the Universe operates in like manner, but it does not. 3rd Density existence is limited to the 3rd Density world, and not allowed space travel or access to technology that would afford that. Graduation past 3rd Density involves having more power, through technology, and thus new rules. Those in the
Service-to-Self would endlessly enslave weaker cultures, if allowed to do so, and thus are restrained.
Given the confusion that humans have about alien rules, and the mandates that are enforced so that aliens cannot simply have their way with humans, there is confusion about lies. Lies are allowed, as this is an extension of the
conference that The Call is considered to be. Any two humans who confer on an issue find colored impressions,
withheld information, or frank manipulation of the facts as a normal part of the conversation. Even good hearted folk can fool themselves, such that their own personal agendas are not clear to them, being a matter of shame, perhaps.
Those in the Service-to-Self, whether human or alien, lie without compunction. They lie to influence another, to
avoid punishment or repercussion, or just as a result of a power play, to feel more powerful and self-agrandized.
Thus, aliens, those in the Service-to-Self, do lie to humans, but beyond the influence that the conference that is The Call can effect, it stops there. The human is still free to discover the truth.
Aliens in the Service-to-Other orientation avoid lies except in the white lie category, to avoid hurting another
with facts they do not need to know. This is why the Pleiadians do not talk about the pole shift, as they view this as an occurance humans can do little about, so why distress them with this news and ruin their day. We, the
Zetas, are considered humorless and blunt, without emotion, as we avoid these types of white lies, almost
Another point of confusion revolves around why we, or other aliens, are here on Earth. With the advent of the
approaching pole shift, there is a human assumption that aliens are here, as benign space brothers, to rescue and save humanity. The assumption that aliens are here to rescue and save humanity, or that this should be the alien agenda, is wrong on several points:
In human society, there is a great rush to salvage not only human life but also great art, species subject to
extinction, national monuments, pristine sites of great beauty, and the pool of knowledge that support
technological advances. If a hurricane is approaching, then there is a great rush to move whatever can be moved
to safety, so it will not be lost. This assumes, of course, that human cultures can and will resume as before,
which is not the case with the coming pole shift, which will devastate human cultures simulataneous to the
Transformation, so a different culture will emerge as dominant on Earth.
Reincarnation exists, and as such the knowledge of past experiences carried forward by the soul is more
important than the pleasant playing out of any given lifetime. Each soul has had pleasant lives and lives of
hardship, in its memory banks, so that is not the issue. The experiences during the forthcoming pole shift, which
can lead one to lean toward self-serving practices or empathetic practices, is the issue, the battleground, and the focus of all aliens visiting Earth at this time.
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ZetaTalk: Mixed Goals
During the forthcoming pole shift, Service-to-Self aliens seeks to increase a sense of hopelessness and
abandonment in humans, as this leads them to lean in the direction of a self-serving orientation. They are
seeking converts. Service-to-Other aliens are seeking to encourage caring behavior between humans, as they
likewise are seeking to influence humans toward their orientation. Caring treatment of one another does not
necessarily mean sustaining the lifestyles of today, or even sustaining life. It may mean a quiet and quick death,
with acceptance of what is at hand.
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ZetaTalk: Enron
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ZetaTalk: Enron
Note: recorded during the March 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The Rule of Non-Interference states that aliens cannot interfere in mankind's affair unless The Call is given so that consultation with a human results in action. Thus, for instance, ZetaTalk, composed of thousands of pages now, answering thousands of questions from humans, which are considered The Call. In that our arrangement with MJ12
was allowed by the Council, to balance a trick maneuver the Service-to-Self aliens visiting the US military just ahead of the Earth Vote which resulted in a "not conscious" rule re visitations, our open discussions with MJ12 were allowed. Balancing the environment for Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self deliberations among 3rd Density entities is not new, as for instance the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet were put into quarantine, removed from Earth, to effect this balance.
Even without the New MJ12, the Enron revelations might have occurred via contactees. f a contactee is distressed,
wringing their hands, over a situation, and give The Call, and we inform them as a result of what information might be most damaging, when given to whom, then a contactee might have effected the Enron scandal. As it happened, the humans within the New MJ12 effected this, by a computer snafu whereby information supposedly deleted was instead
mailed and broadcast. This was done by humans hands, and thus we, the Zetas, did not interfere.
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ZetaTalk: Interfering
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ZetaTalk: Interfering
Note: recorded during the September 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Rumor Mill News Reading, Aug 25, 2002
God Has Canceled War on Earth
On Friday, August 2, 2002 Arial Sharon had ordered 100 Israeli tanks to attack a Palestinian town in an attempt to start a major conflict that would escalate into WWIII. As the 100 tanks approached the town, three Starships of the Forces of Light, each fifty miles in diameter, appeared in the sky above the tanks, and the Starship crews vaporized three Israeli tanks. The tank crews were left unhurt and standing on the ground.
This is a rumor that has both truth and fiction attached to it. Indeed, many alien groups in the Service-to-Others are attending the Transformation, and concerned about keeping a balance before the populace for their 3rd Density lesson, the orientation decision. There are many just as concerned about the Israeli conflicts as they are about the Bush
Administration attempts to incite world war so that they can build up their military. Intervention can occur in countries outside of the US, and does. In what countries is intervention occurring in, at this time?
We, and our brethren, were very busy on the 911 anniversary, preventing terrorist attacks predicted by the Bush
Administration, as this would have given them a stage to stand on for the UN bully session, when they in fact had no facts to stand on in demanding an attack on Iraq. Thus, they downstaged the UN speech to a demand that the former
UN sanctions be honored. Were terrorism attacks in Indonesia, and Europe, planned? Indeed, and many hundreds of
steps stopped dead in their tracks, to prevent this. Thus, they emerged with Mula Omar in Afghanistan, as a poor
showing of strength, ahead of when this was actually planned to be announced.
So was intervention done in Israel, in an attack against the Palestinians? Absolutely, today, yesterday, and probably tomorrow. However, something like a large ship in the sky vaporizing tanks did not occur, but we suspect this was a poetic description of what some sense it occurring. Should they say they expect behind the scenes intervention is
occurring, it is so boring, so something dramatic was described, so the story would get passed along.
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ZetaTalk: Chernobyl
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ZetaTalk: Chernobyl
Note: recorded during the September 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Chernobyl was allowed to occur, as we have stated, as the elite in those days, in particular the elite of Russia, were out of touch with the reality of nuclear disasters. They needed a reality touch, so the normal brakes we and our brethren in the Service-to-Other had been applying were taken off, an accident that would have happened without these brakes, allowed. This affected, horrifically, those in the immediate vicinity. This also affected many in the European arena, as the dust blew about and panic was high in the populace. The effect was that Russia was horrified, drawn up sharply in their aggressive plans, and the leadership hardly casual about reining in the war mongers among them. There have
been reports in the Russian Press, recently, that UFO's were sighted above Chernobyl, and a suspected intervention in the complete meltdown of the reactors done. This is true, but more than a complete meltdown was part of the
intervention. The extent of poisoning in the immediate arena, such that deaths were limited and illness limited to that which could be treated, in the main. Also, the degree of poisoning of areas outside of the Chernobyl arena was limited.
The point was, a lesson that would have occurred by the hand of man, was allowed to occur, but intervention in this occurrence also occurred. Thus, Chernobyl, and many incidents like this, would have been worse had mankind been allowed to proceed, but intervention by Service-to-Other visitors, in concert with rulings from the Council of Worlds to breach the Rule of Non-Interference, were in place.
The readership is wondering if such intervention is in place now, and to what extent, as it is now the Bush Administration that is war mongering, ambitious, and without care of injury or deprivation to the populace of the
world, save themselves, the narrow little group of power mongers in the White House. At present, no nuclear incident appears likely on the horizon, and thus no intervention is scheduled. This intervention can be very quickly arranged, by human terms, as the Council of Worlds does not need sleep nor have rigid rules about scheduling order, and priority issues get moved quickly in front of the Council. To explain with an example, if a nuclear bomb were launched, in the air, and about to land, the Council could be called into session, rule, and intervention applied before it would land.
Needless to say, incidents during the pole shift will have a more leisurely time frame, and can be dealt with ahead of time. However, in that the hands of man can free the aliens in attendance during the Transformation, aliens who will have demands on their time assuring that the worthy survive the shift, to assist other humans in need after the shift, we appreciate all the help we can get from the hands of man in these matters. Humans should not rely on kind hearted
visitors to arrange all, for them, but consider themselves team members in these matters.
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ZetaTalk: Contour Probe
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ZetaTalk: Contour Probe
Note: written during the August 17, 2002 IRC Session
Lately NASA has had a series of setbacks, back-to-back and seemingly without stoppage. It this a coincidence, or the hand of interference?
We have stated since the start of ZetaTalk that a quarantine exists between humans on Earth and the inhabitants of the 12th Planet, a.k.a. Planet X. The reasons for this quarantine are that the heavy hand of the giant hominoids from Planet X, who were mining for gold on Earth, were disrupting what the Council of Worlds considers a balance in the Service-to-Other/Service-to-Self nature of the world emerging souls are presented with. The giant hominoids were more
technologically advance than the humans of the day, who were no more advanced than Third World countries not yet
in contact with what mankind terms modern civilization. They were essentially hunters and gatherers, though
intelligent, living in huts and hunting. The giant hominoids arrived on rockets, had lasers, could ride high on personal rockets and land at a distance, thus seemed to command the skies. Humans were terrified, enslaved, abused, and the
giant hominoids sent down for long mining missions determined to keep them there. The quarantine was imposed in such a way that the giants did not discern that this was occurring by an outside hand. They had technical difficulties, sudden weather that swamped their ships, attacks by carnivores on the road that were hard to explain by history and experience, and, finally decided to leave Earth for the relative quiet of Mars.
Now, does this not seem similar to recent problems NASA is having? Technical difficulties, and among those we will
1. the cracks in the shuttles, causing them to be grounded until inspected and repaired.
2. the similar cracks found in the vehicles used to position the shuttles, as takeoff and landing are touchy times and no one wants a repeat of the fireworks caused by a simple O-Ring years ago.
3. the lost probes that went seeking to peek at Phobos, the moon of Mars being currently mined by the giant
4. the destruction, without explanation, of the current reputed comet chaser, Contour, which was not simply out to check the comets reported to the public, as many suspect.
What is the reason for these disasters, outside of the quarantine, and what was the true missions the equipment
disabled were upon?
The Shuttles were disabled to make the message clear to those hoping to leave Earth, hopping to Mars or outside the influence of a pole shift on the surface of Earth, that escape will not be allowed. We have stated this, years ago, and now you see the force behind those words. Up until the present, the apparent accidents NASA was having were given
as warnings to them and their masters, but this message was not heeded. We and the Council allowed success, as this tends to pull the motivations of those conducting such campaigns out where they can not only be surmised, but proven.
You might call this a form of bait and switch, where they were led to believe they could succeed, while being given the message that accidents could happen, and not by accident. As with 911, where the Bush Administration was aware that they were being warned, were being told just what would happen, and ignored this, likewise they ignored these
warnings. Thus, their successes were not an indication of the future, but to demonstrate their motives to all, and this time is at an end. The gloves are off now. Do they think they will go aloft, get the space station operational as a landing spot, and actually make Mars habitable until a return to Earth post-shift? Should this scenario be sold to the dumb, rich, and frightened, it will no longer fly. No one save the utterly gullible would buy into the statement that NASA can succeed, now.
It is obvious that the probe failing at Mars was disabled so that mankind could not see what was going on, on Phobos.
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ZetaTalk: Contour Probe
Left in the dark, they could only assume no activity there. This was directed by the Council of Worlds. This moon was chosen by the giant hominoids for its mineral composition, which is rich in Gold. Why does mankind suppose that
Gold is present only in small amounts, elsewhere, as is the case on Earth? On Phobos it was the major component.
Thus, the giant hominoids were content to mine there, and the quarantine was secure. Where the Phobos probe was
destroyed by the giants mining Phobos, this was assisted to succeed. Had they not succeeded, we would have, and thus, it was not simply the efforts of the giants that determined the outcome. And why disable the Contour, which ostensibly was only going out on a probing tour. This probe, as you might imagine, was not going to head for some silly dirty snowball, but was heading straight for the beef, Planet X. There it was to report all manner of information, destined to alarm mankind as to the habitation of this inbound planet, the technology of this inbound planet, and there you are with mankind having their balance between Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other influences disrupted!
How would this information be used, by those on Earth, to the disadvantage of the average emerging soul? Not unlike the movies ID4, and Signs, wherein mankind was to cling to their government, who would save them, this information would be used to allow Service-to-Self governments virtual power to do anything to their public, in the name of their protection. Look to how the US, the Bush Administration, has used the WTC attack to attempt to remove all civil rights, the right to trial, the right to charges made public, the right to an attorney, and substitute decisions made solely by a handful of power mad in the White House alone. The Supreme Court acting like a Kangaroo Court, in putting
Bush in the White House. The Congress not to be saved in the event of an attack on DC, only those in the White House considered to be important. What does this say, regarding what an even greater threat would allow? The horror is not what is approaching, as survivors will survive in spite of being uninformed, and those in control of the Contour information would not be any more considerate of the public's needs than they are today, during their cover-ups. The horror is what the public would allow, going into the pole shift, should such Service-to-Self dominated governments, who desire world domination, be empowered with information.
Thus, the probe, which would have returned information that could be used to these ends, was zapped.
Note: added during the September 14, 2002 LIve ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The trajectory was to head straight out toward the inbound Planet X, and are sorry that more firm proof of this is not in hand, and unlikely to get in hand. Much talk in the media about Contours demise, but no discussion about the planned path! Now why is that?
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ZetaTalk: Protection/Healings
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ZetaTalk: Protection/Healings
Note: written on Sep 15, 2002
There is much desire among mankind, those who are contactees or not, for some sort of protection during the coming
times. They look to their gods, to their governments, to their circle of family and friends, and see these will be lacking.
Hearing of some protections, or healings, being given to humans by aliens, hope leaps into their hearts. We have, as other valid alien channels have, explained that some healing is done, and some protections given. Where is the line drawn, and how can one apply for this? Healings are done under two circumstances, only.
1. because the person needing help as someone who loves them so intensely, is willing to sacrifice themselves for
that person, and is aching to do somethihg, anything, to help. In this circumstance, it is an Service-to-Others call, of the highest order, and may be answered by Service-to-Others aliens who step in and give that person their
wish. Healings are never done because the person needing help begs for themselves. A theoretical Service-to-Others requesting to help a Service-to-Self person would not be honored, as Service-to-Others aliens could
hardly interface with a strongly Service-to-Self person. To be effected, the person must be willing to allow the aliens wanting to intervene to assist, and an Service-to-Self person would shrink from such contact.
2. because the person needing help is in a position, during this Transformation, that their demise or disability would be considered detrimental to programs the Council of Worlds considers of highest importance. ZetaTalk is an
example of this, certainly not the only such program, nor the highest importance, but known to those reading it
so will be used as an example. Should Nancy take sick, and be unable to respond to interview requests or
answer email, what would the impact be? She may not be asking, but those considering the wide range of
Tranformation activities dependent upon her message reaching certain populations, are concerned. Thus, her
potential cancer or heart attack is corrected, should it arise.
Protections are done in a similar manner, prevention of illness, but most often prevention of assassination. This has been done in the past, as the Oahspe mentioned, during the birth of the US as a democracy, as a major influence in the world. The Oahspe states that bullets were caught in the hands of angels, rather than proceeding to the assassination attempt goal. In like manner, many, many individuals during the Tranformation are being protected, unbeknownst to
them. This is not because someone giving the Call desires to be protected, which is in almost every case a self focused request, but because someone else has determined that their activities are of key importance to others. Thus, the best hope of being protected, or healed, is to not think of oneself, but of others, intensely, and take action to help others.
This is the Service-to-Others hallmark, as when the person is doing this, they think not of themselves.
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ZetaTalk: Moving Planets
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ZetaTalk: Moving Planets
written June 13, 2004
If the Zetas claim they moved Venus to fool the public on Earth, why do they not move Earth beyond the
reach of Planet X? Why provide even more reasons for the public to not take the message of a poleshift
We have stated, early in ZetaTalk history, that the Council of Worlds considers a pole shift in the same category as tornadoes or hurricanes or exploding volcanoes or starvation or disease epidemics, as an opportunity for mankind to grow spiritually and help each other. The Earth is, after all, your schoolhouse, and this is the lesson on your plate.
The Council interferes when this schoolhouse for learning will be utterly destroyed, as when an asteroid
sufficient to destroy life on Earth were approaching, and would be deflected so the schoolhouse can continue. In
this instance, the Council would interfere as man is not able to intervene. It would be a loss without purpose, thus.
The Council interferes when the environment is not balanced so as to allow real choices. We mentioned a past
such interference in the Quarantine between man and the giant hominoids of the 12th Planet, aka Planet X.
Being giants, and Enslaving Man, a tone of hopelessness and despair ruled, throwing young souls inordinately toward a Service-to-Self orientation. In this instance, likewise, man was not able to effect this quarantine.
The Council interferes when a world has voted, during a Transformation, but the Losing Side continues their power grab. The Earth, voting to be Service-to-Other as expected, is not to be plunged into Martial Law. Thus
weapons of mass destruction, though planted in Iraq, were never produced. Thus continuing terrorism in the US,
the prime rationale for Martial Law there, was squelched. The Transformation, being at heart decisions of
individual souls, thus continues as planned, and is not hijacked.
Contrast these instances of interference with normal life on Earth, where man is able to effect change by taking action.
Even in the face of a tornado or exploding volcano, there are choices to offer aid to others, put oneself at risk, or behave in a self centered manner. The Golden Rule can be applied or not, and these are spiritual choices. This is also the case with a pole shift, certainly not the first time for Earth or man, always an opportunity to made spiritual choices to assist and aid others or not. Thus, no different, in the view of the Council, from starvation in Chad, immigration restrictions in Australia, unmitigated greed on Wall Street, or the brutality of the oil grab in Iraq. Man, in the main, is doing poorly in handling the coming pole shift. The elite are informed, the common man denied the facts. The wealthy elite, self centered and greedy, who rule the world by virtue of the great clout their wealthy wields, are concerned only so that their worker class can survive intact to serve them in the future. This is considered an unbalanced situation, by the Council.
The Council does not interfere when the schoolhouse will simply be rearranged, as happens during every pole shift. New opportunities for spiritual choices are vastly increased during times of great change, with established
leadership collapsed, need and hardship everywhere, and little to stand in the way of helping others. In the
words of Wall Street, these are growth opportunities, spiritually speaking.
The Council interferes when the opportunities for spiritual growth are being restricted to a handful of individuals operating the cover-up. They agonize over whether to help or abandon others, while the common man is told
only that the weather and skies are normal, and a return to shopping is in order. Imagine the difference if the
coming pole shift, the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system, were a reality for the common man. All
would weigh their life, their choices, live with their choices for some days and perhaps have regrets. A larger growth opportunity, for more individuals, for a longer period of time.
Thus, just as weapons of mass destruction were removed from Iraq as quickly as they were planted by the Coalition,
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ZetaTalk: Moving Planets
and just as terrorism attacks against the continental United States were Thwarted repeatedly to suppress Martial Law from being invoked, the Council moved to prevent the cracking cover-up from returning to rigidity. Had tens of
thousands of amateurs astronomers not seen Venus transit, after the loud announcement that this would occur, and had these amateurs made demands upon the establishment, doors would have slammed and resistance to open discussions
would have increased. For those who say that the Venus transit, or the Venus appearance, a more accurate phrase,
detracts from the validity of ZetaTalk, we say that most of mankind is unaware of ZetaTalk or even of the Planet X
concept, most amateur astronomers included. Rather than battering the doors of the cover-up with demands for an explanation, they are asking about anomalies around the Sun, the type of open discussion that will allow the cover-up to dissolve. Thus, the Council allowed Venus to be pushed where it was reluctant to go, and make an appearance, and to return, a small matter in the scheme of things.
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ZetaTalk: Apparent Precision
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ZetaTalk: Apparent Precision
written Dec 22, 2004
At the start of ZetaTalk we introduced the concept of an Element of Doubt whereby those unable to deal with the thought of an alien presence could take comfort in denial. A way out of the discomfort that would otherwise cause
them to attack those speaking warmly about their visitations or excitedly about their UFO sightings or enthusiastically about what this might mean for mankind. A way out that would avoid panic turned inward that might result in severe
depression or suicide or madness. A way out, whereby the person unable to comprehend the Earth being visited by
beings from other planets, coming in all shapes and sizes and with intellects far superior to man, could deny. They would have facts they could cling to, wave about, and declare that all is normal. During the decades since Roswell, mass sightings have been few, and photographic proof debatable, and this is still the case. Explanations contrary to the obvious are still floated by the establishment, for those who have this need. They can cling to the comfort that man as the center of the Universe, and the only intelligent creature, provides. For those strong enough to face the facts, the mass of evidence is overwhelming, and the debunking done by the fearful pathetic.
How would an element of doubt help mankind prepare for the coming cataclysms, and would such an element of doubt
be mandated by the Council of Worlds? Why would it not, given that the options are a mass panic if the Earth changes are undeniable, resulting in the imposition of Martial Law to control the panic, and the premature slaughter of
hundreds of millions by their own governments as they themselves panic and fear loss of control. How does this differ from the panic among those in control during the last days? What’s the difference? Death when one has made their
peace, said their goodbys, and done all they could to help others is far different from death experienced in a sudden horror, swamped by feelings of abandonment and the heartache of being unable to reach out to help otherstey love and care for.
During the months and years when the presence of Planet X has been stoutly
denied, despite a Second Sun dramatically seen by so many and a Moon wildly out
of orbit at times, many changes have occurred in the corridors of power around the
world. Gone are the expectations that an escape to Mars or into the solid rock
chambers on the dark side of the Moon might be possible. Gone are the
expectations that underground complexes would be safe. Gone are the expectations
that communications via satellites or low frequency ground waves might hold.
Increasingly, the establishment understands that their lot is hardly different from
the lot of the common man. We have stated that Martial Law is unlikely to be
called deliberately unless a firm date is known, as it is difficult to maintain for
more than a short period of time. Thus, no firm date, no Martial Law, but if the Element of Doubt is removed, utterly, then with or without a date, Martial Law would not only be imposed suddenly, but during a state of panic on all sides, with the gunning down of those in the streets, gassing the hoards from planes overhead, and entombment in cities
bombed all likely possibilities. Is panic only a possibility among the masses? Those in power are more prone to panic, as they fear more than the Earth changes, they fear losing power and the rage of those who have been lied to.
Compare this to the option of maintaining an Element of Doubt while the world slowly becomes aware that the Planet
X scenario is real, the End Times upon them, and prepares. Those who would impose Martial Law find their ranks
deteriorating, the resolve of those they command divided on the matter, and even the possibility of calling such
draconian measures reduced because the truth has been leaked, increasingly, and the populace already knows about the coming changes. Few cultures have no prophecy or folklore to guild them in this matter, and the facts of what can be seen by those willing to look are increasingly clear. Thus, a lingering Element of Doubt allows the populace to take the steps those in the Council of Worlds hopes will happen - spiritual decisions on whether to sacrifice in order to help others or continue down a self serving path, closure on goodbys that would otherwise result in hauntings by spirits http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta189.htm[2/5/2012 11:36:46 AM]
ZetaTalk: Apparent Precision
looking for closure, plans laid among those determined to survive in order to help others needing them in the
Aftertime. If the Council wants the populace of Earth to have this opportunity, what would it take to avoid the absolute certainty that something was amiss in the heavens, and that the establishment is withholding the truth?
while not preventing the ultimate outcome or the overall time frame, pace the movement of Planet X such that
the tilting and leaning and tipping of Earth simulates the seasons
while not avoiding the clash of planets that would occur naturally during the pole shift, scoot the minor planet
Venus about to simulate a normal orbit of a planet not caught in the cup
while not preventing the polar wobble that has the Sun in the wrong place for those observant, ensure that key dates such as a Solstice or Equinox have their traditional views.
What does this take, among those intelligent enough to be able to travel across the Universe in a wink, switch
densities, control gravity, create blackouts, and travel back in time? We have stated that the orbits are what they are due to particle flows, sweeping arms of particles from the Sun, blasts of particles not unlike the Solar Wind from the Sun that hold planets at bay in their orbits, gravity particles drifting back to the Sun pulling the planets toward the Sun and outbursts holding these same planets at a distance by the Repulsion Force. Do you think the Council cannot control particle flows, the magnetism that is causing the Earth wobble, or cannot bend light to its liking? Think again!
NewGrange, Ireland
The passage and chamber of Newgrange are illuminated by the winter solstice sunrise. A shaft of
sunlight shines through the roof box over the entrance and penetrates the passage to light up the
chamber. The dramatic event lasts for 17 minutes at dawn from the 19th to the 23rd of December.
The lucky people selected by lottery leaving the chamber at 9:22am. Sunrise over a standing stone
viewed from the entrance of Newgrange.
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ZetaTalk: Things vs People
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ZetaTalk: Things vs People
written June 27, 2004
I will present the question in logical stages. The Earth is a School for us to learn to become STOs and other lessons. The Zetas and Council of Worlds does not generally interfere so we can learn our lessons by ourselves. The date is not being given so that the establishment can not impose martial law, give
everyone a fair shake in surviving. Then what about this? The Zetas and Council have admitted that they
have Intervened for us, moving Venus, preventing another 911, no planting of WMD in Iraq, etc. Why can’t they just prevent the specific people involved from doing the damage? There are only a few that can
impose martial law and start the ball rolling. In this way, we all can learn about what is to come.
In a spiritual learning house, a schoolhouse for emerging souls, the prime directive is non-interference. This places a wealth of spontaneous experiences before the emerging souls, who develop empathy by being subject to various
painful situations. Empathy simply does not exist if a spirit has not been there, in its past. There is no need to list the situations mankind or any life form finds distressing, as the list is something that every incarnated soul struggling through a life is acutely aware of. Living with physical pain, dread or terror or abandonment and uncertainty, loss of a child or spouse, sudden setbacks, ridicule and expulsion from a group, the list is almost endless. At a certain point in the young souls development, birthing guides become involved to help shape the circumstances of the next incarnation, so the setting is one which will maximize opportunities for learning for this particular entity. The young soul might be placed into a starving country, or a place of wealth and power, into a body stricken with genetic disease or into a body capable of intimidating others. Nevertheless, the rule is non-interference with the incarnation, so the lessons to be learned stick as they are not theoretical, but very real to both the incarnated life form and the spirit within. A lesson well learned.
At a certain point in the progress of a world developing emerging souls, it on occasion becomes necessary to interfere further with circumstances, to maintain a proper balance for the first lesson that young souls are to learn, which results in their decision to be either Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. A young soul in a constant state of fear struggles to get past this to the point of empathy, which is something the Service-to-Self masters, visiting the schoolhouse and waiting to be called as advisers, know. Thus, brutal intimidation, without any apparent hope of changing the situation, is something the Service-to-Self try to achieve in a developing world, but something the Council of Worlds prevents.
A balanced situation, where action can result in change for the better, so a young soul can perceive the result of their efforts to change a painful situation for others, is desired, and thus circumstances are manipulated in the schoolhouse to arrange for this. Likewise, a young soul leaning toward the Service-to-Self orientation would find in a vicious
dictatorship over other young souls a false setting for the world they are heading toward. In the Service-to-Self worlds, all are solidly Service-to-Self, and not easily dominated. Thus, in a balanced schoolhouse, the Service-to-Self gang does not invariably win, and when the gang turns on each other, viciously, the true nature of living the Service-to-Self life style is learned.
In all these exceptions with the Rule of Non-Interference, manipulation is done to things, not the incarnated human or life form, and thus does not interfere with the setting the emerging young soul can control. The decisions by the entity, expressed into action by the incarnated human, are not interfered with, thus. In the current setting, where Martial Law is greatly desired by those wanting to sculpt the surviving populace, to give them the key ingredient they need, a firm date for rotation stoppage, would not prevent Martial Law. To do so would require not only the hundreds planning the murder of hundreds of millions by poisoning cities and blocking escape, but the thousands they control by edict, those under their command. Thus, a cascade of interference, not with things, the circumstances, but with people, not allowed to function as a self choice entity, would result. For those impatient with this situation, we would suggest that those preventing an announcement of a firm date may be countered by circumstances, overwhelmed by Earth changes and
exposes, but that day has not yet arrived.
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ZetaTalk: Things vs People
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ZetaTalk: No Delay
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ZetaTalk: No Delay
written Aug 23, 2004
If the Zetas were able to move Venus to make the transit happen, what if they are preventing or moving
Planet X? In other words, can they or will they delay Planet X from happening? You know the story, about
the White Lie, fool me once, shame on you, etc.
We have often stated that the Council of Worlds views the periodic pole shifts that wrack the Earth to be a Natural
occurrence, an opportunity for spiritual growth in the schoolhouse Earth, like droughts and plagues and tornadoes and illness or accident striking unexpectedly. In these opportunities, man as an emerging spirit can either empathize with others caught in a plight or simply seek to enhance their own security, the many steps to be taken on the road to
determining a spiritual orientation of either Service-to-Others or Service-to-Self. If droughts and plagues are today not eliminated so as to give man a playground, rather than a schoolhouse, why would these rules change simply because
the impact will be greater, affecting civilization as a whole and not just single individuals or families? How is the loss of a spouse or parent, a life lived in pain or anguish, any less devastating simply because it happens to one, rather than to many? Is mercy and fairness weighed by volume, or by the pound, only tipping the scales when a certain weight is reached?
For those confused by how the rules work, exceptions are made only to provide a balanced schoolhouse for the souls emerging on Earth, not to alleviate stress by the pound. The 3rd Density lesson, your first lesson, should have a setting where there are advantages to caring for others as well as advantages in continuing in an infantile manner, caring only for yourself. The Council has interfered in mankind’s setting where severe intimidation, such as by the giant hominoids who inhabit the Planet of Passing, Planet X, made it almost impossible for emerging man to chose the Service-to-Other path. As slaves, in the mines, they had no escape, no hope of escape, and bullied by giants could only wonder in terror if they would survive another day. This was deemed an imbalanced setting without respite, and these giants were
encouraged to mine Mars and its moons, vacating Earth, eons ago, a Quarantine imposed. Such interference was likewise approved during the Venus Transit so the cracks in the cover-up would continue to creep, the doors of the cover-up not slam shut, as would be the case if the nervous cover-up artists were faced with angry questions from the astronomy community. In these interference’s, a pending painful situation is not removed, it is only deferred.
Would the Council delay the passage of Planet X, slowing its creep around the S. Pole of the Sun for some such
advantageous reason? No, nor do they block the weather, divert hurricanes or tornadoes, vaporize locust swarms, run flood waters backwards, or put a stopper in volcanoes. What would be the spiritual advantage, in a schoolhouse, in
having this delay? Would more individuals become empathetic if yet another flood stranded families, beyond the many opportunities they already have to reach out to and consider others? Have there not been floods and droughts and
bankruptcies and starvation aplenty in these recent months and years? Would more individuals hardened into a self
focused orientation make a change in course because they witnessed yet another tragedy affecting a neighbor? The
setting for spiritual choices is in place, and will be sharpened by the acute pain to be experienced during the shift. As is often the case, choices are made in such moments, when the choice is clarified. The screaming toddler stranded and about to drown, ignored rather than rescued by those thinking only of the risk to themselves. The trip back into a
burning building to try once again to free a stranded resident, who would be burned alive if not freed. These are the settings soon to be presented to mankind, with scarcely a soul spared these opportunities. And a delay is not an advantage.
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ZetaTalk: Engagement Rules
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ZetaTalk: Engagement Rules
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Regarding the Rules of Engagement, an issue humans are not much aware of. We, the Zetas, as all groups alien to the Earth, are guided by the Rules of Engagement among ourselves. Humans are not so guided, being free to be
themselves in whatever manner they wish. Human societies set their own rules, groups within societies set their own rules, families set their own rules, and sometimes even individual humans, in setting about self improvement, make
their own personal rules.
Our rules, in regard to behavior on Earth, are determined by the Council of Worlds, which administer the goings on of intelligent life of all kinds, of whatever density, in this part of the Universe. These rules govern the expected clash between Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other oriented groups. Why are these rules necessary? Humans are a mixture,
being in the 3rd Density and in the process of choosing. They find the self-centered in the same vicinity as the
altruistic and empathetic. The rules of human society take this into account. Your laws on criminal behavior, for
instance, are an example of rules assuming a mix of Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others. They spell out what
criminal behavior is, when the line is crossed, and when one intrudes upon another.
In the Service-to-Self oriented groups after 3rd Density, all are, essentially, criminals. They are ruthless and utterly without scruples. They would prey upon each other endlessly. The control over each other is not by criminal rules, but by the rule of the strong. The pecking order is ruthlessly established, by whatever means necessary. Once established, this becomes the law. Essentially the rule of law is the long list of rules from the lawgiver. Democracy has absolutely nothing to do with this process. It is a dictatorship. Thus, as long as all new members are Service-to-Self, homeostasis is established. When in Rome, you do as the Romans do.
In the Service-to-Other oriented groups after 3rd Density, none wishes to hurt the other. Concern for the group, and others, is expected and delivered. Rules are not used to control here, either. Order is established by the group
discussing what needs to be done, and various members volunteering. Communication regarding difficulties, requests
for assistance, and status on the ongoing concerns of the many are frequent. There are no secrets. There is no need to be defensive against each other, as all have common goals and none means to take advantage of the other. There are no locked doors. All turn their backs on each other without fear. Goods are not hoarded but shared. Service-to-Others
entities trust each other utterly, and this trust is not misplaced.
Mix these two groups together, and what would happen?
The Service-to-Self would endlessly take advantage of the Service-to-Other. To some degree, this takes place in your 3rd Density world. The self-centered moan that they are put upon, unfairly treated, are injured and need a lighter load, cut to the quick by some other's treatment of them, and all manner of ruses to take advantage of good hearted folk. In a world of Service-to-Others, where all have let down their guard to concentrate on mutual goals, assuming themselves surrounded by friends, this trust would prove disastrous. In short, the two groups cannot mix. The Service-to-Others, who usually prove to be the majority during any planetary evolution, are given guardianship of their perimeter.
You may choose to call this a type of quarantine of the Service-to-Self, or giving the Service-to-Self a prison colony environment, if you wish. However, this separation is for the benefit of both groups. The Service-to-Self find being around those of Service-to-Other mentality distracting to a great degree. All Service-to-Self entities at one time in their past had empathetic sensitivities toward others. This has been repressed in the interest of service to the self. The Service-to-Self entity does not want to be reminded of this, and if so reminded finds itself distracted and in need of http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r03.htm[2/5/2012 11:36:48 AM]
ZetaTalk: Engagement Rules
correction for some time to come. Thus, the Service-to-Self wish to avoid those strongly oriented toward Service-to-Others. They are not clambering for the mix, either. The desire for distance is mutual.
So do the two groups never encounter each other? Only when both agree, and under a strict set of rules.
Agreement can involve a group, or an individual. All this is spelled out. An individual may engage an individual, or an individual may engage a group, or a group may engage a group. A group would be a specified number of entities, or a representation of a larger group. In either case, whether for a group or an individual, the type of engagement may be one of three types:
Non Engagement - meaning that no engagement has been agreed upon, and none will occur. This will happen if
there is a request for an engagement, but the request is refused.
Limited Engagement - meaning that either the requester or the acceptor has placed limits on the engagement.
The limits can have all manner of characteristics. Only for an hour. No touching. No other entity can be present.
Only verbal interaction. In the dark. Only numerics can be discussed. Whatever. This type of engagement is the
most usual, and engagements are brief between groups of different orientations.
Unlimited Engagement - meaning without limitations, until the death of one entity or the other. Where one of the
entities is an individual, this engagement runs until the incarnation ends - physical death. Where one of the
entities is a group, this engagement runs until the group disbands or is eliminated in some meaningful manner.
For instance, John engages the Club of Five. John dies, and the end of his incarnation ends the engagement. The
Club of Five disbands, fails to renew its charter, pay its fees, seek authorization, or whatever actions establish
the Club of Five as an entity. The engagement is at an end, as the Club of Five is now dead. Another instance,
John engages the Fibroid race on planet Alpha. The Fibroid race subsequently quits planet Alpha. The
engagement has ended. Or, alternatively, the Fibroid race becomes diseased and dies out. The engagement has
It should be pointed out that these Rules of Engagement cover entities above 3rd Density, who are incarnated. There are additional rules for entities above 3rd Density who are not incarnated, but they are similar. In these matters, the issue of death is defined differently.
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ZetaTalk: Star Child Engagements
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ZetaTalk: Star Child Engagements
Note: written Jun 15, 1996.
If the rules require alien visitors to place the human who issues The Call in charge, then what occurs when a Star
Child gives The Call? Where a Star Child may be living in a human body, and may be mingling about on Earth in a
3rd Density level, they are never from this level. Star Children are service minded higher entities that come from 4th, 5th, 6th, or even higher densities on rare occasions to do service. Thus, they are placed in the same category as alien visitors, as in truth they are visitors, and the Rules of Engagement rather than the Rule of Non-Interference applies.
For the Star Child, this presents a complicated scenario, as the Council's rule regarding visitations being only in the subconscious also applies. Thus the Star Child may agree to engage, but the engagement must be conducted in such a
manner that the human is unaware. In most cases this is resolved by an Out-Of-Body excursion, as this leaves the
human body unaffected and unaware.
Star Children do not give The Call, they give an invitation to engage. However, they can receive The Call from humans nearby, and can respond while Out-Of-Body or in their human form. If they receive an invitation to engage,
either from another Star Child or an alien visitor, they can refuse or accept. Thus it is a possible scenario that a Star Child, operating in the Service-to-Other, could encounter a walk-in in the Service-to-Self possessing a human body, and do battle. All this must occur in a manner where the humans caught in this drama are unaware of anything but
what seems to be human affairs. A tricky situation indeed.
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ZetaTalk: Reusable Worlds
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ZetaTalk: Reusable Worlds
Note: written Dec 15, 1996.
Since such a small percentage of worlds are suitable as life bearing planets, do those planets that are suitable get repeatedly used to foster forming entities? Yes indeed, and more times than humans might imagine! Take the Earth’s
history as an instance. Humans have not been the only intelligent species to evolve to the point where their intelligence is sufficient to spark the formation of entities. Long before mammals evolved there were reptiles of sufficient
intelligence, as reptiles emerge in the normal course of events long before mammals evolve. Thus, during the age of the dinosaurs, there was a relatively small and agile dinosaur that served as a container for forming and emerging
entities. This species did not survive to the present day, being affected by the same viral infections that took out the larger dinosaurs.
The Earth today is inhabited by several intelligent species, none of which encounter each other, as we have explained.
All but man were transplants, limited in number, and were placed on the Earth only because there would be scant chance for the intelligent species to encounter each other. As we have stated, only one species is made available for forming entities on 3rd Density worlds, as the likelihood of one species dominating another is too great if several intelligent species are cohabiting. Slavery would result, and is not allowed by the Council of Worlds. However, for the Earth at this time, humans rarely encounter the Men-In-Black, and then only when these hominoids wish this to be the case. In addition, they are sufficiently similar to humans that domination does not result. Bigfoot and the reptilian race living in subterranean cavities do not encounter humans, nor will they, as a quarantine is enforced.
After the Earth’s Transformation to a 4th Density physical state, living conditions on that portion of the Earth
remaining in 3rd Density will not be sufficient to support life capable of enough intelligence to spark forming entities.
The Earth from this point forward will be a home for formed and spiritually mature entities, those who have chosen their orientation and are living a 4th Density spiritual as well as physical existence. Due to the vote the human
inhabitants of Earth took just prior to the mid-point of this century, terran-born entities have selected the Service-toOther orientation for this future Earth. Nevertheless, this will not diminish the intelligent life forms that will inhabit the Earth, as in 4th Density travel to other worlds is allowed, and the Earth of the future will see many visitors!
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ZetaTalk: Travel Protocols
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ZetaTalk: Travel Protocols
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Humans assume chaos rules in the Universe, as chaos seems to rule in their world. They have free will, and except
where restrained by each other or temporarily by circumstances, can do as they wish. Is it not so in outer space? It is not so. There are rules. These rules restrain primarily by preventing the spiritually immature from leaving their home planet. This is the rule that restrains humans, at present. Humans may imagine that matters are otherwise, as they have managed to lift off their planet, but this is viewed as essentially hopping about on the surface, not serious space travel.
Entities are not allowed to travel to other worlds and influence matters there until they have reached 4th Density
spiritual maturity. Here they are either in the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others orientation, where the rules differ, but there are nonetheless strict rules in regard to protocol toward other galactic cultures.
What is protocol during galactic travel?
There must be no interference with another culture unless called. The interference then allowed is in proportion
to the size of The Call, and we are speaking here of numbers in relation to the whole - percentages basically.
The Call cannot be assumed to last forever, but is rather self limiting. No lingering. This is gauged by when the
circumstances of the original call have dissipated. If no secondary call has been issued, the interference should
be ended.
Traveling or visiting groups are not to interfere with each other, except as guided by the Rules of Engagement.
During conflicting calls, they must take scrupulous care not to step on each other toes. The reader will notice
how often we decline to discuss matters, citing these rules. The rules we are guided by are strict, and failure to
abide by them sends us packing.
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ZetaTalk: Time Travel
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ZetaTalk: Time Travel
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Time travel is not at all as it seems to Earthlings, who watch the movies or read books on fictional situations involving time travel. Here it is presented as though time travel were a goodie just waiting to be discovered. Once a human had discovered the trick, he was off and away. Nothing could be further from the truth. Time is a natural function, and inserts itself into the workings of Nature just as sub-atomic particle flow does. Time is a function, and can be modified in what you might term equations such that what has occurred can be unraveled or raveled forward, predictably.
Where time is a factor we can manipulate, occurrences that a given entity has experienced are linear. This is why time seems linear to you, as to you, your experiences occur in this manner and you have no basis to assume that time is
Time travel, into the far future, or into the past such that changes are made, is a fiction. Traveling back does not allow one to affect all manner of things that might be tenuously related to an occurrence. There are so many other threads that weave forward, in other directions, and all these bind, like a web. Time travel is not given to 4th Density entities to manipulate at will. Time travel is governed by rules set by the Council of Worlds. These rules affect all 4th to 6th Density entities in your galaxy. Specific requests must be made to the Council of Worlds in all cases. Approval is
given in only the most stringent of cases, where need has been demonstrated and alternatives are poor or non-existent.
Time travel is never used to manipulate the outcome of events, as your media would have you believe. This would
cause never ending chaos, as one could imagine.
A case in point is the genetic engineering we are tasked to do. If we need to weave genetic material from a certain family line, and this line has died out, we request and are granted the right to return in time to collect this material from an ancestor. When we return in time to collect genetic material from an ancestor, we must take special care not to add an occurrence into the consciousness of the entity, whether incarnate or disincarnate portions of the entity. To do this, we remove the entity from its physical container, freeze the physical container so that the mind is not operating at all, essentially a body stoppage, and take our sample. During this time the disincarnate entity is elsewhere, unaware of what we are doing. The disincarnate entity is in the same time frame, but essentially taking a walk, observing the weather or whatever. The disincarnate entity is not aware of our actions against its physical container.
Moving forward is basically a prediction, speeding up the time factor so that predictable events happen early. This creates a record in the physical matter that participated in this exercise, nothing more. Future travel must then be unwoven, undone, so the record is not in the physical anymore, just recorded in the soul. Thus, you might be moved forward to a meeting, to experience what would likely happen, but then be returned so that your body does not remember, but your soul does. This has been done, for instance, with Nancy, where she was expected to be at a
meeting with MJ12 but also at work. She attended the meeting, recorded in her soul as did those members of MJ12
who were pertinent. At the meeting, this memory sufficed as a pre-meeting, so to speak, her physical attendance not required. All such incidences require specific permission by the Council of Worlds, and are rare.
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ZetaTalk: Theories
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ZetaTalk: Theories
Note: written Apr 15, 2002.
Time, as we have stated, is a factor, and when we go back in time we do so by manipulating this factor in equations, causing time to regress. Indeed, as a factor, it is a variable, and can be affected by other factors. However, for man, who can only theorize, and cannot test as he cannot manipulate the other factors involved, time seems immobile. So-called proofs of this or that theory are only paper proofs, not laboratory proofs. Thus, to say that within the solar system, within your lifetime, on the surface of the Earth, time can be slowed or sped up, is a fallacy. Indeed, during your next life, you will be presented with so many new concepts this will seem like child’s play, something a
simpleton would muse about. Thus, we suggest, since you are shortly going to be presented with more problems than
you will be able to deal with, and problems that will tear at your heart, that you put this aside for now.
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ZetaTalk: Politics
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ZetaTalk: Politics
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Do higher density entities, functioning in different orientations, engage in galactic politics? Most certainly. It is an extension of the process of growing up spiritually. However, the politics is even more refined, and the claws less often seen. Suffice it to say that the differences are that there are more conferences, with fewer formalities, but tighter boundaries. More conferences because they are called by anyone whenever the need arises. No need to wait for the
calendar. No need to wait for everyone to be physically present. No need to wait for certain individuals to arrive and convene or paperwork to be completed. Call a conference and it happens. How is this arranged so simply and quickly?
Our computers serve us well in this capacity, and communication is quick and complete. There is a safeguard. As the rules are tighter, there is less room for negotiation. There is also less need for authority figures, who for instance might make a decision or break a tie. The rules cannot be evaded, and all know this. Basically conferences are called to
determine the intent of the other, as a form of information gathering. What are you doing here? What are you about?
Based on the answers, we may do something differently.
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ZetaTalk: Declaring War
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ZetaTalk: Declaring War
Note: written May 15, 1996.
Humans are accustomed to the forces of what they call good and evil being constantly at war, and this conflict to be present in almost every situation. The young child at school may find the drug pusher in a running battle with the local police, the bully extracting lunch money from younger children, and the chronic cheat who copies the homework of
others seemly ever present and virtually unchallenged. Surely life elsewhere in the Universe is the same, and the
advanced technology aliens rather evidently possess would make for spectacular battles when clashes occur. In fact, due to the separation of the orientations, such clashes rarely occur between orientations, and among the Service-to-Self they happen only when there is not a clear winner in the constant contest to be top dog that is characteristic of this orientation. Those in the Service-to-Others never war with each other, although disagreements most certainly exist and conferences are frequent if not constant, if one takes telepathy into account.
The reason battles between orientations do not occur is not only due to their separation, it is due to the enforcement of this separation. Those in the Service-to-Self would not be expected to abide by a rule out of honor, as they have none.
They have no choice. If a Service-to-Self group attempts to encroach on territory assigned to Service-to-Other groups they are physically blocked at the perimeter by forces put into place by the Council of Worlds. To engage, the Service-to-Self entities must request an engagement, and this request, which is likewise monitored by the Council, can be
refused by the Service- to-Other or a counter offer proffered. Gladiator contests, where brute physical force is used to determine the outcome, is simply not something those in the Service-to-Other would have the slightest interest in.
What would be the point, to determine which life form has the biggest muscles and teeth?
Beyond the lack of interest in physical prowess games, the Service-to-Other don't engage in battles as they know the outcome. They would win. Where those in the Service-to-Self desire weapons and spend a good part of their energy fussing over their arsenal of destructive power, the Service-to-Self are never as technologically advanced as the
Service-to-Others and the reason is simple - lack of cooperation. Those in the Service-to-Self attend to their tasks because they must, have been ordered to, and would be punished or killed if found doing otherwise.
Evidence of the technological superiority of the Service-to-Other is found in the residential arrangements made by the two orientations in your Solar System. The Service-to-Others are in 3rd Density only on the Earth's land surface, where they are actively at work conducting visitations. Otherwise, the Service-to-Others reside in 4th Density,
invisible to humans in 3rd Density, in a network of homes under the Earth's sea or on the surface of Mars. Those in the Service-to-Self, however, remain in 3rd Density, even when on the dark side of the Moon and on Earth's dead twin,
where they can't be seen by humans. Where 4th Density is more comfortable, they stay in 3rd Density due to density
shifting dangers, which the Service-to-Other handle well and the Service-to-Self bungle. They kill and maim
themselves, so are forbidden to shift by their masters who care not for their complaints or comfort.
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ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars
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ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars
Note: written May 15, 1996.
Within the Service-to-Self all-out battles for supremacy occur when superiority is not clear. Both want to be top dog, and the ruling masters are willing to send in and sacrifice their minions. This situation needs no explanation, as human wars are equivalent in most respects. Warfare in human history has been as brutal as the restraints on the warlords will allow. They want at their command virtual killing machines who have no remorse or hesitation, but what human
warlords most often get are procrastinating generals and deserting troops, even when the mission can be cloaked in
humanitarian terms. Soldiers hesitate to kill, and generals hope for compromise or a bloodless capitulation. But what if there were no reluctance or hesitation, as where there is no remorse one does not hesitate. What if the warlords on both sides had their perfect soldiers? Put this emotional climate into the high tech arena that exists in 4th Density and what follows is a Service-to-Self leveling war. It is called thus as this is the result, the survivors ultimately finding their level in relationship to the other group, with one standing above the other.
In these wars the soldiers are not motivated out of loyalty or a commitment to ideals, they are all like gladiators - kill or be killed. A soldier who refuses to be the perfect killing machine for his master is made an example, and a quick and painless death is out of the question. Human wars see the use of biological weapons such as nerve gas, nuclear
bombs, maiming devices such as mines, psychological weapons such as reminders of home and comfort, and various
wearing techniques such as starvation. Intergalactic wars between Service-to-Self groups are more brutal and direct, with complete destruction in the wink of an eye the goal.
Thus, the Service-to-Self groups, when establishing their pecking order, frequently brutalize and decimate each other, just as establishing the pecking order within a Service-to-Self group results in brutality and maiming if not death. The pecking order is thus established, and maintained with the same heavy handed methods so that a visitor to a Service-to-Self camp would think it remarkably peaceful, not seeing what came before. Service-to-Self ranks are rebuilt from the orphanages where all their youngsters are raised, procreation temporarily stepped up until the count of physical bodies approximates the 4th Density Service-to-Self entities incarnating within the group. All is peaceful again until some factor or another changes the power structure. All this is viewed from afar by Service-to-Other groups, who are aware of the battles but as they cannot be affected, essentially disinterested.
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ZetaTalk: Death Sentence
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ZetaTalk: Death Sentence
Note: written Nov 15, 1995.
The ultimate punishment - death. It prevents the criminal from enjoying his spoils, prevents recidivism, eliminates the need to house and feed prisoners, and ends all haranguing and argument - quick and convenient. The death sentence is seen as the perfect answer by some and a colossal mistake by others. Why the polarity? Law and order types tend to
view the death sentence as solving their problems, particularly as they and their friends are never on death row. If someone is put to death by mistake, well, no big loss. They were headed in that direction anyway. Empathetic types
with a social conscience put themselves in the sentenced one's shoes and imagine an innocent man's thoughts and
feelings. Unbearable.
Is the death sentence unique to the Earth? Not at all. All 3rd Density cultures have a death sentence in some form, though vary as to the invoking circumstances or prevalence. Even water worlds, where intelligent life is not in a form that can wreak violence on one another, sentence each other to death. To carry out the sentence entrapment and
starvation are used. As 3rd Density cultures are allowed to function without interference, the prevalence of the death sentence can be misleading.
After 3rd Density things change. 4th Density Service-to-Other cultures never imprison or punish each other, as there is no need. All wish to be of service to the group, and have remorse when another is harmed. There are no crimes, only mistakes. There is no punishment, only amends. There is no probation, only assistance and offers of help. In 4th
Density Service-to-Self cultures the death sentence is an inappropriate name for the frequency with which members
are arbitrarily killed. Where the rules are tight death seldom occurs as then a worker has been lost. However, as in most dictatorships, the lower levels can usually do as they please as long as quotas are being met and matters
humming along as expected. In Service-to-Self cultures members are put to death because they are lame or old or lazy.
If they take advantage of one another, commit a crime, that is of no consequence unless the hierarchy finds their
expectations have not been met.
Between orientations the Rules of Engagement prevail. It would not happen that a Service-to- Other member would be sentenced by a Service-to-Self group, or vice versa. Therefore, in truth, there is no death sentence after 3rd Density.
Among the Service-to-Others death at the hands of another never occurs unless a member has gone berserk, insane,
and kills another while not themselves, or unless there is an accident. Among the Service-to-Self death at the hands of another is not a sentence, as there is no trial. Death is arbitrary and sudden, because one member annoyed another, or for sport, or because they were deemed to be taking from the group more than they were contributing. The death
sentence has for them become a death solution, solely.
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ZetaTalk: Slavery Practices
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ZetaTalk: Slavery Practices
Note: written Oct 15, 1996.
Slavery is not so much a status in human society as a fact of life on occasion in 3rd Density existence and a continual fact of life in Service-to-Self communities. One can also be enslaved by life circumstances, such that change is
difficult. In human society, a servant may have the status of slave yet be well cared for and treated as an individual.
The servant might be unable to vote or leave for a different job, but this situation is not that much different from what wives in most human society experience. The governor of a country might appear to have the best that life can offer -
power, wealth, and all the perks that come with the job. But in truth he may be a slave to his position, unable to leave the job for fear of retaliation from the many whom he blocked or injured during his reign. He stays on the job out of fear of the consequences of leaving, not unlike the slave who fears physical punishment if he bolts for freedom.
Just as slavery can be one's situation, whether the official term or not, just so the desire to enslave can be clothed falsely. A husband may tell his wife that his desire to keep her from a role in the outside world is for her good, so as to shelter her from rebuffs and demands, while his true intent is to prevent her from gaining the independence that would allow her to leave him. Many governments allow their citizens to vote, but the vote is hollow as the candidates are all from the same class strata. The citizens are told they are controlling the country, but as they cannot get members of all the classes on the ballot, they in fact are continuing to hand the wand of power to the uppers classes, time and again. Thus, to some degree, they remain slaves to the upper classes, which determine where employment can be
gained, the compensation for this employment, and control behavior by threatening to black-list any who don't obey
their rules.
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ZetaTalk: Collision Course
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ZetaTalk: Collision Course
Note: written Sep 15, 1998. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
How might two planets, on some sort of collision course with each other, be dealt with at the Council of Worlds? Is one to be the winner and one the loser? This situation is presenting itself, again, in the coming pole shift to be caused by the periodic passage of the 12th Planet. Since this causes so much havoc on Earth, why not change the course of the 12th Planet, or blow it out of the skies? This might require relocating the intelligent species that inhabit the 12th Planet, but the concept of creating refugees is not foreign to humans, especially when the refugees are to be the other and not the self. Would the Council of Worlds allow the Earth to blow the inhabited 12th Planet out of the skies? The answer is simple - no. Even should humans figure out how to do this, this would not be allowed.
Third Density worlds are not allowed to destroy each other, or interfere heavily with the other's social environment.
Thus, the giant hominoids have been quarantined from your Earth, and man has been quarantined from the Mar's moon
the giant hominoids are currently mining. The Council of Worlds views interfering with nature to this extent. It is not allowed. Nature is a fact that all intelligent entities are adapting to, becoming aware of quite intimately by the necessities of life during incarnations. This is a learning process, and not to be preempted by cheating. The 12th Planet and its periodic passage was a known entity when humans were genetically engineered to begin with. It is nothing
Shuttle explosions, where the payload does not get off the ground, whether the payload was to be sent aloft within the US or another cover country like Russia, are no accident. Prior to these upload accidents in 1998, there were problems out in space that affected expensive equipment and threatened workers, but not the decision makers. These decision
makers have been told that the problems they are trying to put in the path of the traveling planet about to course
through the solar system, it's natural path, will come back closer and closer to home, with each endeavor. They have not listened. Attempts to build space stations with nuclear armaments they can direct, under the disguise of uploading satellites and space exploration equipment, will increasingly falter on Earth, poisoning those who feel they can risk the lives and safety of others, but expect their own safety to be the last threatened. They will learn otherwise, and these lessons have started.
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ZetaTalk: Shuttles
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ZetaTalk: Shuttles
Note: written Dec 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
In the past the 12th Planet was considered part of your Solar System, and in general the Council of Worlds allows 3rd Density species who are local to interact with each other, especially when they are the same species. The hominoids on the 12th Planet were seeded in the same manner as the hominoids on Earth, and during the same time frame, but
uneven development occurred. The hominoids on Earth dealt with carnivores and the violent geological changes that
accompany pole shifts. If they were not running away they were having to pick up the pieces and start over again.
Thus, the hominoids on the 12th Planet reached the point where Homo Sapiens on Earth is now, many millennia ago.
They developed rockets, not unlike the manned rockets the US sends aloft regularly to maintain its satellite system.
The goal was not simply to orbit their planet, but to gather resources for their planet, essentially a water world where mining operations were limited. They were driven to develop a Solar System shuttle, and their early astronauts were much at risk and died by the dozens. They could plainly see, via their telescope equivalents, that the Earth and Mars were planets that could sustain them. As with international travelers on Earth, they expected to get infected with new bugs, and that their immune systems would either adapt or they would die. Eventually, during repeated visits of the 12th Planet to your Solar System, they worked the kinks out of their shuttle and settled into colonies on Earth and Mars. Then trouble emerged as, being advanced, the giant hominoids demanded and got subservience from Earthlings,
in the same manner that humans living among chimpanzees would behave. In addition to their technological advantage, the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet had size on their side, just as humans do with monkeys. They ruled.
As these types of arrangements become progressively more extreme, the Council of Worlds stepped in and effected a
quarantine. The 12th Planet inhabitants do not know they are quarantined, they simply came to the realization that they must leave. This was arranged as most such matters, with the 3rd Density hominoids believing to this day that the
decision was theirs. They ran into increasing difficulties - rebellious slaves, bad weather, loss of their stores - and found that their brethren elsewhere were at least masters of their environment. The grass was greener, and they left.
They were discouraged by walk-ins sent to accomplish this mission, and the untimely storms that scattered their pack animals and sank their ships were accomplished by air turbulence caused by temperature differences, a minor feat
quickly arranged.
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ZetaTalk: Exploration Limits
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ZetaTalk: Exploration Limits
Note: written Apr 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Man has just recently, within the past century, launched into the space age, sending astronauts to the Moon and probes to the outer and inner reaches of the Solar System. The giant hominoids from your Solar System's 12th Planet
progressed beyond this point, having established mining operations on various planets or moons within your Solar
System, and shuttling to meet their home, the 12th Planet, when it periodically made a passage. What, therefore are the exploration limits on 3rd Density species, who are considered too spiritually immature to leave the play pen. Does this play pen have bounds? In general, entities in 3rd Density are allowed unlimited exploration within their solar system. Where more than one planet in the solar system is inhabited by an intelligent species, and an imbalance of
power arises between these species, restrictions in the form of a quarantine may result. For instance, if one planet's intelligent species were dexterous, such as man, and another planet, being a water planet, had an intelligent species that had only fins and tentacles, an imbalance of power would exist. The dexterous species could enslave or
exterminate the hapless water creatures.
Given man's violent nature, is the human race at the point of a quarantine? In fact, a quarantine already exists, though man is quite unaware of it. His recent difficulties with his space program are not all accidents, although the incidents that caused death or endangerment to astronauts or technicians in the past have all been man-made. Man will not be
allowed to travel to those parts of the Solar System where they would be liable to encounter their old slave masters, the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet. The reasons lie not in the small bands that in all likelihood would exchange information and might even become friends. It is the message that would be brought back to Earth that is the sticking point. The Earth has a long memory of having been enslaved in the past by these giant hominoids, who were
quarantined from the Earth for upsetting the balance of another 3rd Density species existence. Going into the
Transformation, Earthlings are not to be alarmed by this palpably real threat, as this would increase fear and anxiety inordinately.
Man, therefore, is being quarantined for his own good. Were it not for this conflict, he would be allowed free range throughout his Solar System, which given his limited intelligence would in any case be the bounds of his play pen.
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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Self
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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Self
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
When we refer to there being lots of rules in 4th Density Service-to-Self, this is due to the nature of the Service-to-Self orientation. Self-focused entities want only to do what will be of service to themselves. How does their society run, then, if no one wants to grow food, for instance, and all want to steal food from the others. Unless there are strict rules, food does not get grown and processed. Thus, those at the top of the heap, who have won out in the pecking
order contests, give the orders, make the rules, and viciously enforce them. It is only when such a situation exists that the Service-to-Self orientated groups do anything except squabble. Where those in the Service-to-Self consider control of others of prime importance, they do not control other souls, but attempt to create an environment of threats and enticements such that this is the outcome. They are perforce required to live with others, and once the pecking order is established, go about the business of learning, lessons, in this manner. Those at the top of the pile have the best life style, not unlike human society. Those at the bottom do the grunt work, and live in the worst circumstances. Riots or revolts are unheard of, quickly settled during what we have called Leveling Wars between Service-to-Self groups.
Newcomers to a group go through a quick process to determine pecking order, often injured horribly if they are slow learners. Thus, there is no ownership of the soul of others, only influencing behavior.
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ZetaTalk: Keep In Line
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ZetaTalk: Keep In Line
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
How does the Council of Worlds keep the Service-to-Self crowd in line? Easier said than done, it would seem, as they are all, essentially, ruthless criminals. However, what humans, struggling with 3rd Density limitations, might deem the limit of benign restraint mechanisms is not nearly the limit available to entities in higher densities. Humans think of physical restraints, or, at most, perhaps drugging the recalcitrant subject so they involuntarily abstain from the criminal behavior. At the far reaches of human restraint mechanisms are such tools as lobotomy for violent mental patients or castration for rapists and pedophiles, and of course imprisonment or the death sentence.
The Council of Worlds has recourse to methods beyond the physical, and these methods would amaze humans in their
effectiveness. Essentially, this is a block that prevents any physical or mental action not authorized. It is as though the errant entity is trying to walk into a brick wall, or at least that is the effect. There is no need to drag the errant entity into court, to place them in irons, or to alert others to watch them closely. How does this work?
This is done by computer, a computer similar to the one by which we maintain our extensive communications with
each other. The Council of Worlds relies on a very high level density substance in this regard, which cannot be altered or interfered with by lower densities. No tampering with the controls! The reader can relate this to bugging telephones to insure that all calls are correct. This surveillance is constant and complete. There is no evasion. It's all on automatic.
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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Other
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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Other
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Within Service-to-Other groups, the rules are set democratically, by those in the group, for instance on food growing and processing. During discussions on what the group needs to do for minimum maintenance and the like, there will be volunteers who offer to do these chores. They may offer because they feel this will be an opportunity for growth for themselves, or they may offer because they feel the others should be freed for activities that will be important for their growth. For whatever reason the entity offers, this would be considered the rule during the time span from one
democratic meeting to the next. These meetings are frequently held, and the sense of frustration from one of the group is cause enough to call a meeting.
Regarding a matter that most humans have yet to think about - moving to 4th Density and anticipating themselves
being in 4th Density Service-to-Others. What will the day-to-day interactions be like between groups? Where it is not difficult to imagine how a close group will operate, if one is a human operating in Service-to-Others already, it is difficult to imagine how the superstructure of government may not be in place. How do regional conflicts, or
operations proceed? For instance, if on a given planet, say in particular the planet Earth where there are several
Service-to- Others groups operating in preparation for the Transformation, do squabbles arise? And if so, how do these resolve? As we have mentioned, there are more Service-to-Other groups operating in the vicinity of Earth than humans are aware of. Not all co-exist seamlessly.
Some groups truly do not like each other, and express this by a refusal to work with each other. The offer is declined.
This dislike can stem from different backgrounds, where the prior incarnations were in radically different physical environments. Say, for instance, a group of entities having evolved in a physical form that did not have limbs with which to run, and therefore were never able to avoid confrontation with each other when this arose. Another group of entities evolved in a physical form where they had wings, and took flight at the slightest hint of confrontation. They would tend to approach a situation, for instance here on Earth, differently. The solution one group would be
comfortable with would be confusing to the other. They would decline to work with each other.
Other groups are in competition with each other. This stems not so much from territoriality as from a desire to have a sense of worth, a sense of importance. Say that at one point in the Earth's history, one group was involved in upgrading or guiding the human race. Then at another point in time, another group was involved in similar activities. At each single occasion, the group felt important, that they had made a contribution, and cherished this sense of having been a contributor. Now both groups are present at the same time on Earth. Neither can feel as all important as before, and feel diminished. They avoid each other. They both inflate their past contributions. All this is confusing to humans, but higher density entities are not without a sense of self.
Service-to-Others groups do not come to blows with each other. There are, of course, groups that work closely with
each other, and in this case their interaction is just as though either one of the groups became larger. They essentially merge, becoming a larger group.
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ZetaTalk: Friendly Disagreements
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ZetaTalk: Friendly Disagreements
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Where interplay between orientations, i.e. Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others, is so strictly controlled by the Rules of Engagement that there is essentially no interplay at all, there are on occasion disagreements between members of Service-to-Other groups who engage each other on a continuing basis. As we are dealing with entities who are
determined to see the general welfare given priority, these are essentially friendly disagreements. As anyone who lives in a loving family can attest, this is no small thing. There are situations where a simple vote taken from those affected is not appropriate. Perhaps it cannot even be determined who will be affected. For instance, in a situation where a species on a new fertile planet is to be genetically engineered to support conscious, intelligent life. There is no intelligent life to be polled as to their opinion, only the opinions of the various Service-to-Other genetic engineers.
How does this work?
We bring these types of issues to the Council of Worlds, and have a formal debate of sorts. Bear in mind that all the protagonists are basically focused on doing the right thing, and there are no hidden agendas possible in the Service-toOther orientation in the higher densities. It's just that there is a difference of opinion, based on past experience and outlook, as to what the right thing to do is. All present their views and openly debate, much in the format of a
roundhouse discussion. Each is allowed to explain fully, and is not interrupted. When all have said their piece, and no points are left to be countered or debated, then the Council of Worlds makes a decision. The Council of Worlds is
composed of very high density entities who hold their position because of a general vote of all affected. They are
essentially elected. Their decision on the matter before them then settles the issue. As with the Rules of Engagement and other rules that must be enforced, this goes into the computer and is enforced, without question or argument.
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ZetaTalk: Interference
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ZetaTalk: Interference
Note: written Dec 15, 1995.
Wanting to help loved ones who don't want to be helped is a seemingly endless source of agony and anxiety. The
spouse or friend or peer who rebuffs an offer of help clearly needed leaves those concerned in dismay. What now?
Should one press on with offers, insistently? Should one argue the issue, trying to get the needy one to see the light?
Should one walk away and abandon the effort, having been rebuffed? You have a saying - life is the best teacher.
Simply stated, this means that one's own experiences are more graphic, test the theory, and result in a multifaceted memory of the whole process - including turning points - than receiving any of this second hand. The one pressing help is saying, in essence, that they know better, that their experiences should prevail over the experiences the recipient is about to have or has had. In essence, they are attempting to take an experience away from the rebuffer, who clearly is determined to have these experiences. But are they not about to hurt themselves? Perhaps this is the experience they wish to have. It is, after all, their life.
In 4th Density Service-to-Other the individual is in charge of their life. The only instance where others are allowed to interfere is where the safety of the others is threatened. As all are in Service-to-Others, this is a rare instance indeed.
In frank terms, this means that if one wishes to starve to death to experience how this feels, to have empathy for those who have had these experiences in their past - they would be allowed to starve - no interference. If one determined to avoid all education, to be solely self-taught for whatever reason - they would be allowed to skip school. In addition to not dictating to one another on way of life, we do not press medical treatment unless the individual requests it. Of course, there are exceptions, as if the individual is in a coma or otherwise uncommunicative they cannot ask. In these situations we communicate with the spirit to determine the desired course of action. We do not argue with a desire for suicide, nor do we press a level of healthcare the individual may not be interested in. It's their life, and they can live it any way they choose.
Conversely, if an individual does request healthcare, every assistance is given, no matter how hopeless the outcome or fruitless the effort. As might be expected, our understanding of disease and proper treatment is extensive. We have no situations where we cannot treat a disease, baring the course of old age which is systemic and unavoidable and
eventually leads to death. We seldom resort to surgery, focusing on the root cause of a problem and correcting this instead. Where surgery is employed, it is in the form of reconstructive surgery, where the pattern known within the genes is awakened and requested to express itself. Thus, an amputee or patient with a diseased liver would find
themselves growing a new one, with the diseased tissues washing away, for instance. There are limits on this
technique, as a newly reconstructed limb looks nothing like the old one and is always smaller and puny looking, but this proves to be superior to a prosthetic device in any case.
For those dearly concerned about a loved one, wanting to offer words of advice or a helping hand, wanting to see the loved one in better circumstances, the best course is to offer but not push. Offer in clear terms, so there will be no misunderstanding. Offer again, if a reminder might be in order. And then butt out.
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ZetaTalk: Unconditional Love
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ZetaTalk: Unconditional Love
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Humans view love from many angles, as something they desire or wish to possess, as something they require and need
for comfort and survival, and least of all as concern for another. Where in theory, the latter is understood to be what is meant by the concept of loving another, in reality the first two motives fit the picture most often. Why is this so? Why would humans say one thing when the opposite is the case? Why not simply say, I desire X, rather than I love X. Why not say, I need X, rather than I love X. We slide away from the truth, and cast the warm glow of the concepts
engendered by the word love over all.
The reason truth suffers in this matter is due to the desire to excuse the self from failure. In our hearts we aspire to true love, to caring for the other as much as we care for ourselves, and this is our announced and inner intent. When we miss the mark, and the feelings are more self-serving, we hope no one notices. Then why do we have problems with
the concept of unconditional love? Having problems already in practicing what we preach, we dread having the
expectations ramped up into a higher realm. Does this mean that self-concern should be eliminated? Are we to focus
only on the other? Are we not to feel resentment when the other disappoints us, or perhaps even brutalizes us? As we fail to miss the mark so often already, how are we to incorporate higher standards? The practical application of these ideals falters. We feel a bit lost.
This confusion is due not to our attempts to reach an ideal, but in the understanding of the ideal itself. Unconditional love does not mean to love another regardless of their behavior. It does not mean to accept any behavior from the other, without defending the self or, as you say, making a stink. It does not mean to look the other way when competition for a resource that the self either desires or needs places the self at a disadvantage. Unconditional love, in other words, does not mean that the self should stop striving and wanting and aggressively going after what it wants and needs. Unconditional love means, simply, that you do not abandon the other because there is a competition or
disagreement. We will explain with a couple of examples.
Conditional love: A mother loves her children, and this is for many reasons. They are an extension of herself, and their achievements reflect on her upbringing and genes. They promise to grow up and take care of her in her old age. They assist with the household chores, and can be relied upon in emergencies. They liven up her life, bringing friends into the house and news and jokes and always the unexpected. Life is not dull. The mother feeding and clothing her
children is considered automatically to be a loving mother. What happens when the child refuses to fit into one of
these expectations. Perhaps one of the children is uncommonly independent, and refuses companionship to the mother
when she desires this. The child has his reasons, but the mother only sees this as rejection. She feels much resentment, and finds she is reluctant to do the special things formerly done for the child. She has stopped loving this child, as her love is conditional on his meeting her expectations.
Unconditional love: In this same situation, where the mother finds one of her children to be a disappointment, the
mother does not stop meeting the child's needs, as formerly. This does not mean that she does not feel disappointment, or even air her grievances to the child or others. This does mean that the loving support she gives to this child
continues, whether or not the child has disappointed her in some way.
Conditional love is therefore seen as a lever, to force another to cooperate, and unconditional love allows the issue to be deal with squarely, as the only issue, and not be clouded by other issues. For instance, in the above example, the mother can loudly complain about lack of companionship, and this issue dealt with openly. In conditional love the
companionship matter may be dealt with, openly or not, but in any case other issues have arisen, such as failure to feed and clothe or pass messages along or whatever the mother formerly did for the child. This in fact prevents the issue from being dealt with as a single issue, as it becomes weighed in the mother's favor. The issue is clouded by http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r11.htm[2/5/2012 11:36:58 AM]
ZetaTalk: Unconditional Love
secondary issues. The mother, by applying conditional love, is being in fact dictatorial.
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ZetaTalk: Without Money
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ZetaTalk: Without Money
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Money is nonexistent in 4th Density Service-to-Others. Let us explain why this would be so. What is money? A
medium of exchange. Something of consistent value, or at least stable value, which allows the barter system to take place in a more abstract manner. If one grows and markets apples, for instance, they do not have to haul around a bag of apples in order to purchase milk or pay the rent, although this option is still open to the apple grower. Without money, the apple grower must haul apples about, and this is tiresome and such matters as spoilage must be dealt with.
However, the existence of money, which has been called the root of all evil, supports activities that give no value in and of themselves.
What benefit, truly, are the virtual gambling casinos that go by names such as Stock Exchange, Commodity Market, or Bond Market? This benefits those who can manipulate faster, or with a more clever sleight of hand, but benefit the
overall not one wit. These activities are in fact parasitic on the overall, as the operators must be fed and housed, yet contribute nothing. Often, in fact, they benefit at the expense of the very people who should benefit - those who
produce. The principal beneficiaries of money gambling arenas are those already wealthy, who hire clever gamblers
who in the main stop at nothing to succeed. The laws governing this activity do not stop lies, theft, or evasion of regulation. This is due to the pressure and inducements that the wealthy place on legislators. The little guy loses, again.
So, how do 4th Density societies function without money, a medium of exchange? Money is used to indicate to others
what the individual has earned or has a right to spend. However money is presented, whether cash, a line of credit, a credit card with a balance under the credit limit, antiques or jewelry with an appraised value, real estate with an appraised value - all indicate that the holder can spend or exchange goods to this amount. What this also means is that without such proof of worth, the individual cannot spend, and is on charity. At this point the individual gets free food and lodging from either the government or charitable organizations, or goes out on the street as so many do. For
simplicity's sake, you can consider 4th Density Service-to-Others to operate as though everyone were a charity case.
We will be explicit.
The apple grower, when in need of some item other than the apples he grows, simply goes and takes them. Likewise,
others simply come and take apples, as needed. If there are too few apples, then there is distress communicated
telepathically and a meeting of the group is called, or perhaps the issue has come up during the regular meetings. As there is distress, others in the group weigh their current activities in light of the new need, and discuss alternatives.
Essentially, someone who may be on sabbatical in order to devote to learning may cut this short to assist, or someone who has taken responsibility for doing laundry may find they have extra time on their hands, and volunteer. Or, it may be that in weighing the activities of all, the conclusion of the group is that apples are of less importance, and an agreement is reached to parse the existing supply out more carefully.
In this way, money is replaced by communication and cooperation, and this works just fine.
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ZetaTalk: Implants
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ZetaTalk: Implants
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Implants are without a doubt the most talked about contactee phenomena. Where other matters are in fact more
common than the implant phenomena, implants get the most press. Abduction phenomenon such as the contactee's
awareness of man's place in the Universe, an increase in telepathic communications most often cited as the contactee's psychic ability, and first time occurrences of the Out-Of-Body experience or astral projection as it is sometimes called
- are more common. Why this focus on implants?
Humans regularly tag wild life in order to track it, tag their domestic animals so they can be found if lost, tag their cars so ownership can be proved, etch their name on the backs of valuable items, assign numbers such as the Social
Security Number to identify each other, and expect their spouse to wear a ring. Ownership. A man is assumed to be
thus owned by his wife as he wears her ring, his government as his Social Security Number tags him wherever he
goes, his employer as his entry badge marks him as a component of the whole, his church as he is on the roster, and his house as he cannot function without an address. For those who say that the man is the one in possession, we would point out the many ways he has been tagged by his so-called possessions, and fettered by them, and dragged about by them. He is not free. He is tagged, and intuitively understands this.
Just so, when humans realize that they themselves or others have been implanted, the worst notions of the tagging
process that humans do to each other, and to animals, come to mind. The Nazis death camps, where humans were
tattooed with numbers so they could not escape their fate, men who smash their wives in the face so the scars and
broken nose will announce to the world that they cannot escape brutality, livestock to be culled from the herd marked with bright colors so they cannot be missed, and wildlife tagged so it can be recaptured and perhaps killed and
dissected for science. Humans being tagged? What can this mean? Implants must be put into the perspective of the
wider picture. Contactees, or abductees as they are often called, are all volunteers. Tagged or not, they can end their status as contactees at will. The Call can be given, and The Call taken away, by the human who gave The Call. They
have the power. Therefore, implants are not a tag placed in a possession. Therefore, any relationship of implants to the tagging that humans do to each other or to their various possessions does not exist.
Think of an implant, rather, as a type of portable, lightweight, ever-ready telephone. The implant allows the aliens in contact to quickly locate the contactee, saving both a lot of time. Implants have been described as going up the nose, behind the ear, into the bones of the head, and under the skin. All that and more. They have been described as organic and structured to dissolve when removed. Some are that, and some are not affected by removal, and some are not of
organic materials at all. Some fraudulent scams by humans directed to make the populous uneasy about the alien
presence claim the implants will kill the contactee if removal is attempted. This is utter nonsense, as all implants, placed by either the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other group, are superficial and not integral to the functioning of the human. Anything else would not be in accordance with the Rule of Non-Interference, affecting the free will of man,
and would simply not be allowed.
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ZetaTalk: Healings
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ZetaTalk: Healings
Note: written Mar 15, 1996.
On occasion countactees will recall a visitation for the sole purpose of what is termed a healing - fevers disappear, injuries mend so rapidly that doctors in attendance doubt their x-rays, and tumors seem to melt away. Under what
circumstances does this occur? As aliens visiting Earth cannot interfere with what is termed the human setting, they cannot arbitrarily step in and fix up humans who just happen to be their contactees, playing favorites as it were.
Humans are in charge of the Earth at this time, and humans most certainly are in charge of their own lives. Thus the human setting is a combination of natural conditions, self imposed circumstances, and the results of actions or
interactions with other humans - a spiritual schoolhouse.
However, there are rare exceptions to the Rule of Non-Interference, primarily where a contactee has chosen and embarked upon a role for themselves that is deemed important for the Earth's Transformation. Such contactees are not the ones choosing pleasant activities that will bring applause and comfortable living. Quite the opposite is the case, as contactees given a healing are characterized by having chosen roles that place them in danger, result in humiliation and loss, require them to be extraordinarily steadfast and long suffering, and if anything shatter, rather than build their lives. These contactees challenge the establishment, promote democracy in the face of tyranny, declare free thinking in the face of ridicule, or pull up stakes to prepare for leadership roles during the coming cataclysms. The roles they have embarked on have great impact, and ill health is an unnecessary distraction.
Healing a contactee is not an arbitrary decision, but is one taken to the Council of Worlds in all cases. A healing is never done because a contactee simply desires it or because someone gives The Call with this in mind. In some rare instances a healing is done because a human begs for another to be healed, where this call is given from a good heart and not for self interest. These calls are characterized by a desire to help another to the level where the contactee would put themselves in the injured or sick person's place. Take me instead, they cry. Such healings, likewise done only after having been taken to the Council, are done to solidify the Service-to-Other orientation of the entity
incarnated as the human giving The Call. In a 4th Density Service-to-Other environment their feelings would translate to action, and they are, in essence, operating in the 4th Density Service-to-Other orientation spiritually, if not
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ZetaTalk: Free Will
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ZetaTalk: Free Will
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Our visits on Earth are not to interfere with your people's choices regarding their orientation.
Humans, in general, do not understand how non-interference works. On Earth this tends to be all or nothing. You tell your children that sex is nonexistent and punish them for thinking about it, and then one day they are married and can have at it - all or nothing. In between is a swamp that everyone is distressed about - teen age petting and extramarital affairs and the curiosity of youngsters. Theorems are taught at school as absolutes, even when they are being
questioned at the highest levels. Absolutes are so much more comfortable, and avoid all that unpleasant discussion. In particular, they avoid that uncomfortable feeling that one really does not understand how things work. Non-interference does not constitute staying utterly away from emerging entities on 3rd Density worlds or avoiding certain subjects because they cannot be explained fully. This is a human concept, based on the way humans try to control their environment, but is not how the rest of the Universe works.
Non-interference can best be explained if you keep in mind that nothing can be done by an alien unless it is through a human - nothing. In this they must wait until a human gives The Call, signaling an interest in having a conference.
Ambassadors from the Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self orientation can only confer with humans, what humans call
close encounters or contact. Ambassadors from the Service- to-Self may promise delivery of goods, as where one sells their soul to the devil for gain or where your government, early on, thought they would get alien space ship technology from their early contact with those in the Service-to-Self. This orientation is notorious for not telling the truth, and no technology has been gained - none. There were, however, some souls firmly recruited into the Service-to-Self ranks, by these maneuvers, which were within the rules guiding alien behavior on Earth.
We are not here to rescue you. You have free will as to your associations. Those who call us, the Service- to-Others, receive our help and guidance. Those who call others, the Service-to-Self, by the same token receive the help and
guidance of those others. Our activities are dictated in great part by The Call of your peoples, singularly or as a group.
For the Zetas in the Service-to-Others orientation, ourselves who are speaking to you, we may go outside this
guideline only in order to ensure that the genetic material we require is available for the hybrid program. We must, in cases where this is not by invitation, consult the Council of Worlds. Extreme measures are taken, including removing the entity from his or her genetic environment temporarily.
Humans do not, in general, understand how much control they can exert over their interaction with entities not native to the Earth. Being native to the Earth means the entity has not had prior incarnations on other planets. Resident
visitors incarnated at the present time as humans can affect each other, but not native terrans, unless by invitation. This is known as the Rule of Exclusion. This may seem confusing, but is part of the reason the class you call Bigfoot is as elusive as it is. They are in quarantine.
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ZetaTalk: Intervention
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ZetaTalk: Intervention
Note: written Apr 15, 1996.
Humans so often look to others beyond themselves for salvation that they can scarce imagine a situation where the
Earth would not be rescued by what has been termed their benign space brothers if the chips were truly down. Perhaps man has been allowed to tinker with nuclear bombs and global warming only because the situation is not yet dire. Like children playing near the edge of a cliff, they have been issued warnings, but should they start to go over the edge, intervention would arrive. Such is often the case in human affairs, and is routinely the rule. Young children should not be allowed to play in traffic, although on occasion this happens by accident or oversight and death or injury occur. The rule, however, is that intervention should occur. Even adults anticipate rescue. Bank failures see the steadying hand of the Fed, worthless stock the oversight of the SEC, reckless driving the flashing lights of a patrol car, and a call to 911
the swift arrival of numerous and varied rescue vehicles.
Would not the Council of Worlds intervene if the Earth, the subject of such caring concern by so many alien groups, were to be on the edge of ruin and devastation? The short answer is no. Look to Mars, now freezing solid but once a life-bearing planet. Mars was ruined by the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet, who were allowed to do so as they too were native to your Solar System. Look to the manner that we, the Zetas, ruined our planet when in 3rd Density.
We were driven underground, having made the surface poisonous. Should we have died out entirely we would have
been transplanted to another world, albeit in a capacity where we would not have the capacity to destroy a second world. Look to your Bigfoot, who wander about in a primitive state, but who are also in a 3rd Density state as
yourselves. They are transplants from another world, but lack the capacity to poison or otherwise destroy the world they now live on. The entities incarnating Bigfoot requested this situation, having viewed with horror the results of their handiwork.
As we have repeatedly stated, the Earth is in the hands of humans at the current moment, and as such humans could
utterly destroy her - and none would intervene.
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ZetaTalk: Exceptions
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ZetaTalk: Exceptions
Note: written Dec 15, 1996.
The one rule that holds true is that for every rule there is an exception, and the Rule of Non-Interference is no
exception. Once a vote has been taken, preparatory to the Transformation that a 3rd Density world is to take,
exceptions can occur. The results of the vote are not to be tipped, and situations that would include the outcome to be other than the vote do receive interference. This is akin to a traveler, once having determined the itinerary, tolerating no interference with the travel plans. Perhaps the traveler could not take the train, as planned, but can transfer his ticket to voyage by ship. Perhaps the traveler could not hike in the Alps, as planned, due to weather problems, but finds the same vistas and exercise on a nearby mountain range. All in all, the end result is the same.
Interference in all cases must come before the Council of Worlds and be justified. It is not simply enough to point out that the Service-to-Self are winning in this area or another, an upset to the overall balance must be demonstrated.
Thus, given the heated nature of falsehoods spread in South America purporting abductions by blood-sucking aliens,
the Brazilian Roswell scenario was approved, bypassing the rule that all human encounters with aliens should be
recorded only in the subconscious. An exception was also granted for the original Roswell incident, which led to
conscious contact with US government personnel and ultimately resulted in the formation of MJ12. MJ12 personnel,
of course, encounter aliens frequently in the course of their duties, and are fully conscious of these encounters - a continuing exception that was granted by the Council when they approved the Roswell proposal.
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ZetaTalk: While Unaware
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ZetaTalk: While Unaware
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Lessons to be learned during the current incarnation, or personal missions as they are sometimes called, are less
effectively addressed when consciously dealt with. In fact, being consciously aware of the lesson to be learned can sometimes prevent the lesson from being addressed during the incarnation at all. How can this be? If one is conscious of a posture, that the posture must be assumed, the posture may be assumed but this may be an act. If one is not
conscious of a posture, and the situation arises where the posture may be assumed, then if the posture is assumed this is not an act but a genuine choice. To know the desired outcome before hand ruins the process, as the goal of the
incarnation is not to have certain postures taken, but to have certain choices made.
Therefore, ask not what your lessons or mission should be, but seek to connect with the circumstances of your
incarnation with genuine intensity. Follow your heart, and make your personal deliberations, as it is the desire of those who would guide you that your free will must function as your guide in these matters.
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ZetaTalk: Sight or Sound
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ZetaTalk: Sight or Sound
Note: written Oct 15, 1995.
Humans giving The Call are in the main desiring action, results, and physical confirmation that their call has been answered. What they get is a discussion or advice. The media, however, plays to human desires by portraying alien
communications to humans via electronic devices - speaking through the telephone, tapping out a message on the
teletype, or via a talking head on the TV screen. This never occurs, as since the advent of electronic devices the rules have been such that visitations are to occur in the subconscious. This rule was put into place when the results of the Earth's orientation poll were in. This poll, taken more or less in the mid 1940's, established that the entities of Earth leaned overwhelmingly in the direction of Service-to-Other. During Transformations, once this poll has been taken,
nothing is allowed that will upset this balance. Thus, no full recall of any alien visitations, in any form. Could electronic replication of aliens have been presented in the past, prior to this poll? Indeed this vehicle could have been used, had electronics been in place in the past, just as today screen memories of deer or owls are used by ourselves to mask a visitation.
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ZetaTalk: Alien Technology
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ZetaTalk: Alien Technology
Note: written Oct 15, 1995.
Technological assistance has been given, via humans, but the lines are drawn to where the influence, the result, would not remove humans from their essential task at hand which is to determine their spiritual orientation. In spiritual development, 3rd Density is the earliest, which you can equate to early grade school. Children are not allowed into the air traffic control tower nor the computer room, nor are they given guns - even when they understand how to work the equipment. Where you would not let a youngster into the air traffic control room, a young adult is allowed. The
difference is that he has grow past the point where he thinks the world revolves around him, and is aware of how his actions affect others. You are not there yet, as an intelligent species.
Rumor has it that the secretive development of the Aurora and the recently emergent Stealth Bomber reflect a
contribution of alien technology, and rumor is correct. This is not our technology, but was an early gift from ambassadors in the Service-to-Self who were busily bribing their way into the hearts of the military. Wildly
enthusiastic and anticipating even greater coups, the military leadership at that time sold this program to whomever held the purse strings and set about becoming, so they presumed, the masters of the Earth.
The technology delivered, which had been demonstrated with alien space craft, did not work on human machines.
Literally decades passed before the truth dawned on the deeply disappointed leadership - they had been deceived. The demonstration, which involved radar evasion, did not involve the shape or speed or surface material, as they had been told. The demonstration used density shifting, at speeds that the eye could not follow, so the disappearing ships,
coming straight into the radar screens, seemed to have evaded radar. Right shape, right speed, and bingo, radar evasion.
Needless to say, having touted the program, the sponsors were obliged to deliver something. All that money and time, searching after the right shape and speed, did result in a semblance of radar evasion. Why has the Aurora not been unveiled? Shame. It doesn't work as promoted, and as long as it is still under wraps the jury is still, theoretically, out.
Has really worthwhile technology been handed to the government? Absolutely not, as those in the Service-to-Self
have no desire to see their recruits get out of hand, nor would they be allowed to interfere with the balance between humans here on Earth, by the Rule of Non-Interference, and those in the Service-to-Others would never encourage a
war machine.
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ZetaTalk: Escape Routes
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ZetaTalk: Escape Routes
Note: written Oct 15, 1995.
The Rule of Non-Interference is quite clear on the cataclysms. The only humans who can be assisted in their survival efforts are those firmly in the Service-to-Others. This exception is due to the spiritual focus the inhabitants of the earth have chosen for her future. The Earth is to be a home for entities in the Service-to-Others during 4th Density, and thus those humans who are operating in the Service- to-Others orientation are considered, essentially, in our camp.
What does this mean for the others, who are in the majority, or for any elite groups who may try to strike a deal?
Essentially it means that any promises that have been made to the contrary are false, and they have been lied to. Will not the agreements that various alien groups have with the government hold and cover this contingency? No. Our own
agreements are quite clear on this point. All our resources are going to be used assisting Service-to-Other humans as they will allow us to. Each individual is being judged on the basis of the orientation they are currently operating in. No group deals. No special favors. In regard to the Service-to-Self groups, who perpetually promise what they have no
intention of delivering, they make these promises to maximize the misery of the disappointed. Their way of insuring a conquest so that their recruits will be utterly focused on the self during their last moments - pointed in the right direction.
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ZetaTalk: Avoided
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ZetaTalk: Avoided
Note: recorded during the November 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
We are increasingly asked by the desperate, who hope this was all an exercise in New Age communications, whether
the cataclysms can be avoided. Do you expect the Sun not to rise tomorrow, or the Moon to appear sometime during
the 24 hour period? The arrival of the 12th Planet/Planet X, is a predictable, normal, astrophysical event in your part of the Universe. Like cancer and lightning strikes and meteors falling from the sky, such matters that are normal to your world may not be pleasant, but you live with them today. Prior pole shifts were not averted, despite the agony and
wishes of those contemplating the inbound red dragon in the sky. Is childhood cancer cured today, because it is a
horrific thing to contemplate? Is death following an accidental injury to a person in the prime of their life, someone whom the family depends upon and who does not wish to die, averted? In like manner, just because this is horrific, does not mean that special circumstances prevail. Your life on this Earth is for you to learn how to help your fellow man, to stretch into the opportunity. In this regard, the pole shift affords all humans an opportunity they can either: 1. avoid, or
2. accept.
None will be spared being offered this opportunity. And thus, the clarification of a persons orientation will be acutely established.
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ZetaTalk: Rescue Demands
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ZetaTalk: Rescue Demands
written Sep 2, 2003, during Lou Gentile live radio
We are not permitted to interfere with what goes on Earth. This is your schoolhouse. Tornadoes, hurricanes, cancer, irrational and demanding bosses, a poor marriage, a child slowly dying of a fatal disease. These are things that are in your life today, and we are not zipping in to fix it. The reason for this is a plan, not ours but a higher plan, we might even say this is God’s plan because we have found this to be throughout the Universe. Young souls are put on Earth
where it is a spiritual learning house where they have many opportunities to help others or turn their back on others.
Your first step in your spiritual growth is to decide what side of that coin you fall on. Almost all chose to help others and become empathetic, a rare few grow in the other direction. These are separated at a certain point, after the
Kindergarten phase and sent off to what Nancy refers to as the Reform School where they will not bully or be sadistic or intimidate you any longer but must do this to each other, a fitting hell, a true karma. So we are not allowed, or we would be sent packing, to interfere with your school house.
The approach of Planet X is a natural occurrence as are tornadoes, and is something that those who administer this part of the Universe have decided is a natural occurrence, consider it that, and thus it passes, as it has in the past, and is something that is considered an opportunity for you. How are you, then, helping your fellow man during this time of calamity? How will you rise to this occasion? What steps are you taking now? How will you respond when those
around you are distraught with grief, injured, children orphaned or abandoned? How will you react? This is an
opportunity for you to make gigantic spiritual steps or to run away and move in the wrong direction. So, consider it that, rise to the occasion, and find that your life can become far more satisfying if you make the right choices.
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ZetaTalk: 12 Planet Shuttle
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ZetaTalk: 12 Planet Shuttle
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The alien life form we refer to as the gods of Mount Olympus, who are resident on the giant comet, the 12 Planet, are not unique as 3rd Density visitors to Earth. They were allowed to visit Earth, in the past, even though they too were in 3rd Density and on the same level as the inhabitants of Earth. Are they the only group in 3rd Density that has so
visited Earth? There have been several, but these visits are very rare, and with this one exception have always been benign. An example of a 3rd Density visitation is what is known in the US as the Pascagoula episode, where an alien with rigid legs floated to communicate with an ex-combat veteran. This veteran responded to a request, in essence
gave The Call in response to a call, for this meeting with a 3rd Density entity that had evolved from a form of
intelligent tree to occur. During its evolution and previous incarnations, this entity, not being able to maneuver, had never been in combat. They wished to learn, vicariously, what combat was like. This entity traveled to Earth as the guest of 4th Density entities.
What made the alien life form we refer to as the gods of Mount Olympus unique, is that they had achieved space travel on their own. This achievement is beyond what Earthlings now enjoy, as even though the trip was within your Solar
System, a shuttle between Earth and the 12th Planet during one or another of the periodic swings past the Sun,
nevertheless the trip required the aliens to go into hibernation for some years. It was this ability, in concert with their space flight technologies, that allowed them to make the trip at all. Consequently, as this was a feat they could repeat, they dug in, as the saying goes, and made themselves at home on Earth. This became disruptive of Earth's free will
progress, and was stopped. These aliens are, however, elsewhere in your Solar System, proceeding with their mining
operations, which are similar to the ones they conducted on Earth.
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ZetaTalk: What is God
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ZetaTalk: What is God
The concept of a god has been around, for mankind, as long as man has been conscious of himself as separate from
other creatures - having consciousness. The concept of god came into being in response to anything more powerful than the self, a common reaction throughout the Universe. At first, this takes the form of animism, where wind, thunder, and savage beasts are gods. As when dealing with other tribal members or even some wild beasts, the newly conscious prehistoric man understood, through experience, that some of his gods could be placated. Hand over the food, and all is well, for instance. Placating angry tribal members often involved sacrificing a friend to save oneself. For instance, if the question of who stole the food comes up, if one young individual meets the blind rage of the angry elder, then the others are off the hook. The concept of the scapegoat is born.
In time these concepts become sophisticated, with sacrifices ritualized and the concept of the god expanded upon to include motive and rules. This expansion was not the common man's doing, but sly religious elites who desired an easy parasitic living. They became the keeper of the rules, and performed the ritual sacrifices. As keepers of the rules, the rules understandably began to twist in the favor of the religious elite. Organized religion was born. At some point in the intellectual and spiritual development of mankind, some began to see these flaws in organized religion and think for themselves. But casting away the rigidities of organized religion did not entirely satisfy, as these individuals sensed that something else was going on. Intuitively aware of the eternal soul within them, they sensed that the separation of body and soul was possible, and that reincarnation existed. In contact with spirits in higher dimensions, they became intuitively aware of the spiritual realm.
That's where we are today, with mankind. No answers, just intuitive understanding and a lot of organized religion
conducting their rituals and laying down rules. Mankind, in increasing numbers, is coming into contact with
extraterrestrials who have an understanding of the larger picture. At last, they will have an answer. Unfortunately for the anxious, this is not to be the case, for we, also, do not have the answer. Our understanding of how the Universe works is greater than yours, but what started it all and why are still outstanding questions in the Zeta minds. Sorry about that. We too must progress to higher densities of spiritual maturity before we can gain a greater understanding
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ZetaTalk: Playing God
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ZetaTalk: Playing God
Note: written Jun 15, 1996.
If God created the Universe and species evolve naturally on lifebearing planets, then are aliens in higher densities not interfering with God's plan by seeding planets with DNA and genetically engineering intelligent species? Where is the line drawn? Humans manipulate their world endlessly, creating artificial summers in which to live, sustaining
genetically defective offspring and encouraging them to reproduce, spewing poisons into the air and waterways, and
decimating species into extinction. Are they not interfering with God's plan? If God's Universe generates intelligent, conscious species within whom incarnating spirits spark and thereafter stay whole from one incarnation to the next, then clearly we, who are here to seed planets and are in the process of genetically engineering man's next leap forward are here because this is part of God's plan.
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ZetaTalk: Planetary Souls
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ZetaTalk: Planetary Souls
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Planets such as the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth do not have souls. Non-life planets such as the Sun and Moon are in spiritual 1st Density, and the Earth is in spiritual 2nd Density, composed as it is of 1st Density material such as rock and water and 2nd Density creatures such as plants and non-conscious fish, birds, and animals. Without man on the
Earth, the Earth would be considered a 2nd Density existence. We refer to the Earth as being in 3rd Density only
because man, a conscious intelligence, resides here at this time. When we state that the Universe is alive, we are
referring to the concept that God is everywhere, and that we are presumably within God because of this, and that God is surely not dead. The Universe runs as it does because God wills it so. That is our understanding.
Primitive man worshipped the Sun, as it gave life, and the Moon, as it also gave light at night, and the wind and
waters, ascribing spirits to them as they moved and had power. This simple view of the Universe lives today, in fokelore and what is claimed to be true channels. But if the stuff of souls could congeal in inanimate things, then why would there be anything left to conceal in evolved conscious beings? The stuff of souls would be gathered into planets and wind, rocks and water, for whatever reason imaged by these fanciful tales. And consciousness, the ability to create, to decide, which cold matter and wind and water do not have, would go wanting and be the lessor. This is simply not the case, as just as you find other humans more interesting and challenging, less restful than a walk along the beach, just so the stuff of souls finds rocks and wind boring.
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ZetaTalk: Animals Souls
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ZetaTalk: Animals Souls
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
What is a soul. This is substance that does not require a physical body to exists, nor is it bound to a physical body. The soul can leave the body, as in an Out-Of-Body experience, and it can be disincarnate, in spirit form. Not all living human bodies have incarnate souls. Those humans who are severely retarded, or in a deep coma with scant hope of
recovery, or simply in a primitive and self centered, idle, lifestyle may not have souls. On the other hand, they might.
It is dependent on what lessons the soul requires, and what school room the soul would best be in to receive these
Would a soul ever enter and incarnate into a non-human physical form? Most certainly, but only on rare occasions
would such an arrangement be allowed. The reason is that this existence does not have much to teach an entity, and
this is the consideration by which the birthing envoys are guided. What type of animal might the entity incarnate into?
Any kind, although most likely this would be a mammal, a reptile, or a bird. These categories include the mammals of the seas, and small as well as large reptiles and birds. Thus, when you see life, you should consider it to be precious, as you know not what you may be destroying.
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ZetaTalk: Thinking Machines
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ZetaTalk: Thinking Machines
Note: written Aug 15, 1995.
A goal of research scientists is to create robots so effective at running matters that all of mankind in essence becomes akin to the upper class - waited on hand and foot. To be effective in these roles, robots would have to repair and
reproduce themselves, or each other, i.e. propagate; be able to adapt to changing circumstances, i.e. learn; and, since mankind can't be bothered, make logical determinations, i.e. think. Standing between the robot and sentient life forms, then, lies only emotion - hopes, caring, desire, rage - the motivators. In pursuit of this dream servant, scientists are casting a jealous eye on biological elements, which can propagate, learn, and think. But biological elements invariably carry the capacity for emotions. Even the amoebae reacts to defend itself, to escape, and moves toward that which it desires.
Where is the line to be drawn? Do we, the Zetas, not use a massive computer for data storage and communication
between alien groups in the Service-to-Other orientation, and does this computer not use biological components? We
equate this to your use of wood and leather, as the biological elements we use are not alive. They cannot propagate, nor do they move to defend themselves or move toward that which they desire. They do not have desire. They are dead. This is the ethical guidelines we use in creating robots, but these are not simply guidelines we have determined among ourselves. The Council of Worlds, which oversees all situations where one intelligent life form can enslave
another, forbids the use of living biological material as components of thinking machines. The robot that propagates, learns, thinks, and as all life has emotion is alive, yet enslaved, as controls would surely be put into place to prevent the servant class from arising. Thus, media scenarios such as The Stedford Wives, or The Terminator, or Star Trek' s Data would not be allowed to develop, not even if scientists in 3rd Density managed to develop them, which is far
from likely. That those in 3rd Density, who are emerging souls in the process of determining a spiritual orientation, would attempt to do so is one of the reasons for limiting the capabilities during 3rd Density.
Mankind, in short, is too dumb to create a handy-dandy version of intelligent, sentient life. One, per their desires, which would never break down or talk back, would always look good, be compliant in bed, foresee one's needs, repair the car, be infinitely loyal, smart as a whip but never look down on the master, and never suffer from neglect. The child's dream.
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ZetaTalk: Robots
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ZetaTalk: Robots
Note: written May 15, 1997.
Robots were first thought of during human development as workers, other humans. As in most 3rd Density worlds,
enslaving the other is a constant consideration, and this slavery takes many forms. Shackling the worker to his task and working him to death is the most obvious, but the shackles that are not obvious are still just as binding. The husband who cannot leave his wife without encountering a smothering monthly support bill will tolerate demands from his
master just as a shackled slave would. Both cannot think of escape due to the pain it would bring. With the advent of programmable machines such as computers, the thought of having machines as slaves is irrepressible. They don’t
require wages, never demand a day off, and can be relied upon to be consistent and do what they were told to do! Such a cooperative slave.
Programmed machinery is a natural occurrence in densities higher than 3rd Density also, and to a great degree. Where the passion to enslave another is not present in 4th Density Service-to-Other communities, the desire for a silent and reliable teammate to help one do one’s job better is more certainly ever present. Robots are developed and used up to but not beyond the point where they could be considered sentient or conscious, as the Council of Worlds does not
allow thinking machines, in essence biorobots, to be developed and enslaved by other intelligent species. The line is drawn where including the components of life would enter in - DNA capable of self initiated thought, emotion, and
most particularly a conscious sense of the self as separate from the surroundings.
Intelligent machines, no matter how remarkable, are always following their initial programming. Their ability to
learn from circumstances inevitably follows this initial programming, and cannot unshackle itself from this.
Robots are not constructed without programming, to form their own idea, so to speak, of what to do in this or
that circumstance. Such a master would be unleashing a monster, as the robot could conclude that the master
should be eliminated, for instance. Thus, where the urge to have silent slaves is frequently present, the urge to
allow them to decide their own tasks and purpose is never present.
The complexity of DNA, which breaks from the original coding to mutate, and frequently, has the capacity to
break from its original genetic programming. Only life, where the brain upon birth is unprogrammed, can sustain a truly original thought. Robots would be unreliable if allowed to mutate, and are thus never constructed in this
manner. Robots also do not have the complexity that DNA sequences allow, as the very complexity allows for
variance and unpredictability - the antithesis of the concept of a reliable mechanical and undemanding slave!
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ZetaTalk: Lack of Choice
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ZetaTalk: Lack of Choice
Note: written May 15, 1997.
To humans, who observe that their computers often seem more intelligent than other humans, our assertion that the
rules we must observe regarding sentient or conscious thinking machines prevent our machines from becoming alive
must seem confusing. A retarded human who can barely recall the sequences necessary to put one leg into a set of
trousers is alive and conscious, but a powerful computer monitoring a myriad of logic threads simultaneously is not.
Just how does that compute! The difference is subtle, and where the line may seem blurred to humans who are
confusing performance with intrinsic intellectual independence. i.e. choice, the issue is not confusing to us. We will expand on the differences between performance and choice.
Quite often, and in fact most often in machines developed in higher densities, the performance of the machine is superior to the performance a life form could attain. This should not be surprising in that the machine was
developed for this reason - because the life form desired more rapid or reliable performance than they could attain, or tired of the redundant activity required when the life form itself was performing the activity. This is
precisely why humans invented computers, which at first did simple calculations rapidly and with almost
unerring accuracy. This is still why humans press for faster speed and the ability to handle more complex
calculations, as the computer allows for insights requiring the processing of immense amounts of data, or rapid
analysis of the data for on-the-spot decisions. Nevertheless, the computer is performing as its masters directed.
Entities form in the life forms that DNA makes possible not because there is activity, which in any case takes
place in a swirling nebula, but because of the possibility for choice. The readership can relate to this if they think of common situations they themselves face almost daily. They rise in the morning. In this they have a choice, as they can choose not to rise, to sleep on for more minutes or hours, to refuse to rise ever until they die in bed, to engage in all manner of activities in bed from affectionate or sexual interchanges with their mate to reading or
masturbation or simply scratching. In all of this the choice is theirs. Now imagine that one was required to rise automatically, no choice, and proceed through a regimen of steps such as tooth brushing and dressing in a pre-defined outfit, every day, day after day, without any foreseeable change. Too boring! Humans have been known
to kill themselves due to unrelenting boredom, and forming entities simply do not incarnate into such situations.
Machines are not intelligent as in being capable of thought, they are simply well programmed and capable of adaptive reasoning. Where this differs from the free choice that DNA that has evolved into complex organisms
can sustain, is in the degree to which the initial programming dictates the outcome of conclusions. Machines adapt to the environment, but always within the dictates of their initial programming. Living organisms have
multiple branches in their logic trees, in that these branches can be grown in response to the environment and
past choices, where machines in fact do not have branches. What might be taken for a machines logic tree is in fact a predetermined branch dictated by the initial program.
Thus, the rule that machines, no matter how complex, cannot carry incarnating souls is not one that needs enforcement.
It happens quite naturally as the entities simply don’t linger!
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ZetaTalk: Bounded Robots
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ZetaTalk: Bounded Robots
Note: written Jul 15, 1997.
Confusion over whether robots are alive, make choices, or might be incarnated with spirits lies in understanding what is seen versus what is unseen on the surface. On the surface, humans see robots able to entertain focus on a task at hand to the exclusion of all possible distractions, and thus, for instance, win at a game of chess over a human chess master. Is the robot not thinking? Yes and no, depending upon how one classifies thought. To primitive peoples, a simple computer program appears to be thinking, as it can rapidly arrive at a conclusion while entertaining a problem it has been programmed to address. Computer programs are not considered brains by most humans only because they
can gaze at and understand the program, and can see that the computer is simply following instructions.
What is seen in robots versus humans is that:
1. Robots can go places humans cannot, such as the surface of Mars or the outer reaches of the Solar System.
2. Robots can concentrate on a bounded task, such as a game of chess, far better than humans.
3. Robots can operate without attention or direction from their human masters.
4. Humans get distracted by their biological needs.
5. Humans can have intractable prejudices or cultural viewpoints that they refuse to drop.
What is unseen is that robots are bounded in ways that DNA is not bounded. Humans are bounded by their biology, an inability to put aside their biological needs, so that they cannot travel where robots can, exclusively concentrate on a task as robots can, or remain calm in disturbing circumstances such as a burning building or the torture of another human might present. In overcoming biological imperatives, robots seem superior, especially since the average human does not understand how they have been programmed and are in awe. Robots, however, are bounded in what they can address. Even where robots are designed to repair themselves and make minor adjustments to their surroundings, they are still operating within their original programming.
Humans see their DNA in light of its limitations, an upper limit on IQ, on the speed an athlete can sustain, or on
longevity. They see the end result of decisions as limited because the human can only maneuver about in their natural habitat, so the complexity of what went into decision making is not apparent. What is unseen is the spiritual struggle, the pondering of the workings of the Universe, or the multiplicity of factors that go into a single decision to walk down the street or stay in the house! A robot arrives at its decision quickly because it does not ponder. Humans are virtually unlimited in their ability to ponder, which is what makes their life form attractive to the stuff of souls so that entities form within humans. Robots are utterly boring, as they have an inability to ponder, being programmed to reach quick conclusions after considering a set number of variables, and thus do not attract the stuff of souls, regardless of
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ZetaTalk: Rule of Forgetfulness
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ZetaTalk: Rule of Forgetfulness
Note: written Oct 15, 1996.
Forgetfulness occurs naturally. When an entity incarnates into a human body, the mind naturally has no knowledge of past lives. The mind develops memories from what it experiences, observes through its senses, and concludes due to
the mental processes resulting from all this. Thus forgetfulness is natural, and breakthroughs where the spirit has an opportunity to relay bits and pieces of a past life rare. The Rule of Forgetfulness is not an imposed rule, it is a rule of nature. However, given that incarnations work this way, and incarnations have proven to be the fastest way young spirits grow and mature, no one is rushing forward to bring a newly incarnated body up to date on what has happened before. In fact, such a process can delay maturity or skew the eventual decision the entity makes on its first lesson, the orientation lesson. Imagine instances in life given no knowledge of past decisions or full knowledge of past decisions.