Chapter Two

Alicia stepped inside the front door of her cozy bungalow, turning on the light in the tiny foyer, all the while wondering if she’d completely lost her mind. She’d invited a stranger to her home. His black truck had trailed her sporty red car all the way to her house, keeping pace on the snow-covered roads. She’d kept glancing at her rearview mirror, wondering if he would change his mind and veer off at some point. She’d been half-afraid and half-wishing that he would.

She didn’t even know his name. Nor had she given him hers. This was a one-night stand between strangers, not the start of a meaningful relationship. Her stomach lurched at the thought. She’d never done anything like this before in her life. The only other men she’d slept with, she’d dated for quite a while and known well. The man hovering in the doorway behind her was totally unfamiliar.

“You okay?” Strong fingers closed over her shoulders, squeezing gently. She could feel the heat from his hands through the thick fabric of her wool coat.

“Yes.” His hands fell away as she took a step forward, depositing her handbag and keys on the table. The door closed behind her, the solid thunk sounding ominous and final.

Not turning around, she unzipped her boots and stepped out of them, placing them on the mat to dry. There was no sound of movement behind her. Curious, she turned to face her soon-to-be-lover. He was standing with his back against the door, ankles crossed, watching her, his eyebrows drawn together in a frown.

“Is something wrong?” She could hear the strain in her voice and wished she could be more blasé about the situation. But, when all was said and done, she was a woman from a small town who’d never indulged in this kind of activity before.

“You tell me.” She shivered as his voice made her nipples tighten. He had a marvelous voice, deep and commanding.

She shrugged. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

His features softened and he pushed away from the door. “I don’t make a habit of doing this kind of thing either. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

Raising his hand, he cupped her cheek. “My name is…”

She placed her fingers over his lips, stopping him. “No names.” She almost moaned when his tongue flitted out to lick her fingertips. It was getting harder to breathe with each passing second. “Otherwise I’ll never be able to do this.”

Alicia could tell that he didn’t like her stipulation, but she needed the anonymity of the situation if this was going to work. If she knew his name, she’d start thinking about tomorrow and the day after. And right now, she didn’t want to think about anything else but the moment.

“Whatever you want.” He slid his hands down her neck, coming to rest on the top button of her coat. He was so much larger than her now that she was standing in her stockinged feet. Slowly, giving her time to change her mind, he slipped one button after another from its hole until her coat hung open. Sliding it from her shoulders, he folded it and laid it across the back of a chair.

“You next.” Boldly, she unbuttoned his sports coat. His chest was broad and hard beneath her fingertips as she rubbed them over the fabric of his shirt. She wondered what he looked like beneath it. Would his chest be smooth or would he have a sprinkling of hair?

He shrugged out of his coat and tossed it on top of hers. Not taking his eyes off her, he toed off his boots, kicking them aside. The silence was broken only by the sound of their breath and the low hum of the heater.

Alicia wanted to be bold, but she wasn’t quite sure what to do next. Should she offer him a drink? Should they talk for a while? Or should she lead him straight to her bedroom? The former seemed too stilted, the latter too bold.

“Don’t over think things.” She started, her gaze flying to his. He gave her a crooked smile. “I can practically hear the wheels in your brain turning.”

She didn’t know whether to take offense or be relieved she didn’t have to explain herself. When he hooked his arm around her waist and tugged her closer, she chose to be relieved. When his mouth came down to touch hers, she stopped thinking altogether.

His lips were firm and warm as they skimmed over hers. There was no pressure, no demand, just a kiss. Her hand slid up his arm to his shoulder as he pressed his lips against the corner of her mouth. She parted her lips on a gasp and his tongue snaked into her mouth for a quick taste before retreating.

Her breasts swelled and she pressed her thighs together to try and ease the ache low in her body. She dug her nails into his shoulders as she went up on her toes to deepen the contact between them. Her breasts brushed his chest; her belly grazed his groin. He was heavy and thick with need. That realization sent her arousal soaring.

Slipping her tongue past his lips, Alicia tasted him for the first time. Heat and beer and male all combined in a heady brew stronger than any alcoholic drink. He went straight to her head, making her forget all her doubts and concerns. They were strangers, yet not. Her body recognized his in some basic, primitive way.

This was meant to be.

He groaned as his arms tightened around her, pulling her more firmly against him.

She hooked her right leg over his hip, causing her dress to ride up over her thigh. Her lover shoved his hand beneath her dress, his palm firm against her nylon-covered leg. He paused when his hand hit bare flesh at the top of her thigh before sliding higher and cupping one firm globe of her behind.

She arched into him as his lips slanted over hers, feeling the heat of his arousal through the thick denim of his jeans. She whimpered as his hand slid down the crease of her ass and his fingers pressed against the crotch of her panties.

He lifted her suddenly, turning her so her back hit the wall. Alicia wrapped her legs around his waist, needing to be closer to him. Giving in to the urgency thrumming through her veins, she arched her body, grinding her pelvis into his. He tore his lips from hers, burying his face in the curve of her neck.

She gripped his hair, holding tight as he nipped and kissed her neck. He kept one arm beneath her butt, supporting her as his free hand roamed over her body, cupping first one breast and then the other. Her nipples were hard points of desire, demanding release from their confinement.

He tugged at the bodice of her dress. She heard the rip but didn’t care. All that mattered was that the neck of her dress parted as he yanked it down over the top of her arms, stopping when her breasts were exposed. The material was tight around her elbows, pinning them to her body.

Alicia whimpered when he fingered the lace of her bra, his thumb grazing her swollen nipples. “Hot red,” he whispered. “Very sexy.”

Her clothing might be conservative, but she loved sexy underwear and indulged her secret obsession. Now she was glad she’d donned the red lacy bra and matching bikini pants, even though she’d worn them strictly for her own enjoyment.

“Touch me,” she moaned when his fingers traced around her nipple, coming close, but never close enough.

He growled low in his throat as he pulled the fabric away, tucking the bra beneath her breasts so they were framed for him. Her double-strand of pearls got in his way, and he pushed them over her shoulder. Slowly, he circled one nipple, then the other, before rubbing them lightly with his forefinger. The delicate pressure was maddening, arousing her further, but never satisfying the ache growing within her.

She tried to pull her arms free of her dress, but they were trapped. Frustrated, she tilted her head back against the wall and thrust her breasts higher. “Use your mouth.”

Never had she been so demanding or vocal about what she wanted. Something about this man and the situation was freeing a part of her that she’d never shared with anyone else.

He hitched her higher against the wall, bringing his face close to her breasts. She sucked in a breath as he lapped at one nipple and then blew softly.

“Oh, yesss…” she groaned. Tightening her ankles around his waist, Alicia rubbed her pelvis against him. Her pussy throbbed as her inner walls contracted hard. She was so close.

“Come for me.” He suckled one nipple hard while lightly pinching the other between his thumb and forefinger. Her hips continued to jerk as she rode his hard shaft. The friction between their clothing was maddening, her panty-covered clit brushing against the hard ridge of his jeans.

She closed her eyes and sank into the sensations, allowing them to take her where she wanted to be. Her lover continued to pleasure her nonstop and she took what he offered freely. He ground his erection against her pussy at exactly the right angle. Her scalp tightened and lights exploded behind her eyes as she came.

Her body jerked as she screamed her pleasure. He didn’t stop, but continued to touch her and taste her until she could take no more.

“Enough,” she gasped and then moaned again as he gradually slowed. When he released her breast, his mouth made a deep sucking sound as her nipple popped free.

Alicia managed to open her eyes a crack. She’d had orgasms before, but never anything like this. This was…incredible was the only word that came to mind. Maybe when she recovered she’d be able to think more clearly. Right now, she was happy to float in a haze of contentment.

Her lover’s hair was tousled, a lock falling on to his forehead, making him look even sexier. His lips were moist from sucking on her breasts. His eyes—a deep steel-blue—

seemed to darken as she watched him.

“You okay?”

“Hmmm.” That was the best she could manage at the moment.

He chuckled, the low, satisfied sound sending goose bumps over her arms. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Slowly, he shifted away from her and her legs slid down his thighs and landed on the floor with a thump. If he hadn’t been holding her she would have slid right down the wall to land in a heap on the floor.

Alicia realized she was standing there with her dress pinned around her waist and her breasts fully exposed. She started to struggle with the dress.

“Let me help.” He tugged the dress down instead of up and it puddled around her feet, leaving her wearing pearls, thigh-high stockings, red lace bikini pants and her bra, which was exposing more than it concealed.

She should have felt awkward, but she didn’t. With his eyes glowing with desire, she felt sensual. Powerful.

“Put your shoes on. I want to see you in those sexy high heels.”

Unable to refuse him, Alicia managed to snag her purse and dig out her shoes. He took them from her, went down on one knee in front of her and lifted one foot at a time, slipping them on.

He stood back and studied her. “Oh, yeah. Perfect.”

Her back arched naturally to accommodate the heels, thrusting her pelvis forward.

The crotch of her panties was soaked with her juices and she could feel the dampness on her inner thighs.

“Those stockings are incredibly hot.” He traced his finger over the lace at the top before brushing her inner thigh. “You’re wet for me, aren’t you?” He didn’t wait for an answer, but slid a finger beneath the elastic band of her panties and found out for himself.

“Definitely wet and hot.” He pulled his finger away and sucked on it. “Sweet and spicy all at once.”

Alicia just stared. She’d never met a man so blatantly sexual in her life. Even though she’d just had an incredible orgasm, she was aroused again.

He smiled as he tweaked her nipples, making her body quiver with need. “It’s your choice. What will it be? Do I put my boots on and leave or will you take me to your bedroom?”

For Alicia there was no choice. If she didn’t finish this, she’d always have regrets.

Reaching out, she took his hand in hers. “Follow me.”

Gill let out the breath he’d been holding. If she’d asked him to leave, he would have done so, but not without regrets. He’d never met a woman who appealed to him as much as his mystery woman. She responded to his every touch, his every caress. It was an incredible turn-on.

She wouldn’t tell him her name, not yet at any rate. But he would find out who she was. There hadn’t been that many people at the wedding. It would be a simple process of elimination to determine who she was. Besides which, he now knew where she lived.

His mystery lady was a fascinating mixture of contradictions. Beneath the conservative dress beat the heart of a sensual woman. Her choice in lingerie told him that much. She might not show it to the rest of the world, but she was letting him into her secret realm. At least for one night.

His body tightened at the thought of only having one night with her. He had a feeling that if he spent every night for the rest of his life with her, he’d never have enough. That thought almost stopped him in his tracks. This wasn’t about forever. This was about now.

He hadn’t had sex in so long, he was making more of this then he should. This was two responsible adults slaking their sexual needs.

End of story.

Too bad he didn’t quite believe himself.

He’d think about it later. Right now, he had a beautiful woman leading him into her bedroom. He kept one eye on her full, firm ass as he followed. It was barely covered by the lacy scrap of fabric that passed as underwear and the twin globes moved up and down with every step she took. The high heels made her legs look even longer.

She released his hand and turned on a bedside lamp. The light was dim, but more than enough for him to see her. The walls were a creamy yellow, the comforter on the bed was green. She bent over, pulling the covers down, exposing crisp white sheets.

Gill had the overwhelming urge to rip away her panties and take her just like that, with her legs spread and her hands on the bed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

If he didn’t get control of himself this would be over before it even started. His balls were so tight they were ready to explode. It wouldn’t take much for him to come.

His clothing felt way too tight and confining. Opening his eyes, he watched her as he unbuttoned his shirt. Yanking it off, he tossed it on a chair in the corner. His socks followed. Reaching into his jeans pocket, he opened his wallet and pulled out a condom, tossing it on the bedside table. He was damned lucky he had one. It had been a long time since he’d needed one, but he prided himself on being prepared for any situation.

Returning his wallet to his back pocket, he shucked his jeans and dropped them to the floor. He stopped before he pulled off his boxers and glanced at her in question.

She nodded and he pushed them down and off, letting her look her fill. Her throat rippled as she swallowed and her lips parted as she licked her lips. There was no mistaking the signs. She wanted him.

He went to her side and undid her bra, dropping it to the floor. She was fidgeting with her pearls, rolling them back and forth between her fingers. Gill gently pried them loose and pulled them over her head. He had plans for those pearls.

“Up on the bed.”

She nodded, climbing on top of the covers. Gill laid the pearls aside and reached for one shoe and gently tugged it off before kissing her instep. Then he did the same with the other shoe.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he started at her ankles, running his hands over her legs, only stopping when he reached the top of her stockings. “We’ll leave these on for now.” Anticipation thrummed through him as he imagined rolling those silky stockings down her long lovely legs, one inch at a time. He’d get to it…eventually.

“All right,” she whispered.

He picked up the pearls, holding an end in each hand. Pulling them taut, he rolled them over her stomach. She jerked and sucked in a breath before relaxing. Continuing upward, he ran them over firm breasts, making sure they touched her sensitive nipples as well.

She groaned, her eyes almost closing. Her legs sprawled open and her breathing quickened.

“You like that, don’t you?”

“Yes.” She licked her lips. “Do it again.”

“With pleasure.” This time, he framed her breasts with the pearls, rolling a length of the strand over her distended nipples. Her moan of pleasure was music to his ears. His cock jerked and liquid seeped from the tip.

She wrapped her hand around his erection and he thought it might be over for him then and there. But it felt too good for him to pull away. She sat up, dislodging the pearls.

They slithered down into her lap as she slid her hand over his length from base to tip, measuring him, learning his shape.

“Lie down.” She pointed to the mattress beside her.

Gill lowered himself to the bed, hoping he could withstand whatever sensual torture she had in mind for him. When she picked up the pearls he broke out into a sweat.

She wrapped them around his cock, gently pulling back and forth, letting the strand tighten as it moved up and down his length. Gill gritted his teeth to keep from spilling his seed. Damn, he’d never felt anything quite like this in his life.

She smiled, a siren’s smile, as she continued to slide the pearls over him. When she lowered her head, he almost stopped breathing. Her breath was warm on the crown of his shaft. He swallowed hard to keep from begging her to continue. He had to feel her mouth on him.

Then it was there, soft and wet and giving as she sucked the bulbous head past her lips and into the warm cavern of her mouth. He arched his hips, encouraging her to take more. And she did. Her mouth lowered over his shaft before returning to the tip.

She continued to roll the pearls over his sensitive flesh as her mouth pleasured him.

Gill stood it for as long as he could, wanting to prolong the pleasure, but knowing he couldn’t last long.

“No more,” he growled, pulling her away. Her mouth released him with a wet sucking noise that made him crazy. “I want to be inside you when I come.”

Alicia watched as he untangled the pearls from his shaft and grabbed the condom from the bedside table. Tearing it open, he quickly sheathed himself. Then he turned back to her.

There was a barely restrained sense of power and urgency surrounding him. His shoulders were slick, his face unreadable. She licked her lips, tasting his essence. He tasted slightly salty and musky.

“Give me your hands.”


One corner of his mouth quirked up. “Trust me.”

Did she trust him? Surprisingly enough, she did. She stretched out one hand and he captured it, placing a kiss in the center of her palm before slipping the pearls over it and wrapping them around several times.

“The other one,” he prompted.

She knew what he wanted to do and rather than frightening her, the idea excited her.

Her chest rose and fell with each breath she took and a shiver raced down her spine as she gave him her other hand. He twined the pearls around it and then around both her hands until the long strand bound them.

He helped her to lie down, sliding a pillow under her behind. “Comfortable?”

Was she? Physically, yes. Emotionally, not so much. She was showing this man, this stranger, more trust than she had any other man she’d known. He watched her, his dark eyes never wavering from her face. She knew then that he wouldn’t proceed unless she gave the okay. That small fact reassured her. “Yes.”

He smiled then, a real smile, and it changed his face. Oh, it didn’t soften it much.

That would be impossible, given his harsh features. But his eyes filled with heat and she could see the stark need that he’d kept hidden from her until now.

Clasping her bound hands in his, he raised them over her head. The movement thrust her breasts upward. His chest brushed her nipples as he leaned over her. She bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning aloud. What was it about this man that kept her poised on the edge of orgasm?

He trailed his hands over the sensitive flesh of her inner arms and down her sides.

When he reached the band of her panties, he hooked his fingers in the lace-covered elastic and pulled them slowly down her legs and off. Then he brought the lacey fabric to his face and breathed deeply. “You smell hot and delicious.”

She could feel her cheeks getting hot. No man had ever talked to her in such a sexual fashion, but she liked it. Her sex felt empty and needy and she knew that only he could satisfy the ache within her.

His tossed her panties aside and reached for the top of one of her stockings. Slowly, he rolled it down her thigh, his lips caressing the skin he exposed. The silk stocking slid over her knee and down her calf, before being whisked away. Then he did the same with the other one.

It was incredibly arousing to have her hands bound over her head. She knew she could get free if she truly wanted to. But there was a sense of freedom involved as well.

She was captive to his whims, her legs spread wide, a sexual feast for him to indulge in.

She’d never played these sorts of games before, but she was quickly discovering that with this man she enjoyed them. With him, there were no preconceived ideas about who and what she was. They were simply a man and a woman doing whatever they wanted to do. The only stipulation was that it had to be something they both enjoyed.

She wanted to call him by name. Almost asked him then and there what it was. But she stopped herself at the last second. She was the one who’d said this was a one-night stand. She couldn’t change the rules this late in the game.

He sprawled between her thighs, his thumbs parting her as he simply stared. “You are beautiful. So pink, so wet. So damn perfect.”

She believed him. The honesty and wonder in his voice was too real to be anything but the truth. Before she could respond, he leaned inward. She sucked in a deep breath and then groaned as his tongue traced the slick folds of her sex. Up one side and down the other, he didn’t miss a spot.

Her hips jerked upward. Her breathing was getting quicker and shallower by the second. He circled her clit with his tongue before flattening it over the nub of nerves.

Alicia cried out as liquid heat flooded her lower body. She was so close to coming again.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned as he fitted two thick fingers inside her, pushing past the natural resistance of her body.

“Come for me again,” he whispered as he blew on her heated flesh. His fingers slowly pulled back to the edge of her opening before thrusting inward again.

“Close,” she gasped, pumping her hips in rhythm with his fingers.

His warm lips closed around her clit and sucked. Alicia felt as if her head was going to explode. Her nipples were painfully tight, her body stretched to endurance. One more thrust of his fingers was all it took.

Her entire body convulsed as she screamed. Her lover pulled his fingers away and reared up on his knees. Gripping her hips in his hands, he fitted himself to her opening and plunged deep.

The sensation bordered on painful. He was a large man and she hadn’t had a lover in quite a long time. But it felt good too. Amazingly good. Her inner muscles stretched, accommodating him. Accepting him.

“I can’t wait.” His voice seemed to come from far away, but she sensed the desperation behind it.

“Okay,” she managed to get out as he pulled back and plunged forward again. It was as if her orgasm hadn’t ended. Ripples of pleasure cascaded over her, sucking her into a sexual vortex.

She loved the way he filled her, stretching her further than she’d ever been before.

Eagerly, she opened herself, wanting everything he could give her. Waves of sensation engulfed her as her inner muscles rippled yet again.

Lowering her hands, Alicia reached for him. He was on his knees between her spread thighs, his eyes closed and head thrown back. The cords of his neck were pulled tight as he roared his release.

His cock jerked inside her and she knew he was coming. His hands tightened almost painfully around her waist as he thrust twice more before slumping forward, burying his face between her breasts.

Contentment and exhaustion flooded over her, as she lay there, covered mostly by his large body. She played with his hair, letting it sift through her fingers. Finally, the chill of the room began to seep into her bones now that the heat of arousal was cooling.

He stirred, sitting back on his heels. “You okay?” he asked as he withdrew from her body, taking care to keep the condom in place since he was only semi-erect now.

“Yeah. You?” She tugged at the covers, but it wasn’t easy with her hands still bound.

He took her hands and gently unwound the pearls, tossing them on the bedside table, before tucking her under the covers. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

“First door on the right.” She knew he was looking for the bathroom.

He nodded and padded from the room.

Alicia wasn’t sure what to do now. The enormity of what she’d just done washed over her. She sucked in a deep breath to calm herself. Her nostrils filled with the scent of sex permeating the room. She’d had two orgasms, not counting the first one in the foyer.

Or was it one long orgasm she’d just experienced? She wasn’t certain.

Burying her face in her pillow, she tried to think logically. She’d had a one-night stand. So what? She was an adult. She could do anything she wanted to do. They’d been responsible and used a condom. She didn’t have to worry about disease or pregnancy.

But that wasn’t what was bothering her most. She didn’t want to admit it to herself, but she was already more deeply involved than was smart. He was leaving, for heaven’s sake. Probably in a day or two. Once he left here tonight, she’d probably never see him again.

The thought depressed her.

She heard him coming and tensed. Would he get dressed and leave? He turned off the light, plunging the room into darkness. Alicia blinked several times to help her vision adjust. The mattress shifted as he climbed into bed beside her, pulling her into his arms.

Relief filled her when she realized their time together wasn’t quite done yet.

They didn’t talk, just lay there in the dark. He held her close and she rested her head in the crook of his arm, her hand on his chest.

She must have dozed, but something had awakened her. She lay silently, wondering what it was. That was when she realized he was no longer beside her.

Clothing rustled. He was getting dressed. She didn’t speak. Didn’t know what to say.

She feigned sleep when she felt him approaching the bed. His lips touched her forehead and she heard him sigh. Then he was gone.

She listened, following his footsteps to the foyer. She knew when he put on his boots and coat. The door opened and closed quietly. She could hear the sound of her own breathing above the quiet hum of the heaters. The house felt empty. Lonely.

Alicia rolled over. The bed was still warm where he’d been. She buried her face in the pillow, breathing in his scent—musky male and sandalwood soap. She ignored the first tear as it rolled down her cheek. Closing her eyes, she willed herself to sleep.
