Thank you to everyone at Montlake who supports me and my books: Anh, Jessica, Kim, Elise, and Galen. There are many other people who work behind the scenes to make my words come to life . . . They are the best at what they do, and I am thankful every day that Montlake is my home.

Thank you to Charlotte Herscher, who is gentle and precise with her red pen. Her valuable insight makes my books better.

Thank you to Meg Ruley, who leads the way and loves to handle the author business dealings that make me cower. I’m grateful she’s in my corner.

Thank you to my girls and Dan, who give me the space and support to get my work done. The life of a working writer is a messy one. We remember nothing and make decisions based on how many words we need to write that day. School clothes? Dentist appointments? Dinners? Grocery shopping? Sometimes . . . often these things are pushed onto the back burner. I’m lucky my husband knows to pick up my slack.

Thank you to my readers. You send kind emails or messages on Facebook that remind me people are reading the results of my weird brain activity. I appreciate your words too.
