Dear Reader,

I love romance novels. I adore modern-day quests or intrigue in ancient Rome; adventures in space (Star Trek always needed a little more romance); and being swept off my feet by a dashing knight or daring pirate. Whether I am looking for drama, passion, suspense or comedy, I can find it all in a romance. And a romance always delivers on its quintessential promise: no matter what agonies and challenges the hero and heroine must overcome, at the end there will be a happy ending!

I believe the optimistic, forward-looking, family-building nature of romance also explains why it is the best-selling genre of fiction. At the same time, some people question how different romance novels can be if they all have a happy ending. (If you are one of those people, please read my opening paragraph again. We have variety. Lots of it.) Because we receive this inquiry too often, especially when it comes to Harlequin’s series romance novels, we decided to take on this challenge directly and highlight how different our books can be—even if they all start with the same opening.

That’s right. Harlequin staff wrote the opening paragraph of a story and then asked six fantastic, challenge-loving romance writers to take it from there. And they did! We have a sexy Blaze, a passionate Presents, a thrilling romantic suspense, and more. We also included a steampunk story, which may be a subgenre that is new to many of you, but I hope you will enjoy Christine Bell’s tale as much as I do. (For those of you who are wondering what steampunk is, it’s a subgenre set in Victorian-era Britain where steam powers technological innovation. Think films like Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr.) I think after reading them all you’ll agree that like snowflakes, no two romances are ever the same.

Happy reading!

Malle Vallik

Director, Digital Publishing
