
Serena turned the bacon, experiencing a good deal of difficulty working around Gideon's arms, which were holding her in an affectionate hug. He seemed to have a fondness for attacks from the rear, she thought with amusement. His cheek brushed aside her ponytail as his lips started to nuzzle the nape of her neck. "Gideon, you're supposed to be making toast."

"I am making toast." His hands slipped beneath the loose cream shirt she was wearing to rub her midriff with lazy sensuous strokes. "The toaster is automatic." His hands roved up to cup her bare breasts in his palms and began to squeeze their fullness while his thumbs flicked at her nipples teasingly.

She caught her breath, as she felt her breasts tauten and swell in his hands. "Well, this frying pan isn't," she said thickly. "I'm going to burn the bacon."

"That's simple enough." He pressed closer so she could feel his rock-hard arousal against her bottom. "Turn it off."

His fingers were plucking at her nipples and she was beginning to see everything through a heated haze. She heard a mechanical ping somewhere across the room. "The toast is up," she said vaguely.

"That's not all." Gideon voice was ragged. "I never knew making breakfast could be such a turn-on. Of course, your running around in just my shirt could have something to do with it."

"I have a pair of shorts on," she protested, then tensed as his hand dove down between her thighs and squeezed teasingly.

"So you have. What a disappointment." One hand was rubbing her with a slow circular motion that caused her to arch back against him convulsively, while the other left her breast to pick up the frying pan and put it on the back burner. "The bacon's burning, Serena." His lips nibbled at her ear before nipping sharply. "And so are we. Don't you think we should do something about it?"

"Maybe we'd better," she said breathlessly. "It's obvious we're not going to eat breakfast until we satisfy a few other appetites."

He chuckled. "I knew you were a clear-thinking woman." He drew her back from the stove and with his arm around her waist, he led her to a straight-backed kitchen chair and pulled her onto his lap. "You're absolutely right." He stared to unbutton her shirt.

Her eyes widened. "Here?"

"Why not? It's closer than the bedroom." He whirled her around until she was astraddle him. The bold shock of his manhood pressed against her, separated by only a few layers of material, and sent a hot liquid melting to her loins. He had the shirt unbuttoned now and was impatiently pushing it aside. "Wouldn't you find it erotic to make love in the kitchen?" He was punctuating his words with tiny teasing strokes with his tongue at her nipples. "I'd like to make love to you on every piece of furniture in the whole damn house." He blew teasingly at one taut peak. "Then, no matter where I was, I could look around and think about what you said, and what you did." He smiled as she gave a little half gasp as his teeth nipped at her nipple. "How you wanted me in just that particular spot." Two fingers slid beneath the cuff of her shorts and began stroking her with a rhythm that caused her to clench around those skillful intruders as if to hold them captive within her. "And you do want it right now, right here, don't you, love?"

A shudder shook her as her hands clenched on his shoulders in a spasm of need. "Yes," she gasped. "Right here, right now."

"And so do I." He fumbled at the snap of his jeans. "Help me. I don't want to leave you."

Her trembling hands slid down to the zipper and they were even clumsier than his at the task.

"What the hell!"

Serena looked up, startled at the violent imprecation. Then she, too, heard the strident knocking that had failed to pierce the passionate haze surrounding their senses. Knocking? There hadn't been any visitors in all the time they'd been here. "Who'd come calling here?"

"At the moment, I don't give a damn, as long as they go away." The pounding intensified, becoming heavier and more demanding. "Which our visitor evidently doesn't intend to do. Damn, what lousy timing. Button up, Serena." He tweaked a nipple affectionately. "But be sure to remember where we were." He lifted her off his lap, stood up and strode swiftly out of the kitchen.

Serena automatically began buttoning the shirt as she followed him slowly into the hall. Like Gideon, she was experiencing intense frustration and annoyance, but it was also mixed with curiosity. Gideon had arranged for them to be so totally isolated here on the plantation that it had seemed like another planet. Now, abruptly, their isolation had been disturbed and she wanted to see who dared to intrude.

Gideon was frowning impatiently as he threw open the door. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"At the moment I'm nursing some very bruised knuckles from pounding on this door for the last five minutes," Ross drawled. "May I come in?"

Gideon reluctantly stepped aside. "Why the devil are you here, Ross? I told you we'd contact you when we were ready to come back to Mariba."

"It was a matter that couldn't wait and I didn't think you'd want anyone at the hotel relaying this particular message." His gaze drifted over Gideon's shoulder to where Serena was standing in the shadows at the end of the hall. "Hello, Serena, I'm glad you're here. This concerns you too."

"What do you mean?" She came forward to stand beside Gideon. She suddenly felt an icy ripple of dread go through her. "Dane?"

Ross nodded grimly. "They wouldn't let me see him last night, and Mendino sent a message to Gideon."

Gideon froze, his body radiating tension. "What message?"

"He'll release Dane into your custody for the sum of five hundred thousand dollars cash." Ross paused. "Or he'll send him to the Devil's Plate."

"Devil's Plate?" Serena asked.

"It's one of the more hellish prisons on Castellano." Gideon explained, not looking at her. "How does he think he can get away with this? I'll wring the little son of a bitch's neck."

"He's scared," Ross said. "The people have been rioting in the streets for the last three days and the junta may be overthrown at any time. My guess is Mendino wants escape money. Anyone high up in the military will receive an automatic death sentence once the revolutionary forces take power. At the moment, he's more afraid of them than he is of you."

Gideon began to swear beneath his breath. "It wasn't supposed to be this soon. Julio told me-" He broke off. "What are the chances of Mendino giving us Dane if we pay the ransom?"

Ross shrugged. "Not good. He's a greedy bastard and crooked as they come. He'll probably take Dane with him and try to gouge Serena or the kid's parents."

"I've got to go back to Mariba right away," Serena said. "There's got to be something we can do. I have some money-"

"If it were merely a question of money, don't you think I'd give it to the bastard?" Gideon asked harshly. "It's my fault Dane is being used as a pawn. I set him up."

"And I let him stay there, instead of fighting you," Serena said wearily. "I thought he'd be safe."

"Only because I told you he'd be safe." Gideon was pale beneath his tan. "As God is my witness, I didn't have the slightest doubt he'd be perfectly secure, Serena. I knew this uprising was coming, but I was told by someone I trust that things wouldn't come to a boil until at least a month from now."

"What's the use of arguing about who's to blame," Serena cried frantically. "We've got to get him out of there right now."

"We will." Gideon spoke with total certainty. "I'll get him out. I promise you, Serena, he'll be out by tomorrow night." He turned to face Ross. "Go back to Mendino and tell him we'll give him the money. Try to stall him as long as you can about the delivery time. Tell him it will take time to arrange for that much cash."

Serena turned toward the stairs. "Wait for me, Ross. I'm going with you."

"No," Gideon said sharply. "Mariba isn't safe for you. What's to stop Mendino from taking you hostage too? Besides, there's nothing you could do there. Mendino won't let anyone see Dane."

She wheeled and strode back to him. "I've got to do something. I can't just sit here and wait."

"You will be doing something. We can do more here right now than in Mariba."

"How? Dane's in Mariba, dammit."

"Easy." Gideon's tone was soothing. "I know you're upset and worried nearly crazy, but trust me. You heard what Ross said; you know that money alone won't do the trick. We'll have to find another way."

"What other way?"

"Well have to work through the revolutionaries."

"But they're in Mariba." Serena twisted her fingers through her ponytail. "Are you trying to drive me crazy?"

"Not all of them are on Castellano," Gideon said. "One of the principal ringleaders is here on Santa Isabella. We'll contact him tonight and make arrangements for Dane's rescue."

"Oh, Lord, it all sounds so dangerous," Serena whispered. "Revolutions, and juntas, and nightmare prisons."

"I know." Gideon's hands closed on her shoulders. "I can't promise you there won't be danger, but I won't let Dane be hurt."

"How can you stop it?"

He tried to smile. "I'm a steamroller, remember? I'll roll right over them." He lifted her chin. "For heaven's sake, don't cry. I don't think I could take it."

"He's only twenty-one years old." Serena's voice was shaking. "I've always tried to take care of him. I'm so scared I've failed him this time."

"You haven't failed anyone. All this is my fault, not yours." Gideon's lips tightened. "And I'll be the one to set it right." His hands dropped away from her and he took a step back. "Run along and pack a change of clothes. You'll need jeans, tennis shoes, and a light jacket. We'll want to be ready to go right after we contact Julio."

"Who is Julio?"

"That's an interesting question," Ross said dryly. "Julio Rodriguez is something of an enigma. I'm not sure anyone knows who or what he is, but he's definitely interesting."

"He's the revolutionary leader?" Serena asked.

Gideon nodded. "In a manner of speaking. Julio's position is a little complicated. I'll send word to him to meet us at my hotel on the other side of the island. Julio prefers crowds."

"Will he help us?"

"He damn well better. He was the one who told me Dane would be safe for the next month." Gideon smiled grimly. "Oh, yes, he'll help us. We'll have dinner in the hotel dining room and then go to the nightclub afterward. He'll be at either one or the other." His gaze searched her face. "Will you be all right alone? I'm going to have Ross drop me at the hotel so that I can set up the meeting with Julio."

"I'll be fine. I'll do your packing too." Lord knew she needed something to do to keep her mind off Dane's dangerous situation. "Is there any other way I can help?"

He shook his head. "I'll be back in a few hours and pick you up to take you to the hotel. Try to take a nap. I don't know how much rest we'll get once we contact Julio."

"How do you expect me to-" She broke off. Even to her own ears her voice had sounded half hysterical. She mustn't fall apart. Gideon was right. There was no telling how far their resources would be stretched before this was over. "I'll try. Goodbye, Gideon." She started up the stairs.

Gideon stood at the foot of the stairs and watched her until she disappeared from view.

"She took it very well," Ross said soberly. "Damn, I hated to bring her news like that."

"Why? None of it was your responsibility. I'm the one who gave the orders and made the decisions. I'm the one she's going to hate, if anything happens to him." His skin was drawn tightly over his cheekbones and the expression in his eyes was sick. "But no more than I'll hate myself." He turned to the door. "Come on, let's get moving. There's no way I'm going to let Mendino do this."

"That's your hunted revolutionary, skulking among the shadows?" Serena shook her head in bewilderment as she tried to catch another glimpse of Julio Rodriguez among the crowd on the dance floor. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"Julio is no joke-just a bit unusual." Gideon took a sip of his bourbon. "He's definitely a free spirit in more ways than one. As for being hunted, the guardia of Castellano has agents who would be overjoyed to assassinate him, but as long as he doesn't allow himself to be caught off guard, he's safe enough on Santa Isabella. He's one of the island's wealthiest citizens and owns a private air charter service and several coffee plantations here."

"If all his property and interests are here, why is he trying to overthrow the government of Castellano?"

"His old friend, Consuela Jiminez, was raped and murdered by the guardia two years ago,"

Gideon said grimly. "Since then, he's supplied money, arms, and transportation to the rebels on a regular basis. He may be a little unconventional, but if anyone can arrange to get Dane out of Mariba, it will be Julio."

"Dear heaven, I hope so," she whispered. Then misgivings bombarded her again as the crowd parted and she caught another glimpse of Julio Rodriguez. She didn't know how she could have lost sight of him even for a moment. He was almost six feet five and his apparel stood out like a neon sign among the dark tuxedos of the other men on the dance floor. He wore scarlet trousers that hugged his buttocks and thighs with loving detail and a white silk shirt unbuttoned almost to his waist. The gold chain encircling his tan throat glittered as he undulated opposite an elegantly gowned blond. He was shockingly different from the sleek, expensively dressed patrons of the nightclub. "I gather you don't have a dress code here."

"Julio has an exemption," Gideon said. "He can be very persuasive."

Serena could believe it. The blond with whom he danced was looking up at him as if she were starving, and he was prime rib with all the trimmings. There was no question that Julio Rodriguez was very attractive. He was very Latin, and darkly handsome. His flashing white smile managed to be sensual and endearing at the same time. "Let's hope that he puts his persuasion to good use with Mendino."

"I don't think persuasion will be the order of the day," Gideon said as he caught Julio's eye and motioned to him. "He's seen us; he should be right over."

Serena saw Julio bow elegantly to the disappointed blond, smile with enough wattage to light up New York City, and then start to make his way through the crowd. He walked as gracefully as he danced, and as he drew closer she realized he was probably older than she had first thought, perhaps in his late twenties. She found she was becoming accustomed to his outrageous garb and it no longer jarred her. Somehow that color and dash belonged to Julio Rodriguez, as the traditional "suit of lights" belonged to a matador.

Gideon rose to his feet and shook hands with Rodriguez and then turned to Serena. "Julio Rodriguez, Serena Spaulding. Now that we have the formalities out of the way, sit down and tell me what the hell went wrong. You said-"

Julio held up his hand as he dropped into the chair opposite Serena. "I know, I know. It was as much a surprise to me as it was to you." His expression was somber as he gazed at Serena. "I'm very sorry. It was my fault that Gideon blundered so badly. His plain to win you appealed to my romantic side, and I truly thought I was giving him the right information. Unfortunately, sometimes events occur that change our plans."

Gideon sat down again. "And what 'event' occurred this time?"

"The guardia executed the editor of the largest newspaper in Mariba four days ago,' Julio said simply. "The rioting was completely spontaneous, but we're going to take advantage of popular opinion to strike while the iron is hot."

"Not before I get Dane out of Mariba." Gideon's expression was flint hard. "The junta could initiate a bloodbath, if they think their regime is on the verge of toppling."

Serena felt the panic rise within her. "When is all this supposed to happen?"

Julio's eyes glowed with gentle sympathy. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you that, but it's best we move quickly."

"We?" Gideon asked. "You're going with us?"

Julio looked at Gideon in surprise. "Of course. I share the blame, so it follows that I should also share the danger." His grin flashed bold and brilliant in his dark face. "Besides, when the real action starts it will be a group effort, and I've always worked better alone. This exercise will be a nice little warm-up."

"Castellano will be dangerous for you," Gideon said slowly. "The guardia have your name and picture."

Julio shrugged. "So? I know Castellano like the back of my hand, and I have friends everywhere."

"Some in very high places." Gideon took a sip of his drink. "One of them paid me a visit the day before I left Mariba. Alessandra sends her regards."

Julio smiled. "Oh, she contacted you? I gave her your name and she thinks you would be an excellent distributor. She thought I was a little too close to the revolutionary forces to trust with it. Did you come to an agreement?"

Gideon nodded. "I accepted her offer. How could I refuse?"

Julio's expression softened. "You couldn't, my friend. Not in a million years. That's why I sent her to you." He pushed back his chair and stood up. "I'll meet you at the airport in an hour. Miss Spaulding is going with us?"

"Yes, of course," Serena said quickly.

A faint smile tugged at Julio's lips. "There's no 'of course' about it. Not many women would want to plunge into a revolution on an island like Castellano. Remind me to introduce you to my old friend Kate Lantry sometime. I think you'd have a great deal in common." He bowed and gave her the same blindingly sensual smile he had given the blond on the dance floor. Serena had a shrewd idea that sensuality came as naturally as breathing to him, for when he spoke, his tone was casually platonic. "You're both lovely and have a habit of going after what you want. It will be like old times."

Then he was gone, skirting both the dance floor and the blond as he made his way to the entrance of the club.

"You're right. He's very unusual," Serena said with a thoughtful frown as she gazed after Rodriguez. "But I think I like him."

"Most women do," Gideon said diyly. "Most men, too, for that matter. Probably the reason he's one of my best friends is that when Julio's around, I'm never bored. Are you ready to leave?"

"In a minute." Her gaze lowered to rest on the glass of wine in front of her. "Who is Alessandra?" She could feel his gaze on her face, but she refused to look up. "Or isn't it any of my business?"

"I don't have any business that's not your business," Gideon said softly. "We were talking about Alessandra Karpathan. Perhaps you've heard of her.

Heaven knows her wedding to Sandor Karpathan and his election to the presidency of Tamrovia were all over the papers a year ago."

Her glance lifted to his in surprise. "I remember seeing something about it at the time. What was she doing in Castellano?"

"It seems that the lady has a pet charity project. She visits oppressed and war-torn countries and sets up a distribution chain of money and food to needy children. She usually chooses someone with contacts, but no close political affiliations, to carry out the distribution." His lips twisted wryly. "I was perfectly willing to go along with her plans, but she picked a damnably inconvenient time to make her appearance. I could hardly wait to get rid of her the afternoon you arrived."

Serena felt a rush of relief as she realized the woman Gideon had escorted to her limousine that afternoon was not a lover, but a partner in a charitable enterprise. She hadn't admitted even to herself until this moment how the shadowy memory of the magnificently sensual woman had bothered her. "I think I caught sight of her for a moment on the patio. She's very attractive."

"Yes, and she has a mind like a steel trap." Gideon's tone was abstracted as he stood up. "I think we'd better leave now. I have a few arrangements to make with Ross by phone before we meet Julio."

Serena quickly rose. "I'll go change and meet you in the lobby in fifteen minutes."

Gideon nodded. "Fine. I'll change after I make my call and see about finding a gun. I haven't needed one since the early days on Castellano."

"You don't have to get one for me. I brought a thirty-two revolver with me. I packed it in a suitcase I checked through. The customs officer in Castellano just waved me through."

He looked a little startled. "Do you always take a gun with you when you travel?"

"Rarely. These circumstances were a bit different," she said calmly. "But I always keep one at the cottage and you'll find I'm moderately competent. I've been a woman on my own for a good many years. It was only sensible to learn how to protect myself."

Gideon took her elbow and began to propel her across the dance floor toward the entrance. "Very sensible."

"Then why were you so shocked?"

"I guess I'm not so much shocked as uneasy," he said thoughtfully. "It reminded me how much we still have to learn about each other. I seem to have known you forever, yet we've only just scratched the surface." His clasp tightened on her arm. "Well, I imagine we'll find out a hell of a lot more about each other once we get back to Castellano. A situation like this one has a way of stripping us bare of all our protective barriers. And maybe that won't be such a bad thing."
