Chapter 67

Announcing new plans for dinner caused quite a stir in the household. Mary Catherine seemed relieved that we were all going out. I pulled her aside to tell her about my conversation with Trent.

Mary Catherine said, “That little shit.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“He acts like all he cares about is baseball and sports, but he’s been hiding this from us for so long. He lets us focus on Eddie being some kind of genius, while he’s smart enough to coast along.”

“Why do I think we’re looking at this from two entirely different points of view?”

“Don’t be silly, Michael. I’m thrilled. I just like to think I’m the slyest one in the family. I’ll have to keep an eye on that one.”

No one could ask anything more than to have a fiancée with a great sense of humor. It was just one of the many things I was grateful for. And she took my mind off my problems for a few minutes.

We were going to make the trek to Super Tacos on foot. It was only a few blocks away, on West 96th Street. I was going to throw in a surprise visit for dessert at 16 Handles. Everyone loved the frozen yogurt there.

Just as I had the younger kids lassoed and ready to get on the road, I noticed Juliana sulking on the balcony. The wind whipped her beautiful long hair behind her. She looked like a model, which I was sure hadn’t escaped her.

Mary Catherine stepped out onto the balcony, and I just watched the two of them interact for a minute. Mary Catherine put her arm around Juliana’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze.

As they stepped into the living room, I innocently asked, “Everything all right?”

That made Juliana cry and rush into her bedroom.

Mary Catherine waved me off and said, “For a change, it’s not your fault.”

“What is it?”

“Her boyfriend, Carter, broke up with her.”

“I didn’t realize they were actually boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“Apparently, neither did he. Juliana found out he was dating other girls. Two of them right from the set of their show.”

“I better go talk to her.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“I’m her father. I never have any good ideas. But I’m going to do it anyway.”

I lightly tapped on the door to Juliana and Jane’s bedroom.

I heard a muffled sound and eased into the room. Juliana was lying facedown on her twin bed. I think I heard her say, “Please leave me alone.”

As a father, I took that to mean, Sit on the side of the bed and talk to me for a few minutes, Dad.

After I sat silently at the foot of her bed, she rolled over and looked at me. She said, “I guess you were right about Carter.”

“No, sweetheart, I wasn’t. I was worried about him being too mature for you, but he proved he was not mature enough. I just hope you see that you deserve much better than a guy like that.”

She sat up on the bed next to me and leaned her head against my shoulder.

Juliana said, “It just hurts so bad. I thought we had something real.”

“You did. He was just too stupid to realize it.” I put my arm around her and wiped a tear off her cheek with my finger. “There’s nothing I can say right now that’s not a stereotype of something every dad would say. But you are so beautiful and so smart that you’ll have your choice of men across the city. And you’ve always got this guy, who loves you no matter what.”

She squeezed me, then mumbled, “Thanks, Dad.”

I patted her on the back and said, “Do you feel like going to Super Tacos with us? It’s up to you. No one will force you.”

She sniffled and said, “I heard Trent might be some kind of brainiac like Eddie. I can’t miss a celebration for that. Can you give me a few minutes?”

“As long as you need, sweetheart.”

I kissed her on the top of her head, and somehow I was the one who felt better.
