Story Two Cat-napped!

Chapter One Where’s Goldie?

Lily and Jess sat in despair on Goldie’s sofa, with Amelia Sparklepaw the kitten snuggled between them.

Grizelda the witch had already spoiled Goldie’s birthday party with one horrible surprise. But now she had done something even worse. She’d cat-napped Goldie!

All the guests were still outside in the sunshine, enjoying the party food. They had no idea that the witch was up to her terrible tricks again.

Lily sighed. “Grizelda told us Goldie would never interfere with her plans ever again,” she said. “Where could she have taken her?”

“I keep hoping Goldie’s playing touch-a-tail, like I do with my brothers,” said Amelia sadly. “That would mean she’s just hiding. But she’s really gone.”

Jess took Amelia’s soft little paw. “Come on, let’s tell the others what happened.”

When the animals heard the news, they all gasped in shock.

“Poor Goldie!” squeaked Molly Twinkletail tearfully.

“She must be so scared,” cried Lucy Longwhiskers, her whiskers drooping.

The butterflies talked worriedly together in tinkling voices, twirling their parasol leaves as they flew.

“And Goldie was so brave helping to get Amelia back,” sniffled Mrs. Sparklepaw.

Mr. Cleverfeather hooted mournfully. “It’s a dad bay,” he said. “I mean, a bad day. Where could Goldie be?”

“Maybe Grizelda’s taken her to that terrible witchy tower of hers,” Lily suggested.

Everyone looked around in dismay. All except Amelia, who was staring at something on the ground, over where Grizelda had been standing. “Look,” she said. “One of the butterflies dropped their parasol leaf.”

“Ooh, yes,” said Jess. “Butterflies,” she called, “has anyone lost their parasol?”

“No,” they called in their tinkly voices.

Lily’s eyes shone. “Hey! If none of the butterflies dropped the leaf, maybe it fell from Grizelda’s clothes. It’s a clue!”

“You’re right!” cried Jess. “If we can find where it came from, maybe it’ll help us find Goldie. Hermia, where in the forest do parasol leaves grow?”

“We’ll show you,” cried the butterfly. “There’s only one parasol tree. Follow us!”

Hermia and her friends fluttered away in a rainbow swirl.

Lily and Jess started after them, but Amelia yelled, “I’m coming, too!”

Mrs. Sparklepaw held Amelia’s paw. “Stay here where you’re safe,” she said.

“Please, Mom,” Amelia begged. “Goldie helped rescue me, remember?”

“Jess and I will take care of her,” Lily said to Mrs. Sparklepaw. “We promise.”

“All right,” Mrs. Sparklepaw agreed.

Amelia scampered along beside Jess and Lily as they followed the butterflies. Behind them, the animals called, “Good luck!”

“Don’t worry,” Jess called, “we’ll be back soon—with Goldie, too!”

Chapter Two Amelia’s Flower

The butterflies swirled in a colorful, fluttering cloud through the forest.

“Almost there,” Hermia said.

Soon they reached the Treasure Tree. Its branches were covered in enough fruit, nuts, and berries for all the animals in the forest. The lower branches were heavy with golden pineapples. Nearby, the Paddlefoot beaver family was filling baskets with the spiky yellow fruit.

“Hello, Jess and Lily,” little Betsy Paddlefoot called. “We’re having pineapple pudding today.

Would you like to come and have some?”

“We’d love to, Betsy,” said Jess, “but we’re busy following a clue. It’s very important!”

The cloud of butterflies led them on through the trees. Finally, they reached an umbrella-shaped tree.

“The parasol tree!” Lily said excitedly.

The butterflies swirled around it so fast that they made a ribbon of color.

“Thank you, butterflies!” said Jess.

Hermia and her friends called good-bye and fluttered away.

Amelia bounded over to the tree, and the girls joined her to look up through the delicate branches.

“There’s no one there,” Jess said. “No Goldie, no Grizelda.”

Amelia’s whiskers drooped.

Jess stroked the kitten’s fluffy head. “We’ll keep looking,” she promised.

Lily glanced around and noticed something odd close by. “Look! There’s a strange bush,” she told the others.

“Let’s take a look,” said Jess.

“Be careful,” Lily said, picking Amelia up. She hugged the kitten close. “Something about it gives me the shivers.”

As they drew nearer, they saw it was a building made of thick, thorny branches twisted together.

“It’s like a huge upside-down nest,” Lily said curiously.

“A really awful nest,” added Jess excitedly. “It’s exactly the sort of place where Grizelda would hide Goldie!”

Lily nodded. “But how will we get inside? There’s no door.”

“If there’s a way in,” said Amelia, “I’ll find it.” She jumped to the ground then crouched low, wriggling forward stealthily on her belly.

The girls tiptoed after her around the outside of the strange building. Whenever Amelia found a space between the branches, she popped her head inside, then moved on to the next gap.

“What are you doing?” whispered Jess.

“I’m checking how wide the gaps are with my whiskers,” Amelia explained. She stopped. “Look! Here’s a nice big gap!”

Amelia started to scramble through. Lily and Jess crawled on all fours after the kitten, into the thick mesh of thorny branches. Plump, fuzzy-skinned fruit hung from them.

“They look delicious,” Jess said.

“Don’t touch them,” warned Amelia. “They—”

Just then, Lily’s sleeve caught on a thorn. She jerked back, knocking one of the fuzzy fruits to the ground.


The girls covered their ears.

“I was just going to tell you,” Amelia said, “those are screechy peaches! Poppy and Patch Muddlepup brought them to a picnic once as a joke. Every time someone touched them, they screeched! It was really funny!”

“Grizelda must have put the screechy peaches here so she’d know if someone breaks in,” Jess realized.

The screech died away, and was replaced by another sound—the click, clack, click, clack, click of the witch’s high-heeled boots!

“Who’s there?” Grizelda’s voice bawled. Her footsteps came closer. “If someone’s in my workshop, they’ll be sorry.… ”

“Oh, no!” whispered Lily. “Grizelda’s going to see us!”

But Amelia touched the flower around her neck. “She won’t,” the kitten said. “We can use this!”

“But how can that help?” Jess whispered.

“It’s a hiding hollyhock,” Amelia explained quickly. “Tommy, Timmy, and I use them to hide whenever we play touch-a-tail. Now hold my paws!”

The frightened girls did as she said. Amelia jangled her flower. Immediately, their hands disappeared—then their arms!

Lily gasped. “We’re vanishing!”

“The hiding hollyhock makes us invisible,” Amelia whispered.

They froze as Grizelda came closer.

“Someone’s in my nice new workshop,” she muttered. “I can smell them.”

Jess and Lily gripped Amelia’s paws tightly as Grizelda’s bony nose poked through the mesh of branches. Their hearts were pounding. Would the flower’s magic work—or would the witch find them after all?

Chapter Three Grizelda’s Gobbler

Jess and Lily held their breath as they waited. Grizelda pressed even closer against the branches—so close that the girls could have reached out and touched her! Her mean eyes darted all around as she searched.

“Humph,” Grizelda said finally. “Must have been a false alarm.”

She turned and, to Lily and Jess’s relief, her heels started click-clacking away as she walked down the hallway.

“She’s gone,” Amelia said shakily. As she spoke, Lily saw her whiskers reappearing.

“Amelia!” Lily gasped. “You’re becoming visible again.”

“‘Fast and strong, doesn’t last long,’” Amelia chanted. “That’s what Mom always says about hollyhock magic.”

Moments later, they were all completely visible. The girls and Amelia clambered the rest of the way into the workshop and emerged into a curving hallway, also made from woven branches. There were dark wooden doors lining the wall.

Amelia was clinging anxiously on to Jess’s leg. Jess knelt and pet the kitten’s fur. “Amelia,” she said gently. “Would you like to go back home?”

“No!” Amelia said firmly. “Not until we rescue Goldie!”

They went on together to the first door. Jess grasped the handle. “Goldie could be in here,” she said, opening it carefully. But the room was empty.

Lily opened the next one, but jumped back in fright when she saw big pots of snapdragons. She closed the door again quickly. Jess eased another door open just enough to allow her to peep in. She turned to the others, eyes wide, and put a finger to her lips. Silently, she mouthed, “Grizelda!”

Grizelda was crouched down with her back to them, muttering quietly. Bottles of murky-looking liquids and jars of weird objects stood on shelves, and a stack of rusty cauldrons tottered in the corner.

Jess closed the door silently and whispered to the others. “We’ve got to find out if Goldie is here. Amelia, can you make us invisible again?”

Amelia jangled her hiding hollyhock and took their hands in her paws. Once they were invisible, Lily opened the door and they crept inside. Both girls could feel their hearts racing as they stepped closer and closer to the witch.

They tiptoed around Grizelda and saw that she was muttering to the fluffy blue creature they’d seen outside Goldie’s grotto. He sat on the floor in front of Grizelda as she fed him with leaves and twigs. “There, Gobbler, you like those, don’t you?” she said. “I’m glad I found you wandering outside my tower. You’re exactly what I need to help me take over the forest!”

Gobbler swallowed and gazed up at her with his huge blue-green eyes. “Eeeep!” he squeaked. “Eep, eep, eeeeeeeep!”

“You want more to eat, don’t you?” said Grizelda as Gobbler munched greedily. Grizelda laughed. “You’ll soon have as much as you want!” She stood, holding a glass jar up to the light.

Inside it was a tuft of fur. The strands were gleaming and golden...

It was all Jess and Lily could do to stop themselves from gasping out loud.

Inside the jar was some of Goldie’s fur!

Grizelda made a mark on a piece of parchment that lay beside her. She tucked the jar into her pocket and patted Gobbler roughly on the head.

Lily noticed that his blue fur stood on end as the witch touched him. Maybe he doesn’t like Grizelda, she thought. Maybe he just likes the food she gives him.

“Ha ha, little Gobbler!” cackled Grizelda. “I just need to collect one more ingredient and I’ll be ready to make my new potion. Then Friendship Forest will be mine!”

Jess, Lily, and Amelia crept out of the room. As they became visible again, they stared at one another in horror.

“So that’s why Grizelda kidnapped Goldie,” said Jess. “She needed some of her fur to make a potion!”

“I wonder what the potion’s for?” said Lily as she cuddled the trembling Amelia.

“It can’t be anything good,” said Jess. “Whatever Grizelda has planned, we’ve got to stop her!”

Chapter Four Tricking the Witch

“We’ve got to find Goldie,” said Jess, “and we’ve got to stop Grizelda from finding that last ingredient. Then she won’t be able to make her potion.”

“But how can we?” Lily said gloomily. “We don’t know what the ingredient is.”

Amelia was stroking her whiskers thoughtfully. “I know!” she said. “If we turn invisible again, we can get close enough to read Grizelda’s list.”

Lily shook her head. “It’s too risky,” she said. “We were lucky Grizelda didn’t hear us before—or bump into us. If only she would leave the room...”

Jess grinned. “Screechy peaches!” she said. “Lily, you hide near the door, while Amelia and I make one of the peaches screech. Grizelda’s sure to come and investigate the noise. Then you can run in and read the list!”

Lily nodded nervously. Then she crouched behind a stack of broken broomsticks, while Jess and Amelia hurried along the hallway.

“This is far enough,” said Jess. She held Amelia’s paw as the kitten jangled her hiding hollyhock. Once they were invisible, Jess tapped one of the screechy peaches growing on the wall.


“I hope this works,” said Amelia.

Back by the room, Lily jumped as the door flew open and Grizelda burst out, rushing off in the direction of the noise. Gobbler scampered after her.

Lily’s heart raced as she dashed inside. She unrolled the parchment and desperately read Grizelda’s scratchy writing. The only ingredient that wasn’t crossed off was something called a shower flower.

The noise of the screechy peach was dying away, so she darted back out, just in time. Grizelda and Gobbler were already coming back down the hallway.

Lily hid until the witch was safely in the room, then ran to Jess and Amelia, who were becoming visible again.

“Did you find out what the last ingredient was?” asked Jess.

“Yes, it’s a shower flower, whatever that is,” Lily said. “Do you know where they grow, Amelia?”

The kitten shook her fluffy head. “I’ve never heard of them. Maybe the Muddlepups have them in their garden?”

They followed the hallway, away from Grizelda’s room.

“We have to stop Grizelda from getting that ingredient,” said Jess.

“And we have to find Goldie!” said Lily.

Suddenly, Amelia stopped outside a door. She sniffed, her whiskers twitching.

“I can smell something... Rose petals, violet dew, honeyberries, and mint... it’s the perfume I gave Goldie for her birthday!” she cried.

Amelia pushed open the door and dashed inside. Lily and Jess darted after her. Inside, her paws tied up with thick green vines, was Goldie!

“I knew you’d come,” Goldie cried. “You’re so brave. And Amelia, too!”

“I’m so glad we’ve found you!” said Jess. “How did Grizelda catch you?”

“I heard an animal crying in the forest,” Goldie explained. “It sounded hurt, so I went to find it. But it was just one of Grizelda’s tricks.”

“We’ll get you out,” promised Jess.

The girls tried to undo the vines, but the knots were too tough.

“They won’t budge,” said Lily. “Grizelda must have used magic to make them extra strong.” She heard a pattering sound. “Someone’s coming!”

“Grizelda!” whispered Amelia.

“No, her footsteps go click clack,” Lily said. “It’s someone else.”

Amelia hid behind her as the footsteps came closer. Then around the bend, padding on his fluffy blue paws, came Gobbler!

Chapter Five Rescue

The girls froze, waiting for Gobbler to rush off to Grizelda. But he scampered toward Jess instead.

“Eeeeep!” he squeaked, and started nibbling her shoelaces.

Jess smiled. “He’s more interested in eating than helping Grizelda.”

Amelia crept out from behind Lily. “He’s sort of sweet,” she said, “but very greedy!”

Gobbler saw the kitten, and his long tail waved and twirled.

“I think he likes you, Amelia,” said Lily.

The kitten padded closer to Gobbler. His tail twirled even more wildly.

“I’ve got an idea,” Amelia said. She patted the thick vines wrapped around Goldie’s paws. “Look, Gobbler, these are tastier than shoelaces.”

“Eep, eep, eeeeeeeeeeep!” Gobbler squeaked. His tail thumped the floor with excitement.

“Perfect, Amelia!” said Lily. “Gobbler can chomp Goldie free!”

Jess picked up the wriggly creature so he could eat the vines around Goldie’s front paws. “Oh,” she said. “Amelia, his fur is almost as soft as yours!”

Bits of vine fell from Gobbler’s mouth as he munched through them. He was halfway through the last one when the girls heard click, clack, click, clack...

Lily’s eyes widened. “Those are definitely Grizelda’s footsteps!”

“Run! Hide!” whispered Goldie.

“We’re not going without you,” Jess said fiercely.

As Gobbler chomped through the last vine, it fell away and Goldie was free!


“Grizelda’s running!” Jess gasped, putting Gobbler down.

“Quick!” Amelia cried. “This way!”

They scrambled through the door and ran down the thorny hallway, their hearts pounding.


“She’s coming!” Lily squealed.

Suddenly, Amelia disappeared.

The friends stopped. “Where is she?” cried Jess. “Amelia, did you use your hiding hollyhock?”

But then Amelia’s pink nose and white whiskers appeared in a gap in the wall. “Through here!” she cried.

Everyone scrambled through to the outside. With a furious shriek, Grizelda reached them. But when she tried to squeeze through the gap, she was too big, and her bony shoulders jammed against the branches.

“Your plan didn’t work, Grizelda!” Jess shouted. “We’ve got Goldie back!” But the witch just cackled.

The girls and Goldie exchanged anxious glances.

“Why is she laughing?” asked Lily. “Her plan has failed, hasn’t it?”

“That cat might have escaped,” the witch yelled, “but I’ve got what I need—her fur! Friendship Forest will be mine! Ha ha haaa!”

“Of course—she means the potion,” muttered Jess. “Come on, let’s go before she manages to come after us!”

Lily scooped Amelia up and they all raced away from the horrible workshop.

“You were so clever to get Gobbler to help,” said Goldie, as they made their way back through the trees to her grotto.

“It was Amelia’s idea,” said Lily, cuddling the kitten close.

Jess told Goldie about Grizelda’s potion. “We don’t know what it is for, but the last ingredient is a shower flower.”

Goldie frowned. “I’ve never heard of a shower flower. Maybe one of the other animals knows what it is.”

When they reached Goldie’s grotto, they found all their friends sitting gloomily among the decorations. Tommy Sparklepaw grinned when he spotted them, and jumped to his feet. “Look, they’re back! And they’ve saved Goldie!” he cried, and the other animals cheered.

Amelia scampered over and hugged her mom. “I helped!” she told her.

“But Grizelda is still up to something,” Jess said gravely. “Does anyone know where shower flowers grow? Grizelda wants one for a wicked potion.”

Everyone shook their heads—even the Muddlepup dog family, who were excellent gardeners.

“I’ve never seen one in our garden,” Mr. Muddlepup said. “I wish we could help.”

Everyone sighed with disappointment. But then Mrs. Featherbill waved a wing. “I remember now! I saw one once!”

“Where was it?” Lily asked excitedly.

“You won’t find a shower flower today,” said Mrs. Featherbill. “It’s too sunny. Whenever it rains, the shower flower grows at the spot where the first raindrop falls. But it disappears when the sun shines again.”

Goldie looked at the sky. “It’ll be dark soon,” she said, “but there are no clouds, so it won’t rain. Grizelda won’t find a shower flower today, either.”

Lily nodded. “Since it’s almost nighttime, we should probably go home now.”

Jess grinned. “Or we could have a sleepover with Goldie and look for the shower flower tomorrow! No time passes in our world while we’re away. We can stay and help for as long as we need to.”

“We won’t let mean old Grizelda ruin our fun!” Lily cheered.

“Can I go, Mom?” Amelia asked.

“Of course!” Mrs. Sparklepaw agreed.

“Me, too! Me, too!” lots of the other animals called out.

“Everyone can stay,” laughed Goldie. “It’ll be a birthday sleepover!”

Goldie handed out slices of her birthday cake, while the girls helped arrange soft piles of cushions and blankets for the animals to sleep on.

Amelia curled up in the middle with her brothers, purring contentedly as her eyes drifted closed.

Once everyone was comfy, the girls settled beside Goldie and gave her the card they’d made before her party started.

“Oh, thank you! It’s the nicest card I’ve ever gotten,” Goldie told them. She smiled happily. “Grizelda tried to ruin my birthday, but it’s still been very special—because you’re here, Lily and Jess.”

There was a sleepy mew. “And me,” purred Amelia.

Everyone laughed!

“Especially you!” said Goldie.

She turned to Jess and Lily and whispered, “All I need now is to stop Grizelda from ruining our forest—then I’ll be the happiest cat ever!”
