Chapter 2

Ted and Joey had been motherless since their mother had left their father, Robert. That had been over a year ago. Robert was nine years older than she, but they had always been quite close. They had drawn apart during his marriage, seeing each only a few times a year. Peggy had not liked her sister-in-law, and had preferred to avoid her.

However, she loved her nephews, always sending them gifts on holidays and birthdays, something that their mother had seemed to resent. Although Peggy would never tell Robert, she was secretly glad his wife was no longer around. He had asked her to stay with him and the boys, but she had refused, sensing it might be a mistake. What Ted and Joey had done to her yesterday showed how big of a mistake.

In her bath, with fragrant bubbles bursting about her body, she tried to hate her nephews for yesterday. She hated herself, instead. She had responded to their young cocks, something that surprised her. Peggy had never been drawn erotically to young boys, yet she experienced orgasm as they took turns fucking her. Her wrists and ankles still had marks on them from the ropes, but she had not been injured. She was thankful for that.

She could hear Ted and Joey yelling and playing outside, and Peggy smiled. If being fucked by them while tied up was the worst that could happen to her, she could live with it, she decided. They had fucked her already, so what was wrong with a few more times, she rationalized.

Peggy had an erotic mind, and she had loved fucking since a very early age. She had even wondered what it would be like to be tied up and then fucked. Yet, as much as she thought about sex, her experience had been limited to simple fucking, never indulging in the more sophisticated forms such as sucking. She was sure that a hard cock, dripping wet, pressing into her throat would make her gag, and perhaps throw up. The idea of having something like that, a cock the guy pissed with, inside her mouth was nauseating to Peggy.

No, she wasn't going to tell her brother what they had done to her. She would keep silent and hope that all they would do was tie her up and fuck her cunt.

A shiver went through her, causing her nipples to lift in hardness. Would Ted and Joey be satisfied with that? Somehow she sensed that they wouldn't. She wondered where they got such ideas, if they had tied up little girls before. One important thing caused her to remain silent was that she loved them both and did not want to create trouble for them.

The slamming of a door startled her, making her sit upright in the tub. She had lived alone for a long time, and seldom closed the bathroom door, and it still stood wide open.

She started to get up to close it, but Ted and Joey raced in as she lifted to her knees. Peggy quickly wrapped her arms about her soapy tits, crouching back into the water.

"Hey, look at Aunt Peggy!" Joey said.

"I'm always looking at Aunt Peggy," Ted said, gazing over her. "Aunt Peggy, why are you trying to cover up your pretty tits? We've seen them already.”

"You're not going to see them anymore," she said, her arms pressing her round tits together. "There won't be any more games like yesterday.”

"Who said so?" Ted sneered.

"I said so, you little shit.”

"Who listens to you?”

Both boys had one faded cut-off jeans. Peggy could not help but notice that their cocks were beginning to swell, harden as her nephews looked at her. She felt a tremor of disgust when she couldn't take her gaze from the bulging shorts. Ted laughed lewdly, sliding the ragged edge of his shorts upward, the head of his cock poking out. Peggy cringed into the tub, pressing at the enamel, one hand held out as if to ward off a blow.

"No," she hissed. "Please, put it away, Ted! No more, I told you!”

Both boys grabbed her at the same time. She groaned as their fingers cut into her upper arms, lifting her from the tub. They dragged her out of the water and pulled her from the bathroom. Peggy tried to twist free, protesting, but she was not a very strong woman, and her nephews had little trouble with her. When she realized they were dragging her toward the back door, she struggled as hard as she could.

"No! Not outside! Someone could see!”

“Who cares?" Ted replied. "We don't.”

“Please, don't!" Peggy tried to brace her feet on the floor, but they were wet and slipped on the tile. "God, not outside!”

“We wanna be outside," Joey said.

The rear of the house had a covered patio, with a couple of chairs and two chaise lounges. There was a small table made of redwood. The yard consisted of a small lawn, lush and green, leading off into the desert of sagebrush and cactus. Although it was still morning, the sun struck them with heat. Peggy wasn't struggling very hard now. It was hopeless, and she was afraid that they would hurt her.

Peggy looked around swiftly, but all she could see was the great expanse of desert, nothing else. There were no houses close to hers, and her own house sat almost two-hundred yards back from the highway. The buzz of a passing car came to them, and Peggy, although concealed in back of the house, blushed. She had never gone naked outside in her life.

Then she saw what, they had been doing. Directly above the redwood table, they had sunk metal hooks into the roof of the patio. Her heart sank as she stared at them. As Ted held her arms around her back securely, she began to sob when Joey opened a suitcase, taking a pair of chains from it, with cuffs linked at one end. The cuffs were of metal, too, but could be adjusted to fit. She watched Joey bring a tall ladder from the side of the house, and he attached to chains to the hooks, the cuffs dangling.

"Get on the table, Aunt Peggy." Ted demanded when Joey finished.

"No!" Peggy drew back, looking at the chains with horror. "I won't! You can't force me! I refuse!”

The sharp pinch on one naked asscheek brought a scream from her. Her hips shot forward, and Ted, still gripping her upper arm, grabbed a handful of her thick cunt hair, pulling hard. The searing pain was horrible, and attempting to ease it, Peggy shoved her cunt into Ted's hand, but Ted pulled harder, leading her forward that way. Peggy moved with her hips thrust forward, crying with pain and apprehension.

Joey shoved the table from beneath the hooks, replacing it with a bench about four feet long and two feet wide.

"Get on the bench, Aunt Peggy," Ted said, pulling very hard on her cunt hair.

Nervously, she stepped up onto the bench. Ted, still pulling at her pussy hair, created a burning pain on the tender flesh just above the slit of her cunt. Her body, still wet from the bath, glistened in the still-climbing sun. Joey again climbed the ladder, and he cuffed her wrists so that they were pulled very high above her head. Her shoulders began to hurt immediately, and they cut into her flesh painfully. She hung her head in shame and pain, her long dark hair falling down her back and over one tit. Still on the ladder, Joey brushed her hair away from her tit, cupped it and squeezed a few times, then pinched her nipple hard.

Peggy screamed as pain burned through the sensitive tip of her tit, Joey laughed, then twisted her other nipple as hard as she could, bringing more screams of pain from his aunt. Peggy swayed her ass, trying to relieve the cutting pressure of the metal cuffs. Feeling something going around her ankles, she looked down. Ted was attaching a strong cord around it. Joey climbed from the ladder and began tying her other ankle. Then they pulled her feet apart, causing most of the weight of her body to sag against the chains. She was crying from the pain now, as the boys tied her legs wide apart. Her stretched body arched, her ass thrusting backward and her tits upward. The pink lips of her cunt could be seen now, surrounded by the dark curls of her cunt. The tip of her clit peeked from her pussyslit, tingling, much to her surprise.

Pained and shamed, she realized to her horror that she was responding once again to this weird torment. Peggy wondered if she was going crazy, feeling pleasure in this.

The boys stood back, looking at her with gleaming eyes. Ted's cock was still sticking from the fringed edge of his cut-offs, very hard. His swollen prick head glistened, and Peggy saw his piss hole flaring, clear fluids dripping from it. As Ted began to stroke his cock, Joey brought his own out, just as hard as his brother's. A lurching, burning sensation seemed to flutter in Peggy's cunt. She couldn't stop watching them. And she could not stop her cunt from getting wet, her clit from swelling.

The boys' eyes were level with her hips. She hung there by the chains as they looked at her nakedness, each licking his lips. Goosebumps rose on her flesh as they stared at her cunt. Ted leaned down a bit, peering between his aunt's long, slim thighs, sliding his hand up the creamy smooth inner surface toward her cunt.

Peggy twisted her hips before she felt the cuffs cut into her flesh, then held still. She would rather have her nephew feel her up than increase the pain on her wrists.

Jed cupped her cunt, pressing and rubbing at her wet, hairy pussy lips. Peggy hung her head shamefully, crying silently. Her tears stung her tits, and her sobs made Ted and Joey grin with delight. Joey slipped behind her, and she felt him stroking her naked ass and the backs of her thighs. The boys moved all around her, looking at every inch of her body. As they stood behind her, she felt them part the cheeks of her ass, and with horror, she realized they were looking at her asshole. That made her shame deeper yet. No one had ever looked at her this way, never so exposed.

"Let's spank her now," Joey said.

"Sure, why not?" Ted replied.

As her nephews came back around in front of her, Peggy watched them dig into the suitcase again, taking out a leather thong about five feet long. When Ted swung it through the air, it hissed nastily. Peggy cringed, tightening the cheeks of her ass. Her nephews grinned evilly at her, with Ted swinging the leather whip around threateningly.

"We're gonna make your pretty ass look good, Aunt Peggy," he snickered. "A naked ass always looks prettier with a few stripes on it.”

"Oh, God!" she sobbed. "You wouldn't!”

"The fuck we wouldn't," Joey giggled.

Ted swung the whip, but not very hard. Still it raised a welt near her hip. The pain made Peggy cry out. It came unexpectedly, and felt as if her thigh had been opened.

"That wasn't hard," Ted laughed. "Just a love tap, Aunt Peggy. Wait until you feel it on your pretty ass,”

"Oh, God, please, don't!”

Ted stood at her side, swinging the leather whip lightly across her asscheeks. Joey remained in front of her, his cock poking from the leg of his cut-offs, throbbing excitedly, his eyes staring at her hairy cunt, lips parted slightly as he breathed hotly.

The scream that ripped from Peggy's throat cut into the morning air of the desert, but there was no one to hear it. The lash of that leather whip seared the tender flesh of her beautiful, swelling ass. It was as though a knife had slicked the cheeks of her ass open. A fiery, red welt appeared, a thin line across each asscheek, perfectly centered. Her scream caused the boys to laugh in delight. Ted swung the thin whip across her ass a few times, then against the backs of her creamy thighs, raising welts there, too. The pain burned like fire, and Peggy could hardly stand it. The metal cuffs were cutting into her wrists, her weight slumping on them.

She felt relieved and thankful when Ted dropped that wicked whip. Her ass and the backs of her thighs continued to burn with pain, and she was amazed that her cunt was very wet, her clit very tight and hard, throbbing with a tingling sensation as if she were about to come. She felt slippery moisture seeping along her inner thighs, something that embarrassed her greatly.

Without speaking, her nephews left her hanging. They went into the house, and Peggy became frightened. Surely they would not leave her this way. Someone might drive up, might see her. Besides, her arms felt as if they were about to separate from her shoulders. They were only having fun, she tried to tell herself, they would come back in a few minutes and let her down.

The sun climbed, and the heat was becoming worse. She began to sweat, her arms going numb. She could not pull her feet together, and her arms, she felt, could not hold her weight up much longer. She wondered if she was getting sunburned on her ass. She waited and waited, wishing they would hurry and let her down before she fainted from the pain. Her tears had dried now. She tried to think of a means to free herself, looking about constantly, fearful someone would drive up and see her in this helpless, shameful situation.

Ted and Joey came out the door, each with a glass of iced tea in their hands. She saw that they had removed their shorts, and both were naked. Outside, and all of them naked. Peggy was horrified that they would be caught.

She licked her lips thirstily. "May I have some tea, too?" she asked politely. "I'm getting awfully thirsty.”

"Maybe later," Ted said, sitting on a lounge, drawing his legs up and resting the cold glass on his stomach. Peggy looked at him, but her gaze went to his cock and balls. Ted noticed where her gaze went, and with a grin, draped his legs over the sides of the lounge. Peggy's eyes opened a bit wider as she gazed between his legs. Despite the way she was hanging on the chains, she found his cock and balls appealing. Her inner thighs were moist from her seeping cunt.

Joey, still with his frosted glass of tea, stood and watched his aunt, pleased with what he saw. He moved close to her, pressing his cold glass against her thigh. He ran his hand about her thighs, then cupped the cheek of her ass in a gentle squeeze, his cock brushing at her lower leg. He brought his hand to her cunt, spreading her hairy pussy lips with two fingers, forcing her clit outward.

Peggy gasped when her nephew leaned his young face forward, his lips lightly kissing the tip of her clit. She tried to jerk her crotch backward, but Joey wrapped one arm about her hips, pressing his mouth harder upon her clit. Peggy choked when she felt Joey sucking at her clit, his tongue flicking up and down.

"Oh, God!" she moaned. "Joey, that's nasty!”

He opened his mouth wide, pressing it between her thighs, his head upward. She twisted her hips as she felt his tongue dipping into her wet cunt. The shame of what he was doing to her filled her face with a bright redness. Her eyes closed so she wouldn't have to see his cheeks and nose buried in her cunt hair. She felt his tongue flutter inside her cunt, his upper lips pressing upon her clit.

Although Peggy considered it nasty to have a mouth on her cunt, she felt a response unlike any she had felt when they had fucked her. There was something perverse in feeling Joey's smooth face pressing into her cunt. She thought it was quite possible she could learn to like having her cunt sucked and tongued and licked.

As Joey thrust his tongue in and out of her cunt, alternating it with his lips to suck on her rigid clit, she felt him rolling his cold glass about her hip and around to her ass. The coolness of the glass seemed, strangely enough, to increase the heat of her cunt. As he pressed the cold glass against the crack of her ass, he began to suck very hard on her clit.

"Ohhhh," Peggy moaned, her eyes half closed as a sweet, dreamy feeling came over her. "Oooooooh, Joey.”

Ted laughed, still sprawled back on the lounge chair, his cock sticking straight up, watching his brother eating Peggy's cunt, seeing the way her hips moved, her expression of growing ecstasy. Through her sweet sensations, Peggy knew Ted was watching. She slitted her smoldering eyes, staring at his upstanding cock and preciously young balls, while Joey began to suck and tonguefuck her cunt with more vigor. He had placed his glass on the bench by now, and was cupping her naked ass with both hands, shoving his tongue in and out of her twitching cunt swiftly, dragging it up and down her fiery pussylips, tonguing her cunt and clit with soft, exciting slurps.

Every nerve in her body seemed on fire, and not with the numbing pain of hanging by her arms. She was whimpering as ecstasy unlike any she had ever felt began flooding her body, centered between her thighs, in and around her bushy cunt. Peggy knew she was close to coming, and she began to strain for it.

"Oooooh, please, please," she murmured. “Oh, God! Joey, oh, Joey!”

“You better be careful, Joey,” Ted snickered. "You're gonna make Aunt Peggy come, I think.”

Peggy began to grind her cunt into her nephew's face, pressing hard onto his mouth, grunting as her orgasm swelled and bubbled. She had never been so wet or hot in her life. She wanted to come, to come no matter what they did to her. At this moment of her increasing ecstasy, they could beat her, whip her, hurt her all they wanted. They could do anything to her, her body, she wanted to come so badly.

"Oh, Joey, Joey!”

His tongue snapped in and out of her cunt, going deep. Peggy's pussy began drawing at his tongue, her fiery wet cunt lips gripping tightly. Her hips started jerking uncontrollably, then she screamed. The orgasm burst like an overfilled balloon, sending her into hot, trembling ecstasy.

Peggy wailed, tossing her head about as she came. Joey kept thrusting his tongue into her convulsing cunt swiftly, digging into the cheeks of her ass with strong fingers. She felt him rubbing his cock against her lower legs. The eruption of his cock surprised her. The creamy, hot come juice spattered her legs, and she didn't care.

Ted, seeing his brother climaxing over their aunt's legs, laughed hilariously. "Way to go, Joey!" he shouted. "Can't even wait to fuck her, can you? Can't wait to get your cock up her fucking cunt, huh?”

When Joey pulled his face from her cunt, he looked as if he were blushing, his face smeared by her pussyjuice, lips glistening.

"Fuck you, Ted," he said, wiping his mouth.
