Eck A. La situation juridique de la femme russe au moyen age // Recueils de la Societe Jean Bodin. 1962. Vol. 12. P. 406-413, 415-417; Levin E. Women and Property in Medieval Novgorod: Dependence and Independence // Russian History. 1983. Vol. 10. Pt. 2. P. 166; Levy S. Women and Control of Property in Sixteenth-Century Muscovy// Russian History. 1983. Vol. 10. Pt. 2. P. 204—205; Пушкарева Н.Л. Имущественные права женщин на Руси (X—XV вв.) // Исторические записки. 1986. № 114; Pushkareva N.L. Women in Russian History: From the Tenth to the Twentieth Century / Transl. and ed. by Eve Levin. Armonk, 1997. P. 48; Weickhardt G.G. Legal Rights of Women in Russia P. 8-10.
