Chapter 27

Even the best laid plans, huh, Billy Boy?

But I’m not complaining. Because those plans weren’t worth shit. You see, Billy, even us gods can screw up occasionally. Especially when we’re reacting to the moment, when the adrenaline’s pumping so hot through our veins we don’t know what’s up or down. That’s when we’re vulnerable. You can just ask poor Herbie.

But, Billy Boy, there’s a providence watching out for me. You’re out on the street where I need you. It just wouldn’t do to have you locked up now. Not while there’s so much more that needs to be done. So much more doubt to sow. So much more blood to spill. And bodies to send to the morgue. God knows what I was thinking when I made that phone call…


As his consciousness seeped back into his body, Charlie Winters became aware of a sour taste in his mouth. He had been out for hours watching Shannon’s interrogation. Now that he was back in his physical body he could feel an ache spreading across his chest. He coughed and spat on the floor. With some disgust he realized the sour taste had been blood.

He probably had pneumonia. That goddamn cop from the night before. Making him stand out in the freezing rain. Winters forced himself to concentrate until he remembered the cop’s name. Podansky. Eddie Podansky. When the time was right he’d be dealt with. After Shannon.

Winters tried to sit up but found himself dizzy. He lay back down among the dirty sheets and soiled clothing. Right now it was time to get some rest. Time to make his plans. And not rush things now that everything was so close to working out.
