They untied Lynda and made her walk over to the bar. Lynda's long, shapely legs felt like rubber. She weaved drunkenly in the midst of the crowd of men. They made things even harder on her by grabbing her, pinching her tits, slapping her ass, fucking fingers into her reamed-out cunt and asshole.

Lynda felt like something less than human as she stumbled toward the bar. She was naked, her luscious body on display for the men who surrounded her. She was dripping jism and pussy-cream and blood down her creamy thighs. And every man in the bar was pawing her perfectly proportioned body, as though she was some mindless, sexy creature they had bought and paid for.

When Lynda finally reached the bar, hands grabbed her from every side. She was lifted off her feet and thrown on the bar the same way she had been thrown on the pool table earlier. This time, though, her head was hanging off one side of the bar and her ass was hanging off the other.

Her long sexy legs dangled toward the floor, the spikes of her heels barely brushing the hardwood surface. Men stretched Lynda's arms out to her sides and tied her wrists to the edges of the bar. Lynda whimpered in anguish as the men tugged her arms out painfully wide. The men left her legs free, joking with each other about how they wanted her able to wrap those long, meaty legs around their asses while they fucked her.

When they finished with her, Lynda was sprawled across the bar, looking like a sexy meal ready to be devoured. She cried out in pain, both from the way her arms were pulled wide and bound and from the way only a tiny portion of her back had to support all her weight.

"Please!" Lynda cried, as hands crushed her tits, probed her cunt and asshole, and stroked and pinched every inch of her creamy body. "Don't hurt me anymore! I'll do – I'll do anything you want! You can do whatever you want to me, but please don't hurt me bad! Please don't ruin me!"

"Ruin you?" Buck roared. "You've been ruined your whole fucking life! You want to see ruined, Lynda? Fuck, ifwe wanted to ruin you we might do something like this!"

Lynda screamed when Buck picked up the book of matches. He struck one, then lowered the flame slowly toward one of Lynda's stiff, pink nipples.

When she felt the searing heat on the sensitive nubbin of flesh Lynda cried in terror. Just before he touched it to her skin Buck blew it out. Then he pressed the still-hot match head right against the tip of Lynda's nipple.

The pain was awful. Lynda flopped around wildly on the bar, kicking out with her long, meaty legs, dragging her sexy body first to one side and then the other until her wrists were bleeding where the cords wrapped around them. When Buck tossed the match away, Lynda expected her nipple to be burned black, but it was only slightly reddened.

"We better put that out," Grady said, pouring half a bottle of some sticky red liquor all over her injured tit. As soon as he did a dozen mouths descended on the big soft mound, licking and sucking away the booze.

"Somebody stick a cock in sweet little Miss Cartier and take her mind off what we're going to do to her."

Lynda grunted with pain as a big man with a lot of missing teeth stuffed his cock into her cunt. She wrapped her long, muscular legs around his ass almost on reflex, and the men laughed at her. One of them boasted about how quick they were teaching the tight-ass landlady how to act like a real woman. The man's cock was no more than seven inches long, but Lynda's cunt was so battered and swollen that it felt like it was two feet long.

"Please stop!" she moaned, staring up at Buck, her big blue eyes miserable and pleading. "You're killing me! You're ruining me forever!"

Buck lit another match, shook it out, then tossed it onto the shuddering little hollow of Lynda's stomach.

Lynda shrieked in agony, arching her long, sexy body up off the bar. The man fucking her groaned with pleasure as she whipped her hips from side to side in a hopeless, vain attempt to throw the smoldering match off her silky skin. He wrapped his big hands around her satiny hips and pounded his cock into her brutally, almost knocking her off the bar. Buck lit another match and touched this one to a cigarette before he tossed it onto Lynda's sleek, writhing body.

All around Lynda men were striking matches and lighting cigarettes. They looked like tiny branding irons glowing in the dark of the bar. Still-hot matches rained down on Lynda.

She screamed in pain and panic as matches landed on her heaving tits, her flat little tummy, in the hollow of her slender white throat. A match landed in her curly cunt-bush, sizzling her pussy-hair before it cooled down. A match landed on her forehead and another fell between her parted lips, burning her tongue.

"Swallow it!" Buck shouted, puffing on his cigarette until it glowed fiery red. He started to bring the cigarette down toward her tits. "Swallow that match like a good whore, landlady!"

"Oh please!" Lynda cried. "Oh, please! Oh, no! No! No! Please! I'll do it!"

Lynda swallowed the match an instant too late. Her world exploded in burning agony as Buck touched the tip of his burning cigarette to her stiff nipple. He barely brushed the burning ember to her super-sensitive nipple, but that was enough to fill the lean, sexy captive with exquisite agony. Lynda bucked high off the table, driving her hips against the man who was fucking her.

Every muscle in her long, lean body tensed with the agony of having the cigarette touched to her tender nipple. When her cunt clenched tight around the man's cock, he groaned and filled her cunt with his jism.

The cool rush of jism into her injured pussy was like a salve to Lynda. Her scream of pain turned into a coo of relief, and she locked her long, lush legs tight around the man's pistoning ass. Her big, creamy ass bucked high pff the table, meeting every savage thrust of his spurting cock into her pussy. Their bodies made wet, sweaty slapping sounds as they collided.

"That's it, you fancy slut," Pete said, puffing on his own cigarette. "You keep moving that ass just the way you are now!"

Pete dragged his cigarette right down the center of Lynda's silky, creamy tanned stomach. He paused for just an instant when he reached the sexy little hollow of her navel, pushing down just enough to send Lynda spinning down into a deep, dark pit of agony. She screamed even louder than before, flinging herself around on the bar like a madwoman.

"I'll bet Miss Cartier didn't think she had enough energy left to shake her ass like that," Grady said, flicking ashes from his cigarette into Lynda's open mouth. "Here, tits, let me show you how we really want you shaking that big, sexy ass!"

The man who had fucked her was pulling away, wiping his slimy cock clean on Lynda's creamy thigh before he left her. Before the next man stepped up Grady ran his cigarette down one side of Lynda's pink pussy-lips and up the other. Then he jabbed it quickly right into the center of her gaping, dripping cunt.

"Please, please, please!" Lynda shrieked, thrashing around on the bar as though she was suffering some kind of fit. "Anything! I'll do anything! I'll give you anything! Please!"

"Anything?" Buck asked, a thoughtful smile on his face. "All right, Lynda. What I want you to do is drink my piss. You willing to do that?"

"Oh please!" Lynda sobbed, tears streaming down her beautiful face. "Oh please, Buck! Please don't make me!"

"Your choice," Buck said with a shrug and dragged his cigarette up Lynda's left side until he nestled it in her soft, sensitive armpit.

Lynda screamed in agony. A cold, clammy sweat had broken out on her creamy tanned body, and she was shivering uncontrollably. She reallzed now that the men knew how to use the cigarettes so that they didn't do any lasting damage. Somehow that was the most frightening thing of all. It meant they could go on torturing her forever.

While Buck dragged his cigarette up out of her armpit, over her shoulder and toward her slender white throat, several men grabbed Lynda by her legs and wrenched her onto her side. Lynda's arms felt as though they were go ing to be pulled from their sockets by the horrible position the men had forced her into. Her upper torso was still pulled flat by the tight ropes that circled her wrists, but her tiny waist was cruelly twisted, and her right hip was pressing against the edge of the bar. A man grabbed her left leg and jerked it up until Lynda squirmed in pain.

"Now you're going to get it, slut!" the man growled, hooking her leg over his shoulder and slapping his fat cock against the swollen pink lips of Lynda's pussy. "I'll bet you've never had cock stuffed in both your dirty holes at the same time, have you?"

"Answer him, whore!" another man shouted, sliding the head of his cock into the tight crack of Lynda's ass. He dragged the cigarette he was holding across the back of Lynda's knee, making her howl in agony. "Have you ever had both your scummy holes fucked at the same time."

"No," Lynda whispered, her voice shaking badly as the man traced his cigarette up and down the back of her calf. "No, I've never had – never had both my scummy little holes fucked at the same time. Oh please, no, please, no! I can't take anymore!"

"Oh, you'll be surprised just how much more you can take," Buck said. "Ready to drink some piss now? All you have to do is say yes."

Lynda whimpered like a baby. Her booze-dulled, pain-blasted mind was hardly even able to make sense of what Buck was saying to her. But she knew that she couldn't agree to drink Buck's piss.

Buck dropped his old cigarette right into her open mouth. There was a moment of burning on her tongue before her spit put out the cigarette. Buck grabbed her by a handful of her silky black hair and jerked her head up until her chin was pressed against her big tits, then poked the burning tip of another cigarette against first one of her nipples and then the other. Lynda screamed again, her mouth filled with the sooty taste of the cigarette he had dropped there.

"Swallow that cigarette, Lynda," Buck said quietly, "or I put this one out on one of these big, pretty nipples."

At that moment the man in front of her fucked his fat cock into her pussy. Lynda grunted with pain at the penetration. When the man behind her forced his hard cock up her tiny shit-chute, she felt the world spinning away from her again. The last thing she remembered before she passed out was swallowing the cigarette like a dutiful slave.

The men let her stay unconscious for a few minutes, amusing themselves by making her jerk and wiggle and moan while her conscious mind was on hold. The men fucking her cunt and asshole battered her senseless body brutally back and forth, driving their cocks into her ravaged fuck-holes until they came. Almost as soon as the first two backed way, two more stepped up to take their places.

The other men made even more cruel use of Lynda's sexy, unconscious body. The continued to torture her, and as time went on they became more and more inventive in their abuse of the sultry, senseless landlady.

The men touched their cigarettes everywhere on Lynda's limp, beautiful body. They ran their cigarettes over the sensitive soles of her feet and palms of her hands. They ran their cigarettes between her fingers and toes.

Cigarettes teased their way into Lynda's ass-crack and touched her pussy-hair until the room was filled with the smell of burning hair. The long, silky black hair that crowned Lynda's head was targeted too.

Before more than five minutes had passed, Lynda's hair was frayed and split at the ends.

Cigarettes were tossed between Lynda's limply parted lips until her mouth looked like an ashtray. A lot of the men flicked their ashes into her mouth, too. Grady broke out a bottle of good whiskey and poured it between Lynda's huge, creamy tits and down over the flat, silky hollow of her stomach. Men licked the booze off her body, biting her creamy skin while they siphoned the liquor away. By the time Grady had poured the whole bottle of liquor out onto Lynda's sleek body she smelled like the floor of the bar.

It was Pete who thought of using the cocktail sticks, and the men cheered when he broke them out. They were made of colored plastic and shaped into tiny little swords. The men used them to poke Lynda unmercifully. They stabbed her tits, stomach and ass first, but before long they were poking her everywhere. Lynda's arms, legs, throat and even her face became targets. Grady had the idea of putting one through each of Lynda's pierced ears. The men laughed wildly over how the gorgeous, unconscious landlady looked wearing cocktail-stick earrings.

After the second pair of fuckers hosed their jism up Lynda's pussy and asshole, Buck decided it was time to wake her up. First he got a huge beer mug and held it under his cock. He filled it to the brim with his piss. Then he got the smelling salts out of the bar's first aid kit and passed them under Lynda's nose.

Lynda groaned with despair when she came awake and realized her despoiling at the hands of Buck and his customers was still going on. A man pulled off his belt just as she came awake, and a moment after her eyes were open he lashed the strap of leather against her soft tits. The pain almost made Lynda pass out again, but Buck was still holding the smelling salts under her nose. He pulled his knife off his belt and held it in front of the miserable beauty.

"See this, Lynda?" he said pleasantly, as the bound, broken beauty coughed and choked on her mouthful of cigarettes and ashes. "Ever wondered what it would feel like to get a real good fuck? Your cunt's not good for shit, you worthless cow. Maybe this could make your dead ass a little hotter. What about it, Lynda, this look like the kind of cock that could make you real hot?"

"And chew those cigarettes up and swallow them!" Pete shouted, stabbing Lynda on the point of her chin with a swizzle stick.

Lynda gagged as she chewed on her mouthful of cigarettes. She watched Buck's knife with wide, frightened eyes. The men called her filthy names while she ate the cigarettes. They urged Buck to knife fuck her. Wads of spit splattered all over Lynda's face and tits. By the time Lynda swallowed the last of the cigarettes her mouth felt numb and her stomach felt as though it had been filled with poison.

"Kill me!" she cried, watching the knife as it dipped down into the satiny valley between her big tits. "Kill me and get it over with! It doesn't matter anymore!"

"I might kill you all right," Buck said with a smile, pressing the tip of the knife into Lynda's creamy tanned skin just hard enough to make her wince with pain. "I might just fuck you to death. But killing you like this would be too fucking easy. You've made a lot of people suffer for a long time with all your queen-of-the-town bullshit. You've got a lot of paying back to do before that fucking score gets settled."

With that he pushed the knife a little harder until it just broke the skin. And then he pulled the blade down the center of Lynda's lean, long body, over her stomach, into the plump mound of her cunt and right to the edge of her swollen, jism-drenched pussy. A man got so excited that he shot his load, stepping in close so that he could bathe Lynda's beautiful face with his jism. As the slushy cock filth slithered over her cheeks Lynda started crying again, her whole body shaking with the force of her grief.

"Time to decide, Lynda," Buck said, teasing the tip of the sharp knife over Lynda's swollen pussy-lips. "Does this look like the kind of cock that could really make you hot?"

"Buck!" the luscious landlady screamed. "I want to drink your piss, Buck! I want to do anything you want me to! Please let me drink your piss! Anything, I'll do anything you want! From now on I'm yours! I swear! I'll do anything you want, Buck!"

"Tell me you love me," he said with a sneer, winking at his buddies.

"I love you, Buck!" Lynda whimpered. "I love you!"

"Ask me to fuck you," Buck said, closing the knife and slipping it into his pocket. "Tell me that you're cumming just thinking about me fucking you."

"I am, Buck," Lynda whispered. The men laughed harder. More of them spit on her. Lynda's face was dripping with their spit now. "I'm cumming just thinking about your big, hard cock. Please fuck me with it, Buck. Please!"

"In the ass?" Buck asked, picking up the huge mug of piss. "You're cumming thinking about me ripping your dirty shitter with my big cock?"

"Yes!" Lynda cried. "You've got the biggest, sweetest cock in the whole world! Please fuck my ass with it! I'm curing just thiniting about it!"

"Then let's do it," Buck said. "Untie her hands, boys. Lynda, here's a big frosty glass of my piss. Drink it down and I'll fuck your sweet big ass right off."

Lynda cried like a lost child as she clamped her delicate hands around the giant mug of piss. Buck slotted his huge, dripping cock against the tiny bud of her ass and started pushing. As she took her first sip, his massive cock-head popped into the loosened ring of her asshole and Lynda spilled piss all over her face. She swallowed her first gulp while Buck fucked his whole cock into her torn, bruised asshole.

Buck's piss tasted bitter and salty and vile. As her first gulp of Buck's piss washed down her throat, Lynda gagged uncontrollably. Revulsion at what she was doing and the horrid taste of Buck's piss overwhelmed her. Her stomach revolted, and before Lynda could stop herself she was throwing up.

The men laughed at her as she vomited. More spit hit her, some landing in the glass of piss she was going to have to drink. When she had finished and turned her face weakly back toward Buck, Grady wiped up the mess with a filthy rag, then rubbed it all over her face. Lynda almost threw up again as Grady smeared the filth all over her.

"Pretty," Buck said mockingly, fucking his huge cock in and out of her ravaged shit-chute. "So pretty. Now drink the rest of my yummy piss."

Lynda did as she was told.

Buck fucked her hard and fast, driving his cock into her so savagely that men had to hold Lynda to keep her from being knocked over the side of the bar. Her tattered shitter turned with the friction of Buck's hard cock fucking deep inside her. She could feel the moist channel stretching wider and wider, and she wondered if it would ever be the same again. The jolting of the brutal fuck caused Lynda to spill piss all over her face, but Buck didn't seem to mind.

And slowly, terribly, something started to change inside her. Buck's piss still tasted so foul that Lynda wanted to vomit with every gulp she took. His monstrous cock still hurt her tiny shitter so badly that she couldn't stop shivering, that she felt as though her back was being broken. But it was starting to excite her, too. Slowly, impossibly, the stab of Buck's cock up her ass was starting to turn her on.

Lynda iiftedher long, sexy legs andwrapped them tightly around Buck's muscular ass. She gtilped his piss as though it was the sweetest thing she had ever tasted. Her pussy was squirming and dripping, and her cockclogged asshole flexed around his ruining cock as though it wanted to squeeze every ounce of jism he had out of his balls and deep into her body. Her tiny cries of pain transformed themselves into grunts and moans of pleasure.

"Tell me you love it, whore," Buck said, fucking his cock into her asshole as though he wanted to fuck it out through her full-lipped mouth. "You're turned on, aren't you, landlady? Say it so everybody can hear."

"I love it!" Lynda moaned, drinking down the last of Buck's piss. She turned the mug upside down and let every last drop of piss splatter between her parted lips. "I love your cock, Buck! I love your piss! I love it! I can't wait until everyone fucks me!"

"Such a good little slut," Buck whispered. "Such a beautiful little slut. And such a big girl. You're the sexiest bitch this town has ever seen, Lynda big tits, big ass, and the sweetest little face a man could ever want. And you belong tome, don't you?"

"I do, Buck!" Lynda moaned, pulling Buck tight with her long legs, flipping her ass up to meet every thrust of his huge cock. "I'm your whore, Buck! I'm your slut! You're going to make me cum! Oh shit, you're making me cum!"

"You're making me cum, too, Lynda," Buck gasped, grinding his cock savagely into her shitter. "And I'm not going to cum in your big sweet ass. I'm going to cum in your hot little cunt."

Lynda cried with disappointment when Buck yanked his cock from her asshole. She shrieked with ecstasy when he buried it to the hilt in her cunt. Her climax hit her like a speeding truck. She went into convulsions, writhing and twitching wildly. She dropped the mug and grabbed her tits, tearing and twisting at the big, silky mounds until she caused herself to bleed.

"Cumming!" she screamed, her big eyes glazed, spit drooling from the corners of her mouth. "Cumming! Cumming, cumming, cumming! Oh, Buck! Oh, Buck! Fuck me!"

Buck screamed with pleasure too. Her cunt was so wet and hot that Buck couldn't hold back anymore. It squeezed and tugged on his cock in a convulsion of pure lust. With a deep, long groan he hosed his jism up her burning hot pussy.

"Agggggghhhhhhhhh!" Lynda shrieked, deranged with the pleasure she was feeling. "Oh! Ohhhhh! Yes!"

Buck's jism burned into her pussy like acid. Every wet shot of his cum inside her drove Lynda a little bit crazier. Her pussy clamped around his cock as though it never wanted to let it go. One orgasm after another pounded through her beautiful, thrashing body.

"Do you want to fuck these other guys now?" Buck asked at last, fucking his still-hard cock inside Lynda's swampy pussy. "Are you going to make all my friends feel good?"

"Yesssssss!" Lynda hissed, tossing her head and driving her hips up at Buck's thrusting cock. "I'll fuck them all so good! I'll make them all cum so good!"

"Good," Buck said with a smirk, puffing his cock from her cunt. "Give her a bottle, Grady. The good stuff. I think we've got a real pet here. Yeah, I think this big-titted whore is ready to make us all real happy."

"And for a real long time," Grady said, pulling a bottle of whiskey off the shelf. "And after she drinks this shit she might just love us all as much as she loves you."

"I aiready do," Lynda said, her mind nearly unhinged. "I love you all. All of you, and all of your big, hard cocks!" When Grady shoved the bottle between her lips, Lynda drank the whiskey as though it was mother's milk.
