Karen had bought the Alsatian precisely and specifically as a cuntlapper, some time ago. The big brute had such a lovely cock and balls that naturally, the naughty girl had wondered what it would be like to fuck with him, but she had never really considered it seriously, figuring that his tongue, followed by the reward of a hand-job, was sufficient. At the time she had first decided she wanted a doggy, Karen had had a boyfriend who, although willing and enthusiastic, had not given very good head. He had lapped and sucked away on her pussy for hours, enjoying himself, but his technique had been more enthusiastic than skillful, and Karen couldn't manage to get her rocks off in his mouth. Since creaming on a tongue was one of her true pleasures, it was a frustrating situation compounded by the fact that she liked the guy and didn't really want to cheat on him. Not with another guy, at least.

She had tried a lesbian, first.

With cold calculation and firm intent, Karen had dressed in a sexy outfit, a jade green dress with a slit up the thigh, a black garter belt and net stockings, and as usual with her, no panties. Standing before her full-length looking glass, she had slowly lifted her skirt to judge the effect that she would have on a cunt-hungry dyke and had found the reflection so satisfying that she even wished she were nimble enough to go down on her own pussy. How handy it would be if she had been able to suck herself off, she thought – to have the double pleasure of sucking and being sucked at the same time! To swallow a load of steaming hot pussy cream even as her pussy melted! The idea had made her so horny she felt dizzy with desire. Her bushy black cunt bush and her open, pink pussy were framed by the straps of her garter belt if placed on a platter, ready to be eaten. Slung in those elastic straps, her cunt was like a juicy missile loaded in a catapult. Yeah, she had figured. That's a sight that any cuntlapper will cherish.

Karen had gone to a lesbian bar.

Every hot-tongued dyke in the place had looked at this ravishing beauty with open desire. Karen really was a mouth-watering sight. The place was a rough sort of joint, with a wooden bar and a brass rail. Karen had stood with one foot on the rail in a mannish pose – but there was nothing masculine about the expanse of creamy white thigh that her posture revealed. The barmaid, a brawny woman with tattoos on her forearms and a blonde crewcut, had stared at Karen's tits so hard that she had spilled a drink. Karen had smiled at the fascinated woman, but decided that she would prefer a more feminine type. If she was going to make it with a girl, she wanted it to look and act like a girl, not a replica of a man.

Soon a sexy little redhead with big tits had come up to stand beside her, eyeing Karen speculatively.

"Your first time here?" she asked.

"Yeah," Karen replied.

"You, ahhh – you know what sort of place this is, don't you?" the redhead asked.

"Oh, sure. It's a dyke joint," said Karen.

The redhead, whose name was Cindy, had blinked at that open admission, then smiled.

"You don't look like a lesbian," she said.

"I'm not," Karen said.

Cindy looked disappointed.

"I guess you are, though, huh?" Karen asked.

"Well – yeah," Cindy confessed.

Karen had raised her glass and sipped, her white teeth clicking on the rim and the tip of her tongue sliding slowly across her lower lip.

Then, coming directly to the point, Karen said, "Do you suck cunt?"

Cindy had blushed and looked confused. She had wondered if Karen was making fun of her, mocking her inclinations? But Karen wasn't laughing. She was waiting for an answer.

"Yes, I suck cunt," Cindy replied, nodding, gazing nervously at the raven-haired beauty.

Karen raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Would you like to suck me off, Cindy?"

"Oh! Oh, shit, yes!" Cindy wailed.

Without further ado, Karen and Cindy had left the bar, followed by the envious gaze of the other cunt-hungry dykes seated, stiff-tongued, around the room.

They had gone back to Cindy's apartment. Karen had not wasted any time. No sooner was she in the place than she drew her dress up and gave Cindy a look at her pussy. Cindy had already been drooling, and at that delicious sight, she began to slobber.

Karen sat down in a comfortable chair, her skirt above her waist and her legs extended to the floor, thighs apart. She had reached down and opened her cuntlips with her fingertips. The inner folds were dripping with juice and her clit was swollen and tingling. Cunt cream trickled down into the crack of her ass. Her cunt was so hot it was steaming. Cindy had never seen such a delicious sight before.

"Come and get it, honey," said Karen.

Which was just what Cindy did.

The redhead licked and sucked expertly, paying attention to all the juicy details, concentrating completely on the tasty task. She switched from fuckhole to clit, alternately licking and sucking and prolonging Karen's pleasure by drawing back from time to time and giving her pussy a chance to cool down slightly, before mouthing her again. It was some of the best head that Karen had ever had and she enjoyed it immensely. Cindy had sucked her off three times in a row, but when Karen had offered to return the favor, the redhead had declined.

It had worked out well for a week or two. Karen had gone to Cindy's apartment whenever she felt like getting tongue-fucked and Cindy's ready tongue was always available. It was a handy way to get head without cheating on her boyfriend, Karen figured.

But then complications set in. Cindy began to get romantic and emotional and possessive. She was in love with Karen – or at least, with Karen's cunt. That wasn't at all what Karen had wanted. She wanted to get her pussy eaten out plain and simple, without any emotional involvement. Not being a lesbian herself, Karen was even a bit disgusted by the idea that another girl could be in love with her.

She decided to break it off with Cindy, much to the redhead's dismay. But that still left Karen with a problem – how to get head without cheating on her boyfriend. She thought about trying other lesbians, but she knew that it would always work out the same as it had with Cindy, that it was impossible to separate sex from emotion. Maybe it would work out with another normal girl, she thought. Someone who, like herself, loved to be sucked, but wasn't emotionally a lesbian. But it would have been very embarrassing to suggest a bit of mutual cuntlapping to a girl, only to have that girl react in shock or disgust.

Then one memorable afternoon, Karen had thought about a dog. She had been out shopping and a tall, elegant, fashionable woman had passed her on the street, with a huge Great Dane on a leash. The dog had been trotting along with his tongue hanging out and the moment that Karen saw that long, slick lapper, she got a thrilling idea. I wonder if that doggy laps that woman's pussy? she had thought, and naturally, she had gone on to wonder what it would feel like to have a doggy slobbering into her fuckhole.

Well, she just knew it would feel wonderful, and with a dumb animal, unlike a lesbian, she could get all the tongue she wanted without worrying about emotional involvement or jealousy or possessiveness. Those emotions were alien to a dog. It would be pure pleasure without complications, and she wouldn't even be cuckolding her boyfriend. It was kind of naughty, of course, but no one had to know and the dumb dog sure as hell couldn't kiss and tell.

Karen had considered it for a few minutes – and then had gone directly to the nearest pet shop. She'd spent some time deciding which dog she wanted, judging them mainly by the length and thickness of their tongues.

She had settled on Rover, the Alsatian, and bought him on the spot. As soon as they were back at her apartment she had commenced his training, dipping her fingers in her cunt and letting him lick them. Rover was a fast learner. Cuntjuice was ambrosia and nectar to the beast. As soon as Karen bared her cunt, the dog had gone to work with enthusiasm, lapping merrily away until she creamed.

His cock had gotten rock-hard and his balls had ballooned. Karen had not considered that side of it before, but as soon as she saw his enormous hard-on she realized that she had an obligation to the brute. To let those swollen balls go unemptied would be an act of cruelty to dumb animals. So, not minding at all, even thrilled by the depravity of it, Karen had proceeded to jack the doggy off, to their mutual delight.

Things had worked out fine after that. Eventually she had broken up with her steady boyfriend, and began to play the field again, but Rover was a constant, always waiting at home, always ready to tongue-fuck Karen when she wanted it – which was with ever-increasing frequency.

But they had never done more than that. Rover had tongued her off and then she had pumped his fuckjuice out by hand. She never really expected anything more to happen.

But then she had never found herself kneeling in the doggy-fucking position, with the Alsatian behind her before, either.

Now horny Karen was in for a surprise – and a treat!
