Before Jamaica Lane On Dublin Street - 3 by Samantha Young

For Tammy Blackwell

Because if it weren’t for you, Olivia might never have become a librarian … and also because I had to get the phrase ‘Let me Dewey your Decimal’ into this book somewhere …

Dear Readers,

Often I receive tweets and messages from you, including pictures of your travels to the real streets of Edinburgh. Whether you’ve been captured on film on Dublin Street or goofing around beside the London Road sign, the proof of your love for this series, its characters, and its location blows me away. If, after reading Nate and Olivia’s story, you decide to take to the streets of Edinburgh to find Jamaica Lane, I’ll make it easier for you. You see, for the sake of title continuity I took some creative license and changed the street name. Jamaica Lane doesn’t technically exist. It’s really Jamaica Street North Lane, and that’s where readers can find the wee one-bedroom flat where this next ODS couple are about to discover that life, more often than not, can take you where you least expect it
