HORUS CALLED OUT, “Pharaoh Nekau the Second!”

A tall, amply fleshed man walked in, wrapped in his shroud, and stood before the throne.

Thoth, Scribe of the Gods, then read aloud, “He extended his rule unto Syria, and was victorious over Assyria and Judah. But Babylon was rising at the same time, and conquered Syria and Palestine as well. He strengthened the forts along the border and sought to improve trade, even sending an expedition of Phoenicians to explore the far shores of Africa.”

Osiris bid him speak.

“I never, ever neglected my duty,” said Nekau II simply. “I met with luck at my life’s beginning, and with defeats at its ending. But the homeland enjoyed soundness, security, well-being during my rule.”

“You must have realized,” Thutmose III reminded him, “that young nations have no limits to their ambitions. You had to ready the people to fight!”

“Tragically, the people had lost their spirit,” Nekau II admitted mournfully.

“You too had lost your spirit,” the Sage Ptahhotep berated him, “for you put your faith in foreign hirelings!”

“He never flagged in the struggle,” said Isis, “either on the field of battle, or on our fertile soil.”

“Take your seat among the Immortals,” Osiris told him.
