Rubens paced behind the consoles, suddenly worried about Dean and whether he could pass the test. He thought about ordering his crash team in. Made up of Desk Three paramilitaries — all of them Black Suits specially trained in hostage rescue and terrorist suppression — the team could have Dean safe within eight minutes.

Eight minutes would probably be too late.

Dean had been a Marine sniper in Vietnam; he was used to dealing with uncertainty. Rubens knew intellectually he’d be all right and yet couldn’t shake the sense of dread and worry.

“There are two men in that first trailer, the one that has all the computer gear. That’s where they’ll take Dean,” said Telach. “I think they’re holding off the lab for later, if at all.”

“Have you tapped into the trailer’s computers?”

“Can’t. They’re not connected to anything. The only reason I know they’re there is from the infrared on the Crow.”

“Can Lia get into them?” asked Rubens.

“Not as long as there are other people in the trailer. Best bet is to get her inside the building once the guards complete their circuit. We’ll see what we can do from there.”

“The buildings are just for show, or just temporary,” said Rubens, realizing how the operation was set up. “The trailers are the key. See if you can get registration data, that sort of thing.”

“We’re already working on it.”

“Work harder,” said Rubens. “We have a man under the gun there.”

“And Lia.”

“And Lia, yes,” said Rubens.
