Authors’ Note

What’s in a name?

Some sharp-eyed readers have pointed out that the name of the destroyer in the South China Sea off Vietnam inexplicably changed from book two of the series to (some editions of) book three. They’ve wondered if it was indeed a different ship, some sort of action to confuse the Chinese, or a deliberate ploy to see how many readers are paying attention.

None of the above — it was a mistake on our part.

We’d started with one name and then, very late in the process, decided to change to another name for reasons that are now obscure. And for reasons that are even more obscure — no heavy drinking was involved, we promise — the original name apparently remained in book two. We should have checked when it was published and made everything conform, but alas …

We apologize for the confusion, but thank all the readers who have pointed it out (including those who have had a bit of fun at our expense). We’ve returned in this edition to the original name, hoping that it will create less overall confusion. We appreciate your support, and help.
