The Truth About Edgar and Miles

My heart was racing as I burst out of the closet, dashed to the top of the stairs, and with a snap of my head flung the bag into the air and on its way to the entrance hall below! Watching it bounce down the steps, I could only pray that Bunnicula would remain asleep inside, so that he would be limp and not get hurt. Seeing the bag that was heading straight toward her, Ms. Pickles screamed as some other woman I didn’t know jumped back, twisted her heel, and fell into the arms of the man behind her. Catching her, the man dropped a tray of cookies, which landed with a clatter. The noise made Howie howl, which made Mr. Monroe run into the room, which made Howie run out of the room, which made Mr. Monroe trip over Howie, which made the platter of crackers and cheese he was carrying go flying. The black bag landed with a thud at the bottom of the stairs, spewing its contents out into the room. I strained to see if Bunnicula was safe, but all I could make out were peoples’ legs going wild trying not to step on cookies or crackers or cheese or whatever had spilled out of the bag. Miles covered his ashen face and shouted, “Nooo!” as Edgar took off from his shoulder and began circling the house, opening and closing his beak in soundless frenzy. As if they could hear him, the crows in the yards began to screech a discordant chorus, and at that moment. . .

The front door opened and Mrs. Monroe and Toby entered. Toby was carrying something in his arms. Even from the top of the stairs I could see what—or should I say who— it was. There, blissfully asleep, was Bunnicula.

“Chester,” I said as calmly as I could manage under the circumstances, “got a moment? I think we need to have a little chat.”

“We thtill don’t know what wath in the bag,” Chester replied.

I didn’t even have to turn to know that he was bathing his tail.

As for the bag, all was about to be revealed—if not understood.

“What in the world is going—” Mrs. Monroe started to say, when Edgar made what appeared to be a nosedive for Bunnicula. Toby yelped, turned away, and clutched the bunny to him, forcing Edgar to change direction and fly out the open door.

“Come back!” Miles cried as the crows outside cheered Edgar’s escape.

Kyle ran to the door and closed it. “Don’t anybody panic,” he said. “If we go into the basement, the birds can’t get us. Mr. Monroe, did you find any plywood yet for the windows? I’ll help you put it up. I know how to use a hammer. I’ve been using a hammer since I was five. Remember that time I had that swollen thumb? Well, I can use a hammer better than that now. Boy, this is exciting! It’s like being right inside one of your books, Mr. Tanner!”

Ms. Pickles said, “I should say it is! I’ve been talking to students for years about books coming to life in their minds. I had no idea they could come to life in their very own houses!”

Everyone began to laugh then—everyone but Miles Tanner, that is. He was staring in horror at what lay on the floor at his feet.
