11:12 p.m.

Sam's heart nearly stopped when the lead raptor shrieked once more, spurring the entire pack to motion.

It was too soon.

Merritt tugged her to the side toward where the river rumbled at the bottom of the steep embankment. She couldn't even see the water from this angle, only the hint of the far side of the trench through the mist. Was this the last thing Hunter had seen before his death too?

A glance to her right. The creatures were sprinting toward them, closing the gap far too quickly. Another ten yards and the flock would be upon them.

She pushed herself to catch up with Merritt, and together they raced to the edge.

Shrieks filled the night, drowning out all other sounds, even her scream as she and Merritt reached the cliff and leaped out into the air over the rapids. They fell through the smothering mist for an interminable second before they impacted with the water. Her body stiffened against the cold and the current dragged her deeper. She tumbled over sharp rocks that tore at her clothes and skin on the riverbed.

Her only thought was to hold on to Merritt's hand.

The pressure increased in her lungs and she opened her eyes.

All she could see was darkness.
