14. Reusing Code in C++

In this chapter you’ll learn about the following:

Has-a relationships

• Classes with member objects (containment)

• The valarray template class

• Private and protected inheritance

• Multiple inheritance

• Virtual base classes

• Creating class templates

• Using class templates

• Template specializations

One of the main goals of C++ is to facilitate the reuse of code. Public inheritance is one mechanism for achieving this goal, but it’s not the only one. This chapter investigates other choices. One technique is to use class members that are themselves objects of another class. This is referred to as containment or composition or layering. Another option is to use private or protected inheritance. Containment, private inheritance, and protected inheritance are typically used to implement has-a relationships—that is, relationships for which the new class has an object of another class. For example, a HomeTheater class might have a BluRayPlayer object. Multiple inheritance lets you create classes that inherit from two or more base classes, combining their functionality.

Chapter 10, “Objects and Classes,” introduces function templates. In this chapter we’ll look at class templates, which provide another way of reusing code. A class template lets you define a class in generic terms. Then you can use the template to create specific classes defined for specific types. For example, you could define a general stack template and then use the template to create one class that represents a stack of int values and another class that represents a stack of double values. You could even generate a class that represents a stack of stacks.

Classes with Object Members

Let’s begin with classes that include class objects as members. Some classes, such as the string class or the standard C++ class templates discussed in Chapter 16, “The string Class and the Standard Template Library,” offer convenient ways of representing components of a more extensive class. Let’s look at a particular example now.

What is a student? Someone enrolled in a school? Someone engaged in thoughtful investigation? A refugee from the harsh exigencies of the real world? Someone with an identifying name and a set of quiz scores? Clearly, the last definition is a totally inadequate characterization of a person, but it is well suited for a simple computer representation. So let’s develop a Student class based on that definition.

Simplifying a student to a name and a set of quiz scores suggests using a class with two members: one to represent the name and one to represent the scores. For the name, you could use a character array, but that puts a size limitation on the name. Or you could use a char pointer and dynamic memory allocation. However, as Chapter 12, “Classes and Dynamic Memory Allocation,” illustrates, that requires a lot of supporting code. Better yet, you could use an object of a class for which someone has already done all the work. For example, you could use an object of the String class (see Chapter 12) or of the standard C++ string class. The simpler choice is the string class because the C++ library already provides all the implementation code as well as a superior implementation. (To use the String class, you’d have to make the string1.cpp implementation file part of your project.)

Representing the quiz scores presents similar choices. You could use a fixed-size array, which places a size limitation. You could use dynamic memory allocation and provide a large body of supporting code. You could use your own design of a class, using dynamic memory allocation to represent an array. You could look for a standard C++ library class that is capable of representing the data.

Developing your own class is not out of the question. A simple version wouldn’t be that difficult because an array of double shares many similarities with an array of char, so you could base the design of an array-of-double class on the String class design. And in fact, that is what earlier editions of this book do.

But, of course, it is even easier if the library already provides a suitable class, and it does: the valarray class.

The valarray Class: A Quick Look

The valarray class is supported by the valarray header file. As its name suggests, the class is targeted to deal with numeric values (or with classes with similar properties), so it supports operations such as summing the contents and finding the largest and smallest values in an array. So that it can handle different data types, valarray is defined as a template class. Later, this chapter goes into how to define template classes, but all you need to know now is how to use one.

The template aspect means that you have to provide a specific type when declaring an object. To do so when declaring an object, you follow the identifier valarray with angle brackets that contain the desired type:

valarray q_values; // an array of int

valarray weights; // an array of double

You’ve seen this syntax before in Chapter 4, “Compound Types,” with the vector and array classes, and it’s pretty easy. (Those template classes also can hold numbers, but they don’t provide all the arithmetic support the valarray class does.)

The class aspect means that to use valarray objects, you need to know something about class constructors and other class methods. Here are several examples that use some of the constructors:

double gpa[5] = {3.1, 3.5, 3.8, 2.9, 3.3};

valarray v1; // an array of double, size 0

valarray v2(8); // an array of 8 int elements

valarray v3(10,8); // an array of 8 int elements,

// each set to 10

valarray v4(gpa, 4); // an array of 4 elements

// initialized to the first 4 elements of gpa

As you can see, you can create an empty array of zero size, an empty array of a given size, an array with all elements initialized to the same value, and an array initialized using the values from an ordinary array. With C++11, you also can use an initializer list:

valarray v5 = {20, 32, 17, 9}; // C++11

Next, here are a few of the methods:

• The operator[]() method provides access to individual elements.

• The size() method returns the number of elements.

• The sum() method returns the sum of the elements.

• The max() method returns the largest element.

• The min() method returns the smallest element.

There are many more methods, some of which are presented in Chapter 16, but you’ve already seen more than enough to proceed with this example.

The Student Class Design

At this point, the design plan for the Student class is to use a string object to represent the name and a valarray object to represent the quiz scores. How should this be done? You might be tempted to publicly derive a Student class from these two classes. That would be an example of multiple public inheritance, which C++ allows, but it would be inappropriate here. The reason is that the relationship of a student to these classes doesn’t fit the is-a model. A student is not a name. A student is not an array of quiz scores. What you have here is a has-a relationship. A student has a name, and a student has an array of quiz scores. The usual C++ technique for modeling has-a relationships is to use composition or containment—that is, to create a class composed of, or containing, members that are objects of another class. For example, you can begin a Student class declaration like this:

class Student



string name; // use a string object for name

valarray scores; // use a valarray object for scores



As usual, the class makes the data members private. This implies that the Student class member functions can use the public interfaces of the string and valarray classes to access and modify the name and scores objects, but the outside world cannot do so. The only access the outside world will have to name and scores is through the public interface defined for the Student class (see Figure 14.1). A common way of describing this is to say that the Student class acquires the implementation of its member objects but doesn’t inherit the interface. For example, a Student object uses the string implementation rather than a char * name or a char name[26] implementation for holding the name. But a Student object does not innately have the ability to use the string operator+=() function for appending.

Figure 14.1. Objects within objects: containment.

Interfaces and Implementations

With public inheritance, a class inherits an interface, and, perhaps, an implementation. (Pure virtual functions in a base class can provide an interface without an implementation.) Acquiring the interface is part of the is-a relationship. With composition, on the other hand, a class acquires the implementation without the interface. Not inheriting the interface is part of the has-a relationship.

The fact that a class object doesn’t automatically acquire the interface of a contained object is a good thing for a has-a relationship. For example, string overloads the + operator to allow concatenating two strings, but, conceptually, it doesn’t make sense to concatenate two Student objects. That’s one reason not to use public inheritance in this case. On the other hand, parts of the interface for the contained class may make sense for the new class. For example, you might want to use the operator<() method from the string interface to sort Student objects by name. You can do so by defining a Student::operator<() member function that internally uses the string::operator<() function. Let’s move on to some details.

The Student Class Example

At this point you need to provide the Student class declaration. It should, of course, include constructors and at least a few functions to provide an interface for the Student class. Listing 14.1 does this, defining all the constructors inline. It also supplies some friends for input and output.

Listing 14.1. studentc.h

// studentc.h -- defining a Student class using containment

#ifndef STUDENTC_H_

#define STUDENTC_H_




class Student



typedef std::valarray ArrayDb;

std::string name; // contained object

ArrayDb scores; // contained object

// private method for scores output

std::ostream & arr_out(std::ostream & os) const;


Student() : name("Null Student"), scores() {}

explicit Student(const std::string & s)

: name(s), scores() {}

explicit Student(int n) : name("Nully"), scores(n) {}

Student(const std::string & s, int n)

: name(s), scores(n) {}

Student(const std::string & s, const ArrayDb & a)

: name(s), scores(a) {}

Student(const char * str, const double * pd, int n)

: name(str), scores(pd, n) {}

~Student() {}

double Average() const;

const std::string & Name() const;

double & operator[](int i);

double operator[](int i) const;

// friends

// input

friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & is,

Student & stu); // 1 word

friend std::istream & getline(std::istream & is,

Student & stu); // 1 line

// output

friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os,

const Student & stu);



In order to simplify notation, the Student class contains this typedef:

typedef std::valarray ArrayDb;

This enables the remaining code to use the more convenient notation ArrayDb instead of std::valarray. Thus, methods and friends can refer to the ArrayDb type. Placing this typedef in the private portion of the class definition means that it can be used internally in the Student implementation but not by outside users of the Student class.

Note the use of the keyword explicit:

explicit Student(const std::string & s)

: name(s), scores() {}

explicit Student(int n) : name("Nully"), scores(n) {}

Recall that a constructor that can be called with one argument serves as an implicit conversion function from the argument type to the class type. This often is not a good idea. In the second constructor, for instance, the first argument represents the number of elements in an array rather than a value for the array, so having the constructor serve as an int-to-Student conversion function does not make sense. Using explicit turns off implicit conversions. If this keyword were omitted, code like the following would be possible:

Student doh("Homer", 10); // store "Homer", create array of 10 elements

doh = 5; // reset name to "Nully", reset to empty array of 5 elements

Here, the inattentive programmer typed doh instead of doh[0]. If the constructor omitted explicit, 5 would be converted to a temporary Student object, using the constructor call Student(5), with the value of "Nully" being used to set the name member. Then assignment would replace the original doh with the temporary object. With explicit in place, the compiler will catch the assignment operator as an error.

C++ and Constraints

C++ is full of features that allow programmers to constrain programmatic constructs to certain limits—explicit to remove the implicit conversion of single-argument constructors, const to constrain the use of methods to modify data, and more. The underlying motive is simply this: Compile-time errors are better than runtime errors.

Initializing Contained Objects

Note that constructors all use the by-now-familiar member initializer list syntax to initialize the name and scores member objects. In some cases earlier in this book, such as the following, the constructors use it to initialize members that are built-in types:

Queue::Queue(int qs) : qsize(qs) {...} // initialize qsize to qs

This code uses the name of the data member (qsize) in a member initializer list. Also constructors from previous examples, such as the following, use a member initializer list to initialize the base-class portion of a derived object:

hasDMA::hasDMA(const hasDMA & hs) : baseDMA(hs) {...}

For inherited objects, constructors use the class name in the member initializer list to invoke a specific base-class constructor. For member objects, constructors use the member name. For example, look at the last constructor in Listing 14.1:

Student(const char * str, const double * pd, int n)

: name(str), scores(pd, n) {}

Because it initializes member objects, not inherited objects, this constructor uses the member names, not the class names, in the initialization list. Each item in this initialization list invokes the matching constructor. That is, name(str) invokes the string(const char *) constructor, and scores(pd, n) invokes the ArrayDb(const double *, int) constructor, which, because of the typedef, really is the valarray(const double *, int) constructor.

What happens if you don’t use the initialization list syntax? As with inherited components, C++ requires that all member objects be constructed before the rest of an object is constructed. So if you omit the initialization list, C++ uses the default constructors defined for the member objects’ classes.

Initialization Order

When you have a member initializer list that initializes more than one item, the items are initialized in the order in which they were declared, not in the order in which they appear in the initializer list. For example, suppose you write a Student constructor this way:

Student(const char * str, const double * pd, int n)

: scores(pd, n), name(str) {}

The name member would still be initialized first because it is declared first in the class definition. The exact initialization order is not important for this example, but it would be important if the code used the value of one member as part of the initialization expression for a second member.

Using an Interface for a Contained Object

The interface for a contained object isn’t public, but it can be used within the class methods. For example, here is how you can define a function that returns the average of a student’s scores:

double Student::Average() const


if (scores.size() > 0)

return scores.sum()/scores.size();


return 0;


This defines a method that can be invoked by a Student object. Internally, it uses the valarray size() and sum() methods. That’s because scores is a valarray object, so it can invoke the member functions of the valarray class. In short, the Student object invokes a Student method, and the Student method uses the contained valarray object to invoke valarray methods.

Similarly, you can define a friend function that uses the string version of the << operator:

// use string version of operator<<()

ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Student & stu)


os << "Scores for " << stu.name << ":\n";



Because stu.name is a string object, it invokes the operator<<(ostream &, const string &) function, which is provided as part of the string class package. Note that the operator<<(ostream & os, const Student & stu) function has to be a friend to the Student class so that it can access the name member. (Alternatively, the function could use the public Name() method instead of the private name data member.)

Similarly, the function could use the valarray implementation of << for output; unfortunately, there is none. Therefore, the class defines a private helper method to handle this task:

// private method

ostream & Student::arr_out(ostream & os) const


int i;

int lim = scores.size();

if (lim > 0)


for (i = 0; i < lim; i++)


os << scores[i] << " ";

if (i % 5 == 4)

os << endl;


if (i % 5 != 0)

os << endl;



os << " empty array ";

return os;


Using a helper like this gathers the messy details together in one place and makes the coding of the friend function neater:

// use string version of operator<<()

ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Student & stu)


os << "Scores for " << stu.name << ":\n";

stu.arr_out(os); // use private method for scores

return os;


The helper function could also act as a building block for other user-level output functions, should you choose to provide them.

Listing 14.2 shows the class methods file for the Student class. It includes methods that allow you to use the [] operator to access individual scores in a Student object.

Listing 14.2. studentc.cpp

// studentc.cpp -- Student class using containment

#include "studentc.h"

using std::ostream;

using std::endl;

using std::istream;

using std::string;

//public methods

double Student::Average() const


if (scores.size() > 0)

return scores.sum()/scores.size();


return 0;


const string & Student::Name() const


return name;


double & Student::operator[](int i)


return scores[i]; // use valarray::operator[]()


double Student::operator[](int i) const


return scores[i];


// private method

ostream & Student::arr_out(ostream & os) const


int i;

int lim = scores.size();

if (lim > 0)


for (i = 0; i < lim; i++)


os << scores[i] << " ";

if (i % 5 == 4)

os << endl;


if (i % 5 != 0)

os << endl;



os << " empty array ";

return os;


// friends

// use string version of operator>>()

istream & operator>>(istream & is, Student & stu)


is >> stu.name;

return is;


// use string friend getline(ostream &, const string &)

istream & getline(istream & is, Student & stu)


getline(is, stu.name);

return is;


// use string version of operator<<()

ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Student & stu)


os << "Scores for " << stu.name << ":\n";

stu.arr_out(os); // use private method for scores

return os;


Aside from the private helper method, Listing 14.2 doesn’t require much new code. Using containment allows you to take advantage of the code you or someone else has already written.

Using the New Student Class

Let’s put together a small program to test the new Student class. To keep things simple, it should use an array of just three Student objects, each holding five quiz scores. And it should use an unsophisticated input cycle that doesn’t verify input and that doesn’t let you cut the input process short. Listing 14.3 presents the test program. Be sure to compile it along with studentc.cpp.

Listing 14.3. use_stuc.cpp

// use_stuc.cpp -- using a composite class

// compile with studentc.cpp


#include "studentc.h"

using std::cin;

using std::cout;

using std::endl;

void set(Student & sa, int n);

const int pupils = 3;

const int quizzes = 5;

int main()


Student ada[pupils] =

{Student(quizzes), Student(quizzes), Student(quizzes)};

int i;

for (i = 0; i < pupils; ++i)

set(ada[i], quizzes);

cout << "\nStudent List:\n";

for (i = 0; i < pupils; ++i)

cout << ada[i].Name() << endl;

cout << "\nResults:";

for (i = 0; i < pupils; ++i)


cout << endl << ada[i];

cout << "average: " << ada[i].Average() << endl;


cout << "Done.\n";

return 0;


void set(Student & sa, int n)


cout << "Please enter the student's name: ";

getline(cin, sa);

cout << "Please enter " << n << " quiz scores:\n";

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

cin >> sa[i];

while (cin.get() != '\n')



Here is a sample run of the program in Listings 14.1, 14.2, and 14.3:

Please enter the student's name: Gil Bayts

Please enter 5 quiz scores:

92 94 96 93 95

Please enter the student's name: Pat Roone

Please enter 5 quiz scores:

83 89 72 78 95

Please enter the student's name: Fleur O'Day

Please enter 5 quiz scores:

92 89 96 74 64

Student List:

Gil Bayts

Pat Roone

Fleur O'Day


Scores for Gil Bayts:

92 94 96 93 95

average: 94

Scores for Pat Roone:

83 89 72 78 95

average: 83.4

Scores for Fleur O'Day:

92 89 96 74 64

average: 83


Private Inheritance

C++ has a second means of implementing the has-a relationship: private inheritance. With private inheritance, public and protected members of the base class become private members of the derived class. This means the methods of the base class do not become part of the public interface of the derived object. They can be used, however, inside the member functions of the derived class.

Let’s look at the interface topic more closely. With public inheritance, the public methods of the base class become public methods of the derived class. In short, the derived class inherits the base-class interface. This is part of the is-a relationship. With private inheritance, the public methods of the base class become private methods of the derived class. In short, the derived class does not inherit the base-class interface. As you saw with contained objects, this lack of inheritance is part of the has-a relationship.

With private inheritance, a class does inherit the implementation. For example, if you base a Student class on a string class, the Student class winds up with an inherited string class component that can be used to store a string. Furthermore, the Student methods can use the string methods internally to access the string component.

Containment adds an object to a class as a named member object, whereas private inheritance adds an object to a class as an unnamed inherited object. This book uses the term subobject to denote an object added by inheritance or by containment.

Private inheritance, then, provides the same features as containment: Acquire the implementation, don’t acquire the interface. Therefore it, too, can be used to implement a has-a relationship. In fact, you can produce a Student class that uses private inheritance and has the same public interface as the containment version. Thus the differences between the two approaches affect the implementation, not the interface. Let’s see how you can use private inheritance to redesign the Student class.

A New Version of the Student Class Example

To get private inheritance, use the keyword private instead of public when defining the class. (Actually, private is the default, so omitting an access qualifier also leads to private inheritance.) The Student class should inherit from two classes, so the declaration should list both:

class Student : private std::string, private std::valarray





Having more than one base class is called multiple inheritance (MI). In general, MI, particularly public MI, can lead to problems that have to be resolved with additional syntax rules. We’ll talk about such matters later in this chapter. But in this particular case, MI causes no problems.

Note that the new class doesn’t need private data. That’s because the two inherited base classes already provide all the needed data members. The containment version of this example provides two explicitly named objects as members. Private inheritance, however, provides two nameless subobjects as inherited members. This is the first of the main differences in the two approaches.

Initializing Base-Class Components

Having implicitly inherited components instead of member objects affects the coding of this example because you can no longer use name and scores to describe the objects. Instead, you have to go back to the techniques you used for public inheritance. For example, consider constructors. Containment uses this constructor:

Student(const char * str, const double * pd, int n)

: name(str), scores(pd, n) {} // use object names for containment

The new version should use the member initializer list syntax for inherited classes, which uses the class name instead of a member name to identify a constructor:

Student(const char * str, const double * pd, int n)

: std::string(str), ArrayDb(pd, n) {} // use class names for inheritance

Here, as in the preceding example, ArrayDb is a typedef for std::valarray. Be sure to note that the member initializer list uses terms such as std::string(str) instead of name(str). This is the second main difference in the two approaches

Listing 14.4 shows the new class declaration. The only changes are the omission of explicit object names and the use of class names instead of member names in the inline constructors.

Listing 14.4. studenti.h

// studenti.h -- defining a Student class using private inheritance

#ifndef STUDENTC_H_

#define STUDENTC_H_




class Student : private std::string, private std::valarray



typedef std::valarray ArrayDb;

// private method for scores output

std::ostream & arr_out(std::ostream & os) const;


Student() : std::string("Null Student"), ArrayDb() {}

explicit Student(const std::string & s)

: std::string(s), ArrayDb() {}

explicit Student(int n) : std::string("Nully"), ArrayDb(n) {}

Student(const std::string & s, int n)

: std::string(s), ArrayDb(n) {}

Student(const std::string & s, const ArrayDb & a)

: std::string(s), ArrayDb(a) {}

Student(const char * str, const double * pd, int n)

: std::string(str), ArrayDb(pd, n) {}

~Student() {}

double Average() const;

double & operator[](int i);

double operator[](int i) const;

const std::string & Name() const;

// friends

// input

friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & is,

Student & stu); // 1 word

friend std::istream & getline(std::istream & is,

Student & stu); // 1 line

// output

friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os,

const Student & stu);



Accessing Base-Class Methods

Private inheritance limits the use of base-class methods to within derived-class methods. Sometimes, however, you might like to make a base-class facility available publicly. For example, the Student class declaration suggests the ability to use an Average() function. As with containment, the technique for doing this is to use the valarray size() and sum() methods within a public Student::average() function (see Figure 14.2). Containment invoked the methods with an object:

double Student::Average() const


if (scores.size() > 0)

return scores.sum()/scores.size();


return 0;


Figure 14.2. Objects within objects: private inheritance.

Here, however, inheritance lets you use the class name and the scope-resolution operator to invoke base-class methods:

double Student::Average() const


if (ArrayDb::size() > 0)

return ArrayDb::sum()/ArrayDb::size();


return 0;


In short, the containment approach uses object names to invoke a method, whereas private inheritance uses the class name and the scope-resolution operator instead.

Accessing Base-Class Objects

The scope-resolution operator allows you access to a base-class method, but what if you need the base-class object itself? For example, the containment version of the Student class implements the Name() method by having the method return the name member string object. But with private inheritance, the string object has no name. How, then, can Student code access the inner string object?

The answer is to use a type cast. Because Student is derived from string, it’s possible to type cast a Student object to a string object; the result is the inherited string object. Recall that the this pointer points to the invoking object, so *this is the invoking object—in this case, a type Student object. To avoid invoking constructors to create new objects, you use the type cast to create a reference:

const string & Student::Name() const


return (const string &) *this;


This code returns a reference to the inherited string object residing in the invoking Student object.

Accessing Base-Class Friends

The technique of explicitly qualifying a function name with its class name doesn’t work for friend functions because a friend function doesn’t belong to a class. However, you can use an explicit type cast to the base class to invoke the correct functions. This is basically the same technique used to access a base-class object in a class method, but with friends you have a name for the Student object, so the code uses the name instead of *this. For example, consider the following friend function definition:

ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Student & stu)


os << "Scores for " << (const String &) stu << ":\n";



If plato is a Student object, then the following statement invokes that function, with stu being a reference to plato and os being a reference to cout:

cout << plato;

Consider the following line of code:

os << "Scores for " << (const String &) stu << ":\n";

The typecast explicitly converts stu to a reference to a type string object; that type, in turn, invokes the operator<<(ostream &, const String &) function.

The reference stu doesn’t get converted automatically to a string reference. The fundamental reason is that with private inheritance, a reference or pointer to a base class cannot be assigned a reference or pointer to a derived class without an explicit type cast.

However, even if the example used public inheritance, it would have to use explicit type casts. One reason is that without a type cast, code like the following matches the friend function prototype, leading to a recursive call:

os << stu;

A second reason is that because the class uses MI, the compiler can’t tell which base class to convert to if both base classes happen to provide an operator<<() function. Listing 14.5 shows all the Student class methods, other than those defined inline in the class declaration.

Listing 14.5. studenti.cpp

// studenti.cpp -- Student class using private inheritance

#include "studenti.h"

using std::ostream;

using std::endl;

using std::istream;

using std::string;

// public methods

double Student::Average() const


if (ArrayDb::size() > 0)

return ArrayDb::sum()/ArrayDb::size();


return 0;


const string & Student::Name() const


return (const string &) *this;


double & Student::operator[](int i)


return ArrayDb::operator[](i); // use ArrayDb::operator[]()


double Student::operator[](int i) const


return ArrayDb::operator[](i);


// private method

ostream & Student::arr_out(ostream & os) const


int i;

int lim = ArrayDb::size();

if (lim > 0)


for (i = 0; i < lim; i++)


os << ArrayDb::operator[](i) << " ";

if (i % 5 == 4)

os << endl;


if (i % 5 != 0)

os << endl;



os << " empty array ";

return os;


// friends

// use String version of operator>>()

istream & operator>>(istream & is, Student & stu)


is >> (string &)stu;

return is;


// use string friend getline(ostream &, const string &)

istream & getline(istream & is, Student & stu)


getline(is, (string &)stu);

return is;


// use string version of operator<<()

ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Student & stu)


os << "Scores for " << (const string &) stu << ":\n";

stu.arr_out(os); // use private method for scores

return os;


Again, because the example reuses the string and valarray code, relatively little new code is needed, aside from the private helper method.

Using the Revised Student Class

Once again, it’s time to test a new class. Note that the two versions of the Student class have exactly the same public interface, so you can test the two versions with exactly the same program. The only difference is that you have to include studenti.h instead of studentc.h, and you have to link the program with studenti.cpp instead of with studentc.cpp. Listing 14.6 shows the program. Be sure to compile it along with studenti.cpp.

Listing 14.6. use_stui.cpp

// use_stui.cpp -- using a class with private inheritance

// compile with studenti.cpp


#include "studenti.h"

using std::cin;

using std::cout;

using std::endl;

void set(Student & sa, int n);

const int pupils = 3;

const int quizzes = 5;

int main()


Student ada[pupils] =

{Student(quizzes), Student(quizzes), Student(quizzes)};

int i;

for (i = 0; i < pupils; i++)

set(ada[i], quizzes);

cout << "\nStudent List:\n";

for (i = 0; i < pupils; ++i)

cout << ada[i].Name() << endl;

cout << "\nResults:";

for (i = 0; i < pupils; i++)


cout << endl << ada[i];

cout << "average: " << ada[i].Average() << endl;


cout << "Done.\n";

return 0;


void set(Student & sa, int n)


cout << "Please enter the student's name: ";

getline(cin, sa);

cout << "Please enter " << n << " quiz scores:\n";

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

cin >> sa[i];

while (cin.get() != '\n')



Here is a sample run of the program in Listing 14.6:

Please enter the student's name: Gil Bayts

Please enter 5 quiz scores:

92 94 96 93 95

Please enter the student's name: Pat Roone

Please enter 5 quiz scores:

83 89 72 78 95

Please enter the student's name: Fleur O'Day

Please enter 5 quiz scores:

92 89 96 74 64

Student List:

Gil Bayts

Pat Roone

Fleur O'Day


Scores for Gil Bayts:

92 94 96 93 95

average: 94

Scores for Pat Roone:

83 89 72 78 95

average: 83.4

Scores for Fleur O'Day:

92 89 96 74 64

average: 83


The same input as before leads to the same output that the containment version produces.

Containment or Private Inheritance?

Given that you can model a has-a relationship either with containment or with private inheritance, which should you use? Most C++ programmers prefer containment. First, it’s easier to follow. When you look at the class declaration, you see explicitly named objects representing the contained classes, and your code can refer to these objects by name. Using inheritance makes the relationship appear more abstract. Second, inheritance can raise problems, particularly if a class inherits from more than one base class. You may have to deal with issues such as separate base classes having methods with the same name or of separate base classes sharing a common ancestor. All in all, you’re less likely to run into trouble using containment. Also containment allows you to include more than one subobject of the same class. If a class needs three string objects, you can declare three separate string members by using the containment approach. But inheritance limits you to a single object. (It is difficult to tell objects apart when they are all nameless.)

However, private inheritance does offer features beyond those provided by containment. Suppose, for example, that a class has protected members, which could either be data members or member functions. Such members are available to derived classes but not to the world at large. If you include such a class in another class by using composition, the new class is part of the world at large, not a derived class. Hence it can’t access protected members. But using inheritance makes the new class a derived class, so it can access protected members.

Another situation that calls for using private inheritance is if you want to redefine virtual functions. Again, this is a privilege accorded to a derived class but not to a containing class. With private inheritance, the redefined functions would be usable just within the class, not publicly.


In general, you should use containment to model a has-a relationship. You should use private inheritance if the new class needs to access protected members in the original class or if it needs to redefine virtual functions.

Protected Inheritance

Protected inheritance is a variation on private inheritance. It uses the keyword protected when listing a base class:

class Student : protected std::string,

protected std::valarray


With protected inheritance, public and protected members of a base class become protected members of the derived class. As with private inheritance, the interface for the base class is available to the derived class but not to the outside world. The main difference between private and protected inheritance occurs when you derive another class from the derived class. With private inheritance, this third-generation class doesn’t get the internal use of the base-class interface. That’s because the public base-class methods become private in the derived class, and private members and methods can’t be directly accessed by the next level of derivation. With protected inheritance, public base-class methods become protected in the second generation and so are available internally to the next level of derivation.

Table 14.1 summarizes public, private, and protected inheritance. The term implicit upcasting means that you can have a base-class pointer or reference refer to a derived class object without using an explicit type cast.

Table 14.1. Varieties of Inheritance

Redefining Access with using

Public members of a base class become protected or private when you use protected or private derivation. Suppose you want to make a particular base-class method available publicly in the derived class. One option is to define a derived-class method that uses the base-class method. For example, suppose you want the Student class to be able to use the valarray sum() method. You can declare a sum() method in the class declaration and then define the method this way:

double Student::sum() const // public Student method


return std::valarray::sum(); // use privately-inherited method


Then a Student object can invoke Student::sum(), which, in turn, applies the valarray::sum() method to the embedded valarray object. (If the ArrayDb typedef is in scope, you can use ArrayDb instead of std::valarray.)

There is an alternative to wrapping one function call in another: use a using declaration (such as those used with namespaces) to announce that a particular base-class member can be used by the derived class, even though the derivation is private. For example, suppose you want to be able to use the valarray min() and max() methods with the Student class. In this case, in studenti.h, you can add using declarations to the public section:

class Student : private std::string, private std::valarray




using std::valarray::min;

using std::valarray::max;



The using declaration makes the valarray::min() and valarray::max() methods available as if they were public Student methods:

cout << "high score: " << ada[i].max() << endl;

Note that the using declaration just uses the member name—no parentheses, no function signatures, no return types. For example, to make the valarray operator[]() method available to the Student class, you’d place the following using declaration in the public section of the Student class declaration:

using std::valarray::operator[];

This would make both versions (const and non-const) available. You could then remove the existing prototypes and definitions for Student::operator[](). The using declaration approach works only for inheritance and not for containment.

There is an older way to redeclare base-class methods in a privately derived class: You place the method name in the public section of the derived class. Here’s how you would do that:

class Student : private std::string, private std::valarray



std::valarray::operator[]; // redeclare as public, just use name



This looks like a using declaration without the using keyword. This approach is deprecated, meaning that the intention is to phase it out. So if your compiler supports the using declaration, you can use it to make a method from a private base class available to the derived class.

Multiple Inheritance

MI describes a class that has more than one immediate base class. As with single inheritance, public MI should express an is-a relationship. For example, if you have a Waiter class and a Singer class, you could derive a SingingWaiter class from the two:

class SingingWaiter : public Waiter, public Singer {...};

Note that you must qualify each base class with the keyword public. That’s because the compiler assumes private derivation unless instructed otherwise:

class SingingWaiter : public Waiter, Singer {...}; // Singer is a private base

As discussed earlier in this chapter, private and protected MI can express a has-a relationship; the studenti.h implementation of the Student class is an example. We’ll concentrate on public inheritance now.

MI can introduce new problems for programmers. The two chief problems are inheriting different methods with the same name from two different base classes and inheriting multiple instances of a class via two or more related immediate base classes. Solving these problems involves introducing a few new rules and syntax variations. Thus, using MI can be more difficult and problem-prone than using single inheritance. For this reason, many in the C++ community object strongly to MI; some want it removed from the language. Others love MI and argue that it’s very useful, even necessary, for particular projects. Still others suggest using MI cautiously and in moderation.

Let’s explore a particular example and see what the problems and solutions are. You need several classes to create an MI situation. For this example, we’ll define an abstract Worker base class and derive a Waiter class and a Singer class from it. Then we can use MI to derive a SingingWaiter class from the Waiter and Singer classes (see Figure 14.3). This is a case in which a base class (Worker) is inherited via two separate derivations, which is the circumstance that causes the most difficulties with MI. We start with declarations for the Worker, Waiter, and Singer classes, as shown in Listing 14.7.

Figure 14.3. MI with a shared ancestor.

Listing 14.7. worker0.h

// worker0.h -- working classes

#ifndef WORKER0_H_

#define WORKER0_H_


class Worker // an abstract base class



std::string fullname;

long id;


Worker() : fullname("no one"), id(0L) {}

Worker(const std::string & s, long n)

: fullname(s), id(n) {}

virtual ~Worker() = 0; // pure virtual destructor

virtual void Set();

virtual void Show() const;


class Waiter : public Worker



int panache;


Waiter() : Worker(), panache(0) {}

Waiter(const std::string & s, long n, int p = 0)

: Worker(s, n), panache(p) {}

Waiter(const Worker & wk, int p = 0)

: Worker(wk), panache(p) {}

void Set();

void Show() const;


class Singer : public Worker



enum {other, alto, contralto, soprano,

bass, baritone, tenor};

enum {Vtypes = 7};


static char *pv[Vtypes]; // string equivs of voice types

int voice;


Singer() : Worker(), voice(other) {}

Singer(const std::string & s, long n, int v = other)

: Worker(s, n), voice(v) {}

Singer(const Worker & wk, int v = other)

: Worker(wk), voice(v) {}

void Set();

void Show() const;



The class declarations in Listing 14.7 include some internal constants that represent voice types. An enumeration makes alto, contralto, and so on symbolic constants for voice types, and the static array pv holds pointers to the C-style string equivalents. The implementation file, shown in Listing 14.8, initializes this array and provides method definitions.

Listing 14.8. worker0.cpp

// worker0.cpp -- working class methods

#include "worker0.h"


using std::cout;

using std::cin;

using std::endl;

// Worker methods

// must implement virtual destructor, even if pure

Worker::~Worker() {}

void Worker::Set()


cout << "Enter worker's name: ";

getline(cin, fullname);

cout << "Enter worker's ID: ";

cin >> id;

while (cin.get() != '\n')



void Worker::Show() const


cout << "Name: " << fullname << "\n";

cout << "Employee ID: " << id << "\n";


// Waiter methods

void Waiter::Set()



cout << "Enter waiter's panache rating: ";

cin >> panache;

while (cin.get() != '\n')



void Waiter::Show() const


cout << "Category: waiter\n";


cout << "Panache rating: " << panache << "\n";


// Singer methods

char * Singer::pv[] = {"other", "alto", "contralto",

"soprano", "bass", "baritone", "tenor"};

void Singer::Set()



cout << "Enter number for singer's vocal range:\n";

int i;

for (i = 0; i < Vtypes; i++)


cout << i << ": " << pv[i] << " ";

if ( i % 4 == 3)

cout << endl;


if (i % 4 != 0)

cout << endl;

while (cin >> voice && (voice < 0 || voice >= Vtypes) )

cout << "Please enter a value >= 0 and < " << Vtypes << endl;

while (cin.get() != '\n')



void Singer::Show() const


cout << "Category: singer\n";


cout << "Vocal range: " << pv[voice] << endl;


Listing 14.9 provides a brief test of the classes, using a polymorphic array of pointers.

Listing 14.9. worktest.cpp

// worktest.cpp -- test worker class hierarchy


#include "worker0.h"

const int LIM = 4;

int main()


Waiter bob("Bob Apple", 314L, 5);

Singer bev("Beverly Hills", 522L, 3);

Waiter w_temp;

Singer s_temp;

Worker * pw[LIM] = {&bob, &bev, &w_temp, &s_temp};

int i;

for (i = 2; i < LIM; i++)


for (i = 0; i < LIM; i++)



std::cout << std::endl;


return 0;


Here is the output of the program in Listings 14.7, 14.8, and 14.9:

Enter waiter's name: Waldo Dropmaster

Enter worker's ID: 442

Enter waiter's panache rating: 3

Enter singer's name: Sylvie Sirenne

Enter worker's ID: 555

Enter number for singer's vocal range:

0: other 1: alto 2: contralto 3: soprano

4: bass 5: baritone 6: tenor


Category: waiter

Name: Bob Apple

Employee ID: 314

Panache rating: 5

Category: singer

Name: Beverly Hills

Employee ID: 522

Vocal range: soprano

Category: waiter

Name: Waldo Dropmaster

Employee ID: 442

Panache rating: 3

Category: singer

Name: Sylvie Sirenne

Employee ID: 555

Vocal range: soprano

The design seems to work, with pointers to Waiter invoking Waiter::Show() and Waiter::Set(), and pointers to Singer invoking Singer::Show() and Singer::Set(). However, it leads to some problems if you add a SingingWaiter class derived from both the Singer class and Waiter class. In particular, you’ll need to face the following questions:

• How many workers?

• Which method?

How Many Workers?

Suppose you begin by publicly deriving SingingWaiter from Singer and Waiter:

class SingingWaiter: public Singer, public Waiter {...};

Because both Singer and Waiter inherit a Worker component, SingingWaiter winds up with two Worker components (see Figure 14.4).

Figure 14.4. Inheriting two base-class objects.

As you might expect, this raises problems. For example, ordinarily you can assign the address of a derived-class object to a base-class pointer, but this becomes ambiguous now:

SingingWaiter ed;

Worker * pw = &ed; // ambiguous

Normally, such an assignment sets a base-class pointer to the address of the base-class object within the derived object. But ed contains two Worker objects, so there are two addresses from which to choose. You could specify which object by using a type cast:

Worker * pw1 = (Waiter *) &ed; // the Worker in Waiter

Worker * pw2 = (Singer *) &ed; // the Worker in Singer

This certainly complicates the technique of using an array of base-class pointers to refer to a variety of objects (polymorphism).

Having two copies of a Worker object causes other problems, too. However, the real issue is why should you have two copies of a Worker object at all? A singing waiter, like any other worker, should have just one name and one ID. When C++ added MI to its bag of tricks, it added a virtual base class to make this possible.

Virtual Base Classes

Virtual base classes allow an object derived from multiple bases that themselves share a common base to inherit just one object of that shared base class. For this example, you would make Worker a virtual base class to Singer and Waiter by using the keyword virtual in the class declarations (virtual and public can appear in either order):

class Singer : virtual public Worker {...};

class Waiter : public virtual Worker {...};

Then you would define SingingWaiter as before:

class SingingWaiter: public Singer, public Waiter {...};

Now a SingingWaiter object will contain a single copy of a Worker object. In essence, the inherited Singer and Waiter objects share a common Worker object instead of each bringing in its own copy (see Figure 14.5). Because SingingWaiter now contains one Worker subobject, you can use polymorphism again.

Figure 14.5. Inheritance with a virtual base class.

Let’s look at some questions you might have:

• Why the term virtual?

• Why don’t we dispense with declaring base classes virtual and make virtual behavior the norm for MI?

• Are there any catches?

First, why the term virtual? After all, there doesn’t seem to be an obvious connection between the concepts of virtual functions and virtual base classes. There is strong pressure from the C++ community to resist the introduction of new keywords. It would be awkward, for example, if a new keyword corresponded to the name of some important function or variable in a major program. So C++ merely recycled the keyword virtual for the new facility—a bit of keyword overloading.

Next, why don’t we dispense with declaring base classes virtual and make virtual behavior the norm for MI? First, there are cases in which you might want multiple copies of a base. Second, making a base class virtual requires that a program do some additional accounting, and you shouldn’t have to pay for that facility if you don’t need it. Third, there are the disadvantages presented in the next paragraph.

Finally, are there catches? Yes. Making virtual base classes work requires adjustments to C++ rules, and you have to code some things differently. Also using virtual base classes may involve changing existing code. For example, adding the SingingWaiter class to the Worker hierarchy requires that you go back and add the virtual keyword to the Singer and Waiter classes.

New Constructor Rules

Having virtual base classes requires a new approach to class constructors. With nonvirtual base classes, the only constructors that can appear in an initialization list are constructors for the immediate base classes. But these constructors can, in turn, pass information on to their bases. For example, you can have the following organization of constructors:

class A


int a;


A(int n = 0) : a(n) {}



class B: public A


int b;


B(int m = 0, int n = 0) : A(n), b(m) {}



class C : public B


int c;


C(int q = 0, int m = 0, int n = 0) : B(m, n), c(q) {}



A C constructor can invoke only constructors from the B class, and a B constructor can invoke only constructors from the A class. Here the C constructor uses the q value and passes the values of m and n back to the B constructor. The B constructor uses the value of m and passes the value of n back to the A constructor.

This automatic passing of information doesn’t work if Worker is a virtual base class. For example, consider the following possible constructor for the MI example:

SingingWaiter(const Worker & wk, int p = 0, int v = Singer::other)

: Waiter(wk,p), Singer(wk,v) {} // flawed

The problem is that automatic passing of information would pass wk to the Worker object via two separate paths (Waiter and Singer). To avoid this potential conflict, C++ disables the automatic passing of information through an intermediate class to a base class if the base class is virtual. Thus, the previous constructor will initialize the panache and voice members, but the information in the wk argument won’t get to the Waiter subobject. However, the compiler must construct a base object component before constructing derived objects; in this case, it will use the default Worker constructor.

If you want to use something other than the default constructor for a virtual base class, you need to invoke the appropriate base constructor explicitly. Thus, the constructor should look like this:

SingingWaiter(const Worker & wk, int p = 0, int v = Singer::other)

: Worker(wk), Waiter(wk,p), Singer(wk,v) {}

Here the code explicitly invokes the Worker(const Worker &) constructor. Note that this usage is legal and often necessary for virtual base classes, and it is illegal for nonvirtual base classes.


If a class has an indirect virtual base class, a constructor for that class should explicitly invoke a constructor for the virtual base class unless all that is needed is the default constructor for the virtual base class.

Which Method?

In addition to introducing changes in class constructor rules, MI often requires other coding adjustments. Consider the problem of extending the Show() method to the SingingWaiter class. Because a SingingWaiter object has no new data members, you might think the class could just use the inherited methods. This brings up the first problem. Suppose you do omit a new version of Show() and try to use a SingingWaiter object to invoke an inherited Show() method:

SingingWaiter newhire("Elise Hawks", 2005, 6, soprano);

newhire.Show(); // ambiguous

With single inheritance, failing to redefine Show() results in using the most recent ancestral definition. In this case, each direct ancestor has a Show() function, which makes this call ambiguous.


Multiple Inheritance can result in ambiguous function calls. For example, a BadDude class could inherit two quite different Draw() methods from a Gunslinger class and a PokerPlayer class.

You can use the scope-resolution operator to clarify what you mean:

SingingWaiter newhire("Elise Hawks", 2005, 6, soprano);

newhire.Singer::Show(); // use Singer version

However, a better approach is to redefine Show() for SingingWaiter and to have it specify which Show() to use. For example, if you want a SingingWaiter object to use the Singer version, you could use this:

void SingingWaiter::Show()




This method of having the derived method call the base method works well enough for single inheritance. For example, suppose that the HeadWaiter class derives from the Waiter class. You could use a sequence of definitions like this, with each derived class adding to the information displayed by its base class:

void Worker::Show() const


cout << "Name: " << fullname << "\n";

cout << "Employee ID: " << id << "\n";


void Waiter::Show() const



cout << "Panache rating: " << panache << "\n";


void HeadWaiter::Show() const



cout << "Presence rating: " << presence << "\n";


This incremental approach fails for the SingingWaiter case, however. The following method fails because it ignores the Waiter component:

void SingingWaiter::Show()




You can remedy that by calling the Waiter version also:

void SingingWaiter::Show()





However, this displays a person’s name and ID twice because Singer::Show() and with Waiter::Show() both call Worker::Show().

How can you fix this? One way is to use a modular approach instead of an incremental approach. That is, you can provide a method that displays only Worker components, another method that displays only Waiter components (instead of Waiter plus Worker components), and another that displays only Singer components. Then the SingingWaiter::Show() method can put those components together. For example, you could use this:

void Worker::Data() const


cout << "Name: " << fullname << "\n";

cout << "Employee ID: " << id << "\n";


void Waiter::Data() const


cout << "Panache rating: " << panache << "\n";


void Singer::Data() const


cout << "Vocal range: " << pv[voice] << "\n";


void SingingWaiter::Data() const





void SingingWaiter::Show() const


cout << "Category: singing waiter\n";




Similarly, the other Show() methods would be built from the appropriate Data() components.

With this approach, objects would still use the Show() method publicly. The Data() methods, on the other hand, should be internal to the classes; they should be helper methods used to facilitate the public interface. However, making the Data() methods private would prevent, say, Waiter code from using Worker::Data(). Here is just the kind of situation for which the protected access class is useful. If the Data() methods are protected, they can by used internally by all the classes in the hierarchy while being kept hidden from the outside world.

Another approach would be to make all the data components protected instead of private, but using protected methods instead of protected data puts tighter control on the allowable access to the data.

The Set() methods, which solicit data for setting object values, present a similar problem. For example, SingingWaiter::Set()should ask for Worker information once, not twice. The same solution used for Show() works. You can provide protected Get() methods that solicit information for just a single class, and then you can put together Set() methods that use the Get() methods as building blocks.

In short, introducing MI with a shared ancestor requires introducing virtual base classes, altering the rules for constructor initialization lists, and possibly recoding the classes if they were written with MI in mind. Listing 14.10 shows the modified class declarations with these changes institutes, and Listing 14.11 shows the implementation.

Listing 14.10. workermi.h

// workermi.h -- working classes with MI

#ifndef WORKERMI_H_

#define WORKERMI_H_


class Worker // an abstract base class



std::string fullname;

long id;


virtual void Data() const;

virtual void Get();


Worker() : fullname("no one"), id(0L) {}

Worker(const std::string & s, long n)

: fullname(s), id(n) {}

virtual ~Worker() = 0; // pure virtual function

virtual void Set() = 0;

virtual void Show() const = 0;


class Waiter : virtual public Worker



int panache;


void Data() const;

void Get();


Waiter() : Worker(), panache(0) {}

Waiter(const std::string & s, long n, int p = 0)

: Worker(s, n), panache(p) {}

Waiter(const Worker & wk, int p = 0)

: Worker(wk), panache(p) {}

void Set();

void Show() const;


class Singer : virtual public Worker



enum {other, alto, contralto, soprano,

bass, baritone, tenor};

enum {Vtypes = 7};

void Data() const;

void Get();


static char *pv[Vtypes]; // string equivs of voice types

int voice;


Singer() : Worker(), voice(other) {}

Singer(const std::string & s, long n, int v = other)

: Worker(s, n), voice(v) {}

Singer(const Worker & wk, int v = other)

: Worker(wk), voice(v) {}

void Set();

void Show() const;


// multiple inheritance

class SingingWaiter : public Singer, public Waiter



void Data() const;

void Get();


SingingWaiter() {}

SingingWaiter(const std::string & s, long n, int p = 0,

int v = other)

: Worker(s,n), Waiter(s, n, p), Singer(s, n, v) {}

SingingWaiter(const Worker & wk, int p = 0, int v = other)

: Worker(wk), Waiter(wk,p), Singer(wk,v) {}

SingingWaiter(const Waiter & wt, int v = other)

: Worker(wt),Waiter(wt), Singer(wt,v) {}

SingingWaiter(const Singer & wt, int p = 0)

: Worker(wt),Waiter(wt,p), Singer(wt) {}

void Set();

void Show() const;



Listing 14.11. workermi.cpp

// workermi.cpp -- working class methods with MI

#include "workermi.h"


using std::cout;

using std::cin;

using std::endl;

// Worker methods

Worker::~Worker() { }

// protected methods

void Worker::Data() const


cout << "Name: " << fullname << endl;

cout << "Employee ID: " << id << endl;


void Worker::Get()


getline(cin, fullname);

cout << "Enter worker's ID: ";

cin >> id;

while (cin.get() != '\n')



// Waiter methods

void Waiter::Set()


cout << "Enter waiter's name: ";




void Waiter::Show() const


cout << "Category: waiter\n";




// protected methods

void Waiter::Data() const


cout << "Panache rating: " << panache << endl;


void Waiter::Get()


cout << "Enter waiter's panache rating: ";

cin >> panache;

while (cin.get() != '\n')



// Singer methods

char * Singer::pv[Singer::Vtypes] = {"other", "alto", "contralto",

"soprano", "bass", "baritone", "tenor"};

void Singer::Set()


cout << "Enter singer's name: ";




void Singer::Show() const


cout << "Category: singer\n";




// protected methods

void Singer::Data() const


cout << "Vocal range: " << pv[voice] << endl;


void Singer::Get()


cout << "Enter number for singer's vocal range:\n";

int i;

for (i = 0; i < Vtypes; i++)


cout << i << ": " << pv[i] << " ";

if ( i % 4 == 3)

cout << endl;


if (i % 4 != 0)

cout << '\n';

cin >> voice;

while (cin.get() != '\n')



// SingingWaiter methods

void SingingWaiter::Data() const





void SingingWaiter::Get()





void SingingWaiter::Set()


cout << "Enter singing waiter's name: ";




void SingingWaiter::Show() const


cout << "Category: singing waiter\n";




Of course, curiosity demands that you test these classes, and Listing 14.12 provides code to do so. Note that the program makes use of polymorphism by assigning the addresses of various kinds of classes to base-class pointers. Also the program uses the C-style string library function strchr() in the following test:

while (strchr("wstq", choice) == NULL)

This function returns the address of the first occurrence of the choice character value in the string "wstq"; the function returns the NULL pointer if the character isn’t found. This test is simpler to write than an if statement that compares choice to each letter individually.

Be sure to compile Listing 14.12 along with workermi.cpp.

Listing 14.12. workmi.cpp

// workmi.cpp -- multiple inheritance

// compile with workermi.cpp



#include "workermi.h"

const int SIZE = 5;

int main()


using std::cin;

using std::cout;

using std::endl;

using std::strchr;

Worker * lolas[SIZE];

int ct;

for (ct = 0; ct < SIZE; ct++)


char choice;

cout << "Enter the employee category:\n"

<< "w: waiter s: singer "

<< "t: singing waiter q: quit\n";

cin >> choice;

while (strchr("wstq", choice) == NULL)


cout << "Please enter a w, s, t, or q: ";

cin >> choice;


if (choice == 'q')




case 'w': lolas[ct] = new Waiter;


case 's': lolas[ct] = new Singer;


case 't': lolas[ct] = new SingingWaiter;






cout << "\nHere is your staff:\n";

int i;

for (i = 0; i < ct; i++)


cout << endl;



for (i = 0; i < ct; i++)

delete lolas[i];

cout << "Bye.\n";

return 0;


Here is a sample run of the program in Listings 14.10, 14.11, and 14.12:

Enter the employee category:

w: waiter s: singer t: singing waiter q: quit


Enter waiter's name: Wally Slipshod

Enter worker's ID: 1040

Enter waiter's panache rating: 4

Enter the employee category:

w: waiter s: singer t: singing waiter q: quit


Enter singer's name: Sinclair Parma

Enter worker's ID: 1044

Enter number for singer's vocal range:

0: other 1: alto 2: contralto 3: soprano

4: bass 5: baritone 6: tenor


Enter the employee category:

w: waiter s: singer t: singing waiter q: quit


Enter singing waiter's name: Natasha Gargalova

Enter worker's ID: 1021

Enter waiter's panache rating: 6

Enter number for singer's vocal range:

0: other 1: alto 2: contralto 3: soprano

4: bass 5: baritone 6: tenor


Enter the employee category:

w: waiter s: singer t: singing waiter q: quit


Here is your staff:

Category: waiter

Name: Wally Slipshod

Employee ID: 1040

Panache rating: 4

Category: singer

Name: Sinclair Parma

Employee ID: 1044

Vocal range: baritone

Category: singing waiter

Name: Natasha Gargalova

Employee ID: 1021

Vocal range: soprano

Panache rating: 6


Let’s look at a few more matters concerning MI.

Mixed Virtual and Nonvirtual Bases

Let’s consider again the case of a derived class that inherits a base class by more than one route. If the base class is virtual, the derived class contains one subobject of the base class. If the base class is not virtual, the derived class contains multiple subobjects. What if there is a mixture? Suppose, for example, that class B is a virtual base class to classes C and D and a nonvirtual base class to classes X and Y. Furthermore, suppose class M is derived from C, D, X, and Y. In this case, class M contains one class B subobject for all the virtually derived ancestors (that is, classes C and D) and a separate class B subobject for each nonvirtual ancestor (that is, classes X and Y). So, all told, it would contain three class B subobjects. When a class inherits a particular base class through several virtual paths and several nonvirtual paths, the class has one base-class subobject to represent all the virtual paths and a separate base-class subobject to represent each nonvirtual path.

Virtual Base Classes and Dominance

Using virtual base classes alters how C++ resolves ambiguities. With nonvirtual base classes, the rules are simple. If a class inherits two or more members (data or methods) with the same name from different classes, using that name without qualifying it with a class name is ambiguous. If virtual base classes are involved, however, such a use may or may not be ambiguous. In this case, if one name dominates all others, it can be used unambiguously without a qualifier.

So how does one member name dominate another? A name in a derived class dominates the same name in any ancestor class, whether direct or indirect. For example, consider the following definitions:

class B



short q();



class C : virtual public B



long q();

int omg()



class D : public C




class E : virtual public B



int omg();



class F: public D, public E




Here the definition of q() in class C dominates the definition in class B because C is derived from B. Thus, methods in F can use q() to denote C::q(). On the other hand, neither definition of omg() dominates the other because neither C nor E is a base class to the other. Therefore, an attempt by F to use an unqualified omg() would be ambiguous.

The virtual ambiguity rules pay no attention to access rules. That is, even though E::omg() is private and hence not directly accessible to class F, using omg() is ambiguous. Similarly, even if C::q() were private, it would dominate D::q(). In that case, you could call B::q() in class F, but an unqualified q() for that would refer to the inaccessible C::q().

Multiple Inheritance Synopsis

First, let’s review MI without virtual base classes. This form of MI imposes no new rules. However, if a class inherits two members with the same name but from different classes, you need to use class qualifiers in the derived class to distinguish between the two members. That is, methods in the BadDude class, derived from Gunslinger and PokerPlayer, would use Gunslinger::draw() and PokerPlayer::draw() to distinguish between draw() methods inherited from the two classes. Otherwise, the compiler should complain about ambiguous usage.

If one class inherits from a nonvirtual base class by more than one route, then the class inherits one base-class object for each nonvirtual instance of the base class. In some cases, this may be what you want, but more often, multiple instances of a base class are a problem.

Next, let’s look at MI with virtual base classes. A class becomes a virtual base class when a derived class uses the keyword virtual when indicating derivation:

class marketing : public virtual reality { ... };

The main change, and the reason for virtual base classes, is that a class that inherits from one or more instances of a virtual base class inherits just one base-class object. Implementing this feature entails other requirements:

• A derived class with an indirect virtual base class should have its constructors invoke the indirect base-class constructors directly, which is illegal for indirect nonvirtual base classes.

• Name ambiguity is resolved via the dominance rule.

As you can see, MI can introduce programming complexities. However, most of these complexities arise when a derived class inherits from the same base class by more than one route. If you avoid that situation, about the only thing you need to watch for is qualifying inherited names when necessary.

Class Templates

Inheritance (public, private, or protected) and containment aren’t always the solution when you want to reuse code. Consider, for example, the Stack class (see Chapter 10) and the Queue class (see Chapter 12). These are examples of container classes, which are classes designed to hold other objects or data types. The Stack class from Chapter 10, for example, stores unsigned long values. You could just as easily define a stack class for storing double values or string objects. The code would be identical except for the type of object stored. However, rather than write new class declarations, it would be nice if you could define a stack in a generic (that is, type-independent) fashion and then provide a specific type as a parameter to the class. Then you could use the same generic code to produce stacks of different kinds of values. In Chapter 10, the Stack example uses typedef as a first pass at dealing with this desire. However, that approach has a couple drawbacks. First, you have to edit the header file each time you change the type. Second, you can use the technique to generate just one kind of stack per program. That is, you can’t have a typedef represent two different types simultaneously, so you can’t use the method to define a stack of ints and a stack of strings in the same program.

C++’s class templates provide a better way to generate generic class declarations. (C++ originally did not support templates, and since their introduction, templates have continued to evolve, so it is possible that your compiler, if old, may not support all the features presented here.) Templates provide parameterized types—that is, they are capable of passing a type name as an argument to a recipe for building a class or a function. By feeding the type name int to a Queue template, for example, you can get the compiler to construct a Queue class for queuing ints.

The C++ library provides several template classes. Earlier in this chapter, you worked with the valarray template class, and Chapter 4 introduced the vector and array template classes. C++’s Standard Template Library (STL), which Chapter 16 discusses in part, provides powerful and flexible template implementations of several container classes. This chapter explores designs of a more elementary nature.

Defining a Class Template

Let’s use the Stack class from Chapter 10 as a model from which to build a template. Here’s the original class declaration:

typedef unsigned long Item;

class Stack



enum {MAX = 10}; // constant specific to class

Item items[MAX]; // holds stack items

int top; // index for top stack item



bool isempty() const;

bool isfull() const;

// push() returns false if stack already is full, true otherwise

bool push(const Item & item); // add item to stack

// pop() returns false if stack already is empty, true otherwise

bool pop(Item & item); // pop top into item


The template approach will replace the Stack definition with a template definition and the Stack member functions with template member functions. As with template functions, you preface a template class with code that has the following form:

template Type>

The keyword template informs the compiler that you’re about to define a template. The part in angle brackets is analogous to an argument list to a function. You can think of the keyword class as serving as a type name for a variable that accepts a type as a value, and of Type as representing a name for this variable.

Using class here doesn’t mean that Type must be a class; it just means that Type serves as a generic type specifier for which a real type will be substituted when the template is used. Newer C++ implementations allow you to use the less confusing keyword typename instead of class in this context:

template Type> // newer choice

You can use your choice of generic type name in the Type position; the name rules are the same as those for any other identifier. Popular choices include T and Type; in this case, we’ll use the latter. When a template is invoked, Type will be replaced with a specific type value, such as int or string. Within the template definition, you can use the generic type name to identify the type to be stored in the stack. For the Stack case, that would mean using Type wherever the old declaration formerly used the typedef identifier Item. For example,

Item items[MAX]; // holds stack items

becomes the following:

Type items[MAX]; // holds stack items

Similarly, you can replace the class methods of the original class with template member functions. Each function heading will be prefaced with the same template announcement:


Again, you should replace the typedef identifier Item with the generic type name Type. One more change is that you need to change the class qualifier from Stack:: to Stack::. For example,

bool Stack::push(const Item & item)




becomes the following:

template // or template

bool Stack::push(const Type & item)




If you define a method within the class declaration (an inline definition), you can omit the template preface and the class qualifier.

Listing 14.13 shows the combined class and member function templates. It’s important to realize that these templates are not class and member function definitions. Rather, they are instructions to the C++ compiler about how to generate class and member function definitions. A particular actualization of a template, such as a stack class for handling string objects, is called an instantiation or a specialization. Placing the template member functions in a separate implementation file won’t work. (For a while, the standard did provide the keyword export to allow such a separate implementation file. But not many vendors implemented it. C++11 discontinues that use of export but reserves the export keyword for possible future use.) Because the templates aren’t functions, they can’t be compiled separately. Templates have to be used in conjunction with requests for particular instantiations of templates. The simplest way to make this work is to place all the template information in a header file and to include the header file in the file that will use the templates.

Listing 14.13. stacktp.h

// stacktp.h -- a stack template

#ifndef STACKTP_H_

#define STACKTP_H_


class Stack



enum {MAX = 10}; // constant specific to class

Type items[MAX]; // holds stack items

int top; // index for top stack item



bool isempty();

bool isfull();

bool push(const Type & item); // add item to stack

bool pop(Type & item); // pop top into item





top = 0;



bool Stack::isempty()


return top == 0;



bool Stack::isfull()


return top == MAX;



bool Stack::push(const Type & item)


if (top < MAX)


items[top++] = item;

return true;



return false;



bool Stack::pop(Type & item)


if (top > 0)


item = items[--top];

return true;



return false;



Using a Template Class

Merely including a template in a program doesn’t generate a template class. You have to ask for an instantiation. To do this, you declare an object of the template class type, replacing the generic type name with the particular type you want. For example, here’s how you would create two stacks, one for stacking ints and one for stacking string objects:

Stack kernels; // create a stack of ints

Stack colonels; // create a stack of string objects

Seeing these two declarations, the compiler will follow the Stack template to generate two separate class declarations and two separate sets of class methods. The Stack class declaration will replace Type throughout with int, and the Stack class declaration will replace Type throughout with string. Of course, the algorithms you use have to be consistent with the types. The Stack class, for example, assumes that you can assign one item to another. This assumption is true for basic types, structures, and classes (unless you make the assignment operator private) but not for arrays.

Generic type identifiers such as Type in the example are called type parameters, meaning that they act something like variables, but instead of assigning a numeric value to a type parameter, you assign a type to it. So in the kernel declaration, the type parameter Type has the value int.

Notice that you have to provide the desired type explicitly. This is different from ordinary function templates, for which the compiler can use the argument types to a function to figure out what kind of function to generate:


void simple(T t) { cout << t << '\n';}


simple(2); // generate void simple(int)

simple("two"); // generate void simple(const char *)

Listing 14.14 modifies the original stack-testing program (Listing 10.12) to use string purchase order IDs instead of unsigned long values.

Listing 14.14. stacktem.cpp

// stacktem.cpp -- testing the template stack class




#include "stacktp.h"

using std::cin;

using std::cout;

int main()


Stack st; // create an empty stack

char ch;

std::string po;

cout << "Please enter A to add a purchase order,\n"

<< "P to process a PO, or Q to quit.\n";

while (cin >> ch && std::toupper(ch) != 'Q')


while (cin.get() != '\n')


if (!std::isalpha(ch))


cout << '\a';





case 'A':

case 'a': cout << "Enter a PO number to add: ";

cin >> po;

if (st.isfull())

cout << "stack already full\n";




case 'P':

case 'p': if (st.isempty())

cout << "stack already empty\n";

else {


cout << "PO #" << po << " popped\n";




cout << "Please enter A to add a purchase order,\n"

<< "P to process a PO, or Q to quit.\n";


cout << "Bye\n";

return 0;


Here’s a sample run of the program in Listing 14.14:

Please enter A to add a purchase order,

P to process a PO, or Q to quit.


Enter a PO number to add: red911porsche

Please enter A to add a purchase order,

P to process a PO, or Q to quit.


Enter a PO number to add: blueR8audi

Please enter A to add a purchase order,

P to process a PO, or Q to quit.


Enter a PO number to add: silver747boeing

Please enter A to add a purchase order,

P to process a PO, or Q to quit.


PO #silver747boeing popped

Please enter A to add a purchase order,

P to process a PO, or Q to quit.


PO #blueR8audi popped

Please enter A to add a purchase order,

P to process a PO, or Q to quit.


PO #red911porsche popped

Please enter A to add a purchase order,

P to process a PO, or Q to quit.


stack already empty

Please enter A to add a purchase order,

P to process a PO, or Q to quit.



A Closer Look at the Template Class

You can use a built-in type or a class object as the type for the Stack class template. What about a pointer? For example, can you use a pointer to a char instead of a string object in Listing 14.14? After all, such pointers are the built-in way for handling C-style strings. The answer is that you can create a stack of pointers, but it won’t work very well without major modifications in the program. The compiler can create the class, but it’s your task to see that it’s used sensibly. Let’s see why such a stack of pointers doesn’t work very well with Listing 14.14, and then let’s look at an example where a stack of pointers is useful.

Using a Stack of Pointers Incorrectly

Let’s quickly look at three simple, but flawed, attempts to adapt Listing 14.14 to use a stack of pointers. These attempts illustrate the lesson that you should keep the design of a template in mind and not just use it blindly. All three examples begin with this perfectly valid invocation of the Stack template:

Stack st; // create a stack for pointers-to-char

Version 1 then replaces

string po;

in listing 14.14 with

char * po;

The idea is to use a char pointer instead of a string object to receive the keyboard input. This approach fails immediately because merely creating a pointer doesn’t create space to hold the input strings. (The program would compile, but it would quite possibly crash after cin tried to store input in some inappropriate location.)

Version 2 replaces

string po;


char po[40];

This allocates space for an input string. Furthermore, po is of type char *, so it can be placed on the stack. But an array is fundamentally at odds with the assumptions made for the pop() method:


bool Stack::pop(Type & item)


if (top > 0)


item = items[--top];

return true;



return false;


First, the reference variable item has to refer to an lvalue of some sort, not to an array name. Second, the code assumes that you can assign to item. Even if item could refer to an array, you can’t assign to an array name. So this approach fails, too.

Version 3 replaces

string po;


char * po = new char[40];

This allocates space for an input string. Furthermore, po is a variable and hence compatible with the code for pop(). Here, however, you come up against the most fundamental problem: There is only one po variable, and it always points to the same memory location. True, the contents of the memory change each time a new string is read, but every push operation puts exactly the same address onto the stack. So when you pop the stack, you always get the same address back, and it always refers to the last string read into memory. In particular, the stack is not storing each new string separately as it comes in, and it serves no useful purpose.

Using a Stack of Pointers Correctly

One way to use a stack of pointers is to have the calling program provide an array of pointers, with each pointer pointing to a different string. Putting these pointers on a stack then makes sense because each pointer will refer to a different string. Note that it is the responsibility of the calling program, not the stack, to create the separate pointers. The stack’s job is to manage the pointers, not create them.

For example, suppose you have to simulate the following situation. Someone has delivered a cart of folders to Plodson. If Plodson’s in-basket is empty, he removes the top folder from the cart and places it in his in-basket. If his in-basket is full, Plodson removes the top file from the basket, processes it, and places it in his out-basket. If the in-basket is neither empty nor full, Plodson may process the top file in the in-basket, or he may take the next file from the cart and put it into his in-basket. In what he secretly regards as a bit of madcap self-expression, he flips a coin to decide which of these actions to take. You’d like to investigate the effects of his method on the original file order.

You can model this with an array of pointers to strings representing the files on the cart. Each string will contain the name of the person described by the file. You can use a stack to represent the in-basket, and you can use a second array of pointers to represent the out-basket. Adding a file to the in-basket is represented by pushing a pointer from the input array onto the stack, and processing a file is represented by popping an item from the stack and adding it to the out-basket.

Given the importance of examining all aspects of this problem, it would be useful to be able to try different stack sizes. Listing 14.15 redefines the Stack class slightly so that the Stack constructor accepts an optional size argument. This involves using a dynamic array internally, so the class now needs a destructor, a copy constructor, and an assignment operator. Also the definition shortens the code by making several of the methods inline.

Listing 14.15. stcktp1.h

// stcktp1.h -- modified Stack template

#ifndef STCKTP1_H_

#define STCKTP1_H_


class Stack



enum {SIZE = 10}; // default size

int stacksize;

Type * items; // holds stack items

int top; // index for top stack item


explicit Stack(int ss = SIZE);

Stack(const Stack & st);

~Stack() { delete [] items; }

bool isempty() { return top == 0; }

bool isfull() { return top == stacksize; }

bool push(const Type & item); // add item to stack

bool pop(Type & item); // pop top into item

Stack & operator=(const Stack & st);



Stack::Stack(int ss) : stacksize(ss), top(0)


items = new Type [stacksize];



Stack::Stack(const Stack & st)


stacksize = st.stacksize;

top = st.top;

items = new Type [stacksize];

for (int i = 0; i < top; i++)

items[i] = st.items[i];



bool Stack::push(const Type & item)


if (top < stacksize)


items[top++] = item;

return true;



return false;



bool Stack::pop(Type & item)


if (top > 0)


item = items[--top];

return true;



return false;



Stack & Stack::operator=(const Stack & st)


if (this == &st)

return *this;

delete [] items;

stacksize = st.stacksize;

top = st.top;

items = new Type [stacksize];

for (int i = 0; i < top; i++)

items[i] = st.items[i];

return *this;



Notice that the prototype declares the return type for the assignment operator function to be a reference to Stack, and the actual template function definition identifies the type as Stack. The former is an abbreviation for the latter, but it can be used only within the class scope. That is, you can use Stack inside the template declaration and inside the template function definitions, but outside the class, as when identifying return types and when using the scope-resolution operator, you need to use the full Stack form.

The program in Listing 14.16 uses the new stack template to implement the Plodson simulation. It uses rand(), srand(), and time() in the same way previous simulations have used them to generate random numbers. In this case, randomly generating a 0 or a 1 simulates the coin toss.

Listing 14.16. stkoptr1.cpp

// stkoptr1.cpp -- testing stack of pointers


#include // for rand(), srand()

#include // for time()

#include "stcktp1.h"

const int Num = 10;

int main()


std::srand(std::time(0)); // randomize rand()

std::cout << "Please enter stack size: ";

int stacksize;

std::cin >> stacksize;

// create an empty stack with stacksize slots

Stack st(stacksize);

// in basket

const char * in[Num] = {

" 1: Hank Gilgamesh", " 2: Kiki Ishtar",

" 3: Betty Rocker", " 4: Ian Flagranti",

" 5: Wolfgang Kibble", " 6: Portia Koop",

" 7: Joy Almondo", " 8: Xaverie Paprika",

" 9: Juan Moore", "10: Misha Mache"


// out basket

const char * out[Num];

int processed = 0;

int nextin = 0;

while (processed < Num)


if (st.isempty())


else if (st.isfull())


else if (std::rand() % 2 && nextin < Num) // 50-50 chance





for (int i = 0; i < Num; i++)

std::cout << out[i] << std::endl;

std::cout << "Bye\n";

return 0;


Two sample runs of the program in Listing 14.16 follow (note that, thanks to the randomizing feature, the final file ordering can differ quite a bit from one trial to the next, even when the stack size is kept unaltered):

Please enter stack size: 5

2: Kiki Ishtar

1: Hank Gilgamesh

3: Betty Rocker

5: Wolfgang Kibble

4: Ian Flagranti

7: Joy Almondo

9: Juan Moore

8: Xaverie Paprika

6: Portia Koop

10: Misha Mache


Please enter stack size: 5

3: Betty Rocker

5: Wolfgang Kibble

6: Portia Koop

4: Ian Flagranti

8: Xaverie Paprika

9: Juan Moore

10: Misha Mache

7: Joy Almondo

2: Kiki Ishtar

1: Hank Gilgamesh


Program Notes

The strings in Listing 14.16 never move. Pushing a string onto the stack really creates a new pointer to an existing string. That is, it creates a pointer whose value is the address of an existing string. And popping a string off the stack copies that address value into the out array.

The program uses const char * as a type because the array of pointers is initialized to a set of string constants.

What effect does the stack destructor have on the strings? None. The class constructor uses new to create an array for holding pointers. The class destructor eliminates that array, not the strings to which the array elements pointed.

An Array Template Example and Non-Type Arguments

Templates are frequently used for container classes because the idea of type parameters matches well with the need to apply a common storage plan to a variety of types. Indeed, the desire to provide reusable code for container classes was the main motivation for introducing templates, so let’s look at another example and explore a few more facets of template design and use. In particular, let’s look at non-type, or expression, arguments and at using an array to handle an inheritance family.

Let’s begin with a simple array template that lets you specify an array size. One technique, which the last version of the Stack template uses, is to use a dynamic array within the class and a constructor argument to provide the number of elements. Another approach is to use a template argument to provide the size for a regular array. That is what the new C++11 array template does. Listing 14.17 shows a more modest version of how this can be done.

Listing 14.17. arraytp.h

//arraytp.h -- Array Template

#ifndef ARRAYTP_H_

#define ARRAYTP_H_




class ArrayTP



T ar[n];


ArrayTP() {};

explicit ArrayTP(const T & v);

virtual T & operator[](int i);

virtual T operator[](int i) const;



ArrayTP::ArrayTP(const T & v)


for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

ar[i] = v;



T & ArrayTP::operator[](int i)


if (i < 0 || i >= n)


std::cerr << "Error in array limits: " << i

<< " is out of range\n";



return ar[i];



T ArrayTP::operator[](int i) const


if (i < 0 || i >= n)


std::cerr << "Error in array limits: " << i

<< " is out of range\n";



return ar[i];



Note the template heading in Listing 14.17:


The keyword class (or, equivalently in this context, typename) identifies T as a type parameter, or type argument. int identifies n as being an int type. This second kind of parameter, one that specifies a particular type instead of acting as a generic name for a type, is called a non-type, or expression, argument. Suppose you have the following declaration:

ArrayTP eggweights;

This causes the compiler to define a class called ArrayTP and to create an eggweights object of that class. When defining the class, the compiler replaces T with double and n with 12.

Expression arguments have some restrictions. An expression argument can be an integer type, an enumeration type, a reference, or a pointer. Thus, double m is ruled out, but double & rm and double * pm are allowed. Also the template code can’t alter the value of the argument or take its address. Thus, in the ArrayTP template, expressions such as n++ or &n would not be allowed. Also when you instantiate a template, the value used for the expression argument should be a constant expression.

This approach for sizing an array has one advantage over the constructor approach used in Stack. The constructor approach uses heap memory managed by new and delete, whereas the expression argument approach uses the memory stack maintained for automatic variables. This provides faster execution time, particularly if you have a lot of small arrays.

The main drawback to the expression argument approach is that each array size generates its own template. That is, the following declarations generate two separate class declarations:

ArrayTP eggweights;

ArrayTP donuts;

But the following declarations generate just one class declaration, and the size information is passed to the constructor for that class:

Stack eggs(12);

Stack dunkers(13);

Another difference is that the constructor approach is more versatile because the array size is stored as a class member rather than being hard-coded into the definition. This makes it possible, for example, to define assignment from an array of one size to an array of another size or to build a class that allows resizable arrays.

Template Versatility

You can apply the same techniques to template classes as you do to regular classes. Template classes can serve as base classes, and they can be component classes. They can themselves be type arguments to other templates. For example, you can implement a stack template by using an array template. Or you can have an array template that is used to construct an array whose elements are stacks based on a stack template. That is, you can have code along the following lines:

template // or

class Array



T entry;




class GrowArray : public Array {...}; // inheritance


class Stack


Array ar; // use an Array<> as a component




Array < Stack > asi; // an array of stacks of int

In the last statement, C++98 required separating the two > symbols by at least one white space character in order to avoid confusion with the >> operator. C++11 removes this requirement.

Using a Template Recursively

Another example of template versatility is that you can use templates recursively. For example, given the earlier definition of an array template, you can use it as follows:

ArrayTP< ArrayTP, 10> twodee;

This makes twodee an array of 10 elements, each of which is an array of five ints. The equivalent ordinary array would have this declaration:

int twodee[10][5];

Note that the syntax for templates presents the dimensions in the opposite order from that of the equivalent ordinary two-dimensional array. The program in Listing 14.18 tries this idea. It also uses the ArrayTP template to create one-dimensional arrays to hold the sum and average value of each of the 10 sets of five numbers. The method call cout.width(2) causes the next item to be displayed to use a field width of two characters, unless a larger width is needed to show the whole number.

Listing 14.18. twod.cpp

// twod.cpp -- making a 2-d array


#include "arraytp.h"

int main(void)


using std::cout;

using std::endl;

ArrayTP sums;

ArrayTP aves;

ArrayTP< ArrayTP, 10> twodee;

int i, j;

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)


sums[i] = 0;

for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)


twodee[i][j] = (i + 1) * (j + 1);

sums[i] += twodee[i][j];


aves[i] = (double) sums[i] / 10;


for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)


for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)



cout << twodee[i][j] << ' ';


cout << ": sum = ";


cout << sums[i] << ", average = " << aves[i] << endl;


cout << "Done.\n";

return 0;


The output of the program in Listing 14.18 has one line for each of the 10 elements of twodee, each of which is a five-element array. Each line shows the values, sum, and average of an element of twodee:

1 2 3 4 5 : sum = 15, average = 1.5

2 4 6 8 10 : sum = 30, average = 3

3 6 9 12 15 : sum = 45, average = 4.5

4 8 12 16 20 : sum = 60, average = 6

5 10 15 20 25 : sum = 75, average = 7.5

6 12 18 24 30 : sum = 90, average = 9

7 14 21 28 35 : sum = 105, average = 10.5

8 16 24 32 40 : sum = 120, average = 12

9 18 27 36 45 : sum = 135, average = 13.5

10 20 30 40 50 : sum = 150, average = 15


Using More Than One Type Parameter

You can have a template with more than one type parameter. For example, suppose you want a class that holds two kinds of values. You can create and use a Pair template class for holding two disparate values. (Incidentally, the STL provides a similar template called pair.) The short program in Listing 14.19 shows an example. In it, the first() const and second() const methods report the stored values, and the first() and second() methods, by virtue of returning references to the Pair data members, allow you to reset the stored values by using assignment.

Listing 14.19. pairs.cpp

// pairs.cpp -- defining and using a Pair template




class Pair



T1 a;

T2 b;


T1 & first();

T2 & second();

T1 first() const { return a; }

T2 second() const { return b; }

Pair(const T1 & aval, const T2 & bval) : a(aval), b(bval) { }

Pair() {}



T1 & Pair::first()


return a;



T2 & Pair::second()


return b;


int main()


using std::cout;

using std::endl;

using std::string;

Pair ratings[4] =


Pair("The Purpled Duck", 5),

Pair("Jaquie's Frisco Al Fresco", 4),

Pair("Cafe Souffle", 5),

Pair("Bertie's Eats", 3)


int joints = sizeof(ratings) / sizeof (Pair);

cout << "Rating:\t Eatery\n";

for (int i = 0; i < joints; i++)

cout << ratings[i].second() << ":\t "

<< ratings[i].first() << endl;

cout << "Oops! Revised rating:\n";

ratings[3].first() = "Bertie's Fab Eats";

ratings[3].second() = 6;

cout << ratings[3].second() << ":\t "

<< ratings[3].first() << endl;

return 0;


One thing to note about Listing 14.19 is that in main(), you have to use Pair to invoke the constructors and as an argument for sizeof. That’s because Pair and not Pair is the class name. Also Pair would be the name of an entirely different class.

Here’s the output of the program in Listing 14.19:

Rating: Eatery

5: The Purpled Duck

4: Jaquie's Frisco Al Fresco

5: Cafe Souffle

3: Bertie's Eats

Oops! Revised rating:

6: Bertie's Fab Eats

Default Type Template Parameters

Another new class template feature is that you can provide default values for type parameters:

template class Topo {...};

This causes the compiler to use int for the type T2 if a value for T2 is omitted:

Topo m1; // T1 is double, T2 is double

Topo m2; // T1 is double, T2 is int

The STL (discussed in Chapter 16) often uses this feature, with the default type being a class.

Although you can provide default values for class template type parameters, you can’t do so for function template parameters. However, you can provide default values for non-type parameters for both class and function templates.

Template Specializations

Class templates are like function templates in that you can have implicit instantiations, explicit instantiations, and explicit specializations, collectively known as specializations. That is, a template describes a class in terms of a general type, whereas a specialization is a class declaration generated by using a specific type.

Implicit Instantiations

The template examples you have seen so far in this chapter use implicit instantiations. That is, they declare one or more objects indicating the desired type, and the compiler generates a specialized class definition, using the recipe provided by the general template:

ArrayTP stuff; // implicit instantiation

The compiler doesn’t generate an implicit instantiation of the class until it needs an object:

ArrayTP * pt; // a pointer, no object needed yet

pt = new ArrayTP; // now an object is needed

The second statement causes the compiler to generate a class definition and also an object that is created according to that definition.

Explicit Instantiations

The compiler generates an explicit instantiation of a class declaration when you declare a class by using the keyword template and indicating the desired type or types. The declaration should be in the same namespace as the template definition. For example, the following declaration declares ArrayTP to be a class:

template class ArrayTP; // generate ArrayTP class

In this case, the compiler generates the class definition, including method definitions, even though no object of the class has yet been created or mentioned. Just as with the implicit instantiation, the general template is used as a guide to generate the specialization.

Explicit Specializations

An explicit specialization is a definition for a particular type or types that is to be used instead of the general template. Sometimes you might need or want to modify a template to behave differently when instantiated for a particular type; in that case, you can create an explicit specialization. Suppose, for example, that you’ve defined a template for a class that represents a sorted array for which items are sorted as they are added to the array:


class SortedArray


...// details omitted


Also suppose the template uses the > operator to compare values. This works well for numbers. It will work if T represents a class type, too, provided that you’ve defined a T::operator>() method. But it won’t work if T is a string represented by type const char *. Actually, the template will work, but the strings will wind up sorted by address rather than alphabetically. What is needed is a class definition that uses strcmp() instead of >. In such a case, you can provide an explicit template specialization. This takes the form of a template defined for one specific type instead of for a general type. When faced with the choice of a specialized template and a general template that both match an instantiation request, the compiler uses the specialized version.

A specialized class template definition has the following form:

template <> class Classname<specialized-type-name> { ... };

Older compilers may only recognize the older form, which dispenses with the template <> prefix:

class Classname<specialized-type-name> { ... };

To provide a SortedArray template specialized for the const char * type, using the current notation, you would use code like the following:

template <> class SortedArray


...// details omitted


Here the implementation code would use strcmp() instead of > to compare array values. Now, requests for a SortedArray template of const char * will use this specialized definition instead of the more general template definition:

SortedArray scores; // use general definition

SortedArray dates; // use specialized definition

Partial Specializations

C++ allows for partial specializations, which partially restrict the generality of a template. For example, a partial specialization can provide a specific type for one of the type parameters:

// general template

template class Pair {...};

// specialization with T2 set to int

template class Pair {...};

The <> following the keyword template declares the type parameters that are still unspecialized. So the second declaration specializes T2 to int but leaves T1 open. Note that specifying all the types leads to an empty bracket pair and a complete explicit specialization:

// specialization with T1 and T2 set to int

template <> class Pair {...};

The compiler uses the most specialized template if there is a choice. Here’s what would happen given the preceding three templates:

Pair p1; // use general Pair template

Pair p2; // use Pair partial specialization

Pair p3; // use Pair explicit specialization

Or you can partially specialize an existing template by providing a special version for pointers:

template // general version

class Feeb { ... };

template // pointer partial specialization

class Feeb { ... }; // modified code

If you provide a non-pointer type, the compiler uses the general version; if you provide a pointer, the compiler uses the pointer specialization:

Feeb fb1; // use general Feeb template, T is char

Feeb fb2; // use Feeb T* specialization, T is char

Without the partial specialization, the second declaration would use the general template, interpreting T as type char *. With the partial specialization, it uses the specialized template, interpreting T as char.

The partial specialization feature allows for making a variety of restrictions. For example, you can use the following:

// general template

template class Trio{...};

// specialization with T3 set to T2

template class Trio {...};

// specialization with T3 and T2 set to T1*

template class Trio {...};

Given these declarations, the compiler would make the following choices:

Trio t1; // use general template

Trio t2; // use Trio

Trio t3; use Trio

Member Templates

A template can be a member of a structure, class, or template class. The STL requires this feature to fully implement its design. Listing 14.20 provides a short example of a template class with a nested template class and a template function as members.

Listing 14.20. tempmemb.cpp

// tempmemb.cpp -- template members


using std::cout;

using std::endl;


class beta



template // nested template class member

class hold



V val;


hold(V v = 0) : val(v) {}

void show() const { cout << val << endl; }

V Value() const { return val; }


hold q; // template object

hold n; // template object


beta( T t, int i) : q(t), n(i) {}

template // template method

U blab(U u, T t) { return (n.Value() + q.Value()) * u / t; }

void Show() const { q.show(); n.show();}


int main()


beta guy(3.5, 3);

cout << "T was set to double\n";


cout << "V was set to T, which is double, then V was set to int\n";

cout << guy.blab(10, 2.3) << endl;

cout << "U was set to int\n";

cout << guy.blab(10.0, 2.3) << endl;

cout << "U was set to double\n";

cout << "Done\n";

return 0;


The hold template is declared in the private section in Listing 14.20, so it is accessible only within the beta class scope. The beta class uses the hold template to declare two data members:

hold q; // template object

hold n; // template object

n is a hold object based on the int type, and the q member is a hold object based on the T type (the beta template parameter). In main(), the following declaration makes T represent double, making q type hold:

beta guy(3.5, 3);

The blab() method has one type (U) that is determined implicitly by the argument value when the method is called and one type (T) that is determined by the instantiation type of the object. In this example, the declaration for guy sets T to type double, and the first argument in the method call in the following sets U to type int, matching the value 10:

cout << guy.blab(10, 2.5) << endl;

Thus, although the automatic type conversions brought about by mixed types cause the calculation in blab() to be done as type double, the return value, being type U, is an int. Hence, it is truncated to 28, as the following program output shows:

T was set to double



V was set to T, which is double, then V was set to int


U was set to int


U was set to double


Note that replacing 10 with 10.0 in the call to guy.blab() causes U to be set to double, making the return type double, which is reflected in 28.2609 being displayed.

As mentioned previously, the type of the second parameter is set to double by the declaration of the guy object. Unlike the first parameter, then, the type of the second parameter is not set by the function call. For instance, the following statement would still implement blah() as blah(int, double), and the 3 would be converted to type double by the usual function prototype rules:

cout << guy.blab(10, 3) << endl;

You can declare the hold class and blah method in the beta template and define them outside the beta template. However, sufficiently old compilers won’t accept template members at all, and others that accept them as shown in Listing 14.20 don’t accept definitions outside the class. However, if your compiler is willing and able, here’s how defining the template methods outside the beta template would look:


class beta



template // declaration

class hold;

hold q;

hold n;


beta( T t, int i) : q(t), n(i) {}

template // declaration

U blab(U u, T t);

void Show() const { q.show(); n.show();}


// member definition



class beta::hold



V val;


hold(V v = 0) : val(v) {}

void show() const { std::cout << val << std::endl; }

V Value() const { return val; }


// member definition



U beta::blab(U u, T t)


return (n.Value() + q.Value()) * u / t;


The definitions have to identify T, V, and U as template parameters. Because the templates are nested, you have to use the



syntax instead of this syntax:


The definitions also must indicate that hold and blab are members of the beta class, and they use the scope-resolution operator to do so.

Templates As Parameters

You’ve seen that a template can have type parameters, such as typename T, and non-type parameters, such as int n. A template can also have a parameter that is itself a template. Such parameters are yet another template feature addition that is used to implement the STL.

Listing 14.21 shows an example that begins with these lines:
