Sally slowly woke up. She couldn't imagine why she had been so tired, but at least she was in bed and away from all those terrible people.

She wasn't in bed! She couldn't move! Where was she? The room was lit dimly. Her arms hurt, and she was tied up. She was tied up with her arms over something up there, and the broad leather thongs held her so that her feet just touched the floor.

She wrenched against the leather bindings but they only moved with her arms and the strong ropes above them showed no signs of giving way. She flapped her feet, but they could only just touch the thick carpet and her body just swung where it was.

"Let me down!" she screamed.

"Aha," said a voice.

The lights went on. They weren't very bright, but they showed Sally the rest of the room. It was large, almost the size of the house. So this was what Sylvia had meant by that snide remark before dinner. Sally wrenched at the ropes and turned her body as far as she could.

Behind her, the room was the same. Everywhere it was soft and padded. The carpet was luxurious, and the walls were covered in the same material. Several large mirrors stood around on stands, and there was one that covered almost the whole of the wall on one side. There were also several pieces of equipment, looking rather like the things in an exercise gymnasium, but not quite the same – bars and padded platforms at various angles. But what caught her attention was the collection of instruments along one wall.

There were whips and bindings such as the ones she had on. There were dildos and vibrators, huge things she thought would split her body in two if anybody was evil enough to try and fuck one into her. There were gags and ropes and thin birch rods, and even Sally could imagine what they would be used for. She gasped in terror and almost fainted.

"So you are awake," said Hank as he walked into the center of the room and looked at her bound form. "We got the dosage in the coffee just right."

"Let me down!" Sally shouted, and she tried to lunge at him.

She was really frightened now. Hank was not the Hank who had greeted her at the door. He wore a loose white shirt and the tightest pair of black leather pants Sally had ever seen. And what was worse, the bulge of his enormous cock could be clearly seen.

Hank chuckled and Sally gaped again as Patrick came in to join him. He was still wearing just about what he had when Sally and John had arrived, but there was no mistaking the cock-bulge in his pants either.

"Pat," she said, "let me down. I demand that you let me down. Where's John? He should help me, he should…"

"Be having the time of his life right now," interrupted Cindy as she came up behind Sally, walking slowly into her view. Cindy was dressed in a sexy black corset and red stockings. And she carried a long whip in her hand. She grinned at Sally. "Well, bitch, it's time you learned a few things."

"Let me down!" Sally screamed, kicking out at Cindy.

Cindy raised her arm, but Hank cut her off. "No, no, my dear," he said, "let me do this one."

To Sally's horror, he went to the wall and took down one of the thin birch rods. It tapered to only a fraction of an inch around and he whistled it through the air, letting Sally hear the terrible noise it made. With awful slowness, he walked toward Sally.

"You bastard," she said. "You bastard, you wouldn't hit a… aaaaagh!" She rolled on the ropes as the birch rod slashed across the cheeks of her ass, sending pain echoing through the whole of her body. "You bastard!"

He raised the birch rod, held it up as she stared at it, waiting until she was crying and sobbing, her eyes fixed on the trembling tip. Then he slashed down again and Sally screamed again and jerked on the ropes. The rod left a thin red line of agony across her ass and her tiny pink panties were no defense against it.

Lifting herself on the ropes, she swung her feet with all she had at him, watching as he leaned easily aside and whipped her ass hard as her body crashed down again.

"Aaaagghhhh, you shit!" Sally screamed as another lash of pain shot through her body.

He raised his hand again and the birch sang through the air and sent more pain shooting up into her stomach and chest. She screamed and twisted on the ropes, her ass beginning to throb with the agony.

"You don't call me a shit!" snapped Hank. "In fact, you can call me sir tonight."

And the terrible birch swished through the air again and landed once more on the cheeks of Sally's trembling ass.

"No!" Sally yelled. Then she screamed again as Hank whipped her ass and her body swung on the ropes with the force of the blow. "Aaaaaagh! No, no! Fuck you!" She was using words she hadn't used since she was a kid. She screamed again as three more solid blows landed on her ass.

Cindy looked at her closely. "I think it's time we showed her something she's going to be doing later," she said. "And then we can let Monique go and help give John a good time, while the three of us convince this little bitch that she isn't going anywhere until she gives out."

At the mention of John's name, Sally broke into tears. "Where is he?" she gasped. She watched as Hank came around to face her.

"When did you last let John fuck you?" he asked.

"None of your business!" she yelled, and she watched in horror as he walked around and laid the birch across her ass again. "Oh shit!"

"When was the last time you let him fuck you?" asked Cindy now, swinging her own whip and looking just as menacing.

"I don't know. Aaaaaag!"

Cindy had flung her own whip into Sally's jutting tits, leaving a mark showing through the thin fabric of her camisole.

"When was the last time?"

"A long time ago. I don't remember when, honestly. I just don't remember when. Please stop it, please!" Sally sobbed.

"I'm not surprised you can't remember," said Hank, coming around and facing Sally. "It was so long ago. Well, Patrick here reckoned your behavior was bad enough for us all to get together to teach you better manners. And we're going to. However long it takes."

"Oh, no, please!" Sally sobbed, tears running down her proud cheeks. "That's not fair. I just don't like sex. It's dirty; it's…"

"Then why do you tease him with things like this?" asked Cindy, reaching up and running her hands over the lush material of the silk camisole.

"I don't tease him, I just want to… aaaaaghhh!"

Sally lurched again as Hank put another painful stripe over her ass.

"Why do you wear things like this?" Cindy repeated.

"Fuck off!" Sally yelled.

Cindy reached up, her fingers on the top of the camisole. With one rip, she tore the material right down until it came apart, and she pulled the two halves aside until Sally's tits were in plain view.

"You cunt!" Sally yelled. "That cost seventy dollars. I'll make you pay for that."

Cindy smiled and stepped back.

Sally watched as her arm went back and the whip flashed and cut right across her tits. The pain surged and joined with the agony spreading up from her heavily beaten ass. She moaned and twisted on the ropes, trying in vain to break free. "She's got a nice pair of tits," Cindy remarked, and she lashed the whip over them again.

Sally screamed and begged her to stop, but Cindy whipped her tits again, expertly cutting into the tit flesh. Sally's nipples stood out, taking the brunt of each lashing. Sally jerked and twisted on the ropes until Cindy suddenly stopped for no apparent reason and stood looking at her.

"You have a long way to go, bitch," Cindy said. "You're going to fuck and suck everything we tell you to tonight. And tomorrow. But we'll give you a rest now, show you what's coming, shall we?"

"Fuck off," Sally said, and she braced herself for the beating that would follow, but it didn't come.

Instead, they walked away and left her hanging there, and she suddenly noticed that Monique was in the room, still dressed in her maid's outfit, but with her hands under the short skin, playing with her own cunt as she looked at Sally.

"Take your panties off, Monique," he said.

"Oh, yes, sir! Yes!" said Monique as she lifted her skirt and worked her frilly panties down her legs and off. She walked toward Sally, playing with her pussy, grinning at the helplessly bound woman. "Be a good girl, and you get lots of rewards."

"Fuck off," said Sally, determined not to give in.

Monique shrugged and walked away.

"On here," said Hank. "On your back."

Monique did as she was told, lying on her back on a small platform, padded, and with her head hanging back over one end. Sally watched as Patrick walked to her head and pulled Monique's legs back until her ankles were well over her head and her body was bent almost double. Monique moaned with pleasure as Patrick leaned down on her legs, forcing her ass even higher into the air.

"Take my cock out," Patrick ordered her, and Monique reached over her head and unzipped his pants, taking his swollen prick into her hands. "Suck it."

Sally gasped as Monique smiled and pulled his prick in until it slid between her red, soft lips. Slowly Patrick fucked her mouth, thrusting his hips, letting Monique's gurgles of satisfaction reach Sally's ears. Sally watched as Cindy went over to the wall and came back with one of the vibrators.

"This is what good little slaves get," she said to Sally, moving over to where Monique's spread legs were thrusting up into the air.

Cindy gently eased the skirt of Monique's uniform out of the way, up to her waist, until the whole of her young body was open to her. Then she switched on the vibrator, and Monique gave a huge lurch of desire as she heard it.

Sally watched Cindy put the vibrating rubber tip against the soft lips of Monique's cunt. Monique moaned and sank Patrick's cock deeper into her mouth as Cindy fucked the vibrator in until it pulsed against the walls of her cunt. Sally became aware that Hank was standing beside her.

"Watch carefully, my dear," he said. "You have all this coming, and you will beg us for it before we have finished with you."

There was so much menace in his voice that Sally jerked on the ropes and almost passed out. She moaned and softly begged him to let her go. But already she knew it was futile and she collapsed into tears, watching as Cindy slowly fucked the whole length of the huge rubber cock into Monique. The girl moaned and lunged at the dildo, trying to get as much of it as she could. In horror, Sally saw Cindy run the straps around Monique's thighs until the vibrator was trapped inside her cunt, throbbing away as Patrick leaned down on her legs, forcing his cock ever deeper into her willing mouth.

Cindy stepped back and swished her whip through the air. Sally moaned, remembering what it had been like. Sharply, Cindy brought the leather down across Monique's ass, and Monique screamed and sucked Patrick's cock into her mouth to the balls. Patrick grunted with satisfaction and eased his cock out again. Cindy whipped her slave again, and Monique swallowed his cock, her throat muscles working hard to take the whole of the rigid monster. Behind her, Sally could hear Hank chuckling as he reached out and rubbed her reddened ass beneath her panties.

"I hope you are watching well, my dear," he said. "That is how to suck a cock, and that is how you're going to suck cocks before we have finished with you."

Sally almost told him to fuck off again, that she would never do anything so dirty as to suck a man's cock – but Hank's fingers were between her legs and they were doing strange things to her. He forced her thighs open and ran his hand over the stretched material of her panties, just where they covered her hot little pussy mound.

"Keep your legs open," he warned, "or I'll whip your ass again."

Sally groaned and let him touch where he liked. She saw Monique sucking Patrick's cock right into her hot little mouth and lunging her ass up to meet each stroke of the whip as Cindy flicked it at her. Monique was coming. Sally watched as Patrick pulled his cock back until it was just against Monique's red lips and he could see her tongue play with the cocktip as her fingers worked his cockshaft.

"Oh, yes!" Monique yelled. "Oh, yes, just like that. Yes, whip me, Cindy, whip me, oh yeeeeessss!" And she took Patrick's cock into her mouth again and her ass desperately thrust up to meet the downward stroke of Cindy's whip.

Sally heard Hank chuckle and realized his fingers were inside her panties and working over the soft flesh of her pussy. She flinched in shame as he rubbed her clit and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Getting really damp, aren't we little girl?" he said. "Could it be that we are getting turned on by what we watch?"

He gave her clit a sharp twist and Sally yelled as the throb of lust surged up into her body.

"You shit!" she yelled. Her body writhed on the ropes under his expert hands.

"Watch, little girl," Hank said. "When you're over there like that, it will be my cock you suck. Would you like to see it?"

"Oh, no, please!" cried Sally as his fingers worked on her cunt.

"Very well," said Hank. "I'll stop rubbing your pussy."

His hands went away and Sally yelled as her body heaved up and thrashed around, desperately seeking the satisfaction Hank had been giving it, though she was nowhere near confessing to that.

Hank walked around in front of her. "Do you want to see my cock?"

Sally moaned, seeing Monique screaming and writhing on the bench as she went over the top and came, working Patrick's cock in her hands and mouth as he leaned even more heavily on her legs, lifting them in time to each stroke of Cindy's whip. Cindy was now dining her strokes to the pulses of Monique's orgasm, whipping down at the peak of each one, sending Monique higher and higher.

"Do you want to see my cock?" Hank repeated.

She moaned and her head rolled as the pain in her arms slowly gave way to the hot sensations spreading out from her pussy.

"Do you want to see my cock?"

Sally suddenly screamed with pain as his fingers went to her swollen nipples, still painful from the whipping, and twisted them brutally. The pain in her tits had gone down to meet the pain from her ass and the burning from her pussy, and the whole thing was making her crazy. Her tits seemed to explode as he twisted brutally and held on, sending pain out and back. She saw Patrick suddenly throw his head back and yell, fucking his huge cock right down Monique's throat while his hips beat in and out and cum spurted first into Monique's mouth and then over her face. Cindy whipped Monique as she swallowed, getting every last ounce of the orgasm out of her, making her suck and lick until Patrick was utterly spent and his cock couldn't let out any more cum.

On the ropes, Sally yelled. Her whole being seemed to be concentrated in her sore nipples. Hank worked them, not even asking her the question anymore as she twisted and screamed with each clever twist of his fingers. He kept her coming, working her tits until she twisted in the bonds, her eyes closed, her mouth open. Tears flowed down her face. She didn't see Patrick release Monique's legs, or Cindy give her a great big kiss and send her out of the room for something.

All Sally knew was that her body was the center of an earthquake, a throbbing, pulsing orgasm that finally left her weak and sobbing as she rolled helplessly against the leather thongs. She came until Hank slowly released his pressure and worked her down. He didn't want to exhaust her. He knew now who she was and what she was capable of, and he wanted to use her for the rest of the night. He brought her down, released her from the bonds and let her fall onto the soft carpet. She was still moaning as her body relaxed, and she lay there, utterly quiet.

She had some thinking to do, Hank figured. Give her a while to come around. Then they could really give her a workout.
