Chapter 16

“Got it.” Helder’s voice was less than enthusiastic as Joe picked up the phone. “It’s a house located in the small town of Navaltov outside Moscow.”

“It took you long enough. Fifteen minutes. You were bragging that it would take you less than thirty seconds.”

“I wanted to be absolutely accurate. After all, it’s a matter of national security.”

And he had been dragging his feet to get a little of his own back, Joe thought.

“What’s the address?

“Twenty-five Zarnok.”

“Who is in the house now?”

“You didn’t ask me to get that information.”

“I didn’t have to ask you. It’s routine with you. You probably know how many lights are lit and how many times a toilet has been flushed in the last two hours.”

“Twice,” Helder said. “But at different parts of the house.”

“How many people?”

“One. Female. Lower floor. Possibly domestic. Two males exited the house ten minutes ago and departed in separate vehicles.” He paused. “But there’s still one man in the area across the street and another one on the far terrace in back. Guards?”

“Locate the study or office in the house for us.”

“It’s on the first floor. Second room on the left as you enter the house.”

“Helder, you’re an asshole, but you know your stuff.”

“Are you finished with me?”

“Probably. I’ll call you if we need anything else.”

Helder hung up.

“You heard.” Joe turned to Venable, who was typing at top speed on the computer. “What have you got?”

“Give me a minute,” Venable said. “I’m printing out a diagram of the house and assessing the security-system information.”

“Between you and Helder, the private sector doesn’t stand a chance of staying private, does it?” Joe said. “Big Brother is definitely watching.”

“You should be grateful we are,” Venable said. “Because there are a hell of a lot of countries in the world who have their own Big Brother watching us. And they’re definitely not doing it to protect us.” He printed out the diagram, rattled orders to the four agents in the room, and whirled toward the door. “Let’s get going.”

They had almost reached the town of Navaltov when Joe’s phone rang.

Catherine came on the line. “Did NSA get you the trace?”

“Yes, we’ve got a location at a house north of Moscow. We’re on our way. We don’t believe Rakovac is still on the premises. Where the hell have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you.”

“I know. I had you on vibrate. I didn’t want Rakovac’s men to report that I was talking to someone on the phone right after I hung up with him. I had to wait until I got rid of them first. Rakovac had given orders that I be picked up and delivered to him.”

“And are you safe now?”

“Maybe. I saw three of his men in the crowd. I put down two of them, but I lost the third man.” She paused. “I’m on my way to meet with Rakovac. He’s going to take me to my son.”

“Where are you going to meet him? We’ll arrange a tail.”

“No, you won’t. You won’t do a damn thing. Do you think Rakovac won’t be expecting a double cross? Don’t tell me that he wouldn’t know because Venable will be pulling out some sophisticated razzle-dazzle. I know every trick the CIA has in its arsenal. Rakovac will be on the alert for any high-tech or plain old-fashioned gumshoe method available that would give me the slightest edge or break. If he sees any sign of any of that happening, he could make a call, and my son would be dead. I won’t blow this, Joe.”

He was silent a moment. “You’d rather take your shot at him alone?”

“I always knew that was how it was going to play out.”

“Well, I didn’t,” Joe said roughly. “And I don’t like it. I’m not going to let it happen.”

“If things don’t go your way, you’re going to change the entire scenario? Not this time, Joe. I did what you all wanted and gave you your chance to stop that hideous disaster from taking place. It’s up to you to go do it. But stay away from me. I’m going after my son.”

He muttered a curse. “Catherine, this isn’t smart. It isn’t even-”

“I’m hanging up, Joe. I probably won’t be able to call you again.” She paused. “Kelsov. Check on Kelsov. He was supposed to go back to the farm, but I saw his car still parked at the market. I hope to hell he didn’t go after me.”

“We’ll send an agent to check out the car. Don’t hang up, we need to-”

She had hung up.

Joe muttered a curse as he jammed his phone in his pocket.

“She’s going after her son, and we’re not invited?” Venable said. “Good luck to her.”

“Is that all you can say?” Joe said. “She doesn’t have a chance alone.”

“Catherine always has a chance,” Venable said. “When I recruited her in Hong Kong, she’d already been taught practically every deadly art under the sun by an old friend, Hu Chang. She’s learned a hell of a lot more since then. She’s been preparing for this for nine years. She might have been writhing on the hot coals Rakovac threw down for her, but she wouldn’t ignore the possibility that she might end up in this situation. She might be able to pull it off.”


“It’s not something she would confide in me. Unfortunately, I’m not on her need-to-know list.” He glanced at Joe as he began to dial again. “Who are you calling?”

“I promised to call Eve when I heard from Catherine, and we found out where Rakovac was located. Though I’ll be lucky if she doesn’t want to meet us there. She was definitely not happy about not being able to be more hands-on in-”

She wasn’t answering. The call went immediately to voice mail.

Not good.

“Problem?” Venable asked.

“I don’t know. She’s not answering.”

“She’s still at Kelsov’s house in the country? Safe location?”

As safe as it could be in this hellish situation. “Yes.”

“Then it could be the phone. Leave a message.”

“No, I’ll call her back.”

Venable slowed the car. “Twenty-five Zarnok is a block up ahead. Should I send my people after those two guards, or do you want to do it?”

“You can do what you like with the man across the street and the woman on the lower floor. I’ll take the man on the back terrace.”

“Whatever.” He smiled. “I thought you’d want action. Being cooped up in the office dealing with Helder wore on your nerves. You should come to work for me. I’d put you in the field, and you could utilize all that stored energy.”

“I find ways to take care of it.” He dialed Eve again. Still no answer. He could feel the tension growing within him. He wanted to take off and bolt to that blasted farm.

But he was clear on the other side of Moscow, and if there was a problem, then she might need someone on the spot now. “She’s not answering. I don’t like it,” he told Venable. “Get one of your men out there to the farmhouse right away and check it out. Have him report back to us right away.”

Venable reached for his phone.

It could be nothing, Joe thought. But he had a gut feeling it was definitely something.

Finish the job and get back to the farmhouse.

He jumped out of the car and moved down a cross street and around the block.

Large brick house. Open veranda.

A thin man in a navy blue jacket had his back to him, his gaze fixed on the French doors.

No guns. Knives or hands.


Joe moved silently across the tile pavers toward the guard.

Finish the job.

A car was coming up the drive toward the farmhouse.


Natalie ran out of the house to meet him.

Not Kelsov.

The car was being driven by a huge man in a gray cap and red sweater.

She stopped, frowning.

He stuck his head out the window, and a wide smile creased his full face. “Mr. Russo sent me. My name is Borzoi. I’m to take care of you. You’re going away.”

“My father told me.” Her hands clenched. “Not without Kelsov. Where is Kelsov?”

“He’s gone on ahead of you.” Borzoi got out of the car. “But Mr. Russo told me to make sure that you got away safely.”

“I won’t go anywhere without Kelsov. Where did you send him?”

“I’m not sure. They say you can never tell what will be your destination. Though I believe I know mine.”

“You’re confusing me.” And he was making her uneasy. “I’m going to call my father and ask-”

“Don’t do that. It would upset him. He said clean. You want to see where I sent Kelsov?” He opened the rear door of the car.

Kelsov’s body tumbled headfirst out into the dirt.


His eyes were wide open and staring at her as she ran to him and fell to her knees.

Dead. He was dead.

She screamed.

“Hush.” Borzoi was pointing a gun at her. “I was quick with him. I’ll be quick with you.”

“No, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. I did what he wanted.” Tears were running down her cheeks. “Don’t do-”

“Shh.” He pressed the trigger.

The bullet entered her heart.

Venable was cursing when Joe ran into the office from the veranda. He was sitting at the mahogany desk staring in frustration at the computer. “He wiped it clean. There’s not a damn thing on it. I’d bet he figured we were onto him.”

Joe was kneeling at the hearth. “Something was burned here recently. There are still embers glowing.” He reached in and poked the embers. “Probably the paper trail.” He picked up a slender piece of paper that had been untouched by the flames. “A map?”

“That’s my bet,” Venable said grimly. “And I’d guess one similar to one I have on my wall. Only with a hell of a lot more information.”

“This was all done within the past few hours,” Joe said. “He was literally burning his bridges.” He glanced at the computer. “Can you get the information back?”

“Yes, there’s no such thing as a total wipeout if you have the right equipment for retrieval. It will just take time.”

“How much time?”

“How the hell do I know?” He turned to the agent who was bundling up the computer. “How long, Ted?”

“Twenty-four hours maybe.”

“Too long.”

Joe agreed. Every word that Rakovac had spoken to Catherine indicated that they had entered the final stage of planning. “Get to work.” He turned to Venable. “He wouldn’t have destroyed everything until the actual go-ahead on the attack.”

“Don’t say that.”

“No, I mean he has to have a small computer, a file, a thumb drive on him. Something that’s portable for him to use or turn over to Dabala.”

“If he hasn’t sent him the file already.” Venable shook his head. “And I don’t think he has. He’s still working at completing his revenge on Catherine. He wouldn’t turn loose the wolves until he was on his way to a safe little haven to wait out all the turmoil till it blows over.”

“Optimistic view. This attack will never blow over.”

“They said that about the Nazi war criminals. They may still be hunted, but many of them had wonderfully comfortable lives until they were caught. Some of them have never been caught.” He was frowning. “So I’ll bet he’s going to keep his charts and records to himself until he boards a plane.”

“Why are we standing here trying to decide what he will or won’t do?” Joe said impatiently. “We have to find the bastard.” He started going through the desk. Scribbled notes, photos…He pulled out a framed photo of Catherine Ling. “This is a desk photo. I don’t like the idea that he put it away in a drawer. Very final.” He put the photo aside and checked a few of the notes. Nothing that he could make sense of. He took out the pile of photos. “It seems Rakovac likes to document his vices. I remember he said something about the miracle of photography when he e-mailed the picture of the skeleton.”

Women. Adolescent girls. Even a photo of a much younger Natalie. All involved in S and M acts that were graphic and hard to stare at for more than a moment. No young boys who could be Luke. He went through the pile again. No Luke.

Of course, he wouldn’t want to risk anyone finding a photo of a boy he was keeping captive. But judging by the other photos he kept close to him, Joe couldn’t believe that he wouldn’t have a picture of the boy whose capture had been the supreme evidence of his triumph over Catherine.

Where would it…

He suddenly threw the photos down and picked up Catherine’s picture again.

“What are you looking for?” Venable said.

“This one is framed. He had to have kept it on his desk where he could look at it.” He was unscrewing the leather back of the frame. “What better place to keep a photo of her son? He’d enjoy the thought of keeping the picture close to her heart when she could never be near him and-” He stopped as he saw the five-by-seven photo turned facedown. He didn’t want to turn it over. Not after seeing the other photos in that pile.

He flipped it over. Nothing obscene, he realized with relief. Just the photo of a nine-or ten-year-old boy in front of a large stone house. The boy was thin, dressed in worn gray pants and a black shirt. His hair was long and as dark as his shirt. A handsome boy, his slightly tilted dark eyes and high cheekbones definitely resembling Catherine’s.

Venable gave a low whistle. “My God, that’s Luke? He looks like he’s ready to attack everyone and everything.”

Joe had been so involved with checking out the resemblance to Catherine that he had not noticed the boy’s expression. Venable was right: The boy’s dark eyes seemed to burn, glaring out of the photo in defiance, his lips slightly parted, his white teeth bared.

“Well, I don’t think Rakovac managed to break him,” Joe said dryly. “Not if this is any indication.”

“Maybe he didn’t want to break him,” Venable said. “Maybe he wanted to turn her baby boy into a demon not even a mother could love. This kid is nothing like that picture Catherine has been carrying around with her.”

“Then she’ll have to deal with Luke after we find him.” He handed the photo to Venable. “We managed to find that skeleton after having experts go over the photo with a fine-tooth comb. This photo has more to work with than that grave. A large two-story house, stone, with turrets that look Victorian. And there’s a lake or body of water in the background. Get your people to work on it and find that place.” He reached for his phone and dialed Eve again. No answer. He turned on his heel. “Soon.”

“Where are you going?”

“The farmhouse.”

Venable followed him. “I sent Billings to check it out.”

“I know you did. Why haven’t you heard back from him?”

“It would take time to get from downtown Moscow to-”

But Joe was already gone.

Venable hurried after him.

Savrin house was a huge stone structure that appeared to be part two-story, part split-level due to the fact that it was balanced on the side of a craggy hill. Its Victorian turrets seemed more in keeping with English architecture than Russian. The peculiar structure towered over a clear blue lake that seemed to stretch endlessly into the horizon.

“Impressive, isn’t it?” Russo asked as he pulled into the driveway. “It once belonged to Nikolai Savrin, a rich manufacturer who married an Englishwoman from London and brought her here. He built the house for her, and they lived here for forty years. Now, isn’t that romantic? Czadas had an English mother who was killed in a massacre during the wars. When Rakovac decided to buy a house for him and Luke, Czadas insisted that he wanted this one.” He shrugged. “Crazy. Who would guess Czadas would be sentimental about anything? But then Czadas isn’t the most stable person. It’s a wonder Rakovac has been able to control him all these years.” He added mockingly, “At any rate, Luke is lucky to be able to live in such a fine place. I’m sure he’d be devastated to have to leave it.”

It was impressive, Eve thought, but not in a good way. The terrain was all wild grasses and rocky ground. The house appeared very old, the windows long and narrow, the stones crumbling. “You say Mikhal Czadas still lives here?”

“Yes, when he’s not moving around the countryside causing havoc. He has the same violent nature as Rakovac.” He got out of the car. “Only Rakovac has managed to channel it to his benefit. Mikhal doesn’t have his adaptability. He still occasionally raids the villages here in Russia that were settled by the Republic of Georgia’s archenemies, the Ossetians. He’ll be a revolutionary until the day he dies.” He chuckled. “Which may be soon. He’s only survived this long because of the steady flow of bribes Rakovac has been tossing to the local police to keep them from focusing their attention on him.”

“Why?” Kelly was gazing up at the house. “Because of Luke?”

“Yes, it was all about the boy,” Russo said. “So much expense and foolishness all to keep the boy away from his mother. I was very impatient with Rakovac. It interfered with business.”

“What a pity,” Eve said sarcastically. “It’s even more of a pity that you didn’t convince Rakovac to give that poor child back to his mother.”

“Poor child?” Russo’s brows lifted. “Little tiger, according to Rakovac. Come along; you need to meet him. Rakovac wants you all to be together. I’ll have to ask Mikhal where-” He broke off as a big, bearded man came out of the house. “Mikhal, I’ve brought our guests. Eve Duncan and a young playmate for Luke. Kelly Winters I believe is her name. Where is Luke?”

“Rakovac called and told me to put him up in the cell. He’s bringing Catherine Ling tonight.” Mikhal frowned. “I don’t see why we need to bother with these people. I’m willing to do Rakovac favors, but this may be too much.”

“I wouldn’t say that to him.” Russo pushed Eve forward. “Go along with him. I’m sure you’re eager to meet Luke and see if your age progression was true to him.”

“Rakovac hasn’t said that he’d continue with our arrangements after the boy is gone.” Mikhal was still scowling. “Has he told you anything?”

“I wouldn’t count on it. Though I could be wrong.” He turned toward the car. “I’d discuss it in depth with you, but I’m on my way to St. Petersburg to board a flight. My part of this is over. Rakovac said he wouldn’t need me again after I brought you the women.”

“That’s what he told me too.” Mikhal reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out an automatic. “He’s done with you.” He shot Russo in the head.

Kelly made a whimpering sound as she instinctively moved closer to Eve.

“It’s okay, Kelly.” Eve’s arm slid around her waist. It wasn’t okay, but she didn’t know what else to say. She was as shocked as Kelly. Russo might have been as evil as Rakovac, but she hadn’t been expecting his murder. If Eve was this stunned, she could imagine what the young girl was feeling. “No, it’s bad, but we have to hang in there.”

Kelly nodded jerkily.

Mikhal had turned toward them and was gesturing with the weapon. “Come. I’ll have one of my men take care of that garbage. Luke is waiting.”

That sentence sounded faintly ominous, Eve thought. “Where are you taking us?”

“To the cell.” He was urging them up the staircase. “Luke’s second home. Actually, it’s not really a cell. Savrin House had none of those convenient advantages. It’s just a bedroom that we converted for that purpose. Rakovac insisted he be isolated on occasion as punishment. Sometimes I think Luke likes it better than his room. He certainly makes me lock him up there enough.”

“A cell?” Eve said distastefully. “A child in a cell?”

“But this child is like no other. Rakovac made sure of that.” Mikhal laughed. “And I admit I helped enormously.” His smile faded. “Though now it seems I’m to receive no gratitude for past favors.” He glanced over his shoulder at the front door. “Not even for ridding him of that carrion. Though I might have done it anyway. Whenever he came here with Rakovac, I could see he thought himself above us.” He stopped before a thick wood door and took a key out of his pocket. “Oh, I almost forgot.” He took out a camera phone and snapped a picture. “Rakovac is very fond of photos. Come. I have no more time for you.” He unlocked the door, untied their wrists, and pushed them both over the threshold into the half darkness. “Luke,” he called. “You have visitors. Treat them well. They may be your last.” He slammed the door shut behind them, and Eve heard the key turn in the lock.

No sound from the dimness of the room.

Eve waited an instant for her eyes to become accustomed to the lack of light before she looked around the small room. A small table with two metal kitchen chairs, an old leather chest pushed against the wall, wood floors. Late-afternoon sunlight trickled through the bars of the one high window directly across from them.

But the room was empty.

No, there was a small, dark shape huddled in the corner.


Eve hesitated. Dear God, was the child hurt?

Or dead.

“Are you Luke?” Kelly had brushed past her and had fallen to her knees beside the boy. “I’m Kelly. Are you okay? Do you speak English?”

The boy didn’t reply.

“Answer me,” Kelly said shakily. “This is terrible enough without you-”

“I speak English.” The boy sat up straighter against the wall. His words had the slightest trace of a Russian accent. “And I don’t have to talk to you if I don’t want to do it. I don’t know you.”

“How do you speak English?” Kelly asked curiously. “You were only two when-”

“Kelly, it’s not uncommon for children to learn their birth language by age two and retain it afterward,” Eve said. “And Russo said Czadas had an attachment to everything English. He probably didn’t try to erase that part of Luke’s former life. Now stop questioning him. We need to tell him who we are and why we’re here.” She came over and stood in the stream of light so that he could clearly see her. “I’m Eve Duncan, and this is Kelly Winters. Your mother has been searching for you, and we came with her to find you.”

He didn’t speak.

Well, what had she been expecting? She had no idea what he thought about Catherine. The memory of her might have been so faint as to be almost non ex is tent. “She loves you very much, Luke. She’s going to try to come here and get you even though it may be very dangerous.”

No reply.

“We have to find a way to get you out of here. Then there would be no reason for her to run that risk. Will you do as I say if I can figure a way to-”

“I won’t do as you say,” He leaned suddenly forward into the stream of light. Eve smothered a gasp. Luke, the Luke of her age progressions, but so much more…and less. The same beautiful bone structure as his mother’s, olive skin, and wide-set dark eyes. But his face was thinner, harder, and his eyes were glittering with defiance and knowledge far beyond his years. He was probably the most beautiful boy Eve had ever seen, but the joyousness that had touched her heart in that photo was no longer there.

“Is this some trick?” Luke asked. “Why would he let you come here to me? Why should I trust you? Why should I trust her? All my life they’ve been telling me what a whore and a beast she is. Sometimes I believe them. Why should I-”

“Shut up!” Kelly was kneeling facing him, her eyes blazing into his. “You don’t talk about Catherine like that. I guess I’m supposed to feel sorry for you, but I don’t. Everyone is trying to help you. So be quiet and let us do it. Catherine loves you and deserves better. Don’t you call her names.”

Darkness and light. The two beautiful young people were kneeling facing each other, and Eve found herself mesmerized by the sight of them. Kelly, so fair-haired and fragile appearing, Luke dark and hard as a diamond. Both glaring at each other, caught in a storm of emotion.

Then Luke’s expression changed, anger ebbing, replaced with curiosity. “You like her.”

“Of course I like her. She saved my life. And she wants to save yours. Don’t you realize that these people will kill you? Did they brainwash you or something? You’re in a cell, for goodness’ sake. Are you stupid?”

“I’m not stupid,” Luke said fiercely. “And I don’t know anything about this brainwashing, but I think that’s an insult, too. Do it again, and I’ll knock you into that wall.”

“You and who-”

“Kelly.” Eve stepped forward. “Catherine wouldn’t want you to defend her in this way.”

“No, she wouldn’t defend herself at all. She’d feel sorry for him and think she’s to blame for what that monster Rakovac and Mikhal Czadas did to him.” Her voice was shaking. “She’s not to blame. They hurt her as much as they did you. And now she’s going to let him bring her here, and he’ll try to kill her because of you. Now you tell us how to stop it.”

“Kelly, what are you asking?” Eve said. “He’s a kid and a prisoner just as we are. There’s no way you can expect him to-”

“Yes, I can,” Kelly interrupted. “It’s a part of his pattern. He survives. Do you think he would have lasted this long if he didn’t have that drive? I’ve been thinking about him since we began to get hints from Rakovac that he was still alive. He’s Catherine’s son, and that would count a lot toward making him like her. He’d have her strength and endurance. And he learns from his mistakes. Two years ago, he knew enough about this place to help Natalie escape. And he was smart enough to know that he couldn’t go with her unless he had enough money to keep himself hidden from them. Luke thinks and waits and takes whatever is done to him.” She looked him in the eye. “But you don’t give up, do you? You never give up.”

He didn’t answer.

“Did they punish you for helping Natalie?”




“But then you waited and started planning again.”


Kelly looked at Eve. “So don’t tell me about this poor defenseless kid. His pattern is as strong as Catherine’s. If he wants to do it, he can help us.”

“Could you help us get out of here?” Eve asked Luke.

He nodded.

“Will you? Do you want to do it?”

He gazed at her without answering. Then he said slowly, “I don’t know. You come in here and tell me things that are confusing me. I don’t like to be confused. I don’t know if I can trust you.”

“And I don’t know how to make you trust us,” Eve said. “But it’s important that you do. Can’t you see that you have to trust someone?”


Of course he didn’t, Eve thought. He hadn’t been able to trust anyone but himself for his entire life after he’d been taken from Catherine.

“We can help each other,” Kelly said. “We’re not like Natalie. You felt sorry for her. You don’t have to feel sorry for us.”

“I didn’t feel sorry for her. They were just hurting her, and she was like me. I couldn’t leave yet, but I could take her away from them.” His lips thinned. “I want to take everything away from them.”

“Good. I wouldn’t mind being taken away from them,” Kelly said dryly. “Can we start with that thought?”

“Why? You’re not like me, and I don’t feel sorry for you.” He leaned back against the wall and was once again lost in the dimness. “But I may need to use you to help me get away. I was able to steal some money from Mikhal, but I don’t think it’s enough. I don’t know much about what things cost. But I don’t think I can wait any longer. I think he’s coming to the end.”


“Rakovac will kill me,” Luke said simply. “He’s always told me that it was coming. I just never knew when.”

Eve shivered as she thought of a child living forever under that constant chilling threat. Kelly must be right. Luke was indeed a survivor. “Then if you think that we can help you, by all means use us.”

“If I can trust you.”

“Well, you can’t fool around trying to decide,” Kelly said impatiently. “Make up your mind.”

“What can we do to help, Luke?” Eve said. “She’s right, we don’t know how much time we have. Rakovac may be on the way. What do you need from us?”

Silence. “You’re…strangers,” Luke said. “I don’t really know who you are or where you came from. I don’t know you.”

“Then we’ll tell you anything you want to know.” Eve leaned back against the wall. “But it goes both ways. There are things we want to know about you, too. Will you answer questions?”


“That’s not fair, Luke,” Kelly said.

“Maybe,” he repeated. “Take it or leave it.”

Kelly settled back on her heels. “You’re going to learn that you can’t get away with that kind of-” She stopped. “Go ahead. Ask your questions.”

Luke hesitated, obviously thinking about it.

Let Kelly handle it, Eve thought. She was neither diplomatic nor particularly sympathetic. It was Catherine to whom she gave her sympathy and loyalty. But she was young and smart, and Eve could see that she was reaching Luke on his level.

“Well, what do you want to know?” Kelly demanded. “Anything.”

“Stop pushing me.” He thought again. “One thing. That word…What is…brainwashing?”

The first thing that Joe saw when he arrived at the farmhouse was the blood.

A huge smear of red on the stones in front of the doorstep.

Fresh blood.



He drew his gun, jumped out of the car, and moved to the left of the door that had been left a little ajar.

He kicked it open and dove into the room and to one side of the door.

No shots.



His heart was beating hard, fast. God, he was scared.


No answer from the darkness.

There was something liquid and sticky running against his wrist that was braced against the floor.



He had to know. He carefully reached up to the light switch on the wall beside the door. He hit it, then rolled sidewise behind the couch.

No shots.

The room was empty.

Except for the woman huddled beside the front door, covered in blood.

He was kneeling beside her in an instant.

Not Eve. Natalie.

And a few feet away, the body of Kelsov.

That didn’t mean that there weren’t more bodies in the bedrooms. Eve and Kelly Winters were still not accounted for.

He was on his feet and moving.

“Quinn,” Venable was behind him in the doorway. “Don’t go-”

He ignored him.

No bodies in either bedroom.

Nor in the bathroom.

“What the hell happened here?” Venable asked.

“How do I know?” Joe was looking around the room. “No sign of a struggle here. Natalie and Kelsov were killed outside and dragged into the house. Where’s your agent who was supposed to have been here?”

“He’s not answering his phone.” Venable paused. “We haven’t found him yet.”

Not a good sign.

Dammit, he should have been here. “I should never have left her alone.”

“She wasn’t alone. You thought she was safe.”


“She might be okay, Quinn.”

“And she might not.” Get a grip. Stop being negative. Think. He went back into the bedroom. Eve’s suitcase and belongings were still in the room.

Including her gun.

He didn’t recognize any of Kelly Winters’s belongings, but her duffel was still here.

Joe ran out to the barn.

No one there either.

Venable lifted his brows inquiringly as Joe came back into the living room.

“If they left here, it was in the clothes they were wearing. They took nothing with them.” His gaze raked the room. “Kelly didn’t even take her computer. It’s still there on the kitchen table.”

“Then maybe we’d better go and talk to the neighbors and see if they’ve seen anyone-”

The computer.

He strode over to the table and opened the program Kelly had been working on. Rakovac’s surveillance report. Catherine’s phone calls from Rakovac.


Dates. Names. Notations. Nothing that he could figure out.

A yellow note pad was beneath the computer.

Kelly’s scribbling all over the top sheet. A graph with Catherine’s name on the top of each peak and below it another name.


He tensed. “Holy shit.”

Venable was at his side. “You found something?”

“Yes, and I think Kelly found something.” His index finger ran over the graph, outlining the peaks. “Dates. Catherine’s name. Other names. Then city names.” He punched his finger down. “Then this at the end of the graph.”

Czadas. Yes!

Joe tore off the sheet of paper and thrust it at Venable.

“Czadas. What do you know about him?”

Venable’s brow furrowed as he tried to remember. “Georgian revolutionary. Been on the scene for years. Takes every opportunity to strike out at the Ossetians and Russia. Nasty character, but not important enough to deserve special attention.”

“He might have been important enough to deserve Catherine’s attention. See how fast you can find out more about him. Where does he live?”

“I don’t remember.”

Joe remembered the name scribbled on top of the graph. “Sergriev?”


“Find out.” He headed for the door. “Get us a helicopter. I want to be there in a hurry.”

“You think Eve was taken there?”

“I hope she was,” Joe said. “It’s the only logical answer. I’d like to think that she went there on her own, but that would be too good to be true. Kelly thought she’d found out where Luke was being kept. Rakovac threatened Eve several times on the calls to Catherine. If he was going to put an end to his cat-and-mouse game, then he might want to include Eve on his agenda.” It was all supposition, but it was all he had, and the alternative was making him panic.

He got into the car. “Just find out where Czadas lives.” He had a sudden memory of the photo of Luke in Rakovac’s study. “And if the place is on a lake.”

St. Basil’s Cathedral was just ahead.

Catherine’s hands tightened on the wheel of the rental car as she saw the splendid onion-shaped towers of the cathedral come into view.

Rakovac could be there. If not, then one of his men who would take her to him. Take her to Luke.

After all the years of torture and waiting, it was going to happen.

Was she ready? There was no doubt that she would be searched thoroughly. Would they find it?

Stop having second thoughts. She had made both her decision and her plans over a year ago. If it didn’t work, if Luke died, then she’d have to make another decision, and that would be easier.

She drew close to the curb a half block from the cathedral.

Get out. Let them see you.

She stood by the car for only a few minutes before she got the call.

“Right on time,” Rakovac said.

“Where are you?”

“Not anywhere near you. Get back in your car. In a few minutes a black Volkswagen will come around the corner driven by a black man wearing a blue muffler. Follow him. As soon as we determine that you’re not being followed, he’ll bring you to me.”

“I’m not being followed. I wouldn’t take that chance.”

“I hope that’s true, because the situation has changed. You have much more to lose now.” He hung up.

She was frowning as she got back into the car. How could she have more to lose than her son? Bluff? She didn’t know, but her tension was increasing by the second as the Volkswagen came around the corner.

Twenty minutes later Rakovac called once again. “Very good. You haven’t wasted our time. That would have been regrettable.”

“I’ve been driving in and out of every street in this city. When are you going to surface?”

“You sound a bit upset. Nerves, Catherine?”

“Where are you?”

“You’re being led to me right now. I’ve decided that you should leave your car and let me take you to Luke.”

“No, I told you that I wouldn’t do that. I’ll follow you.”

“Your desperate bid to have a little control of your destiny? I don’t want you to have any control, Catherine. I want you totally subservient to my every whim.”

“Screw you.”

“You have no choice. I’m tired of being indulgent with you.” His voice hardened. “I’m sending you a photo that may interest you. I’ll call you back after you have time to access it.”

Luke? She had a chilling memory of the last photo of the skeleton he had sent to her. Had he done something to Luke?

She accessed the photo.


Kelly and Eve, hands tied, standing in front of a huge oak door.


It couldn’t be worse.

Calm down. Yes, it could. Rakovac had taken them prisoner, not killed them.


Her phone rang.

“Why?” she asked Rakovac when she picked up. “They have nothing to do with what’s between us.”

“They annoyed me. I told you that anyone who helped you wouldn’t be safe,” Rakovac said. “And I knew Eve Duncan would want to compare her likeness of Luke to the real thing. Wasn’t it kind of me to give her the opportunity?”

“Let them go.”

“Too late. But you can stretch out their lives for a little while longer if you do as I say. I’m parked on the edge of the road about two miles from where you are. You’ll stop, abandon your car, and get in the passenger seat of mine. If you show any resistance, I’ll give the order to kill one of your friends. The young girl, I think. She’s of lesser importance. If you continue, Eve Duncan will take her turn. Isn’t it better to relinquish control to me and let them have a few more precious hours of life?”


“One minute, Catherine. Then I’ll hang up and give the order to kill the girl.”

He would do it. Nothing would please him more than to put her through that hell.

She would have to give in. The slim chance she’d had of getting Luke and her out of this situation alive had just become even slimmer. The fragile scenario she’d concocted was becoming dangerously complicated.

Dangerous? No matter which way she turned, it could be lethal. This was just one more obstacle to overcome.


“You win,” she said through set teeth. “Don’t hurt them.”

“I’ll always win. You had one victory, and the rest of the prizes were mine. I’ll be standing beside my car waiting for you. You do remember what I look like?”


“How could I forget?” She could see the car on the side of the road.

Rakovac was standing by the passenger door. His thick black hair was blowing in the breeze, and the expression on his heavy, flushed face was eager, hungry.

Well, she was hungry, too.

She pulled over behind his car and got out of the driver’s seat.

“Beautiful,” he murmured. “I’d forgotten how exquisite you are, Catherine. I had a photo of you back in my office, but the reality far surpasses it.” He held out his hand. “Come here, I want to touch you. Do you know how often I’ve thought about you in all kinds of positions and ways?”

She was standing next to him now. “I imagine the most frequent was of me dead.”

“That was one of my favorites.” His fingers delicately brushed her forearm. “But there were others…more sexual.”

She forced herself to stand stiff and unmoving beneath his touch. She felt sick. She wanted to reach out and strangle him, break his bones, spit in his face.

Not the time. Take it. Endure.

“You hate this, don’t you?” he said softly. “And I’m not even hurting you yet. Do you know how exciting I find it to hurt a woman with sex? It’s male domination brought to the highest peak. With you, it will be the ultimate pleasure.”

“Take me to see my son.”

“Oh, I will. That will all be a part of it.” He stepped back and opened the passenger door for her. “Step into my world, Catherine. I guarantee it’s going to be an experience you never forget.”

His hand was still on her elbow as she bent to get into the car. “Let me go.”

“I will. Just one more thing…”

Then she saw the tiny hypodermic needle emerge from the palm of his hand on her arm and plunge deep.


Swirling heat.

