Chapter 17

Franco tipped his head back, allowing the fifty-year-old scotch to burn his throat. He gazed out the wall of windows in his office set into the cliffs of Baffin Island. The sea, cold and merciless, stared back. Calm, inscrutable but teeming with life he could only imagine. Life outside the walls.

Soon he’d lead his people to a destiny beyond their imaginations.

“Nunavut sucks,” said a churlish voice from the doorway. “I’m not meant for Canada.”

No. The boy was made for greatness. Franco inclined his head, inviting his nephew into the room. “Isolation suits me.”

Kalin stalked inside and dropped into a chair on the other side of the marble desk. “Not me.”

“No. Perhaps not.” Franco settled into his leather chair and took another sip of scotch. His nephew had tied back his black hair, away from his not so pasty face. He’d find it easier than anyone in their race to pass for human—with makeup, and contacts to cover those purplish green eyes.

“I need to get the hell out of here.”

Puberty did suck, if Franco remembered right. “The helicopter and planes are at your disposal.”

Surprise flashed through Kalin’s bizarre eyes. “They are?”

God. Who had green in their eyes, anyway? “Sure.” Reaching for a gold coaster, Franco set the crystal down. “I understand your need to hunt. Please keep in mind I like it here, so I ask you to find women elsewhere. Take a weekend in Vegas, one in Omaha, and so on.”

Kalin raised an eyebrow. “You don’t mind?”

“Couldn’t care less.” So long as dead human females didn’t pile up outside his door, of course. “Though you know this is a phase, right? The need to kill does abate.” Well, maybe not abate. But it became honed, focused. Only truly worthy prey caught Franco’s attention these days.

Kalin nodded. “Yes. Sometimes I’m already bored with the game. But then I think of the Kayrs family and the fun to come ...” Sharp green dominated the purple through his eyes.

“The Kayrs and their prophesized child.” Franco tapped long sharp nails on the desk. “I had looked forward to her aunt visiting. Before I killed her, of course.”

“Of course.” Kalin cocked his head to the side. “You have another long-term mate in mind, Uncle?”

“Yes.” For years he’d dreamed about hair the color of sunshine and eyes the color of the darkest night. “Someday the prophet Lily will be mine.” She’d bear him many fine sons.

Kalin threw back his head and laughed, the rumbling sound echoing off granite walls. “A Realm prophet as a Kurjan mate? Delicious.”

Delicious—as was the moment when he’d slashed a knife through the throat of Lily’s husband. The first Prophet Sotheby. The worthless spiritual leader had actually looked shocked when death arrived. As if prophets couldn’t die.

“So if I visit Ohio, shall I stop in on Uncle Erik?” Kalin’s eyes focused and his upper lip twisted.

Little prick. “Of course. My brother is the finest scientist alive today.” As well as the absolute worst soldier. “Give him my regards.”

Interest sizzled through Kalin’s eyes and he sat forward. “Erik’s coming along on the virus, isn’t he? I mean, we’re that much closer to creating a werewolf slave class?”

Franco nodded. “Yes. He’s still fine-tuning it, but I have complete confidence in his results. We already know the bug works on mates. Perfectly.” His groin hardened as he thought of Lily. So fair. So defenseless. No longer mated.

“Excellent. How did the raid this afternoon go?”

“As planned.” Thunder rumbled outside and Franco glanced toward the churning sea. “The king rescued Prophet Milner.”

“Did Kayrs find the locating bug?” Kalin let loose with a grin.

Franco sighed. “Yes. All three of them, in fact.” Lightning lit the sky over the ocean. “It was a long shot, to be sure.”

“I told you so.” Kalin sat back and crossed his arms. “We still have Prophet Guiles, right?”

“Of course.” Well hidden, too. The Realm wouldn’t find him. “Anything else?” He had a conference call and he held his contact within the Kayrs organization to himself.

Kalin shook his head and stood. “No. I’ll take the plane tonight.”

“Good.” Franco grabbed his drink and took a healthy swallow. “Kalin? Stay away from the Kayrs family. We’re not ready to take them yet. Your father will be avenged.”

Sharp canines flashed in the parody of a smile. “No worries. I plan to avenge my father on my own time.” He paused, gazing at the battle waging through the ocean. “Though Janie Belle has a new protector I’d like to hunt.”

“Vampire?” Franco appreciated the boy’s ventures into the dream world, even if they hadn’t figured out how to use the ability to their advantage yet.

Kalin shrugged. “Maybe. I can’t get a handle on him yet.” He strode toward the door. “But I have a feeling killing him will be one of the greatest moments of my life.”
