Thanks to Don Aldridge, Lt. General, USAF (ret.), former vice commander of the Strategic Air Command, for his help and insights on the inner workings of an Air Force promotion board, and to author and former B-52 radar nav Jim Clonts for his help on living and working on Diego Garcia.

Special thanks to my friends Larry and Maryanne Ingemanson for their generosity.

March 1991

The alarm goes off at 6 A.M., the clock radio set to a soothing easy-listening music station. Air Force Colonel Norman Weir dresses in a new Nike warm-up suit and runs a couple of miles through the base, returns to his room, then listens to the news on the radio while he shaves, showers, and dresses in a fresh uniform. He walks to the Officers’ Club four blocks away and has breakfast — eggs, sausage, wheat toast, orange juice, and coffee — while he reads the morning paper. Ever since his divorce three years earlier, Norman starts every workday exactly the same way.

* * *

Air Force Major Patrick S. McLanahan’s wake-up call was the clatter of the SATCOM satellite communications transceiver’s printer chugging to life as it spit out a long stream of messages onto a strip of thermal printer paper, like a grocery-store checkout receipt gone haywire. He was sitting at the navigator-bombardier’s station with his head down on the console, taking a catnap. After ten years flying long-range bombers, Patrick had developed the ability to ignore the demands of his body for the sake of the mission: to stay awake for very long periods of time; sit for long hours without relief; and fall asleep quickly and deeply enough to feel rested, even if the nap only lasted a few minutes. It was part of the survival techniques most combat aircrew members developed in the face of operational necessity.

As the printer spewed instructions, Patrick had his breakfast — a cup of protein milk shake from a stainless-steel Thermos bottle and a couple pieces of leathery beef jerky. All his meals on this long overwater flight were high-protein and low residue — no sandwiches, no veggies, and no fruit. The reason was simple: no matter how high-tech his bomber was, the toilet was still the toilet. Using it meant unfastening all his survival gear, dropping his flight suit, and sitting downstairs nearly naked in a dark, cold, noisy, smelly, drafty compartment. He would rather eat bland food and risk constipation than suffer through the indignity. He felt thankful that he served in a weapon system that allowed its crew members to use a toilet — all of his fighter brethren had to use “piddle packs,” wear adult diapers — or just hold it. That was the ultimate indignity.

When the printer finally stopped, he tore off the message strip and read it over. It was a status report request — the second one in the last hour. Patrick composed, encoded, and transmitted a new reply message, then decided he’d better talk to the aircraft commander about all these requests. He safetied his ejection seat, unstrapped, and got to his feet for the first time in what felt like days.

His partner, defensive systems officer Wendy Tork, Ph.D. was sound asleep in the right seat. She had her arms tucked inside her shoulder straps so she wouldn’t accidentally trigger her ejection handles — there had been many cases of sleeping crew members dreaming about a crash and punching themselves out of a perfectly good aircraft — her flying gloves on, her dark helmet visor down, and her oxygen mask on in case they had an emergency and she had to eject with short notice. She had her summerweight flight jacket on over her flight suit, with the flotation-device harness on over that, the bulges of the inflatable pouches under her armpits making her arms rise and fall with each deep sleepy breath.

Patrick scanned Wendy’s defensive-systems console before moving forward — but he had to force himself to admit that he paused there to look at Wendy, not the instruments. There was something about her that intrigued him — and then he stopped himself again. Face it, Muck, Patrick told himself: You’re not intrigued — you’re hot for her. Underneath that baggy flight suit and survival gear is a nice, tight, luscious body, and it feels weird, naughty, almost wrong to be thinking about stuff like this while slicing along forty-one thousand feet across the Gulf of Oman in a high-tech warbird. Weird, but exciting.

At that moment, Wendy raised the helmet’s dark visor, dropped her oxygen mask, and smiled at him. Damn, Patrick thought as he quickly turned his attention to the defensive-systems console, those eyes could melt titanium.

“Hi,” she said. Even though she had to raise her voice to talk cross-cockpit, it was still a friendly, pleasant, disarming sound. Wendy Tork, Ph.D., was one of the world’s most renowned experts in electromagnetic engineering and systems development, a pioneer in the use of computers to analyze energy waves and execute a particular response. They had been working together for nearly two years at their home base, the High Technology Aerospace Weapons Center (HAWC) at Groom Lake Air Station, Nevada, known as Dreamland.

“Hi,” he said back. “I was just … checking your systems. We’re going over the Bandar Abbass horizon in a few minutes, and I wanted to see if you were picking up anything.”

“The system would’ve alerted me if it detected any signals within fifteen percent of detection threshold,” Wendy pointed out. She spoke in her usual hypertechnical voice, female but not feminine, the way she usually did. It allowed Patrick to relax and stop thinking thoughts that were so out of place to be thinking in a warplane. Then, she leaned forward in her seat, closer to him, and asked, “You were looking at me, weren’t you?”

The sudden change in her voice made his heart skip a beat and his mouth grow dry as arctic air. “You’re nutty,” he heard himself blurt out. Boy, did that sound nutty!

“I saw you though the visor, Major Hot Shot,” she said. “I could see you looking at me.” She sat back, still looking at him. “Why were you looking at me?”

“Wendy, I wasn’t …”

“Are you sure you weren’t?”

“I … I wasn’t …” What is going on? Patrick thought. Why am I so damned tongue-tied? I feel like a school kid who just got caught drawing pictures of the girl he had a crush on in his notebook.

Well, he did have a crush on her. They’d first met about three years ago when they were both recruited for the team that was developing the Megafortress flying battleship. They had a brief, intense sexual encounter, but events, circumstances, duties, and responsibilities always prevented anything more from happening. This was the last place and time he would’ve guessed their relationship might take a new, exciting step forward.

“It’s all right, Major,” Wendy said. She wouldn’t take her eyes off him, and he felt as if he wanted to duck back behind the weapons bay bulkhead and stay there until they landed. “You’re allowed.”

Patrick found himself able to breathe again. He relaxed, trying to look cool and casual even though he could feel sweat oozing from every pore. He held up the SATCOM printer tape. “I’ve got … we’ve got a message … orders … instructions,” he stammered, and she smiled both to chide him and to enjoy him at the same time. “From Eighth Air Force. I was going to talk to the general, then everybody else. On interphone. Before we go over the horizon. The Iranian horizon.”

“You do that, Major,” Wendy said, a laugh in her eyes. Patrick nodded, glad that was over with, and started to head for the cockpit. She stopped him with, “Oh, Major?”

Patrick turned back to her. “Yes, Doctor?”

“You never told me.”

“Told you what?”

“Do all my systems look OK to you?”

Thank God she smiled after that, Patrick thought — maybe she doesn’t think I’m some sort of pervert. Regaining a bit of his lost composure, but still afraid to let his eyes roam over her “systems,” he replied, “They look great to me, Doc.”

“Good,” she said. “Thank you.” She smiled a bit more warmly, let her eyes look him up and down, and added, “I’ll be sure to keep an eye on your systems too.”

Patrick never felt more relieved, and yet more naked, as he bent to crawl through that connecting tunnel and make his way to the cockpit. But just before he announced he was moving forward and unplugged his intercom cord, he heard the slow-paced electronic “DEEDLE … DEEDLE … DEEDLE …” warning tone of the ship’s threat-detection system. They had just been highlighted by enemy radar.

Patrick virtually flew back into his ejection seat, strapped in, and unsafed his ejection seat. He was in the aft crew compartment of an EB-52C Megafortress bomber, the next generation of “flying battleships” Patrick’s classified research unit was hoping to produce for the Air Force. It was once a “stock” B-52H Stratofortress bomber, the workhorse of America’s long-range heavy-bombardment fleet, built for long range and heavy nuclear and nonnuclear payloads. The original B-52 was designed in the 1950s; the last rolled off the assembly line twenty years ago. But this plane was different. The original airframe had been rebuilt from the ground up with state-of-the-art technology not just to modernize it, but to make it the most advanced warplane … that no one had ever heard of.

“Wendy?” he radioed on interphone. “What do we got?”

“This is weird,” Wendy responded. “I’ve got a variable PRF X-band target out there. Switching between antiship and antiaircraft search profiles. Estimated range … damn, range thirty-five miles, twelve o’clock. He’s right on top of us. Well within radar-guided missile range.”

“Any idea what it is?”

“Could be an AWACS plane,” Wendy replied. “He looks like he’s scanning both surface and air targets. No fast PRFs — just scanning. Faster than an APY scan, like on an E-2 Hawkeye or E-3 Sentry, but same profile.”

“An Iranian AWACS?” Patrick asked. The EB-52 Megafortress was flying in international airspace over the Gulf of Oman, just west of the Iranian coastline and just south of the Strait of Hormuz, outside the Persian Gulf. The director of the High Technology Aerospace Weapons Center, Lieutenant General Brad Elliott, had ordered three of his experimental Megafortress bombers to start patrolling the skies near the Persian Gulf to provide a secret, stealthy punch in case one of the supposedly neutral countries in the region decided to jump into the conflict raging between the Coalition forces and the Republic of Iraq.

“Could be a ‘Mainstay’ or ‘Candid,’” Patrick offered. “One of the aircraft Iraq supposedly surrendered to Iran was an Ilyushin-76MD airborne early-warning aircraft. Maybe the Iranians are trying out their new toy. Can he see us?”

“I think he can,” Wendy said. “He’s not locking on to us, just scanning around — but he’s close, and we’re approaching detection threshold.” The B-52 Stratofortress was not designed or ever considered a “stealth” aircraft, but the EB-52 Megafortress was much different. It retained most of the new antiradar technology it had been fitted with as an experimental test-bed aircraft — nonmetallic “fibersteel” skin, stronger and lighter than steel but nonradar-reflective; swept-back control surfaces instead of straight edges; no external antennas; radar-absorbent material used in the engine inlets and windows; and a unique radar-absorbing energy system that retransmitted radar energy along the airframe and discharged it back along the wing trailing edges, reducing the amount of radar energy reflected back to the enemy. It also carried a wide variety of weapons and could provide as much firepower as a flight of Air Force or Navy tactical fighters.

“Looks like he’s ‘guarding’ the Strait of Hormuz, looking for inbound aircraft,” Patrick offered. “Heading two-three-zero to go around him. If he spots us, it might get the Iranians excited.”

But he had spoken too late: “He can see us,” Wendy cut in. “He’s at thirty-five miles, one o’clock, high, making a beeline for us. Speed increasing to five hundred knots.”

“That’s not an AWACS plane,” Patrick said. “Looks like we picked up some kind of fast-moving patrol plane.”

“Crap,” the aircraft commander, Lieutenant General Brad Elliott, swore on intercom. Elliott was the commander of the High Technology Aerospace Weapons Center, also known as Dreamland, and the developer of the EB-52 Megafortress flying battleship. “Shut his radar down, Wendy, and let’s hope he thinks he has a bent radar and decides to call it a night.”

“Let’s get out of here, Brad,” Patrick chimed in. “No sense in risking a dogfight up here.”

“We’re in international airspace,” Elliott retorted indignantly. “We have as much right to be up here as this turkey.”

“Sir, this is a combat area,” Patrick emphasized. “Crew, let’s get ready to get the hell out of here.”

With one touch, Wendy ordered the Megafortress’s powerful jammers to shut down the Iranian fighter’s search radar. “Trackbreakers active,” Wendy announced. “Give me ninety left.” Brad Elliott put the Megafortress in a tight right turn and rolled out perpendicular to the fighter’s flight path. The plane’s pulse-Doppler radar might not detect a target with a zero relative closure rate. “Bandit at three o‘clock, thirty-five miles and steady, high. Moving to four o’clock. I think he lost us.”

“Not so fast,” the crew mission commander and copilot, Colonel John Ormack, interjected. Ormack was HAWC’s deputy commander and chief engineering wizard, a commander pilot with several thousand hours in various tactical aircraft. But his first love was computers, avionics, and gadgets. Brad Elliott had the ideas, but he relied on Ormack to turn those ideas into reality. If they gave badges or wings for technogeeks, John Ormack would wear them proudly. “He might be going passive. We’ve got to put some distance between us and him. He might not need a radar to intercept us.”

“I copy that,” Wendy said. “But I think his IRSTS is out of range. He …”

At that moment, they all heard a loud, faster-paced “DEEDLE DEEDLE DEEDLE!” warning on the intercom. “Airborne interceptor locked on, range thirty miles and closing fast! His radar is huge — he’s burning right through my jammers. Solid radar lock, closure rate … closure rate moving to six hundred knots!”

“Well,” John Ormack said, “at least that water down there is warm even this time of year.”

Making jokes was the only thing any of them could think about right then — because being highlighted by a supersonic interceptor alone over the Gulf of Oman was just about the most fatal thing a bomber crew could ever face.

* * *

This morning was a little different for Norman Weir. Today and for the next two weeks Weir and several dozen of his fellow Air Force full colonels were at Randolph Air Force Base near San Antonio, Texas, for a lieutenant colonel’s promotion board. Their task: pick the best, the brightest, and the most highly qualified from a field of about three thousand Air Force majors to be promoted to lieutenant colonel.

Colonel Norman Weir knew a lot about making choices using complex objective criteria — a promotion board was right up his alley. Norman was commander of the Air Force Budget Analysis Agency at the Pentagon. His job was to do exactly what he was now being asked to do: sift through mountains of information on weapon and information systems and decide the future life-cycle costs and benefits of each. In effect, he and his staff of sixty-five military and civilian analysts, accountants, and technical experts decided the future of the United States Air Force every day. Every aircraft, missile, satellite, computer, “black box,” and bomb, along with every man and woman in the Air Force, came under his scrutiny. Every item on every unit’s budget had to pass his team’s rigorous examination. If it didn’t, by the end of the fiscal year it would cease to exist with a single memo to someone in the Secretary of the Air Force’s office. He had power and responsibility over billions of dollars every week, and he wielded that power with skill and enthusiasm.

Thanks to his father, Norman decided on a military career in high school. Norman’s father was drafted in the mid-sixties but thought it might be safer serving offshore in the Navy, so he enlisted and served as a jet power-plant technician on board various aircraft carriers. He returned from long Pacific and Indian Ocean cruises with incredible stories of aviation heroism and triumph, and Norman was hooked. Norman’s father also came home minus half his left arm, the result of a deck munition explosion on the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, and a Purple Heart. That became Norman’s ticket to an appointment to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis.

But Academy life was hard. To say Norman was merely introverted was putting it mildly. Norman lived inside his own head, existing in a sterile, protected world of knowledge and reflection. Solving problems was an academic exercise, not a physical or even a leadership one. The more they made him run and do push-ups and march and drill, the more he hated it. He failed a physical-conditioning test, was dismissed with prejudice, and returned to Iowa.

His father’s almost constant niggling about wasting his appointment and dropping out of the Naval Academy — as if his father had chosen to sacrifice his arm so his son could go to Annapolis — weighed heavily on his mind. His father practically disowned his son, announcing there was no money for college and urging his son to get out and find a job. Desperate to make his father happy, Norman applied and was accepted to Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, receiving a degree in finance and an Air Force commission, becoming an accounting and finance specialist and earning his CPA certification a few months later.

Norman loved the Air Force. It was the best of all worlds: He got respect from the folks who respected and admired accountants, and he could demand respect from most of the others because he outranked and outsmarted them. He pinned on a major’s gold oak leaves right on time, and took command of his own base accounting service center shortly thereafter.

Even his wife seemed to enjoy the life, after her initial uncertainty. Most women adopted their husband’s rank, and Norman’s wife spitshined and paraded that invisible but tangible rank every chance she got. She was “volunteered” by the higher-ranking officers’ wives for committeeships, which at first she resented. But she soon learned that she had the power to “volunteer” lower-ranking officers’ wives to serve on her committee, so only the wives of lower-ranking officers and noncommissioned officers had to do the heavy work. It was a very neat and uncomplicated system.

For Norman, the work was rewarding but not challenging. Except for manning a few mobility lines during unit deployments and a few late nights preparing for no-notice and annual base inspections, he had a forty-hour workweek and very little stress. He accepted a few unusual assignments: conducting an audit at a radar outpost on Greenland; serving on advisory staffs for some congressional staffers doing research for a bill. High-visibility, low-risk, busywork assignments. Norman loved them.

But that’s when the conflicts began closer to home. Both he and his wife were born and raised in Iowa, but Iowa had no Air Force bases, so it was guaranteed they weren’t going home except to visit. Norman’s one unaccompanied overseas PCS assignment to Korea gave her time to go home, but that was small comfort without her husband. The frequent uprooting hurt the couple unequally. Norman promised his wife they’d start a family when the cycle of assignment changes slowed down, but after fifteen years it was apparent that Norman had no real intention of starting a family.

The last straw was Norman’s latest assignment to the Pentagon to become the first director of a brand new Air Force budget oversight agency. They said it was a guaranteed four-year assignment — no more moving around. He could even retire from that assignment if he chose. His wife’s biological clock, which had been ringing loudly for the past five years, was deafening by then. But Norman said wait. It was a new shop. Lots of late nights, lots of weekends. What kind of life would that be for a family? Besides, he hinted one morning after yet another discussion about kids, wasn’t she getting a little old to be trying to raise a newborn?

She was gone by the time he returned home the next evening. That was over three years ago, and Norman hadn’t seen or spoken to her since. Her signature on the divorce papers was the last thing he ever saw that belonged to her.

Well, he told himself often, he was better off without her. He could accept better, more exotic assignments; travel the world without having to worry about always going either to Iowa in the summer or to Florida in the winter, where the in-laws stayed; and he didn’t have to listen to his ex-wife harping about how two intelligent persons should be having a better, more fulfilling — meaning “civilian”—life. Besides, as the old saying went: “If the Air Force wanted you to have a wife, they’d have issued you one.” Norman began to believe that was true.

The first day at the promotion board at the Selection Board Secretariat at the Air Force Military Personnel Center at Randolph was filled with organizational minutiae and several briefings on how the board worked, the criteria to use during the selection process, how to use the checklists and grading sheets, and an overview of the standard candidate’s personnel file. The briefings were given by Colonel Ted Fellows, chief of the Air Force Selection Board Secretariat. Fellows gave a briefing on the profile of the candidates — average length of service, geographical distribution, specialty distribution, and other tidbits of information designed to explain how these candidates were selected.

Then, the promotion board president, Major General Larry Dean Ingemanson, the commander of Tenth Air Division, stepped up before the board members and distributed the panel assignments for each board member, along with the Secretary of the Air Force’s Memorandum of Instruction, or MOI. The MOI was the set of orders handed down by the Secretary of the Air Force to the board members, informing them of who was going to receive promotions and the quotas for each, along with general guidelines on how to choose the candidates eligible for promotion.

There were three general categories of officers eligible for promotion: in-, above-, and below-the-primary zone candidates. Within each category were the specialties being considered: line officers, including flying, or rated, officers, nonrated operations officers such as security police and maintenance officers, and mission-support officers such as finance, administration, and base services; along with critical mission-support subspecialties such as Chaplain Corps, Medical Service Corps, Nurse Corps, Biomedical Sciences Corps, Dental Corps, and Judge Advocate General Corps. General Ingemanson also announced that panels could be convened for any other personnel matters that might be required by the Secretary of the Air Force.

The board members were randomly divided up into eight panels of seven members each, adjusted by the president so each panel was not overly weighted by one specialty or command. Every Air Force major command, direct reporting unit, field operating agency, and specialty seemed to be represented here: logistics, maintenance, personnel, finance, information technology, chaplains, security police, and dozens of others, including the flying specialties. Norman noticed right away that the flying or “rated” specialties were especially well represented here. At least half of all the board members were rated officers, mostly unit commanders or staff officers assigned to high-level posts at the Pentagon or major command headquarters.

That was the biggest problem Norman saw in the Air Force, the one factor that dominated the service to the exclusion of all else, the one specialty that screwed it up for everyone else — the flyers.

Sure, this was the U.S. Air Force, not the U.S. Accountant Force — the service existed to conduct battles in the national defense by taking control of the sky and near space, and flyers were obviously going to play a big part. But they had the biggest egos and the biggest mouths too. The service bent over backward for their aviators, far more than they supported any other specialty no matter how vital. Flyers got all the breaks. They were treated like firstborns by unit commanders — in fact, most unit commanders were flyers, even if the unit had no direct flying commitment.

Norman didn’t entirely know where his dislike for those who wore wings came from. Most likely, it was from his father. Naval aircraft mechanics were treated like indentured servants by flyers, even if the mechanic was a seasoned veteran while the flyer was a know-nothing newbie on his first cruise. Norman’s dad complained loud and long about officers in general and aviators in particular. He always wanted his son to be an officer, but he was determined to teach him how to be an officer that enlisted and noncommissioned officers would admire and respect — and that meant putting flyers in their place at every opportunity.

Of course, it was an officer, a flyer, who ignored safety precautions and his plane captain’s suggestions and fired a Zuni rocket into a line of jets waited to be fueled and created one of the biggest noncombat disasters at sea the Navy had ever experienced, which resulted in over two hundred deaths and several hundred injuries, including Norman’s father. A cocky, arrogant, know-it-all flyer had disregarded the rules. That officer was quickly, quietly dismissed from service. Norman’s unit commanders had several times thrown the book at nonrated officers and enlisted personnel for the tiniest infractions, but flyers were usually given two, three, or even four chances before finally being offered the opportunity to resign rather than face a court-martial. They always got all the breaks.

Well, this was going to be different. If I get a flyer’s promotion jacket, Norman thought, he’s going to have to prove to me that he’s worthy of promotion. And he vowed that wasn’t going to be easy.

* * *

“Let’s hit the deck,” Patrick said.

“Damn fine idea,” Brad said. He yanked the Megafortress’s throttles to idle, rolled the plane up onto its left wing, and nosed the big bomber over into a relatively gentle six-thousand-foot-per-minute dive. “Wendy, jam the piss out of them. Full spectrum. No radio transmissions. We don’t want the whole Iranian air force after us.”

“Copy,” Wendy said weakly. She scrambled to catch flying pencils and checklists as the negative Gs sent anything unsecure floating around the cabin. Switching her oxygen regulator to “100 %” helped when her stomach and most of its contents threatened to start floating around the cabin too. “I’m jamming. He’s …” Suddenly, they all heard a fastpitched “DEEDLEDEEDLEDEEDLE!” warning, and red alert lights flashed in every compartment. “Radar missile launch, seven o’clock, twenty-five miles!” Wendy shouted. “Break right!

Elliott slammed the Megafortress bomber into a hard right turn and pulled the throttles to idle, keeping the nose down to complicate the missile’s intercept and to screen the bomber’s engine exhaust from the attacker as much as possible. As the bomber slowed it turned faster. Patrick felt as if he were upside down and backwards — the sudden deceleration, steep dive, and steep turn only served to tumble his and everyone’s senses.

Chaff! Chaff!” Wendy shouted as she ejected chaff from the left ejectors. The chaff, packets of tinsel-like strips of metal, formed large blobs of radar-reflective clouds that made inviting spoof targets for enemy missiles.

“Missiles still inbound!” Wendy shouted. “Arming Stingers!” As the enemy missiles closed in, Wendy fired small radar- and heat-seeking rockets out of a steerable cannon on the Megafortress’s tail. The Stinger airmine rockets flew head to head with the incoming missiles, then exploded several dozen feet in the missile’s path, shredding its fuselage and guidance system. It worked. The last enemy missile exploded less than five thousand feet away.

It took them only four minutes to get down to just two hundred feet above the Gulf of Oman, guided by the navigation computer’s terrain database, by the satellite navigation system, and by a pencil-thin beam of energy that measured the distance between the bomber’s belly and the water. They headed southwest at full military power, as far away from the Iranian coastline as possible. Brad Elliott knew what fighter pilots feared-low-altitude flight, darkness, and heading out over water away from friendly shores. Every engine cough was amplified, every dip of the fuel gauge needles seemed critical — even the slightest crackle in the headset or a shudder in the flight controls seemed to signal disaster. Having a potential enemy out there, one that was jamming radar and radio transmissions, made the tension even worse. Few fighter pilots had the stomach for night overwater chases.

But as Wendy studied her threat displays, it soon became obvious that the MiG or whatever it was out there wasn’t going to go away so easily. “No luck, guys — we didn’t lose him. He’s closed inside twenty miles and he’s right on our tail, staying high but still got a pretty good radar lock on us.”

“Relaying messages to headquarters too, I’ll bet,” Elliott said.

“Six o’clock, high, fifteen miles. Coming within heater range.” With the enemy attacker’s radar jammed, he couldn’t use a radar-guided missile — but with IRSTS, he could easily close in and make a heat-seeking missile shot.

“Wendy, get ready to launch Scorpions,” Brad said.

“Roger.” Wendy already had her fingers on the keyboard, and she typed in instructions to warm up the Megafortress’s surprise weapon — the AIM-120 Scorpion AMRAAM, or Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile. The EB-52 carried six Scorpion missiles on each wing pylon. The Scorpions were radar-guided missiles that were command-guided by the Megafortress’s attack radar or by an onboard radar in the missile’s nose — the missiles could even attack targets in the bomber’s rear quadrant by guidance from a tail-mounted radar, allowing for an “over-the-shoulder” launch on a pursuing enemy. Only a few aircraft in the entire world carried AMRAAMs — but the EB-52 Megafortress had been carrying one for three years, including one combat mission. The enemy aircraft was well within the Scorpion’s maximum twenty-mile range.

“Twelve miles.”

“When he breaks eight miles, lock him up and hit ’em,” Brad said.

“We gotta be the one who shoots first.”

“Brad, we need to knock this off,” Patrick said urgently.

Wendy looked at him in complete surprise, but it was Brad Elliott who exclaimed, “What was that, Patrick?”

“I said, we should stop this,” Patrick repeated. “Listen, we’re in international airspace. We just dropped down to low altitude, we’re jamming his radar. He knows we’re a bad guy. Forcing a fight won’t solve anything.”

“He jumped us first, Patrick.”

“Listen, we’re acting like hostiles, and he’s doing his job — kicking us out of his zone and away from his airspace,” Patrick argued. “We tried to sneak in, and we got caught. No one wants a fight here.”

“Well, what the hell do you suggest, nav?” Brad asked acidly.

Patrick hesitated, then leaned over to Wendy, and said, “Cut jamming on UHF GUARD.”

Wendy looked at him with concern. “Are you sure, Patrick?”

“Yes. Do it.” Wendy reluctantly entered instructions into her ECM computer, stopping the jamming signals from interfering with the 243.0 megahertz frequency, the universal UHF emergency channel. Patrick flipped his intercom panel wafer switch to COM 2, which he knew was set to the universal UHF emergency channel. “Attention, Iranian aircraft at our six o’clock position, one hundred and seventy-six kilometers southeast of Bandar Abbas. This is the American aircraft you are pursuing. Can you hear me?”

“Patrick, what in hell are you doing?” Elliott shouted on interphone. “Defense, did you stop jamming UHF? What in hell’s going on back there?”

“That’s not a good idea, Patrick,” John offered, sternly but not as forcefully as Elliott. “You just told him we’re Americans. He’s going to want to take a look now.”

“He’d be crazy to answer,” Brad said. “Now stay off the radio and …”

But just then, they heard on the radio, “Shto etah? Nemalvali pazhaloosta.”

“What the hell was that?” Wendy asked.

“Sounded like Russian to me,” Patrick said.

Just then, in broken English, they heard, “American aircraft at my twelve of the clock position from my nose, this is Khaneh One-Four-One of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force. I read you. You are in violation of Iranian sovereign airspace. I command you now to climb to three thousand meters of altitude and prepare for intercept. Reduce speed now and lower your landing-gear wheels. Do you understand?”

“One-Four-One, this is the American aircraft. We have locked defensive weapons on to your aircraft. Do not fly closer than twelve kilometers from us or you will be attacked. Do you understand?”

“Range ten miles.”

“You are at sixteen kilometers,” Patrick radioed. “Do not come any closer.”

“Patrick, this is nuts,” Brad said. “You’re going to try to convince him to turn around? He’ll never go for it.”

“Nine miles. Closure speed five hundred knots.”

“One-Four-One, you are at fourteen-point-five kilometers, closing at thirteen kilometers per minute. Do not, I repeat, do not fly closer than twelve kilometers to us, or you will be attacked. We are not in Iranian airspace, and we are withdrawing from the area. This is my final warning. Do you understand?”

“Eight miles …”

“One-Four-One, we have you at twelve kilometers! Break off now!”

“Stand by to shoot, Wendy! Damn you, McLanahan …!”

“Here he comes!” Wendy shouted. “Closure rate … wait, his closure rate dropped,” Wendy announced. “He’s holding at eight miles … no, he’s slowing. He’s climbing. He’s up to five thousand feet, range ten miles, decelerating.”

“Cease jamming, Wendy,” Patrick said.


“Stop jamming them,” Patrick said. “They broke off their attack. Now we need to do the same.”


“You’re taking a big damned chance, Muck,” Brad Elliott said. He paused, but only for a moment; then: “Cease jamming. Fire ’em up again if they come within eight miles.”

“Trackbreakers and comm jammers to standby,” Wendy said, punching instructions into the computer. “Range nine miles. He’s climbing faster, passing ten thousand feet.”

“You Americans, do not try to approach our Iran, or we will show you our anger,” the Iranian MiG pilot said in halting English. “Your threats mean nothing to us. Stay away or be damned.”

“He’s turning north,” Wendy said. “He’s … oh no! He’s diving on us! Range ten miles, closure rate seven hundred knots!”

“Jammers!” Brad shouted. “Lock on and shoot!

“No! Withhold!” Patrick shouted. He keyed the UHF radio mike button again: “One-Four-One, don’t come any closer!”

“I said shoot …!”

“Wait! He’s turning and climbing!” Wendy reported with relief.

“He’s climbing and turning, heading northeast.”

“Prick,” John Ormack said with a loud sigh of relief. “Just a macho stunt.”

“Scope’s clear,” Wendy said. “Bandit at twenty miles and extending. No other signals.”

“Pilot’s clearing off,” Brad said. He didn’t wait for John’s acknowledgment, but safetied his ejection seat, whipped off his straps, and stormed out of his seat and back to the systems officer’s compartment.

“He doesn’t look happy, guys,” John warned Patrick and Wendy on interphone.

The instrument console was right behind the hatch leading to the lower deck, so Brad couldn’t go all the way back. He plugged into a free interphone cord, so everyone on board could hear his tirade, stood over the console with eyes blazing, pointed a gloved finger at Patrick, and thundered, “Don’t you ever countermand my orders again, Major! He could’ve blown us away — twice! You’re not the aircraft commander, I am!” He turned to Wendy Tork and shouted, “If I say ‘shoot,’ Tork, you obey my orders instantly or I will kick your ass, then kick your ass into prison for twenty years! And don’t you dare cease jamming an enemy aircraft unless I give the order to stop! You copy me?”

“I hear you, General,” Wendy shot back, “but you can go straight to hell.” Elliott’s eyes bulged in rage. Wendy hurried on: “Who gave us the order to shoot? Who even gave us permission to jam a foreign power’s radar and radios?” Elliott remained silent.

“Brad?” John Ormack asked. “This mission is supposed to be a contingency mission, in case Iran opens a second front against the Coalition. We’re not supposed to be flying so close to disputed territory — I don’t think we were supposed to engage anyone.”

“In fact, I don’t ever recall being given an order to fly at all, sir,” Patrick said. “I read the warning order, and it says we were supposed to stand by for possible action against Iran or any other nation that declares neutrality that might be a threat to the U.S. I never saw the execution order or the rules of engagement. We never received any satellite photos or tactical printouts. Nothing to help us in mission planning.”

“What about that, General?” Wendy asked. “I never saw the execution order for our mission either. I never got the order of battle or any intelligence reports. Is this an authorized mission or not?”

“Of course it is,” Brad said indignantly. His angry grimace was melting away fast, and Patrick knew that Wendy had guessed right. “We were ordered to stand by for action. We’re … standing by. This is tactically the best place to be standing by anyway.”

“So if we fired on an Iranian fighter, it would be unauthorized.”

“We’re authorized to defend ourselves …”

“If we were on an authorized mission, we’d be authorized to defend ourselves — but this isn’t authorized, is it?” Patrick asked. When Brad did not answer right away, Patrick added, “You mean, none of the Megafortresses we have in-theater is specifically authorized to be up here? We’ve got three experimental stealth warplanes loaded with weapons flying ten thousand miles from home and just a few miles from a war zone, and no one knows we’re up here? Jesus, General …”

“That will be all, Major,” Elliott interjected. “The sorties were authorized — by me. Our orders were to stand by and prepare for combat operations in support of Desert Storm. That is what we’re doing.”

Patrick unstrapped, unplugged his interphone cord, got to his feet, leaned close to Brad Elliott, and said cross-cockpit, so no one else could hear, “Sir, we can’t be doing this. You’re risking our lives … for what? If we got intercepted by Iranians or Iraqis or whoever, we’d have to fight our way out — but we’d be doing it without sanction, without orders. If we got shot down, no one would even know we were missing. Why? What the hell is all this for?”

Brad and Patrick looked into each other’s eyes for a very long moment. Brad’s eyes were still blazing with indignation and anger, but now they were shadowed by a touch of … what? Patrick hoped it would be understanding or maybe contrition, but that’s not what he saw. Instead, he saw disappointment. Patrick had called his mentor and commanding officer on a glaring moral and leadership error, and all he could communicate in return was that he was disappointed that his protégé didn’t back him up.

“Is it because you didn’t participate in Desert Storm?” Patrick asked. The Persian Gulf War — some called it “World War III”—had just ended, and the majority of troops had already gone home. They were enjoying celebrations and congratulations from a proud and appreciative nation, something unseen in the United States since World War II. “Is it because you know you had something that could help the war effort, but you weren’t allowed to use it?”

“Go to hell, McLanahan,” Elliott said bitterly. “Don’t try any of that amateur psychoanalyst crap with me. I’m given discretion on how to employ my forces, and I’m doing it as I see fit.”

Patrick looked at his commanding officer, the man he thought of as a friend and even as a surrogate father. His father had died before Patrick went off to college, and he and his younger brother had been raised in a household with a strong-willed, domineering mother and two older sisters. Brad was the first real father figure in Patrick’s life in many years, and he did all he could to be a strong, supportive friend to Elliott, who was without a doubt a lone-wolf character, both in his personal and professional life.

Although Bradley James Elliott was a three-star general and was once the number four man in charge of Strategic Air Command, the major command in charge of America’s long-range bombers and land-based ballistic nuclear missiles, he was far too outspoken and too “gung ho” for politically sensitive headquarters duty. To Brad, bombers were the key to American military power projection, and he felt it was his job, his duty, to push for increased funding, research, and development of new long-range attack technologies. That didn’t sit well with the Pentagon. The services had been howling mad for years about the apparent favoritism toward the Air Force. The Pentagon was pushing “joint operations,” but Brad Elliott wasn’t buying it. When he continued to squawk about reduced funding and priority for new Air Force bomber programs, Brad lost his fourth star. When he still wouldn’t shut up, he was banished to the high Nevada desert either to retire or simply disappear into obscurity.

Brad did neither. Even though he was an aging three-star general occupying a billet designated for a colonel or one-star general, he used his remaining stars and HAWC’s shroud of ultrasecrecy and security to develop an experimental twenty-first-century long-range attack force, comprised of highly modified B-52 and B-1 bombers, “superbrilliant” stealth cruise missiles, unmanned attack vehicles, and precision-guided weapons. He procured funding that most commanders could only wish for, money borrowed — many said “stolen”—from other weapons programs or buried under multiple layers of security classification.

While the rest of the Air Force thought Brad Elliott was merely sitting around waiting to retire, he was building a secret attack force — and he was using it. He had launched his first mission in a modified B-52 bomber three years earlier, dodging almost the entire Soviet Far East Air Army and attacking a Soviet ground-based laser installation that was being used to blind American reconnaissance satellites. That mission had cost the lives of three men, and had cost Brad his right leg. But it proved that the “flying battleship” concept worked and that a properly modified B-52 bomber could be used against highly defended targets in a nonnuclear attack mission. Brad Elliott and his team of scientists, engineers, test pilots, and technogeeks became America’s newest secret strike force.

“It’s not your job or place to second-guess or criticize me,” Elliott went on, “and it sure as hell isn’t your place to countermand my orders or give orders contrary to mine. You do it again, and I’ll see to it that you’re military career is terminated. Understand?”

Patrick thought he had noted just a touch of sadness in Brad’s eyes, but that was long gone now. He straightened his back and caged his eyes, not daring to look his friend in the eye. “Yes, sir,” he replied tonelessly.

“General?” John Ormack radioed back on interphone. “Patrick? What’s going on?”

Brad scowled one last time at Patrick. Patrick just sat down without meeting Brad’s eyes and strapped into his ejection seat again. Elliott said, “Patrick’s going to contact Diego Garcia and get our bombers some secure hangar space. We’re going to put down until we get clarification on our mission. Plot a course back to the refueling track, get in contact with our tankers and our wingmen, and let’s head back to the barn.”

When Brad turned and headed back to the cockpit, Wendy reached across the cabin and touched Patrick’s arm in a quiet show of gratitude. But Patrick didn’t feel much like accepting any congratulations.

* * *

“I want to go over the highlights of the Secretary’s MOI with you before we get started,” Major General Larry Ingemanson, the president of the promotion board, said. He was addressing the entire group of board members just before they started their first day of deliberations. “The MOI defines the quotas set for each promotion category, but you as voting members aren’t required to meet those quotas. We’re looking for quality, not quantity. Keep that in mind. The only quotas we must fill for this board are for joint-service assignments, which are set by law, and the Secretariat will take care of that. The law also states that extra consideration be given to women and minorities. Bear in mind that your scores are not adjusted by the Secretariat if the candidate happens to be female or a member of a minority — no one can adjust your score but you. You are simply asked to be aware that these two groups have been unfairly treated in the past.

“You are also asked to keep in mind that since the start of hostilities in the southwest Asian theater, some candidates may not have had the opportunity to complete advanced degrees or professional military education courses. Eventually I believe this will become more and more of a concern as deployment tempos pick up, but so far the law has not been changed. You’re just asked to keep this fact in mind: If a candidate hasn’t completed PME or advanced degrees, check to see if he or she is serving in some specialty that requires frequent or short-notice deployments, and take that into consideration.”

General Ingemanson paused for a moment, closed his notes, and went on: “Now, this isn’t in the MOI — it’s from your nonvoting board president. This is my first time presiding over a board but my fourth time here in the box, and I have some thoughts about what you are about to undertake:

“As you slug through all the three thousand-plus files over the next several days, you may get a little cross-eyed and slack-jawed. I will endeavor to remind you of this as the days go on, but I’ll remind you now, of the extreme importance of what you’re doing here: If you have ever thought about what it would be like to shape the future, this, my friends, is it.

“We find ourselves in a very special and unique position of responsibility,” Ingemanson went on solemnly. “We are serving on the Air Force’s first field grade officers’ promotion board just days after the end of Operation Desert Storm, which many are calling the reawakening of America and the reunification of American society with its armed forces. We are seeing the beginning of a new era for the American military, especially for the U.S. Air Force. We are tasked with the awesome responsibility of choosing the men and women who will lead that new military into the future.”

Norman Weir rolled his eyes and snorted to himself. What drivel. It was a promotion board, for Christ’s sake. Why did he have to try to attach some special, almost mystical significance to it? Maybe it was just the standard “pep talk,” but it was proceeding beyond the sublime toward the ridiculous.

“I’m sure we’ve all heard the jokes about lieutenant colonels — the ‘throwaway’ officer, the ultimate wanna-bes,” Ingemanson went on. “The ones that stand on the cusp of greatness or on the verge of obscurity. Well, let me tell you from the bottom of my soul: I believe they are the bedrock of the Air Force officer corps.

“I’ve commanded four squadrons, two wings, and one air division, and the O-5s were always the heart and soul of all of my units. They did the grunt work of a line crewdog but had as much responsibility as a wing commander. They pulled lines of alert, led missions and deployments, and then had to push paper to make the bosses happy. They had the most practical hands-on experience in the unit — they usually were the evaluators, chief instructors, and most certainly the mentors. They had to be the best of the best. Us headquarters weenies could get away with letting the staff handle details — the 0-5s pushing squadrons never got that break. They had to study and train just as hard as the newest nugget, but then they had to dress nice and look sharp and do the political face time. The ones that do all that are worth their weight in gold.”

Norman didn’t understand everything Ingemanson was talking about, and so he assumed he was talking flyer-speak. Naturally, Ingemanson himself was a command pilot and also wore paratrooper’s wings, meaning he probably graduated from the Air Force Academy. It was going to be a challenge, Norman thought, to break the aviator’s stranglehold on this promotion board.

“But most importantly, the men and women you’ll choose in the next two weeks will be the future leaders of our Air Force, our armed forces, and perhaps our country,” Ingemanson went on. “Most of the candidates have completed one or more command and staff education programs; they might have a master’s degree, and many even work on doctorates. They’ve maxed out on flying time, traveled to perhaps five or six different PCS assignments plus a few specialty and service schools. They’re probably serving in the Sandbox now, and perhaps even served in other conflicts or actions. They are beginning the transition from senior line troop, instructor, or shop chief to fledgling unit commander. Find the best ones, and let’s set them on track to their destinies.

“One more thing to remember: Not only can you pick the candidates best eligible for promotion, but you are also charged with the task of recommending that candidates be removed from extended active duty. What’s the criterion for removal? That, my friends, is up to you. Be prepared to fully justify your reasons to me, but don’t be afraid to give them either. Again, it’s part of the awesome responsibility you have here.

“One last reminder: it is still our Air Force. We built it. I’d guess that most of the candidates you’ll look at didn’t serve in Vietnam, so they don’t have the same perspective as we do. Many of our buddies died in Vietnam, but we survived and stayed and fought on. We served when it was socially and politically unpopular to wear a uniform in our own hometowns. We played Russian roulette with nuclear weapons, the most deadly weapons ever devised, just so we could prove to the world that we were crazy enough to blow the entire planet into atoms to protect our freedom. We see the tides turning in our favor — but it is up to us to see that our gains are not erased. We do that by picking the next generation of leaders.

“It is our Air Force. Our country. Our world. Now it’s our opportunity to pick those who we want to take our place. In my mind, it is equally important a task as the one we did in creating this world we live in. That’s our task. Let’s get to it. Please stand, raise your right hand, and prepare to take the oath of office to convene this promotion board.” General Ingemanson then administered the service oath to the board members, and the job was under way.

Norman and the other board members departed the small theater and headed toward the individual panel meeting rooms. There was a circular table with comfortable-looking chairs arrayed around it, a drymarker board with an overhead slide projector screen, a bank of telephones, and the ever-present coffeepot and rack of ceramic mugs.

Norman’s seven-member panel had five rated officers — four pilots and one navigator, including one officer who looked as if he had every possible specialty badge one person could have: He wore command pilot and senior paratrooper wings, plus a senior missile-launch officer badge on his pocket. The flyers all seemed to know each other — two were even from the same Air Force Academy class. To them, it was a small, chummy Air Force. None of the flyers wore any ribbons on their uniform blouses, only their specialty badges on one side, name tags on the other, and rank on their collar; Norman almost felt self-conscious wearing all of his three rows of ribbons before deciding that the flyers were probably out of uniform.

Introductions were quick, informal, and impersonal — unless you were wearing wings. Along with the flyers and Norman, there was a logistics planning staff officer from the Pentagon. Norman thought he recognized the fellow Pentagon officer, but with almost five thousand Air Force personnel working at the “five-sided puzzle palace,” it was pretty unlikely anyone knew anyone else outside their corridor. None of the panel members were women — there were only a couple women on the entire board, a fact that Norman found upsetting. The Air Force was supposed to be the most progressive and socially conscious branch of the American armed services, but it was as if they were right back in the Middle Ages with how the Air Force treated women sometimes.

Of course, the five flyers sat together, across the table from the nonflyers. The flyers were relaxed, loud, and animated. One of them, the supercolonel with all the badges, pulled out a cigar, and Norman resolved to tell him not to light up if he tried, but he never made any move to do so. He simply chewed on it and used it to punctuate his stories and jokes, shared mostly with the other flyers. He sat at the head of the semicircle of flyers at the table as if presiding over the panel. He looked as if he was very accustomed to taking charge of such groups, although each panel didn’t have and didn’t need a leader.

The supercolonel must’ve noticed the angry anticipation in Norman’s eyes over his cigar, because he looked at him for several long moments during one of the few moments he wasn’t telling a story or a crude joke. Finally, a glimmer of recognition brightened his blue eyes. “Norman Weir,” he said, jabbing his cigar. “You were the AFO chief at Eglin four years ago. Am I right?”

“Yes; I was.”

“Thought so. I’m Harry Ponce. I was the commander of ‘Combat Hammer,’ the Eighty-sixth Fighter Squadron. Call me ‘Slammer.’ You took pretty good care of my guys.”

“Thank you.”

“So. Where are you now?”

“The Pentagon. Chief of the Budget Analysis Agency.”

A few of the other flyers looked in his direction when he mentioned the Budget Analysis Agency. One of them curled his lip in a sneer. “The BAA, huh? You guys killed an ejection-seat modification program my staff was trying to get approved. That seat would’ve saved two guys deploying to the Sandbox.”

“I can’t discuss it, Colonel,” Norman said awkwardly.

“The first ejection seat mod for the B-52 in twenty years, and you guys kill it. I’ll never figure that one out.”

“It’s a complicated screening process,” Norman offered disinterestedly. “We analyze cost versus life cycle versus benefit. We get all the numbers on what the Pentagon wants to do with the fleet, then try to justify the cost of a modification with its corresponding …”

“It was a simple replacement — a few feet of old worn-out pyrotechnic actuators, replacing thirty-year-old components that were predicted to fail in tropical conditions. A few thousand bucks per seat. Instead, the budget weenies cut the upgrade program. Lo and behold, the first time a couple of our guys try to punch out near Diego Garcia — actuator failure, two seats. Two dead crewdogs.”

“Like I said, Colonel, I can’t discuss particulars of any file or investigation,” Norman insisted. “In any case, every weapon system from the oldest to the newest has a cost-reward break-even point. We use purely objective criteria in making our decision …”

“Tell that to the widows of the guys that died,” the colonel said. He shook his head disgustedly and turned away from Norman.

What an idiot, Norman thought. Trying to blame me or my office for the deaths of two flyers because of a cost-analysis report. There were thousands, maybe tens of thousands of factors involved in every accident — it couldn’t all be attributed to budget cuts. He was considering telling the guy off, but he saw the staff wheeling carts of personnel folders down the hallway, and he kept silent as they took seats and got ready to work.

In a nutshell, Norman observed, careers were made or destroyed by a simple numbers game. The Selection Board Secretariat’s staff members wheeled in a locked lateral file cabinet on wheels with almost four hundred Officer Selection Reports, or OSRs, in them. Although there was supposedly no time limit on how long each panel member considered each OSR, the board members were asked to finish up the first round of scoring in the first week. That meant they had no more than about five minutes to score each candidate.

Five minutes to decide a career, Norman thought as he opened the first file. Five minutes to decide whether this person deserved to be promoted, or should stay where he was, or even if he or she should even be in the Air Force to begin with.

Well, maybe it won’t be that hard, Norman thought as he scanned the OSR. The first thing he saw on the right side of the folder was the candidate’s photo, and this guy was a mess. Hair too long, touching the ears. A definite five o’clock shadow. Cockeyed uniform devices. Norman had a chart available that showed the proper order ribbons should be displayed on the uniform, but he didn’t need to refer to it to know that the Air Force Training Ribbon was not placed over the Air Force Achievement Medal.

Each board member had a checklist of things to look for in a personnel jacket, along with a sheet for notes or questions and a scoring summary block. Each jacket was given a score between 6.0 and 10.0 in half-point increments. The average score was 7.5. Norman decided he would start at the maximum score and deduct half points for every glitch. So this guy was starting out with a 9.5, and he hadn’t even gotten to the job performance and effectiveness reports and ratings yet. Below the photo was a list of the officer’s decorations and awards and an officer selection brief, outlining the candidate’s duty history. This guy was not wearing a ribbon he had been awarded, so Norman deducted another half point. How inept could one officer be?

And yes, Norm noted that he was a flyer.

On the left side of the OSR were the candidate’s OERs, or Officer Effectiveness Reports, starting with the most recent. Norman scanned through the files, paying close attention to the three rater’s blocks on the back page. Each OER was endorsed by the officer’s three sequential superior officers in his chain of command. He received either a “Below Average,” “Average,” “Above Average,” or “Outstanding” rating, plus a block below for personal comments. An OER with all “Outstanding” ratings was called a “firewalled” OER, and all officers seeking promotion aspired to it.

After filling out hundreds of OERs in his career, Norman knew that anything short of an “Outstanding” rating was cause for concern, and he dinged a candidate for any “Above Average” or lower ratings. But since some commanders always “firewalled” OERs, Norman had to take a quick glance at the rater’s comments, even on “firewalled” OERs. He looked for examples of deficiencies or nuances in the wording to suggest what the rater really thought of the candidate. Most all raters used the word “Promote” in his comments, so if the word was missing, that was a big ding — the rater obviously did not think the candidate was worthy of promotion, so why should Norman? If the candidate was really good, the rater might put “Promote ASAP” or “Promote without fail;” if the candidate was exceptionally good, he might say “Promote immediately” or “Promote ahead of contemporaries.” Some were more creative: They sometimes wrote “Promote when possible,” which was not a strong endorsement and earned a ding, or “Promote below the zone immediately without fail” for a really outstanding candidate. Sometimes they just said “Promote,” which Norman considered a big ding too.

By the first lunch break, Norman was slipping right into the groove, and he realized this was not going to be a really difficult exercise. Patterns began to emerge right away, and it soon becomes clear who the really great officers were and who were not. Out of thirty or so OSRs, Norman had only marked a few above 8.0. Most of his scores drifted below the 7.5 average. No one was ranked over 8.5—not one. Norman had to adjust his own scoring system several times because he started to read better and better OERs and realized that what he thought were good comments were actually average comments. Occasionally, he had to ask the flyers what this school or that course was. Norman disliked acronyms on OERs and dinged a candidate for them if he couldn’t understand what it meant — especially if he or she was a flyer.

So far, Norman was not too impressed. Some of the candidates they were reviewing were above-the-primary-zone candidates, meaning they had not been promoted when they should have been, and they seemed worse than the others. It was as if they had already given up on the Air Force, and it showed — missing or outdated records, snotty or whining letters to the board attached to the record, old photos, and evidence of stagnated careers. Most were in-the-primary-zone candidates, meeting the board at the proper time commensurate with their date of rank, and most of them had a polished, professional, well-managed look.

Most all of the flyers’ OERs were “firewalled,” and Norman scrutinized those even more closely for telltale signs of deficiency. The nonflying line officer OERs always seemed more honest, forthright evaluations. The flying community was indeed a closed fraternity, and Norman took this opportunity to take some chips out of their great steel wall every chance he could. If a flyer’s OER wasn’t firewalled, Norman mentally tossed it aside, taking big dings out of the score.

The chips he was breaking off flyers’ OERs quickly became chunks, but Norman didn’t care. If a flyer was really great, he would get a good rating. But just being a flyer wasn’t a plus in Norman’s book. Everyone had to earn their score, but the flyers would have to really shine to pass Norman’s muster.

* * *

The British Indian Ocean Territories, or BIOT, was a chain of fifty-six islands covering twenty-two thousand square miles of the Indian Ocean south of India. The total land area of the BIOT was only thirty-six square miles, about half the size of the District of Columbia. Located only four hundred miles south of the equator, the weather was hot and humid year-round. The islands were far enough south of the Indian subcontinent, and the waters were colder and deeper, so typhoons and hard tropical storms were rare, and the islands only received about one hundred inches of rain per year. If there had been any appreciable landmass or infrastructure in the BIOT, it might be considered an idyllic tropical paradise. The tiny bits of dry land and coconut groves on the islands had saved many hungry, storm-tossed sailors over the centuries since the islands were discovered by Western explorers in the late seventeenth century, although the reefs had also claimed their share of wayward sailors as well.

The largest and southernmost island in the BIOT was Diego Garcia, a V-shaped stretch of sand, reefs, and atolls about thirty-four miles long, with a thirteen-mile-long, six-mile-wide lagoon inside the V. The British Navy claimed Diego Garcia and other islands of the Chagos Archipelago in the late eighteenth century and established copra, coconut, and lumber plantations there. The island was an isolated and seldom-used stopover and resupply point for the British Navy until after the independence of India, when it began to languish. Native fishermen from the African nation of Mauritius claimed Diego Garcia, citing historical and cultural precedents, and it appeared as if the British might hand over the island to them.

The United States stepped into the fray in December of 1966. Eager for a listening post to monitor Soviet Navy activity in the Indian Ocean during the height of the Cold War, the United States signed a bilateral agreement to improve and jointly administer the BIOT for defensive purposes. The native Iliots on the islands were relocated back to Mauritius with a promise that if the islands were no longer needed for defense, they would be returned to them. The U.S. Navy immediately landed a Seabee battalion on Diego Garcia and began work.

Seven years later, the U.S. Navy commissioned a “naval communications facility”—an electronic and undersea surveillance post — on Diego Garcia, along with limited naval-vessel support facilities and an airstrip. Five years later, the facility was expanded, making it a full-fledged — albeit still remote — Navy Support Facility. The few dozen sailors assigned there — donkeys, left over from copra and coconut-harvesting operations, far outnumbered humans — lived in primitive hootches and lived only for the next supply ship to take them off the beautiful but lonely desert island.

But the facility took on a more important role when the Soviet Navy began a rapid buildup of forces in the region in the late 1970s, during the oil crisis, and during the Iranian Revolution of the early 1980s. With Western influence in the Middle East waning, Diego Garcia suddenly became the only safe, secure, and reliable port and air facility in southwest Asia. Diego Garcia became a major forward predeployment and prepositioning base for the U.S. Central Command’s operations in the Middle East. The facilities were greatly expanded in the early 1980s to make it “the tip of the spear” for American rapid-deployment forces in the region. The U.S. Navy began flying P-3 Orion antisubmarine patrols from Diego Garcia, and several cargo ships loaded with fuel, spare parts, weapons, and ammunition were permanently prepositioned in the little harbor to support future conflicts in the southwest Asia theater.

There was only one highway on the island, the nine-mile-long main paved road leading from the Naval Supply Facility base on Garcia Point to the airfield. Until just a few years ago, both the road and the runway were little more than crushed coral and compacted sand. But as the importance of the little island grew, so did the airfield. What was once just a lonely pink runway and a few rickety shacks, euphemistically called Chagos International Airport, was now one of the finest airfields in the entire Indian Ocean region.

With the advent of Operation Desert Shield, the rapid buildup of forces in the Middle East to counter the threat of an Iraqi invasion of the Arabian Peninsula, Diego Garcia’s strategic importance increased a hundredfold. Although the tiny island was almost three thousand miles away from Iraq, it was the perfect place to deploy long-range B-52 Stratofortress bombers, which have an unrefueled range in excess of eight thousand miles. As many as twenty B-52G and — H model bombers and support aircraft deployed there. When the shooting started, the “BUFFs”—Big Ugly Fat Fuckers — began ’round-the-clock bombing missions against Iraqi forces, first using conventionally armed cruise missiles and then, once the Coalition forces had firm control of the skies over the region, pressing the attack with conventional gravity bombs. One-half of all the ordnance used in Operation Desert Storm was dropped by B-52 bombers, and many of them launched from Diego Garcia.

The lone runway on Diego Garcia was eleven thousand feet long and one hundred and fifty feet wide, only four feet above sea level, on the western side of the island. At the height of the air war against Iraq, the aircraft parking ramps were choked with bombers, tankers, transports, and patrol planes; now, only days after the Coalition cease-fire, only a token force of six B-52G and — H bombers, one KC-10 Extender aerial-refueling tanker/cargo plane, and three KC-135 Stratotanker aerial-refueling tankers remained, along with the usual and variable number of cargo planes at the Military Airlift Command ramp and the four P-3 Orion patrol planes on the Navy ramp. Things had definitely quieted down on Diego Garcia, and the little atoll’s peaceful, gentle life was beginning to return to normal after months of frenetic activity.

Before the war there was only one aircraft hangar on the island for maintenance on the Navy’s P-3 Orion subchasers — the weather was perfect, never lower than seventy-two degrees, never warmer than ninety degrees, with an average of only two inches of rain per week, so why work indoors? — but as the conflict kicked off the U.S. Air Force hastily built one large hangar at the southernmost part of the airfield complex, as far away from curious observers in the harbor as possible. Many folks speculated on what was in the hangar: Was it the stillunnamed B-1B supersonic intercontinental heavy bomber, getting ready to make its combat debut? Or was it the rumored supersecrect stealth bomber, a larger version of the F-117 Goblin stealth fighter? Some even speculated it was the mysterious Aurora spy/attack plane, the hypersonic aircraft capable of flying from the United States to Japan in just a couple of hours.

In reality, the hangar had mostly been used as a temporary overflow barracks during the Persian Gulf War, or used to store VIP aircraft out of the hot sun to keep it cool until just before departure. Since the cease-fire, it had been used to store dozens of pallets of personal gear for returning troops before loading on transport planes. Now, it held two aircraft — two very special aircraft, tightly squeezed in nose to tail.

The two EB-52 Megafortress bombers had arrived separately — Brad Elliott’s plane was returning from its patrol near Iran, while the second bomber had been en route to replace the first when it had been diverted to Diego Garcia — but they had arrived within minutes of one another. The airfield had been closed down and blacked out, and all transient ships in the harbor had been moved north toward the mouth of the harbor, until both aircraft touched down and were parked inside the Air Force hangar. A third Megafortress bomber involved in the ’round-the-clock aerial patrols near Iran remained back at its home base in Nevada, with crews standing by ready to rotate out to Diego Garcia if a conflict developed. Roving guards were stationed inside and outside the hangar, but the lure of the island’s secluded, serene tropical beauty and every warrior’s desire to escape the stress and strains of warfighting combined to keep all curious onlookers away. No one much cared what was inside that hangar, as long as it didn’t mean they had to go back to twenty-four-hour shifts to surge combat aircraft for bombing raids.

Patrick McLanahan had spent all night buttoning up the Megafortress, downloading electronic data from the ship’s computers, and preparing a detailed intelligence brief for the Air Force on the strange aircraft they had encountered near the Strait of Hormuz. Now it was time to summarize their findings and prepare a report to send to the Pentagon.

“We need to come up with a best guess at what we encountered last night,” Brad Elliott said. “Wendy? Start us off.”

“Weird,” Wendy said. “He had a big, powerful multimode X-band surface-search radar, which meant it was a big plane, maybe bomber-class, like a Bear, Badger, Backfire, Nimrod, or Buccaneer attack plane. But it also had an S-band air-search radar, like a Soviet Peel Cone system or like an AWACS. He was fast, faster than six hundred knots, which definitely eliminates the Bear and AWACS and probably eliminates a Badger, Nimrod, or Buccaneer attack plane. That leaves a Backfire bomber.”

“Or a Blackjack bomber,” Patrick offered, “or some other class of aircraft we haven’t seen yet.” The Backfire and Blackjack bombers were Russia’s most advanced warplanes. Both were large intercontinental supersonic bombers, still in production. The Backfire bomber, similar to the American B-1 bomber, was known to have been exported to Iran as a naval attack plane, carrying long-range supersonic cruise missiles. Little was known about the Blackjack bomber except it was larger, faster, more high-tech, and carried many more weapons than any other aircraft in the Communist world — and probably in the entire world.

“But with air-to-air missiles?” John Ormack remarked. “Could we have missed other planes with him, maybe a fighter escort?”

“Possible,” Wendy said. “But normally we’d spot fighter intercept radars at much longer distances, as far as a hundred miles. We didn’t see him until he was right on top of us — less than forty miles away. In fact, we probably wouldn’t have detected him at all except he turned on his own radar first and we detected it. He was well within our own air-search radar range, but we never saw him.”

“A stealth bomber?” Patrick surmised. “A stealthy Backfire or Blackjack bomber?”

“There’s nothing stealthy about a Backfire,” Wendy said, “but a Blackjack bomber — interesting notion. Armed with air-to-air missiles?”

“It’s the equivalent of a Megafortress flying battleship, except built on a supersonic airframe,” Patrick said. “Three years after we first flew the EB-52 Megafortress, someone — probably the Russians — builds their own copy and sells it to the Iranians. Remember we thought we heard a Russian voice on the radio before we heard the Iranian pilot respond in English? The Russians built a Megafortress flying battleship and sold it to the Iranians.”

“Hol-ee shit,” Brad Elliott murmured. “It would sure keep the Russians in the Iranians’ good graces to sell them a hot jet like a Megafortress. That would be worth a billion dollars in hard currency, something I’m sure the Russians need badly. It would be the ultimate weapon in the Middle East.”

“We know how capable our system is — we know we can sneak up on any ship in the U.S. Navy and launch missiles and drop bombs before they know we’re there,” John Ormack said. “If the Iranians have a similar capability …”

“The entire fleet in the Persian Gulf could be in danger,” Brad Elliott said ominously. “With Iraq all but neutralized and the Coalition forces going home, this could be Iran’s best chance to take over the Persian Gulf. I want an abbreviated after-action and intelligence summary ready to transmit in thirty minutes, and then I want a detailed report prepared and ready to send out to Washington on the next liaison flight. Let’s get busy.”

The crew had the report done in twenty minutes, and they were hard at work on the after-action report when a communications officer brought in a message from the command post. Brad read it, his face darkened, and he crumpled it up into a ball and stormed out of the room, muttering curses.

John picked up the message form and read it. “We’ve been ordered to stand down,” he said. “Apparently the Iranians filed a protest with the State Department, claiming an American warplane tried to violate Iranian airspace and attack a patrol. Almost every Gulf country is demanding an explanation, and the President doesn’t have one …”

“Because he didn’t know what we were doing,” Patrick said. “The President must be ready to bust a gut.”

“We’ve been ordered to bring the Megafortresses back to Groom Lake immediately.” He gulped, then read, “And Brad’s been relieved of duty.” Patrick shook his head and made an exasperated sigh, then closed his classified notebook, collected his papers, and secured them in a catalog case to turn back in to the command post. “Where are you going, Patrick?”

“Out. Away from here. I’m on a beautiful tropical island — I want to enjoy a little of it before I get tossed into prison.”

“Brad wanted us to stay in the hangar …”

“Brad’s no longer in charge,” Patrick said. He looked at John Ormack with a mixture of anger and weariness. “Are you going to order me to stay, John?” Ormack said nothing, so Patrick stormed out of the room without another word.

After turning in his classified materials, Patrick went to his locker in the hangar, stripped off his smelly survival gear and flying boots, found a beach mat and a bottle of water, took a portable walkie-talkie and his ID card, grabbed a ride from the shuttle bus to one of the beautiful white-sand beaches just a few yards from the Visiting Officers’ Quarters, found an inviting coconut tree, stripped off his flight suit and undergarments to the waist, and stretched out on the sand. He heard the walkie-talkie squawk once — someone asking him to return to answer a few more questions — so Patrick finally turned the radio off. But he immediately felt bad for doing that, so he set his “internal alarm clock” for one hour and closed his eyes.

He was exhausted, bone-tired, but the weariness would not leave his body — in fact, he was energized, ready to go again. There was so much excitement and potential in their group — and it seemed it was wasted because Brad Elliott couldn’t control himself. He was too eager simply to charge off and do whatever he felt was right or necessary. Patrick didn’t always disagree with him, but he wished he could channel his energy, drive, determination, and patriotism in a more productive direction.

It seemed as if only a few minutes passed, but when Patrick awoke a quick glance at his watch told him fifty minutes had gone by. The sun was high in the sky, seemingly overhead — they were close enough to the equator for that to happen — but there was enough of a breeze blowing in off the Indian Ocean to keep him cool and comfortable. There were a few sailors or airmen on the beach a few dozen yards away to the east, throwing a Frisbee or relaxing under an umbrella.

“Helluva way to fight a war, isn’t it?”

Patrick looked behind him and saw Wendy Tork sitting cross-legged beside him. She had a contented, pleased, relaxed look on her face. Patrick felt that same thrill of excitement and anticipation he had felt on the Megafortress. “I’ll say,” Patrick commented. “How long have you been sitting there?”

“A few minutes.” Wendy was wearing nothing but her athletic bra and a pair of dark blue cotton panties; her flying boots and flight suit were in a pile beside her. Patrick gulped in surprise when he saw her so scantily clad, which made her smile. She motioned toward the Visiting Officers’ Quarters down the beach. “Brad decided to let us get rooms in the Qs rather than sleep in the hangar.”

Patrick snorted. “How magnanimous of him.”

“What were you going to do — sleep on the beach?”

“Damn right I was,” Patrick said. He shook his head disgustedly. “We were cooped up in that plane for over seventeen hours.”

“And it was all unauthorized,” Wendy said bitterly. “I can’t believe he’d do that — and then have the nerve to chew you out for what you did.”

“You mean, you can’t believe he’d do that again,” Patrick said. “That’s Brad Elliott’s MO, Wendy — do whatever it takes to get the job done.”

“Flying the Kavaznya sortie — yes, I agree,” she said. The first flight of the experimental EB-52 Megafortress bomber three years earlier, against a Soviet long-range killer laser system in Siberia, was also unauthorized — but it had probably saved the world from a nuclear exchange. “But with half the planet involved in a shooting war in the Middle East, why he would commit three Megafortresses to the theater without proper authorization and risk getting us all killed like that? Hell, it boggles my mind.”

“No one said Brad was the clearheaded all-knowing expert in everything military,” Patrick pointed out. “If he was, he’d probably build Megafortresses for just one person. He has a crew behind him.” He turned toward her. “Rank disappears when we step into that bird, Wendy. It’s our job, our responsibility, to point out problems or discrepancies or errors.”

“Aren’t you obligated to follow his orders?”

“Yes, unless I feel his orders are illogical or illegal or violate a directive,” Patrick replied. “Brad wanting to engage that unidentified aircraft — that was wrong, even if we were on an authorized mission. We can’t just go around shooting down aircraft over international airspace. We did what we were supposed to do — disengage, identify ourselves, turn, run, and get out. We prevented a dogfight and came home safely.” He paused, then smiled.

“Why are you smiling?”

“You know, I was a little miffed at Brad ordering us up on this mission at first,” Patrick admitted. “But you know, I probably … no, I definitely wanted to go. I knew we had no tasking or execution order. If I wanted, I could have asked the question, demanded he get authorization, and stopped this sortie from ever leaving the ground. The fact is, I wanted to do it.” His expression grew a bit more somber as he added, “In fact, I probably betrayed you, maybe even betrayed myself for not saying anything. I had a responsibility to speak up, and I didn’t. And if things went completely to shit and some of us were killed or captured or hurt, I know that Brad would be the one responsible. I accused Brad of being irresponsible, of wanting to get into the fighting before it was over — and at the same time, I was thinking and doing the exact same thing. What a hypocrite.”

“You are not a hypocrite,” Wendy said, putting a hand on his shoulder as his eyes wandered out across the beach toward the open ocean. “Listen, Patrick, there’s a war on. There might be a cease-fire now, but the entire region is still ready to explode. You know this, Brad knows this, I know this — and soon some smart desk jockeys in Washington will know this. They really did want our team warmed up and ready to go in case we were needed. Brad just advanced the timetable a little …”

“No, a lot,” Patrick said.

“You played along because you recognized the need and our unit’s capabilities. You did the right thing.” She paused and took a deep breath, letting her fingers slide along his broad, naked shoulders. Patrick suppressed a pleased, satified moan, and Wendy responded by beginning to massage his shoulders. “I just wish Brad was a little more … userfriendly,” she went on absently. “Commanders need to make decisions, but Brad seems a little too eager to pull the trigger and fight his way in or out of a scrape.” She paused for a few long moments, then added, “Why can’t you be our commander?”

“Me?” He hoped his surprised reaction sounded a lot less phony than it sounded to himself. In fact, ever since joining the High Technology Aerospace Weapons Center, Patrick thought about being its commander — now, for the first time, someone else had verbalized it. “I don’t think I’m leadership material, Wendy,” Patrick said after a short chuckle.

His little laugh barely succeeded in hiding the rising volts of pleasure he felt as her fingers aimlessly caressed his shoulder. “Sure you are,” she said. “I think you’d be a great commanding officer.”

“I don’t think so,” Patrick said. “They made me a major after the Kavaznya mission only because we survived it, not because I’m better than all the other captains in the Air Force …”

“They made you a major because you deserve to get promoted.”

Patrick ignored her remark. “I think I might be meeting a lieutenant-colonel promotion board sometime this month — a two-year below-the-primary-zone board — but I have no desire to become a commander,” he went on. “All I want to do is fly and be the best at whatever mission or weapon system they give me. But they don’t promote flyboys to O-5 if they want to just stay flyboys.”

“They don’t?”

“Why should they? If a captain or a major can do the job, why do they need a lieutenant colonel doing it? L–Cs are supposed to be leaders, commanding squadrons. I don’t want a squadron.” Wendy looked at the sand for a long moment, then drummed her fingers on his shoulder. He glanced at her and smiled when she looked up at him with a mischievous smile. “What?”

“I think that’s bull, Major-soon-to-be-Lieutenant-Colonel McLanahan.” Wendy laughed. “I think you’d make an ideal commanding officer. You’re the best at what you do, Patrick — it’s perfectly understandable that you wouldn’t want to spoil things by moving on to something else. But I see the qualities in you that other high-ranking guys lack. John Ormack is a great guy and a fine engineer, but he doesn’t have what it takes to lead. Brad Elliott is a determined, gutsy leader, but he doesn’t have the long-range vision and the interpersonal skills that a good commander needs.

“So stop selling yourself short. Those of us who know you can see it’s total bull. The Strategic Air Command has got you so brainwashed into believing the mission comes first and the person comes last that you’re starting to believe it yourself.” She lay on the warm sand, facing him. “Let’s talk about something else — like why you were watching me last night.”

Her frankness and playfulness, combined with the warm sand, idyllic tropical scenery, fresh ocean breezes — not to mention her semiundressed attire — finally combined to make Patrick relax, even smile. He lay down on the sand, facing her, intentionally shifting himself closer to her. “I was fantasizing about you,” he said finally. “I was thinking about the night at the Bomb Comp symposium at Barksdale that we spent together, how you looked, how you felt.”

“Mmm. Very nice. I knew you were thinking that. I thought it was cute, you trying to stammer your way out of it. I’ve been thinking about you too.”

“Oh yeah?”

Her eyes grew cloudy, tumultuous. “I had been thinking for the longest time if we’d ever get back together again,” Wendy said. “After the Kavaznya mission, we were so compartmentalized, isolated — I thought I’d never touch you ever again. Then you joined Brad in the Border Security Force assignment, and that went bust, and it seemed like they drove you even deeper underground. And then the Philippines conflict … we lost so many planes out there, I was sure you weren’t coming back. I knew you’d be leading the force, and I thought you’d be the first to die, even in the B-2 stealth bomber.”

Wendy rolled over on her back and stared up into the sky. The clouds were thickening — it looked like a storm coming in, more than just the usual daily late-afternoon five-minute downpour. “But then Brad brought us back to refit the new planes to the Megafortress standard, and you were back at work like nothing ever happened. We started working together, side by side, sometimes on the same workstation or jammed into the same dinky compartment, sometimes so close I could feel the heat from your temples. But it seemed as if we had never been together — it was as if we had always been working together, but that night in Barksdale never happened. You were working away like crazy and I was just another one of your subcontractors.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Wendy …”

“But it did hurt,” she interjected. “The way you looked at me at Barksdale, the way you treated me at Dreamland, the way you touched me on the Megafortress just before we landed in Anadyr … I felt something between us, much more than just a one-night stand in Shreveport. That felt like an eternity ago. I felt as if I waited for you, and you were never coming back. Then I caught you looking at me, and all I could think of to do was come up with subtle ways to hurt you. Now, I don’t know what I feel. I don’t know whether I should punch your damned lights out or …”

He moved pretty quick for a big guy. His lips were on hers before she knew it, but she welcomed his kiss like a pearl diver welcomes that first deep, sweet breath of air after a long time underwater.

The beach was beautiful, soothing and relaxing, but they did not spend much time there. They knew that the world was going to come crashing down on them very, very soon, and they didn’t have much time to get reacquainted. The Visiting Officers’ Quarters were only a short walk away ….

* * *

“Damn shit-hot group we got, that’s what I think,” Colonel Harry Ponce exclaimed. He was “holding court” in the Randolph Officers Club after breakfast, sitting at the head of a long table filled with fellow promotion board members and a few senior officers from the base. Ponce jabbed at the sky with his unlit cigar. “It’s going to be damn hard to choose.”

Heads nodded in agreement — all but Norman Weir’s. Ponce jabbed the cigar in his direction. “What’s the matter, Norm? Got a burr up your butt about somethin’?”

Norman shrugged. “No, Colonel, not necessarily,” he said. Most of the others turned to Norman with surprised expressions, as if they were amazed that someone would dare contradict the supercolonel. “Overall, they’re fine candidates. I wish I’d seen a few more sharper guys, especially the in-the-primary-zone guys. The above-the-primary-zone candidates looked to me like they’d already thrown in the towel.”

“Hell, Norman, ease up a little,” Ponce said. “You look at a guy that’s the ops officer of his squadron, he’s got umpteen million additional duties, he flies six sorties a week or volunteers for deployment or TDYs — who the hell cares if he’s got a loose thread on his blues? I want to know if the guy’s been busting his hump for his unit.”

“Well, Colonel, if he can’t put his Class A’s together according to the regs or he can’t be bothered getting a proper haircut, I wonder what else he can’t do properly? And if he can’t do the routine stuff, how is he supposed to motivate young officers and enlisted troops to do the same?”

“Norm, I’m talkin’ about the real Air Force,” Ponce said. “It’s all fine and dandy that the headquarters staff and support agencies cross all the damned t’s and dot the i’s. But what I’m looking for is the Joe that cranks out one hundred and twenty percent each and every damned day. He’s not puttin’ on a show for the promotion board — he’s helping his unit be the best. Who the hell cares what he looks like, as long as he flies and fights like a bitch bulldog in heat?”

That kind of language was typical in the supercolonel’s verbal repertoire, and he used it to great effect to shock and humor anyone he confronted. It just made Norman more defensive. Anyone who resorted to using vulgarity as a normal part of polite conversation needed an education in how to think and speak, and Ponce was long overdue for a lesson. “Colonel, a guy that does both—does a good job in every aspect of the job, presenting a proper, professional, by-the-book appearance as well as performing his primary job — is a better choice for promotion than just the guy who flies well but has no desire or understanding of all the other aspects of being a professional airman. A guy that presents a poor appearance may be a good person and a good operator, but obviously isn’t a complete, well-balanced, professional officer.”

“Norm, buddy, have you been lost in your spreadsheets for the past nine months? Look around you — we’re at war here!” Ponce responded, practically shouting. Norman had to clench his jaw to keep from admonishing Ponce to stop calling him by the disgusting nickname “Norm.” “The force is at war, a real war, for the first time since Vietnam — I’m not talkin’ about Libya or Grenada, those were just finger-wrestling matches compared to the Sandbox — and we’re kicking ass! I see my guys taxiing out ready to launch, and I see them practically jumpin’ out of their cockpits, they’re so anxious to beat the crap outta Saddam. Their crew chiefs are so excited they’re pissin’ their pants. I see those guys as heroes, and now I have a chance to promote them, and by God I’m gonna do it!

“The best part is, none of our officers are over there in the ‘Sandbox’ ordering someone to paint the rocks or having six-course meals while their men are dying all around them. We’re going over there, kicking ass and taking names, and we’re coming home alive and victorious. Our troops are being treated like professionals, not conscripts or snot-nosed kids or druggies or pretty-boy marionettes. Our officers are applying what they’ve learned over the years and are taking the fight to Saddam and shovin’ Mavericks right down his damned throat. I want guys leading the Air force that want to train hard, fight hard, and come home.”

“But what about …?”

“Yeah, yeah, I hear all the noise about the ‘whole person’ and the ‘total package’ crapola,” Ponce interjected, waving the cigar dismissively. “But what I want are warriors. If you’re a pilot, I want to see you fly your ass off, every chance you can get and then some, and then I want to see you pitch in to get the paperwork and nitpicky ground bullshit cleaned up so everyone can go fly some more. If you’re an environmental weenie or — what are you in, Norm, accounting and finance? Okay. If you’re a damned accountant, I want to see you working overtime if necessary to make your section hum. If your squadron needs you, you slap on your flying boots, fuck the wife good-bye, and report in on the double. Guys who do that are aces in my book.”

Norman realized there was no point in arguing with Ponce — he was just getting more and more flagrant and bigoted by the second. Soon he would be bad-mouthing and trash-talking lawyers, or doctors, or the President himself — everyone except those wearing wings. It was getting very tiresome. Norman fell silent and made an almost imperceptible nod, and Ponce nodded triumphantly and turned to lecture someone else, acting as if he had just won the great evolution vs. creation debate. Norman made certain he was not the next one to leave, so it wouldn’t appear as if he was retreating or running away, but as soon as the first guy at the table got up, Norman muttered something about having to make a call and got away from Ponce and his sycophants.

Well, Norman thought as he walked toward the Military Personnel Center, attitudes like Ponce’s just cemented his thoughts and feelings about flyers — they were opinionated, headstrong, bigoted, loudmouthed Neanderthals. Ponce wasn’t out to promote good officers — he was out to promote meat-eating jet-jockeys like himself.

It was guys like Ponce, Norman thought as he entered the building and took the stairs to the Selection and Promotion Branch floor, who were screwing up the Air Force for the rest of us.

“Excuse me, Colonel Weir?” Norman was striding down the hallway, heading back to his panel deliberation room. He stopped and turned. Major General Ingemanson was standing in the doorway to his office, smiling his ever-present friendly, disarming smile. “Got a minute?”

“Of course, sir,” Norman said.

“Good. Grab a cup of coffee and c’mon in.” Norman bypassed the coffee stand in the outer office and walked into Ingemanson’s simple, unadorned office. He stood at attention in front of Ingemanson’s desk, eyes straight ahead. “Relax and sit down, Colonel. Sure you don’t want some coffee?”

“I’m fine, sir, thank you.”

“Congratulations on finishing up the first week and doing such a good job.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“You can call me ‘Swede’—everybody does,” Ingemanson said. Norman didn’t say anything in reply, but Ingemanson could immediately tell Weir wasn’t comfortable calling him anything but “General” or “sir”—and of course Ingemanson noticed that Weir didn’t invite him to call him by his first name, either. “You’re a rare species on this board, Colonel — the first to come to a promotion board from the Budget Analysis Agency. Brand-new agency and all. Enjoying it there?”

“Yes, sir. Very much.”

“Like the Pentagon? Wish you were back in a wing, running a shop?”

“I enjoy my current position very much, sir.”

“I had one Pentagon tour a couple years ago — hated it. Air Division is okay, but boy, I miss the flying, the flight line, the cockpit, the pilots’ lounge after a good sortie,” Ingemanson said wistfully. “I try to keep current in the F-16 but it’s hard when you’re pulling a staff. I haven’t released a real-live weapon in years.”

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” He was sorry he didn’t get to drop bombs and get shot at anymore? Norman definitely didn’t understand flyers.

“Anyway, all the panel members have been instructed to call on you to explain any technical terminology or references in the personnel files relating to the accounting and finance field,” Ingemanson went on. “A few line officer candidates had AFO-type schools, and some of the rated types on the panels might not know what they are. Hope you don’t mind, but you might be called out to speak before another panel anytime. Those requests have to come through me. We’ll try to keep that to a minimum.”

“Not at all. I understand, sir,” Norman said. “But in fact, no one has yet come to me to ask about the accounting or finance field. That could be a serious oversight.”


“If the flyers didn’t know what a particular AFO school was, how could they properly evaluate a candidate’s file? I see many flyers’ files, and I have to ask about a particular school or course all the time.”

“Well, hopefully the panel members either already know what the school or course is, or had the sense to ask a knowledgeable person,” Ingemanson offered. “I’ll put out a memo reminding them.”

“I don’t suppose too many AFOs will rate very highly with this board,” Norman said. “With the war such a success and the aircrews acquitting themselves so well, I imagine they’ll get the lion’s share of the attention here.”

“Well, I’ve only seen MPC’s printout on the general profile of the candidates,” Ingemanson responded, “but I think they did a pretty good job spreading the opportunities out between all the specialties. Of course, there’ll be a lot of flyers meeting any Air Force promotion board, but I think you’ll find it’s pretty evenly distributed between the rated and nonrated specialties.”

“If you listen to the news, you’d think there was a pilot being awarded the Medal of Honor every day.”

“Don’t believe everything you hear in the press, Colonel — our side practices good propaganda techniques too, sometimes better than the Iraqis,” Ingemanson said with a smile. “The brass didn’t want to give kill counts to the press, but the press eats that up. Helps keep morale up. The talking heads then start speculating on which fictional hero will get what medal. Stupid stuff. Not related to the real world at all.” He noticed Weir’s hooded, reserved expression, then added, “Remember, Colonel — there was Operation Desert Shield before there was Operation Desert Storm, and that’s where the support troops shone, not just the aircrew members. None of the heroics being accomplished right now would be even remotely possible without the Herculean efforts of the support folks. Even the AFOs.” Weir politely smiled at the gentle jab.

“I haven’t seen any of the personnel jackets, but I expect to see plenty of glowing reports on extraordinary jobs done by combat support and nonrated specialties,” Ingemanson went on. “I’m not telling you how I want you to mark your ballots, Colonel, but keep that in mind. Every man or woman, whether they’re in the Sandbox or staying back in the States, needs to do their job to perfection, and then some, before we can completely claim victory.”

“I understand, sir. Thank you for the reminder.”

“Don’t mention it. And call me ‘Swede.’ Everyone does. We’re going to be working closely together for another week — let’s ease up on some of the formalities.” Norman again didn’t say a word, only nodded uncomfortably. Ingemanson gave Weir a half-humorous, half-exasperated glare. “The reason I called you in here, Colonel,” Ingemanson went on, “is I’ve received the printout on the scoring so far. I’m a little concerned.”


“Because you seem to be rating the candidates lower than any other rater,” the general said. “The board’s average rating so far is 7.92. Your average line officer rating is 7.39—and your average rating of pilots, navigators, and missile-launch officers is 7.21, far below the board average.”

Norman felt a brief flush of panic rise up to his temples, but indignation shoved it away. “Is there a problem, sir?”

“I don’t know, Colonel. I asked you here to ask that very same question of you.”

Norman shrugged. “I suppose someone has to be the lowest rater.”

“Can’t argue with that,” Ingemanson said noncommittally. “But I just want to make sure that there are no … hidden agendas involved with your ratings decisions.”

“Hidden agendas?”

“As in, you have something against rated personnel, and you want your scores to reflect your bias against them.”

“That’s nonsense, sir. I have nothing against flyers. I don’t know many, and I have little interaction with them, so how can I have a bias against them?”

“My job as board president is to make sure there is no adverse bias or favoritism being exercised by the panel members,” Ingemanson reminded him. “I look at the rater’s individual average scores. Generally, everyone comes within ten or fifteen percent of the average. If it doesn’t, I ask the rater to come in for a chat. I just wanted to make sure everything is okay.”

“Everything is fine, sir. I assure you, I’m not biasing my scores in any way. I’m calling them like I see them.”

“A flyer didn’t run over your cat or run off with your wife … er, pardon me, Colonel. I forgot — you’re divorced. My apologies.”

“No offense taken, sir.”

“I’m once divorced too, and I joke about it constantly — way too much, I’m afraid.”

“I understand, sir,” Norman said, without really understanding. “I’m just doing my job the way I see it needs to be done.”

Ingemanson’s eyes narrowed slightly at that last remark, but instead of pursuing it further, he smiled, rubbed his hands energetically, and said, “That’s good enough for me, then. Thanks for your time.”

“You aren’t going to ask me to change any of my scores? You’re not going to ask me how I score a candidate?”

“I’m not allowed to ask, and even if I was, I don’t really care,” the two-star general said, smiling. “Your responsibility as a member of this board is to apply the secretary’s MOI to the best of your professional knowledge, beliefs, and abilities. I certify to the Secretary of the Air Force that all board members understand and are complying with the Memorandum of Instruction, and I have to certify this again when I turn in the board’s results. My job when I find any possible discrepancies is to interview the board member. If I find any evidence of noncompliance with the MOI, I’ll take some action to restore fairness and accuracy. If it’s a blatant disregard of the MOI, I might ask you to rescore some of the candidates, but the system is supposed to accommodate wild swings in scoring.

“I’m satisfied that you understand your responsibilities and are carrying them out. I cannot change any ratings, try to instruct you in how to rate the candidates, or try to influence you in any way about how to carry out your responsibilities, as long as you’re following the MOI. End of discussion. Have a nice day, Colonel.”

Norman got to his feet, and he shook hands with General Ingemanson when he offered it. But before he left, Norman turned. “I have a question, sir.”

“Fire away.”

“Did you have this same discussion with anyone else … say, Colonel Ponce?”

General Ingemanson smiled knowingly. Well well, he thought, maybe he’s not as stuck in the world between his ears as he thought. “As a matter of fact, Colonel, I did. We spoke last Saturday evening at the O Club over a few drinks.”

“You spoke with Colonel Ponce about the board, at the Officers’ Club?”

Ingemanson chuckled, but more out of exasperation than humor. “Colonel, this is not a sequestered criminal jury,” he said. “We’re allowed to speak to one another outside the Selection Board Secretariat. We’re even allowed to discuss promotion boards and the promotion process in general — just not any specifics on any one candidate or anything about specific scores, or attempt to influence any other board members. You probably haven’t noticed, but Slammer spends just about every waking minute that he’s not sitting the panel at the Club. That seemed to me the best place to corral him.”


“Colonel Ponce. That’s his call sign. I thought you two knew each other?”

“We were assigned to the same wing, once.”

“I see.” Ingemanson filed that tidbit of information away, then said with a grin, “If I’d run into you at the Club, Norman, I would’ve spoken to you there too. You seem to spend most of your time in your VOQ or out jogging. Neither is conducive to a heart-to-heart chat.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Harry and I have crossed paths many times — I guess if you’ve been around as long as we have in the go-fast community, that’s bound to happen. I’ve got seven years on the guy, but he’ll probably pin on his first star soon. He might have been one of the Provisional Wing commanders out in Saudi Arabia or Turkey if he wasn’t such a hot-shit test pilot. He designed two weapons that were developed in record time and used in the war. Pretty amazing work.” Norman could tell Ingemanson was mentally reliving some of the times they’d had together, and it irritated Norman to think that he could just completely drift off like that — take a stroll down Memory Lane while talking to another officer standing right in front of him.

“Anyway,” Ingemanson went on, shaking himself out of his reverie with a satisfied smile, “we spoke about his scores. They’re a little skewed, like yours.”

“All in favor of the flyers, I suppose.”

“Actually, he’s too hard on flyers,” Ingemanson admitted. “I guess it’s hard to measure up with what that man’s done over his career, but that’s no excuse. I told him he’s got to measure the candidates against each other, not against his own image of what the perfect lieutenant colonel-selectee is.”

“Which is himself,” Norman added.

“Probably so,” Ingemanson said, with a touch of humor in his eyes. He looked at Norman, and the humor disappeared. “The difference is, Slammer is measuring the candidates against a rigid yardstick — himself, or at least his own image of himself. On the other hand, you — in my humble nonvoting opinion — are not measuring the candidates at all. You’re chipping away at them, finding and removing every flaw in every candidate until you come up with a chopped-up thing at the end. You’re not creating anything here, Colonel — you’re destroying.”

Norman was a little stunned by Ingemanson’s words. He was right on, of course — that was exactly Norman’s plan of attack on this board: Start with a perfect candidate, a perfect “10,” then whittle away at their perfection until reaching the bottom-line man or woman. When Ingemanson put it the way he did, it did sound somewhat defeatist, destructive — but so what? There were no guidelines. What right did he have to say all this?

“Pardon me, sir,” Norman said, “but I’m not quite clear on this. You don’t approve of the way I’m rating the candidates?”

“That’s not what I’m saying at all, Colonel,” Ingemanson said. “And I didn’t try to correct Slammer either — not that I could even if I tried. I’m making an unofficial, off-the-record but learned opinion, on a little of the psychology behind the scoring if you will. I have no authority for any of this except for my experience on promotion boards and the fact that I’m a two-star general and you have to sit and listen to me.” He smiled, trying to punctuate his attempt at humor, but Weir wasn’t biting. “I’m just pointing out to you what I see.”

“You think I’m destroying these candidates?”

“I’m saying that perhaps your attitude toward most of the candidates, and toward the flyers in particular, shows that maybe you’re gunning them down instead of measuring them,” Ingemanson said. “But as you said, there’s no specific procedure for scoring the candidates. Do it any way as you see fit.”

“Permission to speak openly, sir?”

“For Pete’s sake, Colonel … yes, yes, please speak openly.”

“This is a little odd, General,” Norman said woodenly. “One moment you criticize my approach to scoring the candidates, and the next moment you’re telling me to go ahead and do it any way I want.”

“As I said in my opening remarks, Colonel Weir — this is your Air Force, and it’s your turn to shape its future,” Ingemanson said sincerely. “We chose you for the board: you, with your background and history and experience and attitudes and all that other emotional and personal baggage. The Secretary of the Air Force gave you mostly nonspecific guidelines for how to proceed. The rest is up to you. We get characters like you and we get characters like Slammer Ponce working side by side, deciding the future.”

“One tight-ass, one hard-ass — is that what you’re saying?”

“Two completely different perspectives,” Ingemanson said, not daring to get dragged into that most elegant, truthful observation. “My job is to make sure you are being fair, equitable, and open-minded. As long as you are, you’re in charge — I’m only the referee, the old man what’s in charge. I give you the shape of one man’s opinion, like Eric Sevareid used to say. End of discussion.” Ingemanson glanced at his watch, a silent way of telling Norman to get the hell out of his office before the headache brewing between his eyes grew any worse. “Have a nice day, Colonel.”

Norman got to his feet, stood at attention until Ingemanson — with an exasperated roll of his eyes — formally dismissed him, and walked out. He thought he had just been chewed out, but Ingemanson did it so gently, so smoothly, so affably, that Norman was simply left wondering, replaying the general’s words over and over in his head until he reached the panel deliberation room.

The other panel members were already seated, with Ponce at his usual place, his unlit cigar clenched in his teeth. “Gawd, Norm, you’re late, and you look a little tight,” Ponce observed loudly. “Had a wild weekend, Norm?”

“I finished my taxes and ran a ten-K run in less than forty minutes. How was your weekend?”

“I creamed the general’s ass in three rounds of golf, won a hundred bucks, met a cute senorita, and spent most of yesterday learning how to cook Mexican food buck naked,” Ponce replied. The rest of the room exploded in laughter and applause. “But shit, I don’t have my taxes done. What kind of loser am I?” They got to work amidst a lot of chatter and broad smiles — everyone but Norman.

The day was spent on what was called “resolving the gray area.” In the course of deliberations, many candidates had a score that permitted them to be promoted, but there weren’t enough slots to promote them all. So every candidate with a potentially promotable score had to be rescored until there were no more tie scores remaining. Naturally, when the candidates were rescored, there were candidates with tie scores again. Those had to be rescored, then the promotable candidates lumped together again and rescored yet again until enough candidates were chosen to fill the slots available.

In deliberating the final phase of rescoring the “gray area,” panel members were allowed to discuss the rationale behind their scores with each other. It was the phase that Norman most dreaded, and at the same time most anticipated — a possible head-to-head, peer-to-peer confrontation with Harry Ponce.

It was time, Norman thought, for the Slammer to get slammed.

“Norm, what in blue blazes are you thinking?” Ponce exploded as the final short stack of personnel jackets were passed around the table. “You torpedoed Waller again. Your rating pushes him out of the box. Mind tellin’ me why?”

“Every other candidate in that stack has Air Command and Staff College done in residence or by correspondence, except him,” Norman replied. He didn’t have to scan the jacket — he knew exactly which candidate it was, knew that Ponce would want to go to war over him. “His PME printout says he ordered the course a second time after failing to finish it within a year. Now why do you think he deserves to get a promotion when all the others completed that course?”

“Because Waller has been assigned to a fighter wing in Europe for the past three years.”


“Jesus, Norm, open your eyes,” Ponce retorted. “The Soviet Union is doin’ a free fall. The Berlin Wall came down and Russia’s number one ally, East Germany, virtually disappears off the map overnight. A Soviet premier kicks the bucket every goddamned year, the Baltic states want to become nonaligned nations, and the Soviet economy is in meltdown. Everyone expects the Russkies to either implode or break out and fight any day now.”

“I still don’t get it.”

“Fighter pilots stationed in Europe are practically sleeping in their cockpits because they have so many alert scrambles and restricted alert postures,” Ponce explained, “and Waller leads the league in sorties. He volunteers for every mission, every deployment, every training mission, every shadow tasking. He’s his wing’s go-to guy. He’s practically taken over his squadron already. His last OER went all the way up to USAFE headquarters. He flew one-fifth of all his squadron’s sorties in the Sandbox, and still served as ops officer and as acting squadron commander when his boss got grounded after an accident. He deserves to get a promotion.”

“But if he gets a promotion, he’ll be unavailable for a command position because he hasn’t completed ACSC — hasn’t even officially started it, in fact,” Norman pointed out. “And he’s been in his present assignment for almost four years — that means he’s ready for reassignment. If he gets reassigned he’ll have to wait at least a year, maybe two years, for an ACSC residence slot. He’ll get passed up by officers junior to him even if he maintains a spotless record. A promotion now will only hurt him.”

“What the hell kind of screwed-up logic is that, Weir?” Ponce shouted. But Norman felt good, because he could see that the little lightbulb over Ponce’s head came on. He was getting through to the supercolonel.

“You know why, Colonel,” Norman said confidently. “If he doesn’t get promoted, he’ll have a better chance of staying in his present assignment — in fact, I’d put money on it, if he’s the acting squadron commander. He’s a kick-ass major now — no one can touch him. He’s certainly top of the list in his wing for ACSC. As soon as he gets back from Saudi Arabia, he’ll go. When he graduates from ACSC in residence, he’ll have all the squares filled and then some. He’ll be a shooin for promotion next year.”

“But he’ll miss his primary zone,” Ponce said dejectedly. He knew Norman was right, but he still wanted to do everything he could to reward this outstanding candidate. “His next board will be an above-the-primary-zone board, and he’ll be lumped in with the has-beens. Here’s a guy who works his butt off for his unit. Who deserves it more than him?”

“The officers who took a little extra time in professional career development and got their education requirements filled,” Norman replied. “I’m not saying Waller’s not a top guy. But he obviously knew what he had to do to be competitive — after all, he’s taken the course twice, and he still didn’t do it: That’s not a well-rounded candidate in my book. The other candidates have pulled for their units too, but they also took time to get the theoretical and educational training in. Four other guys in that stack finished ACSC, and two of them have been selected to go in residence already. They’re the ones that deserve a promotion.”

“Well of course they had time to do ACSC — they’re ground-pounders,” Ponce shot back.

The remark hit a nerve in Norman’s head that sent a thrill of anger through his body. “Excuse me?”

“They’re ground-pounders — support personnel,” Ponce said, completely ignorant of Norman’s shocked, quickly darkening expression. “They go home every night at seventeen hundred hours and they don’t come to work until oh-seven-thirty. If they work on weekends, it’s because there’s a deployment or they want face time. They don’t have to pull ’round-the-clock strip alert or fly four scrambles a day or emergency dispersals.”

“Hey, Colonel, I’ve done plenty of all those things,” Norman retorted angrily. “I’ve manned mobility lines seventy-two hours straight, processing the airmen at the end of the line who’ve been up working all night because all the flyers insisted on going first. I’ve worked lots of weekends in-processing new wing commanders who don’t want to be bothered with paperwork or who want to get their TDY money as soon as they hit the base or their precious teak furniture from Thailand got a scratch on it during the move and they want to sue the movers. Just because you’re a flyer doesn’t mean you got the corner on dedication to duty.”

Ponce glared at Norman, muttered something under his breath, and chomped on his cigar. Norman steeled himself for round two, but it didn’t happen. “Fine, fine,” Ponce said finally, turning away from Norman. “Vote the way you damned want.”

Resolving the “gray area” candidates took an entire workday and a little bit of the evening, but they finished. The next morning seemed to come much too quickly. But it started a little differently — because General Ingemanson himself rolled a small file cabinet into the room. He carried a platter of breakfast burritos and other hot sandwiches from the dining hall atop the file cabinet.

“Good morning, good morning, folks,” he said gaily. “I know you all worked real hard yesterday, and I didn’t see most of you in the Club this morning, so I figured you probably skipped breakfast, so I brought it for you. Take a couple, grab some coffee, and get ready for the next evolution.” Hungry full birds fairly leaped for the food.

When everyone was seated a few moments later, General Ingemanson stepped up to the head of the room, and said, “Okay, gang, let’s begin. Since you worked hard yesterday to finish up your gray area candidates, you’re a little ahead of the game, so I have a treat for you today.

“As you may or may not know, once a promotion board is seated, the Military Personnel Center and the Pentagon can pretty much use and abuse you any way they choose, which means they can use you for any other personnel or promotion tasks they wish. One such task is below-the-zone promotions. We’re going to take two hundred majors who are two years below their primary promotion zone, score them, then combine them with the other selected candidates, resolve the gray areas, and pass their names along for promotion along with the others. This panel gets one hundred jackets.”

“Shit-hot,” Harry Ponce exclaimed. “We get our hands on the best of the best of the best.”

“I don’t fully understand, sir,” Norman said, raising a hand almost as if he were in grade school. “What’s the purpose of such a drastic promotion? Why do those officers get chosen so far ahead of their peers? It doesn’t make sense to me. What did they do to deserve such attention?”

“As in all promotion boards, Colonel,” Ingemanson replied, “the needs of the Air Force determine how and why officers get promoted. In this case, the powers that be determined that there should be a handful of individuals that represent the absolute best and most dedicated of the breed.”

“But I still don’t …”

“Generally, below-the-zone promotions are incentives for motivated officers to do even better,” Ingemanson interrupted. “If you know that the Air Force will pick a handful above the rest, for those who care about things like that, it’s their chance to work a little harder to make their jacket stand out. It’s been my experience that generally the BTZ guys become the leaders in every organization.”

“That’s to be expected, I suppose,” Norman said. “You give one person a gold star when everyone else gets silver stars, and the one with the gold star will start behaving like a standout, whether he really is or not. Classic group psychology. Is this what we want to do? Is this the message we want to send young officers in the Air Force?”

Ponce and some of the others rolled their eyes at that comment. Ingemanson smiled patiently and responded, “It sounds like a never-ending ‘chicken-or-the-egg’ argument, Colonel, which we won’t get into here. I prefer to think of this as an opportunity to reward an officer whose qualities, leadership, and professionalism rise above the others. That’s your task.

“Now, I must inform you that some of these jackets are marked ‘classified,’” General Ingemanson went on. “There is nothing in these files more classified than ‘NOFORN’ and ‘CONFIDENTIAL,’ but be aware that these files do carry a security classification over and above a normal everyday personnel file. The files may contain pointers to other, more sensitive documents.

“Bottom line is, that factoid is none of your concern. You evaluate each candidate by the physical content of the file that you hold in your hands. You won’t be given access to any other documents or records. You should not try to speculate on anything in the file that is not on a standard promotion board evaluation checklist. In other words, just because a candidate has annotations and pointers regarding classified records doesn’t mean his file should be weighed any heavier than someone else, or because a candidate doesn’t have any such annotations shouldn’t count against him. Base your decisions on the content of the files alone. Got it?” Everyone nodded, even Norman, although he appeared as perplexed as before.

“Now, to save time, we do below-the-primary-zone selections a little differently,” Ingemanson went on. “Everyone goes through the pile and gives a yes or no opinion of the candidate. The candidate needs four of seven ‘yes’ votes to go on to round two. This helps thin out the lineup so you can concentrate on the best possible candidates in a shorter period of time. Round two is precisely like a normal scoring routine — minimum six, maximum ten points, in half-point increments. Once we go through and score everyone, we’ll resolve the gray areas, then put those candidates in with the other candidates, then rescore and resolve until we have our selectees. We should be finished by tomorrow. We present the entire list to the board on Thursday, get final approval, and sign the list Friday morning and send it off to the Pentagon. We’re on the home stretch, boys. Any questions?”

“So what you’re saying, sir,” Norman observed, “is that these below-the-zone selectees could displace selectees that we’ve already chosen? That doesn’t seem fair.”

“That’s a statement, not a question, Colonel,” Ingemanson said. There was a slight ripple of laughter, but most of the panel members just wanted Norman to shut up. “You’re right, of course, Colonel. The BTZ selectees will be so identified, and when their OSRs are compared with the other selectees, you panel members will be instructed that a BTZ selectee must really have an outstanding record in order to bump an in-the-primary-zone or above-the-primary-zone selectee. As you may or may not know, BTZ selectees usually represent less than three percent of all selectees, and it is not unusual for a board to select no BTZ candidates for promotion. But again, that’s up to you. No more questions? Comments? Jokes?” Ingemanson did not give anyone a chance to reply. “Good. Have fun, get to work.”

The Officer Selection Reports began their circulation around the table, each member receiving a stack of about fifteen. Norman was irked by having to do this chore, but he was intrigued as well. These guys must be really good, he thought, to be chosen for promotion so far ahead of their peers.

But upon opening his first folder, he was disappointed again. The photograph he saw was of a chunky guy with narrow, tense-looking blue eyes, a crooked nose, irregular cheeks and forehead, thin blond hair cut too short, uneven helmet-battered ears, a thick neck underneath a shirt that appeared too small for him, and a square but meaty jaw. He wore senior navigator’s wings atop two and a half rows of ribbons — one of the smallest numbers of ribbons Norman had seen in six days of scrutinizing personnel files. The uniform devices appeared to be on straight, but the Class A uniform blouse looked as if it had a little white hanger rash on the shoulders, as if it had hung in the closet too long and had just been taken out for the photograph.

He was ready to vote “no” on this guy right away, but he didn’t want to pass the folder too early, so he glanced at the Officer Effectiveness Reports. What in hell were they thinking — this guy wasn’t anywhere ready to be promoted two years ahead of his peers! He had only been to two assignments in eight years, not including training schools. Up until recently, he was a line navigator — an instructor, yes, but still basically a line officer, virtually the same as a second lieutenant fresh out of tech school. Sure, he had won a bunch of trophies at the Strategic Air Command Giant Voice Bombing and Navigation Competition, and several raters had called him “the best bombardier in the nation, maybe the world.”

But one rater, a year before he left his first PCS assignment, had only rated him “Above Average,” not “Outstanding.” He didn’t have a “firewalled” OER. One of his last raters at his first assignment had said “A few improvements will result in one of the Air Force’s finest aviators.” Translation: He had problems that he apparently wasn’t even trying to fix. He wasn’t officer material, let alone a candidate for early promotion! He wasn’t even promotable, let alone leadership material! How in the world did he even get promoted to major?

What else? A master’s degree, yes, but only Squadron Officer School done, by correspondence — no advanced leadership schools. What in hell was he doing with his time? One temporary assignment with the U.S. Border Security Force — which went bust before the end of its third year, disgraced and discredited. His OERs at his second PCS assignment in Las Vegas were very good. His last OER had one three-star and two four-star raters — the four-star raters were the chief of staff of the Air Force and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a very impressive achievement. But there were very few details of exactly what he did there to deserve such high-powered raters. He had some of the shortest rater’s comments Norman had ever seen — lots of “Outstanding officer,” “Promote immediately,” and “A real asset to the Air Force and the nation” type comments, but no specifics at all. His flying time seemed almost frozen — obviously he wasn’t doing much flying. No flying, but no professional military schools? One temporary assignment, totally unrelated to his primary field? This guy was a joke.

And he didn’t have a runner’s chin. Norman could tell immediately if a guy took care of himself, if he cared about his personal health and appearance, by looking at the chin. Most runners had firm, sleek chins. Nonexercisers, especially nonrunners, had slack chins. Slack chins, slack attitudes, slack officers.

Norman marked Patrick S. McLanahan’s BTZ score sheet with a big fat “No,” and he couldn’t imagine any other panel member, even Harry Ponce, voting to consider this guy for a BTZ promotion. Then, he had a better idea.

For the first time as a promotion board member, Norman withdrew an Air Force Form 772—“Recommendation for Dismissal Based on Substandard OSR,” and he filled it out. A rated officer who didn’t fly, who was obviously contently hiding out at some obscure research position in Las Vegas twiddling his thumbs, was not working in the best interest of the Air Force. This guy had almost nine years in service, but it was obvious that it would take him many, many years to be prepared to compete for promotion to lieutenant colonel. The Air Force had an “up or out” policy, meaning that you could be passed over for promotion to lieutenant colonel twice. After that, you had to be dismissed. The Air Force shouldn’t wait for this guy to shape up. He was a waste of space.

A little dedication to yourself and dedication to the Air Force might help, Norman silently told the guy as he signed the AFF772, recommending that McLanahan be stripped of his regular commission and either sent back to the Reserves or, better, dismissed from service altogether. Try getting off your ass and do some running, for a start. Try to act like you give a damn …

* * *

Mother Nature picked that night to decide to dump an entire week’s worth of rain on Diego Garcia — it was one of the worst tropical downpours anyone had seen on the little island in a long time. The British civilian contracted shuttle bus wasn’t authorized to go on the southeast side of the runway, and Patrick wasn’t going to wait for someone to pick him up, so he ran down the service road toward the Air Force hangar. He had already called ahead to the security police and control tower, telling them what he was going to do, but in the torrential storm, it was unlikely anyone in the tower could see him. Patrick made it to the outer perimeter fence to the Air Force hangar just as one of the security units was coming out in a Humvee to pick him up.

Patrick dashed through security in record time, then ran to the hangar to his locker for a dry flight suit. Inside he saw maintenance techs preparing both Megafortress flying battleships for fueling and weapons preloading. Patrick decided to grab his thermal underwear and socks too — it looked as if he might be going flying very soon.

“What happened?” Patrick asked as he trotted into the mission planning room.

“An American guided-missile cruiser, the USS Percheron, was transiting the Strait of Hormuz on its way into the Persian Gulf when it was attacked by several large missiles,” Colonel John Ormack said. “Two of them missed, two were shot down, two were near misses, but two hit. The ship is still under way, but it’s heavily damaged. Over a hundred casualties.”

“Do they know who launched the missiles?”

“No idea,” Ormack replied. “Debris suggests they were Iraqi. The missiles were fired from the south, across the Musandam Peninsula over Oman. The warhead size was huge — well over five hundred pounds each. AS-9 or AS-14 class.”

“The Percheron couldn’t tag the missiles?”

“They didn’t see them until it was too late,” Ormack reported. “They were diving right on top of the cruiser from straight overhead. They were already supersonic when they hit. No time to respond. The Percheron is a California-class cruiser, an older class of guided-missile cruiser — even though it was fitted with some of the latest radars, it wasn’t exactly a spring chicken.”

“I thought every ship going into the Gulf had to be updated with the best self-defense gear?”

“That’s the Navy for you — they thought they had cleaned up the Gulf and could just waltz in with any old piece of shit they chose,” Lieutenant General Brad Elliott interjected as he strode into the room. He glared at Patrick’s wet hair and heavy breathing, and added, “You don’t look very rested to me, Major. Where’s Tork?”

“On her way, sir,” Patrick replied. “I didn’t wait for the SPs to come get me.”

“I guess it’s not a very good night for a romantic stroll on the beach anyway,” Elliott muttered sarcastically. “I could’ve used both of you an hour ago.”

“Sorry, sir.” He wasn’t really that sorry, but he tried to understand what kind of hell Brad had to be going through — stripped of the command that meant so much to him — and he felt sorry for Brad, not sorry that he wasn’t there to help out.

“The Navy’s officially started an investigation and is not speculating on what caused the explosions,” Elliott went on. “Defense has leaked some speculation to the media that some older Standard SM-2 air-to-air missiles might have accidentally exploded in their magazines. Hard to come up with an excuse for an above-deck explosion in two different sections of the ship. No one is yet claiming responsibility for the attack.

“Unofficially, the Navy is befuddled. They had no warning of the attack until seconds before the missiles hit. No missile-launch detection from shore, no unidentified aircraft within a hundred miles of the cruiser, and no evidence of sub activity in the area. They were well outside the range of all known or suspected coast defense sites capable of launching a missile of that size. Guesses, anyone?”

“How about a stealth bomber, like the one we ran into?” Patrick replied.

“My thoughts exactly,” Brad said. “The Defense Intelligence Agency has no information at all about Iran buying Blackjack bombers from Russia, or anything about Russia developing a bomber capable of launching air-to-air missiles. They got our report, but I think they’ll disregard it.”

“I wonder how much DIA knows about us and our capabilities?” Wendy asked.

“I think we’ve got to assume that Iran is flying that thing, and it’s got to be neutralized before it does any more damage,” Patrick said. “One more attack — especially on an aircraft carrier or other major warship — could spark a massive Middle East shooting war, bigger and meaner than the war with Iraq.” He turned to Brad Elliott and said, “You’ve got to get us back in the fight, Brad. We’re the only ones that can secretly take on that Blackjack battleship.”

Elliott looked at Patrick with a mixture of surprise, humor, and anger. “Major, are you suggesting that we — dare I even say it? — launch without proper authorization?” he asked.

“I’m suggesting that perhaps we should follow orders and return the Megafortresses to Dreamland,” Patrick said. “But I don’t recall any specific instructions about a specific route of flight we should take.”

“You think it makes any sense for us to fly from Diego Garcia all the way to the Strait of Hormuz and tell the Pentagon we were on the way back to Nevada?” Brad asked, a twinkle of humor in his eyes.

“We always file a ‘due regard’ point in our flight plans, which means we disappear from official view until we’re ready to reenter American airspace,” Patrick said. Classified military flights, such as spy plane or nuclear-weapon ferry flights, never filed a detailed point-by-point route flight plan — they always had a “due regard” point, a place where the flight plan was suspended, the rest of the flight secret. In effect, the flight “disappears” from official or public purview. The flight simply checks in with authorities at a specific place and time to reactivate the flight plan, with no official query about where it was or what it did. “Even the Pentagon doesn’t know where we go. And our tankers belong to us, so we don’t have to coordinate with any outside agencies for refueling support. If we, for example, fly off to Nevada and, say, develop an in-flight emergency six hours in the mission and decide to head on back to Diego Garcia, I don’t think the Air Force or the Pentagon can blame us for that, can they?”

“I don’t see how they can,” John Ormack said, smiling mischievously. “And we very well can’t fly a Megafortress into Honolulu, can we?”

“And in five hours, we can be back on patrol over the Strait of Hormuz,” Wendy Tork said. “We know what that Blackjack looks like on our sensors. We keep an eye on him and jump him if he tries to make another move.” Everyone on the crew was getting into it now.

“In the meantime, we get full authorization to conduct a search-and-destroy mission over the Strait of Hormuz for the mysterious Soviet-Iranian attack plane,” Patrick said. “If we don’t get it, we land back here at Diego, get ‘fixed,’ and return to Dreamland. We’ve done all we can do.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Brad Elliott said, beaming proudly and clasping Patrick on the shoulder. “Let’s work up a weapons list, get our guys busy loading gas and missiles, and let’s get this show on the road!” As they all got busy, Brad stepped over to Patrick, and said in a low voice, “Nice to be working together with you again, Muck.”

“Same here, Brad,” Patrick said. Finally, thankfully, the old connection between them was back. It was more than reestablishing crew connectivity — they were back to trusting and believing in one another again.

“Any idea how we’re going to find this mystery Iranian Megafortress?” Brad asked. “We’ve only got one chance, and we have no idea where this guy’s based, what his next target is, or even if he really exists.”

“He exists, all right,” Patrick said. He studied the intelligence reports Elliott had brought into the mission-planning room for a moment. “We must have a couple dozen ships down there protecting the Percheron.”

“I think the Navy’s going to move a carrier battle group to escort the cruiser back to Bahrain.”

“A carrier, huh?” Patrick remarked. “A cruiser is a good target, but a carrier would be a great target. Iraq made no secret of the fact they wanted to tag a carrier in the Gulf. Maybe Iran would like to claim that trophy.”

“Maybe — especially if they could pin the blame on Iraq,” Brad said. “But that still doesn’t solve our problem: How do we find this mystery attack plane? The chances of him and us being in the same sky at the same time is next to impossible.”

“I see only one way to flush him out,” Patrick said. “It’ll still be a one-in-a-thousand chance, but if he’s up flying, I think we can make him come to us.”

* * *

At over three hundred tons gross weight and with a wingspan longer than the Wright Brothers’ first flight, the Tupolev-160 long-range supersonic bomber, code-named “Blackjack” by the West, was the largest attack plane in the world. It carried more than its own empty weight in fuel and almost its own weight in weapons, and it was capable of delivering any weapon in the Soviet arsenal, from dumb bombs to multi-megaton gravity weapons and cruise missiles, with pinpoint precision. It could fly faster than the speed of sound up to sixty thousand feet, or at treetop level over any terrain, in any weather, day or night. Although only forty Blackjack bombers had been built, they represented the number one air-breathing military threat to the West.

But as deadly as the Tu-160 Blackjack was, there was one plane even deadlier: the Tupolev-160E. The stock Blackjack’s large steel and titanium vertical stabilizer had been replaced by a low, slender V-tail made of composite materials, stronger but more lightweight and radar-absorbing than steel. Much of the skin not exposed to high levels of heat in supersonic flight was composed of radar-absorbent material, and the huge engine air inlets for the four Kuznetsov NK-32 afterburning engines had been redesigned so the engines’ compressor blades wouldn’t reflect radar energy. Even the jet’s steeply raked cockpit windscreens had been specially shaped and coated to misdirect and absorb radar energy. All this helped to reduce the radar cross section of this giant bird to one-fourth of the stock aircraft’s size.

The only thing that spoiled the Blackjack-E’s sleek, stealthy needlelike appearance was a triangular fairing mounted under the forward bomb bay and a smaller fairing atop the fuselage that carried the aircraft’s phase-array air and surface search radars. The multimode radar electronically scanned both the sky and the sea for aircraft and ships, and passed the information both to allied ground, surface, and airborne units, as well as automatically programming its attack and defensive weapons.

The Blackjack-E and its weaponry were the latest in Soviet military technology — but that meant little to a starving, nearly bankrupt nation on the verge of total collapse. The weapon system was far more useful to the Soviet Union as a commodity — and they found a willing buyer in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Still oil-rich — and, with the rise in oil prices because of the war, growing richer by the day — but with a badly shavedback military following the devastating nine-year Iran-Iraq War, Iran needed to rebuild its arsenal quickly and effectively. Money was no object. The faster they could build an arsenal that could project power throughout the entire Middle East, the faster they could claim the title of the most powerful military force in the region, a force that had to be reckoned with in any dealings involving trade, commerce, land, religion, or legal rights in the Persian Gulf.

The Blackjack-E was the answer. The bomber was capable against air, ground, and surface targets; it was fast, it had the range to strike targets as far away as England without aerial refueling, and it carried a huge attack payload. After watching the Americans destroy nearly half of the vaunted Iraqi army with precision-guided weapons, the Iranians were positive they had spent their money wisely — any warplane they invested in had to be stealthy, had to be fast, had to have all-weather capability, and had to have precision-guided attack capability, or it was virtually useless over today’s high-tech battlefield. The Russians were selling — not just the planes, but the weapons, the support equipment, and Russian instructors and technicians — and the Iranians were eagerly buying.

The USS Percheron was the first operational test of the new attack platform. A large American warship, transiting the shallow, congested, narrow waters of the Strait of Hormuz alone, was an inviting target. The Percheron was a good test case because its long-range sensors and defensive armament were highly capable, some of the best in the world against all kinds of air, surface, and subsurface threats. If the Blackjack-E could penetrate the Percheron’s defenses, it was indeed a formidable weapon.

The test was a rousing success. The Blackjack-E’s crew — an Iranian pilot as aircraft commander, a Russian instructor pilot in the copilot’s seat, two Iranian officers as bombardier and defensive-systems officer, and one Russian systems instructor in a jump seat between the Iranian systems officers — launched their entire warload of six Kh-29 external missiles — painted and modified with Iraqi Air Force markings — from maximum range and medium altitude. The missiles dived to sea-skimming altitude, then popped up to five hundred meters when only five kilometers from their targets and then dived straight down at their target. Two of the missiles missed the cruiser by less than a half a kilometer; two made direct hits. The explosions could be seen and heard by observers twenty kilometers away. Although the Percheron was still able to get under way, it was certainly out of action.

This time, however, the Blackjack-E would have a full weapons load. This would be the ultimate test. On this flight, the Blackjack-E was loaded for a multirole hunter-killer mission. In the aft bomb bay, it carried a rotary launcher with twelve Kh-15 solid-rocket attack missiles. Each missile had a top speed of Mach 5—five times the speed of sound — a range of almost ninety miles when launched from high altitude, and a three-hundred-and-fifty-pound high-explosive warhead. The missiles, covered with a rubbery skin that burned off while in flight, were targeted by the Blackjack’s navigator by radar, or they would automatically attack large ships using its onboard radar, or home in on preprogrammed enemy radar emissions. Designed to destroy target defenses and attack targets well beyond surface-to-air missile range, the Kh-15s were unjammable, almost invisible to radar, and almost impossible to intercept or shoot down.

Externally, the Blackjack-E carried eight R-40 long-range air-to-air missiles, four under the attach point of each swiveling wing; two of the missiles on each wing were radar-guided missiles and two were heat-seeking missiles. It was the first Soviet heavy bomber to carry air-to-air missiles. Also under each wing were two Kh-29 multirole attack missiles, which had a range of sixteen miles, a top speed of just over Mach 2, and a massive six-hundred-pound high-explosive warhead. The Kh-29 was steered to its target by a TV datalink, giving it a precision-guided capability day or night or in poor weather, or it would home in on enemy radar emissions. Once locked on to its target, the Kh-29 would automatically fly an evasive sea-skimming or ballistic trajectory, depending on the target, followed by a steep dive into its target. The Kh-29 was designed to deliver a killing blow to almost any size target, even a large surface vessel, underground command post, bridges, and large industrial buildings and factories.

As predicted, the Americans erected an air umbrella around the stricken USS Percheron to protect it against sneak attacks. Because it was the closest, they moved CV-41, the venerable USS Midway, and its eight-ship escort group south to cover the Percheron’s crippled retreat. The Midway, the oldest carrier in active service in the U.S. fleet and the only carrier homeported on foreign soil, was overdue for decommissioning and reserve duty when Operation Desert Shield began. It was sent to the Persian Gulf and played mostly a short-range land-attack role with its three squadrons of F/A-18 Hornet fighter-bombers and one squadron of A-6 Intruder bombers.

If there was more time, or the need to get the crippled ship out of harm’s way not so pressing, the Navy would have chosen another ship to protect the Percheron. The Midway was the lightest armed ship for self-defense, with only two Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missile launchers, two Phalanx close-in Gatling gun systems, and no F-14 Tomcat fighters for long-range defense — it relied heavily on its escorts for protection. It had little up-to-date radars and electronic-countermeasure equipment, since it was on its way to reserve status before the start of the war. The second carrier battle group stationed in the Persian Gulf, the USS America, maintained its patrol in the northern half of the Gulf, about two hundred and fifty miles away — too far from Midway to be of any help in case some disaster took place.

The Blackjack-E, call sign Lechtvar (“Teacher”), launched from its secret base near Mashhad, about six hundred kilometers east of Tehran, using an Iran Air, the official Iranian government airline, flight number. It followed the commercial air-traffic route, overflying the Persian Gulf and central Saudi Arabia on its way to Jiddah, Saudi Arabia. In late February, with air superiority established over the entire region and no threat from Iraq’s air force, the Coalition forces agreed to reopen commercial air routes from Iran and other Islamic countries to the east into Jiddah to accommodate pilgrims visiting the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina. As long as a flight plan was on file and the flight followed a strict navigation corridor, overflying Saudi Arabia was permitted during the conflict.

The flight was handed off from Riyadh Air Traffic Control Center to Jiddah Approach, just before coming within range of American naval radar systems operating in the Red Sea. As it descended over the Hijaz Mountains south of Jiddah, the Blackjack-E bomber crew activated their terrain-following radar system, deactivated its transponder radar tracking system, and descended below radar coverage in less than two minutes. The crew allowed a few seconds of a “7700” transponder signal — the international code for Emergency — before shutting off all radios and external lights completely and descending into the mountains. Within moments, the flight had completely disappeared from radar screens.

Saudi and Coalition rescue teams, both civilian and military, immediately started fanning out from Jiddah south to the suspected crash site. But by the time the rescuers launched, the Blackjack-E was already far to the east, speeding across the deserts of the central Arabian Peninsula.

As the Blackjack-E sped across the sands and desolate high plains of eastern Saudi Arabia, air-defense radar sites began popping up all across their intended route of flight. It seemed as if there was a surface-to-air missile site stationed every forty of fifty miles apart along the Persian Gulf from Al-Khasab on the tip of Cape Shuraytah in Oman all the way to Kuwait City, with more sprinkles of air-defense radars on warships on or over the Persian Gulf itself. But the sites that were the most dangerous threat to the Blackjack-E — the various Coalition Patriot, Rapier, and Hawk antiaircraft batteries — were all fixed sites, and their precise locations had been known for weeks — they would make easy targets. In addition, although all of them were capable of attacking targets in any direction, they were set up and oriented to attack targets flying in from the Persian Gulf or Strait of Hormuz, not from the Arabian Peninsula. There were a few scattered mobile antiaircraft artillery emplacements, and the shipborne Aegis, Standard, and Sea Wolf antiaircraft missile systems represented a significant threat, but those would not be able to engage a fast-moving low-flying stealthy target in time.

Just before starting its attack, the Blackjack-E accelerated to just under supersonic speed — it was now traveling more than a mile every ten seconds. From fifty miles away, the Blackjack-E crew launched inertially guided Kh-15 missiles against the known antiaircraft emplacements in the United Arab Emirates. As the plane sped closer, it polished off any remaining antiaircraft radar sites with radar-homing Kh-15 missiles. As the bomber neared the United Arab Emirates coastline heading east, many radar sites saw the big bomber coming, but before they could direct their missile units to fire, the Kh-15 missiles were blowing the radars and communications nets off the air. Coalition air-defense fighters based all up and down the Persian Gulf, from half a dozen bases, launched in hot pursuit. The aircraft carrier Midway had ten F/A-18 Hornet fighter-bombers in air-defense configuration airborne in combat air patrols all around the carrier group, and it quickly launched another pair and prepared more launches, even though no one had a definite fix on the unknown aircraft.

The biggest threat to the Blackjack-E crew, however, was the French-made Mirage 5 and Mirage 2000 air-defense fighters based in Dubai. One Mirage 2000 acquired the Blackjack shortly after liftoff along with his wingman, but it was blown out of the sky by a radar-guided R-40 missile before the Mirage could even complete its first vector to the bandit. The second Mirage disengaged when he saw his leader explode in a ball of fire, and by the time he was ready to pursue and engage again, the Blackjack-E was almost out of radar range and on its missile attack run against the USS Midway.

The gauntlet was squeezing tighter and tighter on the Blackjack-E, but it was still heading for its target. The crew accelerated to supersonic speed, staying less than one hundred feet above the dark, shallow waters of the Persian Gulf as the bomber closed in on its quarry. The Blackjack climbed higher only to launch Kh-15 radar-homing missiles on the greatest threats in front of them, the Perry-class guided-missile frigate guarding the Midway’s western flank. It took five Kh-15 missiles fired at the frigate to finally shut its missile-search-and-guidance radars down. The Midway’s Hornets’ APG-65 attack radar was not a true look-down, shoot-down-capable system; although F/A-18 Hornets had the Navy’s first two aerial kills of the Gulf War, the fighter was designed primarily as a medium bomber and attack plane, not as a low-altitude interceptor. Three Hornets took beyond-visual-range shots at the Blackjack with AIM-7 radar-guided Sparrow missiles, and all missed.

Strange, the Blackjack crew remarked to themselves — the Americans were all around them, taking long-range shots but not pressing the attack. It was a stiff defense, but not nearly as severe as they expected. Why …?

But it didn’t matter — now there was nothing to stop the Blackjack-E. At three minutes to launch point, the Blackjack’s attack radar had locked on to the Midway and fed inertial guidance information to the four Kh-29 attack missiles. The final launch countdown was under way …

The UHF GUARD radio channel had been alive for several minutes with warnings from American and Gulf Cooperative Council air-defense networks in English, French, Arabic, and Farsi, demanding that the unidentified aircraft leave the area. The Blackjack crew ignored it …

… until new warning messages in English on both UHF and VHF emergency radio channels began: “Unidentified intruder, unidentified intruder, this is the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Air Defense Network command center, you are in violation of sovereign Iranian airspace. You are directed to leave the area immediately or you will be attacked without warning. Repeat, reverse course and leave the area immediately!”

The Iranian pilot in command of the Blackjack-E bomber looked at the Russian copilot in surprise. “What is happening?” he asked in English, their common language.

“Ignore it!” the Russian shouted. “We are on the attack run, and we still have many American warships to contend with. Stay …”

“Attention, attention, all air-defense units, this is Abbass Control,” they heard in Farsi, “implement full air-defense configuration protocols, repeat, full air-defense protocols, all stations acknowledge.” The message was repeated; then, in Farsi, Arabic, and English, they heard, “Warning, warning, warning, to all aircraft on this frequency, this is the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Air Defense Network, full air-defense emergency restrictions are in effect for the Tehran and Bandar Abbass Flight Information Regions, repeat, full air-defense emergency restrictions are now in effect. All aircraft, establish positive radio contact and identification with your controller immediately. All unidentified aircraft in the Tehran and Bandar Abbass Flight Information Regions may be fired upon without warning!”

“What should we do?” the Iranian bombardier asked. “Should we ask …?”

“We maintain radio silence!” the Russian shouted. “The Americans can home in on the briefest radio transmission! Stay on the attack run!”

“Our Mode Two — should we transmit?” the defensive-systems officer asked. The Mode Two was an encrypted identification signal. Although it could only be decoded by Iranian air-defense sites, transmitting any radio signals was dangerous over enemy territory, so they had it deactivated.

“No!” the Russian responded. “Pay attention to the attack run! Ignore what is happening …”

Just then, they saw a bright flash of light far off on the horizon. The weather was ideal, cloudy and cool, with no thunderstorms predicted. That wasn’t lightning.

“Did you get the transfer-alignment maneuver yet, bombardier?” the Russian systems officer instructor asked.

“I … no, I have not,” the Iranian bombardier replied, still distracted by what was happening over his own country. The transfer-alignment maneuver was a required gyroscopic routine that removed the last bit of inertial drift from their missiles’ guidance system.

“Then get busy! Program it in and inform the crew. You had better hurry before …”

“Birjand Four-Oh-Four flight, cancel takeoff clearance!” the Blackjack crew heard on the emergency channel in Farsi. “Maliz Three, hold your position, emergency vehicles en route, passing on your right side. Attention all aircraft, emergency evacuation procedure in effect, report to your shelter assignments immediately.”

Shelter assignments?” the defensive systems officer shouted. “It sounds like one of our bases is under air attack!”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying!” the Russian copilot shouted. “But ignore any radio messages you are hearing. They could be fake messages. Stay on the attack run!”

But the defensive-systems officer couldn’t ignore it. He switched his radio over to the tactical command frequency: “Abbass Control, Abbass Control, this is Lechtvar, we copy your emergency reports, requesting vectors to last-known position of enemy aircraft. We are able to respond. Over.” No response, just more emergency messages. “Abbass Control, this is Lechtvar, we are en route to your location, sixty miles southwest, request you pass vectors to enemy aircraft, we can respond! Over! Respond!”

“Damn your eyes, I said stay off the radios!” the Russian pilot shouted. “Don’t you understand, the Americans can track your transmissions! Now get back on the attack run! That’s an order!”

But just then they heard in English on their own tactical command frequency: “Attention, Iranian Blackjack bomber, this is your old friend from the Strait from last week. Do you recognize my voice?”

The Iranian pilot of the Blackjack-E was stunned. It was the same voice that had contacted them, the unidentified American military flight!

“Calling Abbass Control,” they heard an Iranian voice say in English, “this is an official military frequency. Do not use this frequency. It is a violation of international law. Vacate this frequency immediately.”

“Abbass Control, this is Lechtvar,” the Iranian Blackjack pilot called. “We copied your emergency evacuation messages. Give us vectors to the enemy aircraft and we will respond immediately.”

“Lechtvar, this is Abbass Control, negative!” the confused controller replied after a few moments. “We detected some unidentified aircraft, and then a flare was set off over the Strait. But there are no Iranian installations under attack and no one has implemented any evacuation procedures. Clear this channel immediately!”

The Blackjack crew finally realized they had been tricked. The crew was stunned into embarrassed silence. The Russian crew members cursed loud enough in Russian to be heard without the interphones — they realized that their chances of surviving this mission suddenly went from very good to very poor. The bombardier directed the transfer-alignment maneuver, a forty-five-degree left turn followed by two more turns back to course — all missiles were fully functional and …

“Hey, Blackjack. We know you’re up here listening to us. We’ll have you on our radar any second now. You’ll never finish your attack. Why not forget about the carrier and come get us? We’re waiting for you.”

It was impossible! The mystery plane was back — and they knew all about their mission! How was that possible? How could they …?

Suddenly, the radar-warning indicators blared a warning — an enemy airborne radar had swept across them. Seconds later, with sixty seconds to launch, the radar-warning receiver indicated a radar lock. They had been found! The Blackjack’s radar jammers were functioning perfectly, but they were unable to keep the enemy tracking radar from completely breaking lock — it changed frequencies too fast and changed in such a broad range that the Blackjack’s trackbreakers could not quite keep up.

“Got ya, Blackjack,” the American said. “You’re not as stealthy tonight as last time. You must be carrying some heavy iron tonight. Got some more air-to-air missiles loaded up tonight? Maybe a few big antiship missiles? Why don’t you just jettison all that deadweight and come on up here and let’s you and me finish this thing, once and for all?”

“We must break off the attack,” the Iranian defensive-systems officer shouted. “If they have us on radar, they can vector in the other fighters. We’ll be surrounded in seconds.”

“Process the launch!” the Russian mission commander shouted. “Ignore this American bastard! He did not attack us before — perhaps he cannot stop us.”

As if they could hear their interphone conversation, the American said, “Hey, Blackjack, you better bug out now. I just relayed your position to my little buddies, the F/A-18 Hornets from the Midway. They’re not very happy that you’ve come to try to blow up their ship. In about two minutes you’ll have an entire squadron of Hornets on your ass.”

The Iranian pilot could no longer contain his anger. He opened the channel to the GUARD frequency and mashed his mike button: “You cowardly pig-bastard! If you want us, come and get us!”

“Hey, there you are, Blackjack,” the American said happily. “Nice to talk to you again.”

“You know who I am — who are you?”

“I’m the pig-bastard at your two o‘clock position and closing fast,” the American replied. “I’ll bet my interceptor missiles are faster and have longer range than your attack missiles — I’ll reach my firing point in about ten seconds. You don’t want to die flying straight and level, do you? C’mon up here and let’s get it on.”

“You will never stop us!” the Iranian shouted.

“Oops — I think I overestimated our firing point. Here they come.” And just then, the radar-warning receiver blared a shrill MISSILE LAUNCH warning — the Americans had fired radar-guided missiles!

The Russian pilot reacted instinctively. He immediately started a shallow climb and a steep right bank into the oncoming missiles. “Chaff! Chaff!” he shouted; then: “Launch the Kh-29s! Now!”

“We are not in range!” the bombardier shouted.

“Launch anyway!” the Russian ordered. “We will not get another chance! Launch!” The bombardier immediately commanded the Kh-29 missiles to launch. The missiles all had solid lock-ons, and with the slightly greater altitude, the Kh-29s had a little greater range … it might be enough to score a hit.

* * *

“They launched missiles!” Patrick shouted. The Megafortress’s attack radar, a derivative of the APG-71 radar from the F-15E Eagle, immediately detected the big Kh-29 missiles speeding toward the Midway. “I got four big missiles, very low altitude, going supersonic. Wendy …?”

“I got ’em,” Wendy Tork reported. The APG-71 weapon system had immediately passed targeting information to Wendy’s defensive system, and all Wendy had to do was launch-commit her AIM-120 Scorpion missiles. “We’re at extreme range — I’m going to have to ripple off all our Scorpions. Give me forty right and full military power.”

As Brad Elliott followed Wendy’s orders, the fire-control computers went to work. Within twenty seconds, eight Scorpions fired off into space. At first they used the Megafortress’s attack radar for guidance, but soon they activated their own active radars and tracked the Russian missiles with ease. All four Kh-29 missiles were shot down long before they reached the Midway.

“Splash four missiles,” Wendy reported. “But we’re in trouble now — we used up all our defensive missiles.” And, as if the Blackjack crew heard them, Wendy saw that the Iranian attack plane was turning very, very quickly — heading right for them. “We got a big, big bandit at fifteen miles, low. He …” Just then, the *EB-52C’s threat-warning receiver issued a RADAR WARNING, a MISSILE WARNING, and a MISSILE LAUNCH warning in rapid succession. “Break right!” Wendy shouted. “Stingers coming on-line! Chaff!”

The Soviet-made R-40 missiles were well within their maximum range, and the Blackjack’s big fire-control radar had a solid lock-on. The Megafortress’s rear-defense fire-control radar locked on to the incoming missiles and started firing Stinger airmine rockets, but this time they couldn’t score a hit. One R-40 missile was decoyed enough for a near miss, but a second R-40 scored a hit, blowing off the left V-tail stabilator on the Megafortress and shelling out two engines on the left side.

The force of the explosion and the sudden loss of the two left engines threw the Megafortress into a jaw-snapping left swerve so violent that the big bomber almost succeeded in swapping nose for tail. Only Brad Elliott’s and John Ormack’s superior airmanship and familiarity with the EB-52C Megafortress saved the crew. They knew enough not to automatically jam on full power on all the operating engines, which would have certainly sent them into a violent, unrecoverable flat Frisbee-like spin — instead, they had to pull power on the right side back to match the left, trade precious altitude so they could gain some even more precious flying airspeed, recover control, and only then start feeding in power slowly and carefully. The automatic fire-suppression systems on the Megafortress shut down the engines and cut off fuel, preventing a fatal fire and explosion. They lost two hundred knots and five thousand feet of altitude before the bomber was actually flying in some semblance of coordinated flight and was not on the verge of spiraling into the Persian Gulf.

* * *

But the Megafortress was a sitting duck for the speedy Blackjack bomber. “His airspeed has dropped off to less than five hundred kilometers per hour,” the defensive-systems officer reported as he studied his fire-control radar display. “He has dropped to one thousand meters, twelve o’clock, ten miles. He is straight and level — not maneuvering. I think he’s hit!”

“Then finish him off,” the Iranian pilot shouted happily. “Finish him, and let’s get out of here!”

“Stand by for missile launch!” the defensive-systems officer said. “Two missiles locked on … ready … ready … launch! Missiles …”

He never got to finish that sentence. A fraction of a second before the two R-40 missiles left their rails, three pairs of AIM-9 Sidewinder heat-seeking missiles from three pursuing F/A-18 Hornet fighters from the USS Midway plowed into the Blackjack-E bomber, fired from less than five miles away. They had used guidance information from the asyet-unknown but friendly aircraft, so were able to conduct the intercept and lock on to the enemy attack plane without having to use their telltale airborne radars. The Sidewinders turned the Blackjack’s four huge turbofan engines into four massive clouds of fire that completely engulfed, then devoured the big jet. The pieces of Blackjack bomber not incinerated in the blast were scattered across over thirty square miles of the Persian Gulf and disappeared from sight forever.

* * *

“Hey, buddy, this is Dragon Four-Zero-Zero,” the lead F/A-18 Hornet pilot radioed on the UHF GUARD channel. “You still up?”

“Roger,” Brad Elliott replied. “We saw that bandit coming in to finish us off. I take it we’re still alive because you nailed his ass.”

“That’s affirmative,” the Hornet pilot replied happily. “We saw the hit you took. You need an escort back to King Khalid Military City?”

“Negative,” Brad replied. “That’s not our destination. We’ve got a tanker en route that’ll take us home.”

“You sure, buddy? If you’re not going to KKMC, it’s a long and dangerous drive to anywhere else.”

“Thanks, but we’ll limp on outta here by ourselves,” Brad replied. “Thank for clearing our six.”

“Thank you for protecting our home plate, buddy,” the Hornet pilot responded. “We owe you big-time, whoever you are. Dragon flight, out.”

Brad Elliott scanned his instruments for the umpteenth time that minute. Everything had stabilized. They were in a slow climb, less than three hundred feet a minute, nursing every bit of power from the remaining engines. “Well, folks,” he announced on interphone, “we’re still flying, our refueling system is operable, and we’ve still got most essential systems. I want everyone in exposure suits. If we have to ditch, it’s going to be a very, very long time before anyone picks us up. Might as well get up and stretch a bit — at this airspeed, it’s going to be a real long flight back to Diego Garcia.”

“The good news is,” John Ormack interjected, “the weather report looks pretty good. I can’t think of a nicer place to be stuck at fixing our bird.”

“Amen,” Brad Elliott agreed. He waited a few moments; then, not hearing any other comments, added, “You agree, Muck, Wendy? Can you use a few weeks on Diego while our guys fix us up? Patrick? Wendy? You copy?”

Patrick let his lips slowly part from Wendy’s. He returned once more for another quick kiss, then drank in Wendy’s dancing eyes and heavenly smile as he moved his oxygen mask to his face, and replied, “That sounds great to me, sir. Absolutely great.”

* * *

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time, energy, dedication, and professionalism,” Major General Larry Dean Ingemanson said. He stood before the last assembly of the entire promotion board in the Selection Board Secretariat’s main auditorium. “The final selection list has been checked and verified by the Selection Board Secretariat staff — it just awaits my final signature before I transmit the list to the Secretary of the Air Force. But I know some of you have planes to catch and golf games to catch up on, so I wanted to say ‘thank you’ once again. I hope we meet again. The board is hereby adjourned.” There was a relieved round of applause from the board members, but most were up and out of their seats in a flash, anxious to get out of that building and away from OSRs and official photographs and sitting in judgment of men and women they did not know, deciding their futures.

Norman Weir felt proud of himself and his performance as a member of the board. He was afraid he’d be intimidated by the personalities he’d encountered, afraid he wouldn’t match up to their experience and knowledge and backgrounds. Instead, he discovered that he was just as knowledgeable and authoritative as any other “war hero” in the place, even guys like Harry Ponce. When it came to rational, objective decision-making, Norman felt he had an edge over all of them, and that made him feel pretty damned special.

As he walked toward the exits, he heard someone call his name. It was General Ingemanson. They had not spoken to one another since Ingemanson accepted the Form 772 on McLanahan, recommending he be dismissed from the active-duty Air Force. Ingemanson had requested additional information, a few more details on Norman’s observations. Norman had plenty of reasons, more than enough to justify his decision. General Ingemanson accepted his additional remarks with a serious expression and promised he’d upchannel the information immediately.

He did warn Norman that a Form 772 would probably push the candidate completely out of the running for promotion, not just for this board but for any other promotion board he might meet. Norman stuck to his guns, and Ingemanson had no choice but to continue the process. McLanahan’s jacket disappeared from the panel’s deliberation, and Norman did not see his name on the final list.

Mission accomplished. Not only strike back at the pompous prima donnas that wore wings, but rid the Air Force of a true example of a lazy, selfish, good-for-nothing officer.

“Hey, Colonel, just wanted to say good-bye and thank you again for your service,” General Ingemanson said, shaking Norman’s hand warmly. “I had a great time working with you.”

“It was my pleasure, sir. I enjoyed working with you too.”

“Thank you,” Ingemanson said. “And call me ‘Swede’—everybody does.” Norman said nothing. “Do you have a minute? I’m about ready to countersign your Form 772 to include in the transmission to the Secretary of the Air Force, and I wanted to give you an opportunity to look over my report that goes along with your 772.”

“Is that necessary, sir?” Norman asked. “I’ve already put everything on the 772. McLanahan is a disgrace to the uniform and should be discharged. The Reserves don’t even deserve an officer like that. I think I’ve made it clear.”

“You have,” Ingemanson said. “But I do want you to look at my evaluation. You can append any rebuttal comments to it if you wish. It’ll only take a minute.” With a confused and slightly irritated sigh, Norman nodded and followed the general to his office.

If Norman saw the man in a plain dark suit sitting in the outer office behind the door talking into his jacket sleeve, he didn’t pay any attention to him. General Ingemanson led the way into his office, motioned Norman inside, and then closed the door behind him. This time, Norman did notice the second plain-clothed man with the tiny silver badge on his lapel and the earpiece stuck in his right ear, standing beside Ingemanson’s desk.

“What’s going on, General?” Norman asked. “Who is this?”

“This is Special Agent Norris, United States Secret Service, Presidential Protection Detail,” General Ingemanson replied. “He and his colleagues are here because that man sitting in my chair is the President of the United States.” Norman nearly fell over backwards in surprise as he saw the President of the United States himself swivel around and rise up from the general’s chair.

“Smooth introduction, Swede,” the President said. “Very smooth.”

“I try my best, Mr. President.”

The President stepped from behind Ingemanson’s desk, walked up to the still-dumbfounded Norman Weir, and extended a hand. “Colonel Weir, nice to meet you.” Norman didn’t quite remember shaking hands. “I was on my way to Travis Air Force Base in California to meet with some of the returning Desert Storm troops, and I thought it was a good idea to make a quick, unofficial stopover here at Randolph to talk with you.”

Norman’s eyes grew as wide as saucers. “Talk to … me?”

“Sit down, Colonel,” the President said. He leaned against Ingemanson’s desk as Norman somehow found a chair. “I was told that you wish to file a recommendation that a Major Patrick McLanahan should be discharged from the Air Force on the basis of a grossly substandard and unacceptable Officer Selection Record. Is that right?”

This was the grilling he’d expected from Harry Ponce or General Ingemanson — Norman never believed he’d get it from the President of the United States! “Yes … yes, sir,” Norman replied.

“Still feel pretty strongly about that? A little time to think about it hasn’t changed your opinion at all?”

Even though Norman was still shocked by the encounter, now a bunch of his resolve and backbone started to return. “I still feel very strongly that the Air Force should discharge Major McLanahan. His background and experience suggests an officer that just wants to coast through his career, without one slight suggestion that he has or wants to do anything worth contributing to the Air Force or his country.”

“I see,” the President said. He paused for a moment, looked Norman right in the eye, and said, “Colonel, I want you to tear up that form.”

“Excuse me?”

“I want you to drop your indictment.”

“If you drop your affidavit, Colonel,” Ingemanson interjected, “McLanahan will be promoted to lieutenant colonel two years below the primary zone.”

“What?” Norman retorted. “You can’t … I mean, you shouldn’t do that! McLanahan has the worst effectiveness report I’ve seen! He shouldn’t even be a major, let alone a lieutenant colonel!”

“Colonel, I can’t reveal too much about this,” the President said, “but I can tell you that Patrick McLanahan has a record that goes way beyond his official record. I can tell you that not only does he deserve to be a lieutenant colonel, he probably deserves to be a four-star general with a ticker-tape parade down the Canyon of Heroes. Unfortunately, he’ll never get that opportunity, because the things he’s involved in … well, we prefer no one find out about them. We can’t even decorate him, because the citations that accompany the awards would reveal too much. The best we can do for him in an official manner is to promote him at every possible opportunity. That’s what I’m asking you to do, as a favor to me.”

“A … favor?” Norman stammered. “Why do you need me to agree to anything? You’re the commander in chief — why don’t you just use your authority and give him a promotion?”

“Because I’d prefer not to disrupt the normal officer selection board process as much as possible,” the President replied.

“The President knows that only a board member can change his rating of a candidate,” Ingemanson added. “Not even the President has the legal authority to change a score. McLanahan received a high enough score to earn a below-the-zone promotion — only the 772 stands in his way. The President is asking you to remove that last obstacle.”

“But how? How can McLanahan possibly earn a high enough rating?”

“Because the other board members recognized something that exists in Patrick McLanahan that you apparently didn’t, Colonel,” the President replied. “Great officers exhibit leadership potential in many other ways than just attending service schools, dress, and appearance, and how many different assignments they’ve had. I look for officers who perform. True, Patrick hasn’t filled the squares that other candidates have, but if you read the personnel file a little closer, a little differently, you’ll see an officer that exhibits his leadership potential by doing his job and leading the way for others.”

The President took the Form 772 from Ingemanson and extended it to Norman. “Trust me, Colonel,” he said. “He’s a keeper. Someday I’ll explain some of the things this young man has done for our nation. But his future is in your hands — I won’t exercise whatever authority I have over you. It’s your decision.”

Norman thought about it for a few long moments, then reached out, took the Form 772, and ripped it in two.

The President shook his hand warmly. “Thank you, Colonel,” he said. “That meant a lot to me. I promise you, you won’t regret your decision.”

“I hope not, sir.”

The President shook hands and thanked General Ingemanson, then stepped toward the door. Just before the Secret Service agent opened it for him, he turned back toward Norman, and said, “You know, Colonel, I’m impressed.”


“Impressed with you,” the President said. “You could’ve asked for just about any favor you could think of — a choice assignment, a promotion of your own, even an appointment to a high-level post. You probably knew that I would’ve agreed to just about anything you would have asked for. But you didn’t ask. You agreed to my request without asking for a thing in return. That tells me a lot, and I’m pleased and proud to learn that about you. That’s the kind of thing you’ll never read in a personnel file — but it tells me more about the man than any folder full of papers.”

The President nodded in thanks and left the office, leaving a still-stunned, confused — and very proud — Norman Weir to wonder what in hell just happened.


ACSC — Air Command and Staff College, an Air Force military school for junior field grade officers that prepares them for more leadership and command positions.

AFO — Accounting and Finance Officer — handles pay and leave matters

ASAP—“as soon as possible”

AWACS — Airborne Warning and Control System, an aircraft with a large radar on board that can detect and track aircraft for many miles in all directions

Backfire — a supersonic Russian long-range bomber

Badger — a subsonic Russian long-range bomber

Bear — a subsonic turboprop Russian long-range bomber and reconnaissance plane

BIOT — British Indian Ocean Trust, a chain of small islands in the Indian Ocean administer by the United Kingdom

Blackjack — an advanced supersonic Russian long-range bomber

Buccaneer — a British long-range bomber

Candid — a Russian cargo plane

Chagos — the Iliot native name for the islands administered by the British Indian Ocean Trust

Class A’s — the business-suit-like uniform of the U.S. Air Force

DIA — Defense Intelligence Agency, the U.S. military’s intelligence-gathering service

Diego Garcia — the largest island of the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, part of the British Indian Ocean Trust

Dreamland — the unclassified nickname for a secret military research facility in south central Nevada

Extender — a combination aerial-refueling tanker and cargo plane operated by the U.S. Air Force

firewaHed — on an Officer Effectiveness Report, when all raters rate the officer with the highest possible marks

Goblin — nickname for the U.S. Air Force F-117 stealth fighter

GUARD — the universal radio emergency frequency, 121.5 KHz or 243.0 MHz

HAWC (fictional) — the High Technology Aerospace Weapons Center, one of the top-secret Air Force research units at Dreamland

Iliots — the natives of Diego Garcia in the British Indian OceanTrust

IRSTS — Infrared Search and Track System, a Russian heat-seeking aircraft attack system where the pilot can detect and feed targeting information to his attack systems without being detected

Mainstay — a Russian airborne radar aircraft

Megafortress (fictional) — an experimental, highly modified B-52H bomber used for secret military weapons and technology tests

MiG — Mikoyan-Gureyvich, a Soviet military aircraft design bureau

MOI — Memorandum of Instruction, the directives issued by the Secretary of the Air Force to a promotion board on how to conduct candidate evaluations and scoring

MPC — Military Personnel Center, the U.S. Air Force’s manpower and personnel agency

Nimrod — a British reconnaissance and attack plane

NOFORN—“No Foreign Nationals,” a security subclassification that directs that no foreign nationals can view the material

O-5—in the U.S Air Force, a lieutenant-colonel OER — Officer Effectiveness Report, an officer’s annual report on his job performance and his or her commander’s remarks on his suitability for promotion

Orion — a U.S. Navy antisubmarine warfare aircraft

OSR — Officer Selection Report, the file members of a promotion board receive to evaluate and score a candidate for promotion

PCS — Permanent Change of Station, a long-term job change

Peel Cone — a nickname for a type of Soviet airborne radar

PME — Professional Military Education, a series of military schools that teach theory and practice to help develop knowledge and skills in preparation for higher levels of command

PRF — Pulse Repetition Frequency, the speed at which a radar is swept across a target: a higher PRF is used for more precise tracking and aiming; when detected, it is usually a warning of an impending missile launch

SATCOM — Satellite Communications, a way aircraft can communicate with headquarters or other aircraft quickly over very long distances by sending messages to orbiting satellites

Scorpions (fictional) — the AIM-120, a radar-guided medium-range U.S. Air Force antiaircraft missile

SP — Security Police

Strait of Hormuz — the narrow, shallow, winding waterway connecting the Persian Gulf with the Gulf of Oman, considered a strategic chokepoint for oil flowing out of the Gulf nations

Stratotanker — the U.S. Air Force’s KC-135 aerial-refueling tanker aircraft

USAFE — U.S. Air Forces in Europe, the major Air Force command that governs all air operations in Europe

warning order — a document notifying a combat unit to prepare for possible combat operations

About the Author

DALE BROWN is a former U.S. Air Force captain and the superstar author of eleven consecutive New York Times best-selling militaryaction-aviation adventure novels, including Flight of the Old Dog, Silver Tower, Day of the Cheetah, Hammerheads, Sky Masters, Night of the Hawk, Chains of Command, Storming Heaven, Shadows of Steel, Fatal Terrain, and The Tin Man. He graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Western European history and received his Air Force commission in 1978, serving as a navigator-bombardier on the B-52G Stratofortress heavy bomber and the FB-111A supersonic medium bomber. During his military career he received several awards, including the Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster and the Combat Crew Award. He is a member of the Writers’ Guild and a Life Member of the Air Force Association and the U.S. Naval Institute. A multiengine and instrument-rated private pilot, he can be found in the skies all across the United States, piloting his own plane. He also enjoys tennis, skiing, scuba diving, and hockey. He lives with his wife, Diane, and son, Hunter, near the shores of Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
