Lee had no leisure to think of Phoebe for the next few days. Sonya was leaving to spend part of her summer holidays with Jimmy, and Lee's time was taken up with supervising her preparations. Mother and daughter enjoyed a final shopping trip together, during which Lee splashed out on a new dress for herself. When they got home she paraded in it before the mirror. It was blue silk, highlighting her eyes, and cut so that it clung to her dainty figure.

She commended herself for choosing something so classically restrained, until Sonya blew this self-deception apart with the frank comment, 'Jolly good, Mum! It's about time you bought something sexy.'

'Don't be vulgar, darling! It's elegant and simple.'

'Of course it is. Elegant, simple and sexy.'


Sonya placed her hands theatrically over her mouth. Lee surveyed the gown in dismay, seeing the truth at last. It was sexy. It was the most frankly provocative garment she'd ever worn with Daniel.

Sonya's train left at midday. Lee drove her to the station and they sat over a cup of coffee. As always on these occasions Lee's stomach was churning with conflicting feelings. She was determined never to interfere with Sonya's love for her father, but the sight of her going off to visit Jimmy roused painful sen-sations. Now she was uncomfortably aware that she was babbling.

'I don't know how you manage to fit in so many activities, darling. After you've seen your father you're going on that school camp-that's the twenty-third, don't forget-and then you'll…'

'Mum…' Sonya briefly laid her hand over Lee's, and her eyes were kind. 'I'm coming back, I promise,' she said gently.

Lee let out her breath, her heart thumping. 'I'm really transparent, aren't I?' she asked shakily. '

'Well, whenever I go off to see Daddy you remind me of all the things I'm booked to do when I get back. I'd have to be a lot stupider than I am not to guess why.'

'And you're not stupid,' Lee said with a little smile.

'I wish you'd stop worrying. I love Daddy, but I wouldn't want to live with him. His latest fad is to want me to call him Jimmy,' she added wryly.

'What? Why?'

'For the same reason he's started wearing trendy clothes and pulling his stomach in. He's nearly forty and he hates it. It drives Erica mad.' Erica was Jimmy's second wife.

Sonya's wisdom had made her seem mature, but suddenly she changed, becoming again a thirteen-year-old girl, gleefully winding her mother up.

'I tell you what, Mum,' she said with elaborate casualness, 'I won't go after all. I'll stay here and you and I will spend this next week together having a wonderful time-just the two of us.'

Lee gasped with dismay before she could stop herself. Meeting her daughter's eyes, she found them brimming with fun. Of course, Sonya knew Lee was planning to see a lot of Daniel. No one had told her but she knew.

'I think it's time you got on the train,' she said firmly.

'But shouldn't I stay here and keep you company-?'

'Get on the train, Sonya.'

'I just hate to think of your being all alone-'

'Get on the train before I take you by the scruff of the neck and put you on.' She joined in Sonya's laughter. 'I'm not going to pass up the chance of getting rid of you for a week,' she said. 'It's your father's turn to suffer.'

At the train door they hugged each other vigorously. 'Be good,' Sonya said, and hopped on board before Lee could protest.

Daniel had been out of town for a few days, but they were to see each other that evening. Lee prepared with great care, putting on the beautiful dress, then taking it off, and finally putting it on again. At last she spoke to herself firmly. It was time to stop being nonsensical. She was a grown woman and she'd made up her mind, finally, definitely, once and for all. At least-she thought she had.

Daniel pulled open the door as she ran up the steps of his house, and no sooner had it shut behind her than she was in his arms being hungrily kissed in a way that made her head spin.

'I haven't kissed you for a hundred years,' he murmured when they paused for breath. 'Has it occurred to you that this is the first time we'd ever had total privacy?'

'Not really,' she gasped. 'I've spent evenings here before, when we were quite alone.'

'Yes,' he agreed between kisses, 'but that's not quite the same thing.'

Suddenly there was a violent hissing noise from somewhere in the background. Daniel jerked free with an appalled cry of 'Ye gods!' and vanished into the kitchen. Lee followed just as he opened a window, frantically flapping at the smoke.

'Is the dinner ruined?' she asked cheerfully.

'No, that was an early stage-a minor disaster and easily remedied. Here-' He poured her a glass of red wine and made her stand clear.

'Can't I help?' she protested.

'Menial tasks only. Women shouldn't really be allowed in kitchens. You're all rotten cooks.'

When she saw how at home he was in his gadget-filled kitchen, she had to concede his point.

'You're a fraud,' she laughed as they stood watching bubbling saucepans. 'You told Phoebe she had to go to Paris out of politeness, but you were actually getting rid of the poor girl.'

'She really did have a long-standing engagement with the Bressons,' Daniel protested, 'and it would have been rude to break it. But I must admit I'm glad to have the house to myself for a week.'

'Yes, I know exactly what you mean,' Lee said. 'I felt the same when I was finally alone. Perfect freedom from inquisitive, adolescent eyes.'

'But haven't you still got Mark with you?'

'Not any more. He announced yesterday morning that he felt like taking a driving holiday, and by evening he'd gone.'

'In that thing?' Daniel asked hilariously. 'He's mad. Where does he think it's going to take him?'

'He was very cagey about his destination, but he couldn't meet my eye and his passport's missing.'

'You're trying to tell me that he's gone to Paris, aren't you?'

'I think it's likely.'

Daniel sighed. 'What it is to be young! Only besotted love could explain his taking that contraption on a long journey and actually expecting to get there. Thanks for telling me. I'll phone Madame Bresson and warn her to look out for an English boy with a moonstruck expression.'

While he tended his saucepans Lee left the kitchen, meaning to make herself useful by setting the table. But on the threshold of the dining room she stopped, riveted.

Everything was prepared, including a small round table for two, covered with a cloth that swept the floor all the way around. It was exquisitely laid with silver and crystal. Silver candelabra stood waiting to be lit, and by one of the place-settings was a tiny vase bearing a single flower.

Lee's eyebrows rose a fraction and her mouth moved in a tender smile. Whoever had gone to so much trouble over this room had meant to be taken seriously.

When the meal was ready Daniel loaded it onto a heated trolley and wheeled it in. He made Lee sit while he served her, and smiled as he saw her looking at the rose. When her starter was before her he lit the candles and went to switch off the electric light. The room was immediately thrown into romantic dimness, lit only by the dancing flames.

'You forgot the sweet music,' she murmured.

'No, I didn't.' Daniel made his way to the hi-fi, touched a switch and immediately there was the faint background sound of violins. 'How's that?'

'Perfect,' she said, her lips quivering. 'You haven't missed a trick.'

He'd seated himself opposite her and looked up to find her eyes, full of fun, fixed on him. 'You're very disheartening,' he growled, 'when I'm doing my best.'

'Daniel, I think it's all wonderful, I really do. But I can't see what I'm eating.'

Grumbling, he got up again and put on the light. By the time he'd turned back to her she'd managed to rearrange her face in sober lines.

'What shall we talk about?' he demanded despondently. 'The stock market? The state of the country? You name it.'

'Did Phoebe show you my pictures of her?'

'Yes, I think they're wonderful. And I'm very grateful for whatever it was you said to her.'

Lee stared at him. 'What do you mean? Didn't she tell you what I said?'

'No, and I was tactful enough not to ask. But you must have discouraged her pretty thoroughly because she's been sunk in thought.'

Lee frowned. 'I don't think I could say I discouraged her. I warned you I'd give her the truth if she asked for it, and she did.'

She related as much of the conversation as she could remember. 'I did emphasise what a hard life it is, and how uncertain,' she said at the end. 'But I couldn't compete with her in an argument, especially when she started throwing legal maxims at me.'

'Tied you in knots, did she?' Daniel asked sympathetically. 'She does that with me. Don't worry, darling. She's got it out of her system now.'

They put the dishes in the kitchen and stood with their arms entwined while the coffee perked. Daniel carried the coffee-tray back into the dining room and placed it on a low table by the sofa. Then he pulled Lee down beside him and gave her a swift kiss before pouring her coffee. As he handed it to her he studied the slight frown on her face.

'What is it?' he asked, concerned.

'Nothing. I just think Phoebe's going to give you a surprise. She's as stubborn as you are.'

'Forget it,' he said with a smile. 'I've never had to become the heavy father to win battles with Phoebe. I rely on low cunning. It's far more effective.'

'How?' asked Lee, who'd always found that, however low her own cunning, Sonya's was lower.

'When she was little we had the classic struggle about her going to sleep.'

'And you won it?' Lee asked, wide-eyed.

'It was a push-over,' he declared cheerfully. 'I just used to bet her fifty pence she couldn't stay awake all night. The poor little soul used to lie there fighting to keep her eyes open, and she'd be asleep within ten minutes.'

Lee was awed. 'Now I know you're a genius.'

He grinned and poured her a brandy. 'I'm full of dirty tricks like that. I'll teach them to you when we have our children.'

'You're taking a lot for granted,' she said, speaking lightly to disguise the jolt his words gave her.

'Am I? You know I want to marry you, and now I'm in a mood to kidnap you and carry you off to church. I want to see my ring on your finger and my baby in your arms.'

'Don't I get a choice about that?'

He smiled in self-mockery. 'You can choose, darling-as long as you choose me. I've waited, and I'll go on waiting if I have to.' He drew her gently into his arms. 'But, for both our sakes, don't make me wait too long,' he murmured.

She wasn't sure how to answer this, but his kiss made words unnecessary. The pressure of his lips was tender and gentle, coaxing her to relax and welcome him. Yet behind it she could feel the strength of purpose. As soon as she began to kiss him back his arms tightened. His tongue coaxed her lips apart and she let him invade her. Delicious sensations were filling her, making her body come alive with desire. It was something she'd never wanted to feel again, and yet it was so beautiful that she couldn't regret it.

For years she'd lived celibate from choice, trying to believe it was enough. Now she knew that she'd made an old woman of herself too soon, and that it was a crime against her young, ardent flesh. It was a crime also against her heart, which wanted to swell with joy at her lover's embrace, as it did now.

Daniel held her for a long time, kissing and caressing her, gently rousing her desire without rushing her. She had what she needed, which was time to relax, to move at her own speed, while still knowing that he was in control, and she could trust him.

'Lee, my darling…' he murmured at last. 'I want you so much…'

'Yes,' she whispered. 'Yes…'

At once he rose, lifting her off the sofa and cradling her against his chest. Despite her weight he almost; ran up the stairs and kicked open the bedroom door.

He undressed her slowly, touching her with reverent hands. In his arms she felt precious, valuable. How different from Jimmy's selfish lust, which had taught her to shrink from sex. But then she banished Jimmy. He had no place in the miracle that was happening now. Daniel's worshipful ardour enclosed her, shutting out all thoughts but him.

When they lay naked together he kissed her body all over. His movements were gentle but his arms about her were strong, as though he wouldn't risk her escaping. Even then she could sense the determined, possessive male behind the smooth exterior. A predator, she thought hazily, but a delightful predator- a tender, loving predator, such as every woman dreamed of but so few were lucky enough to find.

And then the moment came when she was one with him, and everything was perfect. She'd been half afraid that it would feel strange and unwelcome, that her own fear might cause the ultimate union to destroy the love that had been quietly growing between them. But now all fear fled away. How could it feel strange to love Daniel when he understood her so well and cared for her with such sensitivity? His concern was all for her.

She could feel the effort it cost him to leash back his own passion until she was ready, but he didn't fail her. She had a glorious sense of ease, of relaxing even in the midst of mounting excitement, and when the final moment came she yielded to it readily, knowing that this was right as nothing in her life had been right before. The cry she gave was not only of passion, but also of wonder and gratitude.

He held her for a long time, kissing her tenderly until her flesh had stopped quivering and some of her shattered sensations were restored to normal.

'Are you all right, darling?' he whispered.

'Perfectly all right-and so happy,' she said in a choking voice.

'I warned you, didn't I?' he said with his gentle, heart-stopping smile. 'I'm ruthless when it comes to getting what I want.' He ran his hand down until his fingers were caressing the satin skin of her flat stomach. 'Who knows?' he mused wistfully. 'I might already have you in my net?'

'No,' she said gently. 'Don't build up your hopes, Daniel. I'm not pregnant.'

'You can't really be sure of that.'

'Yes, I can. Completely sure.'

He pulled back a little and looked down at her appraisingly. 'I didn't really take you by surprise at all, did I?' he asked at last.

'Not a bit.'

'You came prepared?'

'That's right. I had a few last-minute qualms tonight, but I made my decision days ago.'

'Which means I'm not the wily seducer I was priding myself on being?'

"Fraid not!'

His fingers were still tracing a gentle path in circles that narrowed down as they neared the tops of her legs. His eyes were alight with self-mocking humour.

'To think of all the trouble I went to tonight-soft lights, sweet music. And all the time I was trying to lure you into my trap you were actually two steps ahead of me, wondering why I was taking so long.'

Lee joined in his laughter and shifted her position slightly so that his fingers naturally found their way home. She stretched luxuriously and slipped her arms round his neck before saying, 'Let's say I made my own choice. I'm here because it's where I want to be.'

'Ah…' His murmur was so soft that she had to strain to hear it. 'Your own choice-I'm so glad. Lee, my darling, I'm so very, very glad.'
