"WAKE UP." MARROK GAVE HER A lingering kiss. "I'm not going to make the mistake of going off and leaving you with no word. That got me in bad trouble. But I have to get up and make my rounds."

He was already dressed, she noticed. She pulled him down for another kiss before releasing him. "Rounds?"

"Check on the dogs and sentries."

"I'll go with you."

He shook his head. "I'm moving fast. I have men spread all over the canyon. I've called Nick Gilroy and asked him to come down and take you to the dogs. He should be here in about twenty minutes. I'll meet you there in an hour and we'll have breakfast."

"Couldn't you call them and check?"

"I could. I won't. I don't believe in remote command, and I don't trust phones in guerilla conditions. I want to see my men and have them see me." He stood up and moved toward the cave opening. "I suppose it's my Indian blood speaking. I'm sure Geronimo wouldn't have taken to those newfangled gadgets either. See you later."

Devon was smiling as she shook her head. As usual, Marrok was wired and restless. In this case it was probably justified because of the threat he and his men were facing. Her smile faded as the magnitude of the threat hit home. She'd been able to ignore the danger during last night's passion, but it was now here again before her.

Dammit, why wouldn't Marrok listen when she'd asked him to cooperate with Bridget? He had been absolutely implacable.

And there was nothing she could do about it. Maybe Bridget wouldn't even come up with a plan to end this nightmare Marrok had lived with all these years. It might be up to Marrok and Devon to do it.

In the meantime she'd better start moving and get dressed. Nick would be here soon, and she didn't want to keep him waiting. She threw back the blanket and got up.

"THE DOGS SEEM TO BE settling in pretty well," Devon said to Nick as she watched the four dogs lolling lazily on the rust-colored rocks. It was quite an encampment; not only the guardians but several other men were moving around the area. Sid Cadow was cooking bacon and eggs on a Coleman camp stove, and for once he appeared relaxed and in his element. "No problems?"

Nick shook his head.

"Marrok made sure all the guardians were here except Addie's Sarah. And I understand Addie has always been very adaptable. Sid is taking care of her."

She smiled. "And what are you doing, Nick?"

"Right now, I'm guarding you." He grinned. "Can't you tell?"

"Is that what Marrok told you to do?"

"He made me aware that he'd be very upset if I weren't extremely careful of you," Nick said. "Actually, it made me feel a sense of purpose. A man of my age appreciates being thought competent in that area. I was even given a gun. And I was beginning to think my warrior days were over."

Devon's smile faded. "You have other talents. You don't need to be using a gun."

"I told you, I like it. My blood is stirring, and I feel alive again." He added, "And I like your Marrok. So do his other men here."

"He's not my-" She stopped in the middle of the denial. Marrok did belong to her if he could belong to anyone. Just as she belonged to him. It was still tentative and uncertain, but the bond was there. "You can trust him, Nick."

"We're going to have to trust him," Nick said soberly. "Walt said that Danner's men may be all over this canyon before everything's said and done. I spoiled his plan to draw Danner here when I showed up at the ranch. Walt said that Marrok's toying with the idea of luring him here himself."

Her gaze flew to his face. "What? That would be crazy. They might just decide to kill him and get the dogs later. He's been a target for years."

"I'm only repeating what Walt told me," Nick said. "Maybe it was only a passing thought on Marrok's part."

"And maybe it wasn't." Panic mixed with rage was tearing through her. "It's just the kind of thing he'd do." He'd gone after that man following them from her clinic without a second thought, she remembered. She could still recall his expression: intent with a hint of underlying excitement. "He likes it. He grew up battling everything and everyone around him. Most of the time alone."

"Don't blame the messenger. Take it up with Marrok."

Much good that would do her. She hadn't been able to stop him from doing anything he really wanted to do since she'd met him. They might be closer now, but Marrok was Marrok. He'd be as stubborn as he'd been when she'd broached letting Bridget help them.

"That bacon sure smells good. Do you want me to get you a plate? Marrok must have gotten tied up."

Nick obviously wanted to escape her obvious disturbance. Poor guy, it wasn't his fault. "Yes, please." She watched him go over to the campfire. There was something different about Nick, a spring in his step, a lightness and camaraderie with everyone around him… and a trace of the excitement she'd seen in Marrok. He was so damn happy about the coming confrontation with Danner that she wanted to shake him.


This was no game. Nick could be killed. All these people who cared so much for the dogs could be killed.

Marrok could be killed.

Nick was pointing to the biscuits in a pan and looking at her inquiringly.

She nodded. She didn't care whether she had them or not, but Nick was-

Her cell phone rang. She stiffened.


"Can you talk?" Bridget asked when she answered.


"I don't have much time. I routed this call through the U.K. so that Danner wouldn't know I was calling you. Danner's man, Caswell, is keeping a friendly eye on me, and he's going to be less than friendly if he manages to get close enough to hear the conversation."

"Friendly? With Danner?"

"Like a good partner. Of course, Danner is planning on cutting my throat as soon as he gets what he wants from me. That goes without saying."

"What does he want?"

"Marrok." She paused. "You. Lincoln did a great job of convincing him you might be the way to get Marrok to surface. He's even willing for me to step in as substitute for Lincoln. He understood perfectly my shooting the bastard's head off." She added, "So I offered to trade you for a percentage."

"I hope it was a good one," she said dryly. "I'd hate to be thought cheap."

"Thirty percent. That's all I could talk him into since you're not a sure thing," she said. "But it's a way I can lead him to Paco's canyon."

She went still. "What?"

"Danner didn't question that I had to move you after I killed Lincoln. It would have been stupid to stick around when Danner knew where we'd been holding you. So I chose Paco's canyon."

"Isn't that a little coincidental? Paco's canyon is Marrok's territory. Danner knows that."

"Maybe. I'm not even sure Danner believes me. He went along a little too easily. I don't care as long as I can position him for Marrok. Tell Marrok Danner may have something up his sleeve." She was speaking quickly now. "Caswell is coming toward me. It's going to be tonight. Right after dark. We're coming by car from Tucson. You can't see the road from the canyon that way. You're supposed to be bound and gagged in the foothills on the other side of the canyon from the cave. There's a cluster of boulders beside the gully that runs up the canyon to the top. Marrok will know where it is. He can wait there and pick Danner off."

"Yes, he could do that."

"You sound…" Bridget said. "You can get Marrok there?"

"I'll get him there."

"Not you. Marrok has to be alone. Or have him take Walt as backup. Any sign of any significant show of force, and I'm a dead woman. He can take two, maybe three people if they know what they're doing. But not you. You shouldn't be anywhere near that place. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

Bridget hung up.

Devon slowly put her phone back in her pocket. The chances of her getting Marrok to go anywhere that Bridget told him to go were nil. He'd made it clear that he'd never trust Bridget again. And if he did decide to go, it would be by his rules, his plans.

And that meant Bridget could be killed. She had run a high risk and didn't deserve to have that risk made even more critical.

"Here it is"-Nick was beside her with two plates of food- "enough chow to keep a lumberjack happy. Though we may have four dogs over here asking for-What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Devon took the plate. "Good heavens, you're right. This should last me all day if I manage to get it down."

"What's wrong?" he repeated.

She shook her head. "It will be okay. Just something I have to work out."

"I'm here," Nick said quietly. "We've worked out quite a few things between us over the years."

"And I may let you help with this," Devon said. "I just have to figure out what to do." God knows, she had no idea right now. She saw Marrok coming down the path and tried to gather herself together. Don't be as transparent with him as she had with Nick. It shouldn't be too difficult. Marrok was busy keeping this armed camp in shape. Just avoid him as much as possible and don't let him see how terrified she felt.

She waved. "It's about time you got here. Come over here and help me eat this mountain of food."

"THREE DAYS," MARROK SAID TO Sarah on his cell. "It shouldn't be more than that before I'll try to return Addie to you."

"It had better not be longer than that. You gave me Addie as my responsibility, and I take it seriously."

"I know you do. So do I."

Silence. "I believe you. Is there anything John and I can do?"

"I'll let you know." He hung up and stared thoughtfully at the sun beginning to set in the west. It might not be bad to call on John Logan's resources. His security people were top-notch, and he might need-

"I need to talk to you." Nick Gilroy was coming toward him down the path. "Devon sent me with a message."

"Why didn't she come herself? I haven't seen her all afternoon."

"You're not going to like it," Nick said.

Marrok stiffened. "I already don't like the sound of this."

"She wants you to meet her at the gully on the other side of the canyon. Well, not at the gully, somewhere above the gully in the rocks on the path up the canyon."

He stiffened. "And why won't I like it?"

"Danner. Bridget's bringing him to the canyon." He held up his hand as he saw Marrok's expression. "She told him that's where she had stashed Devon. She called Devon and told her to make sure you were somewhere in those rocks to pick him off."

Marrok began to curse. "Bridget. And Devon's going to go and meet her?"

"No, Devon will wait for you on the path leading to the top of the canyon. She just wanted to ensure that you'll be there waiting. She was worried about Bridget. The only way she could be sure that you wouldn't stage some kind of full-scale attack that might get Bridget killed was to go herself. She knew you'd follow her."

"You're damn right I will." He started at a trot down the path. He had to stop at the cave and get his rifle and more ammunition. "How much time do I have?"

"Not long. Just after dark." He was running beside Marrok. "Devon told me to get Walt and Rod Zedwick to go with you. They both have SEAL experience, and she thought you'd want them. They're waiting at the bottom of the path."

"All very neatly planned." Marrok gazed at the setting sun. His stomach was twisting with fear. "Devon always wants everyone safe and happy. Me, Bridget. Only this time she may get herself killed. Damn Bridget. I may pick her off at the same time I nail Danner."

"Bridget told Devon not to go herself."

"It didn't help, did it? She's going to be there." He saw Walt and Rod and speeded up his pace. His heart was already pounding with terror and dread.

Not much time. Stay up in those rocks, Devon. For God's sake, stay away from that gully.

The rays of the sun were slanting blue-red, paler, longer. Soon they would be gone entirely.

Just after dark.

"THIS BRINGS BACK MEMORIES, Bridget." Danner was gazing at the wall of the canyon as they parked the car near the gully. His expression was wistful. "I spent many happy hours with Marrok and Paco here in this canyon. Do you know, I'm basically a simple man. Marrok thinks I was pretending, but a part of me truly wanted all to go well for that old man."

"I can see why Marrok might have a few doubts," Bridget said. "You did beat Paco to death."

"Sometimes violence becomes necessary." He smiled at Bridget. "You understand. After all, you blew off poor Lincoln's head."

"I'm not criticizing you." Bridget opened the car door and got out. It wasn't quite dark, but the rocks were giant, looming shadows above them. She hoped to hell Marrok was up there somewhere ready to take Danner out. The trip from Tucson had been very uncomfortable. Danner had been entirely too affable, too slick.

Cat and mouse?

Danner gestured to the two men in the backseat. "Gentleman, suppose you take a look around? One can't be too careful." He turned to Bridget as his men spread out over the terrain and disappeared in the labyrinth of boulders. "Now where is this lady Lincoln was so convinced would move Marrok to cooperate?"

"Farther up the gully." Bridget started up the incline.

"Do you know, Devon Brady has been wielding an astonishing amount of influence over the men around her. Enright was obsessed with her, and Marrok evidently must feel something for her. She must be very stimulating. Enright quite whetted my appetite with all his plans for her. I think I may decide to toy with her myself."

Bridget didn't answer.

Danner said softly. "And you really shouldn't have left her alone out in the wilds. There are all kinds of critters out here in the desert."

Definitely cat and mouse.

Draw her gun now or wait for Marrok's shot?

But Danner was standing half behind one of the boulders by the side of the path. Marrok wouldn't be able to get a clear shot.

Danner suddenly laughed, his gaze on the path. "And I believe we have a critter right here. I was wondering where you were, Caswell." He shined his flashlight. "Our vet?"

"A bitch," Caswell said as he pushed Devon ahead of him down the trail. "She damn well hearty made a eunuch of me."


Horror tore through Bridget.

It was Devon, bruised, lip bleeding.

"Devon Brady," Danner said. "What a surprise. And I actually didn't believe you, Bridget. Of course, you said she was tied up and ready for serving. Wasn't it lucky I sent Caswell up here ahead of us to pave the way? We might have missed her."

She could see the glint of the gun in Danner's hand.

Devon shot in the chest. Blood. Devon falling to the ground.

Oh, God, it was going to happen.

Change the circumstances, Jordan had said.


"She must have gotten loose." Bridget started up the incline toward Devon.

Devon had been alone. Stand next to her.

Devon had not been armed. Give her a gun.

"I told you she was here, didn't I?" Bridget had almost reached Devon and Caswell. "Now everything can go through just as we planned, Danner."

Marrok, where the hell are you?

"Stand where you are, Bridget," Danner said. "The game's over. I think you knew I wasn't the fool you were trying to play me. But I had the chance to turn Marrok's trap against him. Let's see if Marrok does care anything about her." He raised his voice. "Are you out there, Marrok? I'm going to have Caswell do a little selective shooting. He's very angry at your lady. The left kneecap first, I think. That's very painful. However, we could negotiate…"

MARROK STEADIED THE RIFLE, sighting down the infrared scope.

The shot had to be absolutely accurate.

There wouldn't be any interference from the other men who had been in the canyon. Walt and Rod had taken them out minutes after they had hit the trail.

He couldn't get a clear shot at Danner, but Caswell was standing in the middle of the path.

Two shots, quick succession.

Then move.

THE FIRST SHOT SHATTERED THE hand in which Caswell was holding the gun.

He screamed and dropped the gun.

"Down!" Bridget pushed Devon to the ground and rolled with her to the side of the path.

The second shot entered Caswell's temple.

"Dammit, I told you to stay away, Devon," Bridget muttered. "You weren't supposed to be here."

"I didn't want to be here," Devon said. "Do you think I wanted to be in the way? I stayed up in the canyon. Caswell was on me before I even saw him." Her gaze searched the rocks from where the shot had come. "Was it Marrok? But where did he-"

"Danner!" Bridget was looking back at where Danner had been standing. "Marrok went around in back of him after he made the shot at Caswell. He's got him."

Devon hoped that was true. She could see Marrok and Danner struggling, but she couldn't tell what was happening. "What are we doing staying here when we could be helping him?" She jumped to her feet. "You have a gun, don't you?"

"Yes, but it may not be-I think-" She stood up and then said, "Yes. Danner's down."
