Malcolm eased up to the security checkpoint on the San Francisco side of the bridge, and saw Finney coming out to meet him. Right behind him came Dreyfus.

The man himself, Malcolm thought. The whole colony must be on pins and needles waiting to see what we found up there.

Boy, were they going to get more than they anticipated.

Watching Dreyfus approach, Malcolm pondered the irony—was it irony?—of bringing this kind of information to a checkpoint that had been built during the desperate days when the Simian Flu was killing a million people a day. It was almost as if he was bringing a new panic, and once again it was apes that would be infecting the human survivors. Only this time the contagion was fear.

If anyone could handle it, though, Dreyfus could. He’d been police chief, and then briefly mayor in the last moments before the Simian Flu had destroyed human civilization. As more and more people died, the survivors looked to whatever authority was still there—and Dreyfus had been up to the challenge. He’d held them together through the plague and its aftermath, and through the spasms of violence that had threatened to tear the survivors apart.

Along the way he had put a lot of people in the ground. Maybe too many. But the Colony, their settlement in what had once been San Francisco’s downtown, was there because he had kept them together, and done what needed to be done.

Now he was expecting Malcolm’s report on an old dam up the valley. Malcolm had news about the dam… and a whole lot more. He wasn’t sure how to handle it.

As Dreyfus came around the front end of the truck, Malcolm rolled the window down.

“So? Did you find it?” Dreyfus asked.

“It’s up there,” Malcolm said. So are a bunch of pissed-off apes, he added mentally. “Right where the records said it was. The dam looks more or less intact. It could probably start generating power for us within a week… once we get a crew up there working on it.”

“That’s great,” Dreyfus said. He broke into a broad grin, and Dreyfus wasn’t a man who smiled that often. Then he caught something in Malcolm’s demeanor. He leaned a little closer to the window.

“What? What’s the matter?”

Malcolm cut his eyes at the sentries. Good people, but he didn’t want to spread this revelation too far, too fast.

“I need to talk to you,” he said.

* * *

Malcolm needed the group together to figure out how they were going to handle this situation. He left Foster to drive the second vehicle and the rest of the group jammed into his truck, along with Dreyfus. They drove along the Presidio Parkway and into the city as Malcolm filled Dreyfus in on what they had seen.

“It was right after we found the dam,” he started. “We checked it over from the outside first, then went in and found a way to access the control room. There wasn’t any damage, just ten years of rust. Assuming we can replace corroded wiring and run it from the generators at first, it ought to be functional. Most of the transmission wiring is intact, but until we try to get power throughput, we won’t know if there are problems there. Oh, and we’ll have to clear the logjam at the intake, but that’s just labor. So yeah, I think—”

“You didn’t bring me on your tour so you could give me a report I could have heard back at the Colony,” Dreyfus said. “What are you avoiding?”

Malcolm slowed and navigated around a block of storefronts that had collapsed in the earthquake that had struck a couple of years after the plague. By then, too many people were dead for there to be any kind of restoration effort. They’d abandoned most of San Francisco, leaving it to fall into ruin, and that’s exactly what had happened. Everything was overgrown, parks turned to pockets of wilderness and gardens spreading out to take over sidewalks and streets. It had happened with incredible speed, Malcolm thought. Without a million people making daily efforts to hold it back, nature took over.

“Apes,” he said. “We saw apes.”

He could feel Dreyfus’s gaze as he skirted another spill of bricks and masonry that was blocking part of the intersection at Lombard and Van Ness. He turned south.

“Apes,” Dreyfus repeated.

“On our way back after we inspected the dam. Carver went down to the river to fill his canteen, and two of them were there. He shot one of them.”

Dreyfus looked back at Carver.

“Damn right I did,” Carver said. “If either one of ‘em had taken another step, I’d’ve shot ‘em both.”

Malcolm was accustomed to Carver’s coarse bravado. So, he saw, was Dreyfus, who looked at the man a moment longer before turning to face forward.

“Go on,” he said. He was already thinking, planning.

“We heard the shot, and we came running,” Malcolm said. “One of the chimps was trying to take care of the one Carver shot. Then…” He took a deep breath, and let it out. “Then a lot more of them showed up. All at once. They had weapons they’d made themselves. Spears, clubs…” Malcolm trailed off, remembering the sight.

Dreyfus let him think for a moment, then prompted him.

“How many were there?”

“I don’t know,” Malcolm said. “Eighty? Ninety?”

Dreyfus shifted in his seat to focus on Ellie.

“Is there a risk of contagion?”

She shook her head. “For one thing, we’re all immune, or we wouldn’t be here. For another, we’re not sure the apes spread it.”

“Sure,” Kemp said. “It’s a total coincidence that the flu hit right after all those apes broke out. And for all you know, we could be infected again right now. You weren’t a doctor, you’re a nurse.”

Ellie bridled at the insult, but tried to keep her cool.

“I worked with the CDC,” she reminded him. “Before… everything collapsed… we were isolating the disease vectors. The flu started in a lab, that much we know. But the lab was working with a number of strains of different microorganisms. One of them could well have started the flu.”

“I don’t want to argue about the flu,” Dreyfus said. “Ellie, if you say we’re immune, I believe it. Malcolm, finish the story. Tell me everything.”

“Not much more to tell,” Malcolm said. “The apes showed up—mostly chimps, but there were some gorillas and orangutans, too. They looked at us. We looked at them. Then one of them, the leader, told us to get the hell out. They were… they were organized, Dreyfus. They looked to their leader, they took their cues from him, they…”

He stopped the truck so he could look at Dreyfus.

“They were intelligent,” he said. “You could see it in their eyes.”

Dreyfus stayed silent. Outside the truck, three coyotes loped across Van Ness in the direction of Lafayette Park. They had the run of the city now. There were mountain lions and bears in the Presidio. Only in the Colony did humans still hold sway… and Malcolm could almost read Dreyfus’s mind.

If there are that many apes out there, how long will it be until they decide to finish what the plague started?

“Sorry, I don’t know if you heard what he said,” Carver said. “They spoke.”

Dreyfus nodded. “Everyone, just, please… I’m trying to process this. Give me a second to process this.” After a beat, as if thinking aloud, he said, “I thought they were all dead? There were air patrols, fire bombings…”

There had been. Large swaths of the forest at the edges of Muir Woods National Park had gone up in smoke. Malcolm didn’t know the details, but patrols of armed mercenaries had gone after the apes, too—at least until the Simian Flu took priority. Dreyfus had been in charge. If he was confused, the apes’ survival must have been incredibly unlikely.

The image of the apes strung along the ridgeline over the river came back to Malcolm. However unlikely it might seem, they were there.

“Fire bombings, huh?” Carver said. “Mission not accomplished.”

In the truck behind them, Foster honked. Malcolm looked out the window and saw Foster waving him on. He was in a big hurry to get out of the abandoned city to the safety of the Colony. Malcolm put the truck in gear again. They couldn’t just drive around the city forever.

“What are we going to do?” Ellie asked.

“I don’t know,” Dreyfus said. “We need that dam running. Without power… oh, crap.”

They drove for a while in silence. Carver sulked and muttered back and forth with Kemp. Malcolm couldn’t hear the conversation, but he knew the man well enough to figure that they were griping about the failure to exterminate the apes, ten years ago. In the rear-view mirror, Malcolm saw Alexander scoot away from Carver. The boy didn’t like aggression, and it came off Carver in waves. Whatever happened, Malcolm thought, they would have to keep him away from the apes, or somebody would get killed.

“All right,” Dreyfus said. “Let’s not tell anybody about this. Not until we figure out what to do.” Malcolm started to argue, but Dreyfus went on. “I don’t want to create a panic. We’re barely holding things together as it is.”

He didn’t like it, but Malcolm nodded. A few minutes later they arrived at the Colony.
