Acclaim For the Legendary MICKEY SPILLANE!

“One of the world’s most popular mystery writers.”

—The Washington Post

“Authentic narrative drive and almost hypnotic conviction... set Spillane apart from all his imitators.”

—The New York Times

“There’s a kind of power about Mickey Spillane that no other writer can imitate.”

—Miami Herald

“Satisfying... its blithe lack of concern with present-day political correctness gives it a rough-hewn charm that’s as refreshing as it is rare.”

—Entertainment Weekly

“A superb writer. Spillane is one of this century’s best-selling authors.”

—Cleveland Plain Dealer

“Spillane’s books... redefined the detective story.”

—Wallace Stroby

“A wonderfully guilty pleasure.”

—Tim McLoughlin, The Brooklyn Rail

“A fun, fast read... from one of the all-time greats.”

—Denver Rocky Mountain News

“Spillane... presents nothing save visual facts; but he selects only those facts, only those eloquent details, which convey the visual reality of the scene and create a mood of desolate loneliness”

—Ayn Rand

“A writer who revolutionized a genre [with] heavy doses of testosterone, fast action, brutality and sensuality.”

—Publishers Weekly

“Sexy and frantically paced.”

—Chicago American

“Salty and satisfying... will hit like a slug of Old Crow from the bottom-drawer bottle.”

—The Buffalo News

“Machine gun pace... good writing... fascinating tale.”

—Charlotte Observer

“Simple, brutal, and sexy.”

—Kansas City Star

“As bang-bang as you’d ever want.”

—The Associated Press

“If you think he has lost his touch or drained the well, read this one... the new one is better than ever. If you are a Spillane fan you will enjoy this one more than anything done before. It is fast-moving, easy reading, and has the greatest shocker of an ending.”

—Albuquerque Tribune

“The socko ending is Mickey Spillane’s stock in trade, and never has he done it with greater effect... Sensational.”

—Buffalo News

“A swift-paced, pulsating yarn... which very definitely shows that Mr. Spillane still has control of his fast ball, plus a few sneaky slow ones for the change-up.”

—Springfield Daily News

“Need we say more than — the Mick is back.”

—Hammond Times
