I never saw that coming.

It had to be true. It is how such things are done. Despite everything, despite how Tiberius spoke to me and looked at me, even though he was in love, I accepted he would see the benefit of a good social alliance. He had obeyed his uncle for twenty years. He valued what his uncle had done for him. Everything he himself owned was tied up with the warehouses and he was inured to agreeing with whatever was asked, for the sake of the family business in which he shared. But it would be a disaster.

I was startled and angry. Indeed, I was so angry on my friend’s behalf, I risked appearing quite naïve. ‘That’s a wicked proposal. I believed you must have affection for your nephew − how wrong I was! He and Laia Gratiana were always incompatible. If he failed her in their marriage, that is why. Nothing has changed; they cannot begin to communicate, neither of them even wants to. I am astonished she has agreed to this, though of course if her brother asks it of her, she is a dutiful woman. Nobody who cares for Tiberius could doom him to that again. You cannot care, or you would know this plan is selfish, cruel and dangerous.’

I could not go on.

Head high, I turned away. Behind me I heard Tullius order me out of their house, but I left of my own accord. He might now regret letting his slaves hear what I said to him. They all liked Tiberius, who was a generous, kindly master.

Somehow, unaware of how I made the journey, I went home to Fountain Court. In my heart, I was hoping I might find Tiberius there but the apartment was empty.
