
The author and publishers wish to thank the following who have kindly given permission for use of copyright materials:

Extract from The Dance by Philip Larkin reproduced by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.;

Extract from the News of the World reproduced by permission of the News of the World;

Extract from Fowler’s Modern English Usage reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press;

Ace Reporter by Helen Peacocke reproduced by kind permission of the author;

Extract from Major Barbara by Bernard Shaw reproduced by permission of The Society of Authors on behalf of the Bernard Shaw Estate;

Extract from The Brontës by Juliet Barker reproduced by permission of Weidenfeld and Nicolson;

Extract from The Dry Salvages by T. S. Eliot reproduced by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.;

Extract from Summoned by Bells by John Betjeman reproduced by permission of John Murray (Publishers) Ltd.;

Extract from Aubade by Philip Larkin reproduced by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.;

Extract from May-Day Song for North Oxford by John Betjeman, from Collected Poems of John Betjeman, reproduced by permission of John Murray (Publishers) Ltd.;

Extract from This Be the Verse by Philip Larkin reproduced by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.;

Extract by Philip Larkin on this page reproduced by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.

Every effort has been made to trace all copyright holders but if any has been inadvertently overlooked, the author and publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangement at the first opportunity.
